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Advice about staff


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Hey guys im rather new to homecoming, used to play bonkers ago on Live, but mostly until around they introduced villains, so  Im quite new respect 50+ gameplay and this server specificity.


Would anyone have the time to give me some tips about staff scrap?


I normally go more for a concept build than a super powerful mish mash, however if something is to underpower not to be fun I wouldnt mind to hear what you think. My idea was to go  natural Staff/Willpower or Staff/Super Reflexes.


Thank you very much, also how would it compare to a brute/Stalker of more or less the same combo? or vs a Claws/regen scrapper? yeha I know, original.


Thank you very much

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I like staff a lot, but many people do not.


What I like:  great defense bonus from Guarded Spin that only needs to hit one opponent for a big melee defense boost (and it stacks across applications); lots of yummy AoE; I personally like most of the animations and most of the weapon skins (although I want more!).


What many people do not like:  single target damage isn't the strongest; damage per animation is on the low side; Sky Splitter can really be annoying when it misses.


If you want to message me with specific questions, I'd be happy to chat.

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5 minutes ago, Yomo Kimyata said:

I like staff a lot, but many people do not.


What I like:  great defense bonus from Guarded Spin that only needs to hit one opponent for a big melee defense boost (and it stacks across applications); lots of yummy AoE; I personally like most of the animations and most of the weapon skins (although I want more!).


What many people do not like:  single target damage isn't the strongest; damage per animation is on the low side; Sky Splitter can really be annoying when it misses.


If you want to message me with specific questions, I'd be happy to chat.

I agree. Staff is underrated. The defense from Guarded Spin can be enhanced.


The secondary effects from the staff forms can really help. Perfection of the Soul can provide up to 33% endurance discount. Plus the forum provide different damage types like Psi.

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Posted (edited)


  • Staff / Bio is one of the most "Fun" and adaptable builds you can play. I Highly Recommend it as a "FUN" build.  Its easy to build and performs well on SOs.  /Bio adds to the flexibility, and helps mask the otherwise lower damage.  It's a great cheap build to learn on, and it's relatively forgiving of build issues.  You effectively have 3x3 = 9 stances to help counterbalance and fine-tune build issues.


  • End-game on a full Tier 4 Incarnate Tier 4 IO build, it will perform sub-par to half of the other alternatives.  But in the big scheme of things, that's not really all that bad either.  It's still a scrapper, and scrappers rule.
Edited by Linea

AE 801 (link) is a variety of missions for fun and challenge, and is designed for a team of 5+ Incarnates.  Just search '801' in AE.

     801 Difficulty Varies: 801.0 Easy, ..., 801.2 Standard*, ..., 801.5 Moderate**, ..., 801.6 Hard***, ..., 801.7 Four Star****, ... 801.F Death.

I may be AFK IRL, But CoH is my Forever Home.

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Posted (edited)

While it will work well enough on a scrapper, stalkers have the best version of staff.


You lose innocuous strikes, one of the most skippable powers, but gain:

  • A proper build up
  • Assassin's staff, which goes a long way towards making up for staff's lacking ST.
  • The best staff form built in without having to pick a power.


In all a very convincing set of advantages.


With bio specifically, scrappers do get a taunt aura which is nice. 


Edited by Onlyasandwich
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As Onlyasammich said and depending on your choice of secondary you should consider Stalker.


The secondary is the armor. I said depending on because some of the Scrapper armors have agro auras but the majority have not. If you're picking a secondary without an agro aura then you might as well go Stalker as they are neck to neck in terms of damage with a Scrapper but NONE of their armors have agro auras.


Agro auras are only a concern if you're soloing, but without them the enemies will run away once at 20%-ish HP.


The Sammich has already pointed the advantages of Stalker's Staff. Staff has three forms that have some useful aspects such as reducing endurance costs. But they are a trade for a traditional Build-up power that most sets get with a big boost of damage for 10 seconds.


Staff also is lacking in the single target damage and the Stalker's Assassin's Strike helps tremendously in that aspect.



With all of that said if your vision is a Scrapper instead of a character with baked in stealth that's valid too, just let us know. Also, as a new/returning player check the guide in my signature for newbie tips like making money.

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18 minutes ago, Selenne said:

Hm Stalker can sound fun too, never really played it back in the day. Are they ok with willpower or super reflexes secondaries?


They have the same defense values as a Scrapper, perhaps just the slightest of less % values but in this day and age of IOs it's not a deal breaker.

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1 hour ago, Selenne said:

Hm Stalker can sound fun too, never really played it back in the day. Are they ok with willpower or super reflexes secondaries?

Same base values and caps as Scrappers, lower base HP.

Very comparable.

Death is the best debuff.

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There are no unviable melee sets. Some do it better than others, but all are capable.

Personally, I have a Staff/SR stalker that I very much enjoy.

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Death is the best debuff.

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19 hours ago, Thraxen said:

I have a staff/wp brute but would probably run on tank for way bigger aoes. 

My Staff/Bio Tanker is a total AoE damage woodchipper... but man do those animations sometimes seem as if they're taking forever!

The Stalker version of Staff has the best Single Target damage, no question. Tanker version has the best AoE damage. The other ATs are a mixture; and if I'm perfectly honest I'd probably shy away from taking Staff on a Scrapper or Brute if damage is what you're after. They have a nice blend of AT, AoE and Utility... however Katana and Broadsword and Titan all play quite similarly and have better DPR.

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Posted (edited)

The advantage of staff on stalker is twofold: trade a somewhat redundant aoe for assassin's strike, sure, but also get both build up and the form of the body benefit for free.

Edited by aethereal
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