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Email. Tada your wish is granted.


Well, barring the inconvenience of having to take the whole amount from an email then put the amount you don't want to take back in a new email, or set up 'pre-measured' inf emails and then have to pick up multiples. A single depository has convenience going for it, although you're correct that a workaround exists.

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  • 1 month later

it be really nice to have a bank for supergroup base so that we can deposite certain amount of influence  in the bank to help each other out esp when we are need influence for alot  of things such as upgrades and purchase that when someone low on influence they can run to the supergroup base and pull some out to help them out this is really good esp if u have alot of people belonging to your supergroup base and for new characters for each and everyone 

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On 6/24/2019 at 1:46 PM, srmalloy said:


Well, barring the inconvenience of having to take the whole amount from an email then put the amount you don't want to take back in a new email, or set up 'pre-measured' inf emails and then have to pick up multiples. A single depository has convenience going for it, although you're correct that a workaround exists.

The game is free, and supported by awesome people.  I dont think the word inconvenience should ever be used regarding homecoming.

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I wonder how hard it would be to implement an NPC that you give influence to, they "hold it", then if you interact with them with any character from the same @handle, they'd let you take said influence back...


Alternatively, what if you interact with an NPC, you give them, say, 100K or 1 million inf at a time, and they apply an account-wide token equal to the amount of inf, then you could redeem said tokens at the same NPC, which would then use up those very same tokens...

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3 hours ago, howies1985 said:

it be really nice to have a bank for supergroup base so that we can deposite certain amount of influence  in the bank to help each other out esp when we are need influence for alot  of things such as upgrades and purchase that when someone low on influence they can run to the supergroup base and pull some out to help them out this is really good esp if u have alot of people belonging to your supergroup base and for new characters for each and everyone 

I'd like to see a bank/vault item for the base that can share influence...even if it's capped at 2 Billion...

"The opposite of a fact is falsehood, but the opposite of one profound truth may very well be another profound truth." - Niels Bohr


Global Handle: @JusticeBeliever ... Home servers on Live: Guardian ... Playing on: Everlasting

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6 hours ago, justicebeliever said:

I'd like to see a bank/vault item for the base that can share influence...even if it's capped at 2 Billion...

Coding such an item into the game would even give the devs a reason to add super group mode back in because then you could have people turn super group mode on and a portion of their influence gain would automatically go to the supergroup bank.

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A community bank for a SG is a horrible idea sorry. When someone takes all the money and quits SG then what? All they would have to say is that they were told they could have the influence by the SG leader on Skype/Discord etc. I can see a community SG bank causing a lot of issues for players as well as devs....


Email is already linked to your account... If you put an email with 100 mil and your character needs 20... simply put the 80 back... it takes a whopping 7-10 seconds to do. 

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While an inf storage would be convenient, I can't see it being all that useful. On Homecoming a full purple / winter IO type of build costs less than a billion so there's very little point in having significantly more than 1 billion on a character. There's also the consideration that any inf storage object would probably be subject to the same 2 billion inf cap we have for characters, so using those wouldn't differ too much from just spreading the money around your alts.

On 8/3/2019 at 11:55 PM, biostem said:

Alternatively, what if you interact with an NPC, you give them, say, 100K or 1 million inf at a time, and they apply an account-wide token equal to the amount of inf, then you could redeem said tokens at the same NPC, which would then use up those very same tokens...

This sounds like a good work-around, though I'm not convinced adding a new currency would be worth the trouble unless it's really easy to do so.


Sunsinger - Fire/Time Corruptor

Cursebreaker - TW/Elec Brute

Coldheart - Ill/Cold Controller

Mythoclast - Rad/SD Scrapper


Give a man a build export and you feed him for a day, teach him to build and he's fed for a lifetime.

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