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Have you ever made a Praetorian version of your existing characters (or vice versa)?

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51 minutes ago, Greycat said:

I have characters with alts from Praetoria, sure - they don't necessarily do the "Good character = evil alt" thing though. Not a lot of them, though.

Not even all the NPC Praetorians follow that rule; both Durays are evil, both Percy Winkleys are evil, Ricochet and Twin Shot don't seem all that far apart, Penelope Yin wasn't evil.

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I have naturally made alternate-universe versions of my characters going back to the earliest days of CoH. Sometimes they’re straight-up evil versions of my heroes, the way Minotaur X was the dark version of Minotaurus (https://www.deviantart.com/dashmccool/art/Doppelgangers-160324666), sometimes just slightly different versions of the character.


With the release of Rogue, I did a number of “Ultimate Marvel” iterations of my characters, both hero and villain. It’s fun to revisit them and remix their designs.

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Only one set. They're the same person: both victims of human experimentation, both altered so their bodies constantly exude deadly chemical compounds, both forced to constantly wear completely sealed protective gear as to not accidentally annihilate everything in the vicinity, and both the vengeful, pathetic 'I suffered, so now the whole world has to burn' type of villain.


The only real difference is the chemicals they exude. The Primal variant is a Fire/Rad scrapper: his compound is extremely volatile and combusts spontaneously when exposed to oxygen, and the radiation armor is meant to represent the deadly fumes and subsequent danger of being in close proximity. The Praetorian's compound is an aerosolized asphyxiant. As such, he's a Storm/Poison corruptor who's augmented his powers with high-powered electrical gauntlets (for killing things that don't need to breathe and people smart enough to wear gas masks).


They utterly despise one another.

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Briefly put, I don't think so. They all end up in Paragon City, so I'm not sure having various twin characters serves me very well. 

I do have several fire/fire blasters; they don't all have the same epic/patron pool, or incarnate powers. And the costumes are a bit different. But, from a percentage perspective, less than 5% of my characters have leveled up through Praetoria. From an in-game fiscal perspective, you can only get so many reward merits as a lower level character, and the way I make my characters self-sufficient, it's a bit of a hamper on the process. When you team a lot, one can justify leaving a few slots empty; but when you're solo more often than not, it can really slow things down if you're not suitably enhanced. Because of this, I tend to avoid Praetoria, unless it's a crawl effort as part of an on-going sg event. 

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5 minutes ago, Ukase said:

Briefly put, I don't think so. They all end up in Paragon City, so I'm not sure having various twin characters serves me very well.

I don't tend to do exact clones. The Praetorian version of my Radation/Radiation Tanker is a Sentinel.

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Back on live, I had an Invulnerability/Super Strength Tanker named Liberty-Lass.  When shield defense was introduced, I renamed and repurposed the tanker and started a new Shield/Martial Arts Scrapper as the new Liberty-Lass.  The way I explained the switch was the new one was from Praetoria, where the heroes weren't very heroic... but she was, and wasn't really welcome there, and not doing so well when she made her way to Primal Earth.  So Tanker Libby and Scrapper Libby swapped places, and the tanker version went off to fight everyone and bring justice to the bad guys... which meant, later on with Going Rogue and Praetoria as a new starting zone with Loyalists and Resistance factions, they were all bad guys because Libby doesn't compromise.


Praetorian version then became the default, and like the Primal version she was 100% hero... no compromised values and siding with one of the two factions.

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