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How to run a Labyrinth of Fog


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This guide has been updated and maintained on the following forum post whilst also including things for other content! 💛

Welcome to the Labyrinth of Slaughter Fog!
The Labyrinth of Fog is a level 45+ zone within the Midnighter Club that is great for XP and rewards whilst also being a beautiful zone full of intrigue and lore! Below is a breakdown of the Powers, Roles, and Phases of the raid alongside having a guide for the different badges and rewards from the zone!

Original release information

If you are wanting to lead this I would highly suggest making a pop menu or using the one below for it to make it a lot easier on you (Goes for running all content anyway) You can find out how to make one here

(Massive thanks to @lemming for tons of locations)



This is how I see the lore of the Labyrinth as it is not 100% confirmed.

Some time after the events of Cimerora and before the events of more modern history, the Goddess Achyls (Roman equivelent is Caligo) appeared on the Greek Isle of Crete and quickly enveloped the isle in her Fog of Catastophe, unleashing a horde of monsters shrouded in fog and able to be transported anywhere within the fog to kill anyone and only continued to grow due to the fear of mortals, even the work of the heroes of the time could not stop this Fog of Catastophe which is where Daedalus came up with the idea to imprison her in an un-escapable pocket dimension; the Labyrinth, that was entrusted to the King of Crete: King Minos.

King Minos however was not content with such power being locked away, unused, so he decided to send in his son Asterion the Minotaur in an attempt to gain control over the Labyrinth. The Minotaur did not last long however, driven mad by the concentration of the fog and turned into Achyls' greatest Gladiator, his body chained up in the true core of the Labyrinth as Achyls recreates him with fog to challenge any who enter.

Minos' plan did not go un-noticed however as more and more would be gladiators wanted to prove their strength and claim the power of the Labyrinth themselves, and each feel to the fog, the Minotaur, and the newly turned Gladiators of the Fog, ever growing Achyls' numbers from within her own prison. Daedalus realising the Labyrinth structure was weaking with each new gladiator that served the Fog decided to create a fix, an automaton of his late son Icarus, something that could not be corrupted by the fog as it itself is not alive, allowing it to mend the prison from within the true core of the Labyrinth.

Alongside sending his creation into the Labyrinth, Daedalus also worked to obscure the Labyrinth from public knowledge, instead allowing it to fall into "Myth" status and hopefully forgotten. However it did not remain that way, The Dream Doctor and the Midnighter Squad happened upon it and discovered the power and army that laid within, using arcane magic they found a way to safely test the strength of their members without them falling to the fog or dying.

And so it remained that way, a testing ground for Midnighters including the Dream Doctor himself but with the threat of something greater coming, the Dream Doctor has allowed others into the Labyrinth to strengthen them against their greatest fears whilst also hoping one of them might be able to harness the power of Achyls themselves to use against any upcoming threats.



To enter the Labyrinth you only require to be level 45+ and to have the "Midnighter Squad" badge

Experience & Influence earned in the zone increased by 25%

This stacks with other powers such as Experience Boosters or Windfall

Kills in the Labyrinth count towards badges too!

The different floors and the Core:


The raid zone begins with the labyrinth's entrance lobby.

Reviving at the hospital while in this zone will return you to the entrance lobby.

Idle players are returned to the Midnighter Club after 15 minutes of inactivity.
Logging out while in the zone will return you to the entrance lobby upon login.
There is no mini map in the labyrinth except for the entrance lobby.

The entrance lobby contains four colour-coded portals that each are used to enter into the labyrinth.
Each goes to a colour-coded floor. There are six floor colors total: 


  • Crey
  • The Family
  • Praetorian Resistance
  • Psychic Clockwork
  • Sky Raiders
  • Snakes


  • Carnival of Shadows
  • Circle Of Thorns
  • Cimeroran Traitors
  • Malta Operatives
  • Tsoo


  • Arachnos
  • Council
  • Freakshow
  • Gold Brickers
  • Hydra


  • Devouring Earth
  • Drudges
  • Imperial Defense Force
  • Nemesis
  • Rikti


  • The Awakened
  • Arachnoids
  • Nictus + Void Hunters
  • Soldiers Of Rularuu
  • Talons Of Vengeance
  • Vanguard Sword



Orange floors contain completely randomized enemies.

The Core of the Labyrinth
The Core of the Labyrinth is the easiest place to start from if you want to further explore the Labyrinth due to it having portals to all the colour floors, if you have the Accolade listed towards the bottom of this guide, you can teleport there from the Lobby, otherwise you will either need to teleport to a league mate already in the Core or defeat the Minotaur and stand on the portal he spawns ❤️

New powers/Inspiration:


Temporary_LabyrinthRally.png.f3e296703c6ac8484d3b9a153703e6af.png.8bd31062c67a55b19957b28a636218f3.png Power - [Follow Through Fog] Temporary_LabyrinthRally.png.f3e296703c6ac8484d3b9a153703e6af.png.8bd31062c67a55b19957b28a636218f3.png

10/10 power that allows you to teleport to your target anywhere within the Labyrinth, if you get split from the leader this will get you back to them without having to call for a Teleport!

Temporary_LabyrinthRecall.png.0f06ef778a2100c8018c6ff49af3143c.png.4b9b346bfcd33bcf735736b3a517456c.png Power - [Escape From Fog] Temporary_LabyrinthRecall.png.0f06ef778a2100c8018c6ff49af3143c.png.4b9b346bfcd33bcf735736b3a517456c.png

Returns you to the lobby from anywhere within the Labyrinth, good for a quick escape if needed.


Inspiration_Labyrinth.png.87c56e578ee283726275661b392c3a5d.png Inspiration - [Draught of Fog] Inspiration_Labyrinth.png.87c56e578ee283726275661b392c3a5d.png

These inspirations can drop from Gladiators within the Labyrinth and can be brought off of the Auction House. They will grant you a +1 level shift and immunity to the Minotaur's Diseased Debuff for 15 minutes or until you die.



The Minotaur:



Avoid him until you have 9-10 Level Shifts!

While in The Labyrinth of Fog, players are hunted continuously by The Minotaur In The Fog, a Monster that's Level 54+(5 to 10) and periodically (every 2-3 minutes) moves to the location of a player on the map (higher odds for the zone's oldest occupants, excludes those in the entrance lobby which is always safe), navigating the labyrinth's maze at inhuman speeds to find prey.

For every 8 players in the zone after the first, the Minotaur will gain another +1 Level Shift (min +5, max +10).
The navigation window will display the Minotaur's current level, or, if they're currently dead, will show a timer to their next respawn time:

1-8 players on the map: Minotaur = 54(+5)

9-16 players on the map: Minotaur = 54(+6)

17-24 players on the map: Minotaur = 54(+7)

25-32 players on the map: Minotaur = 54(+8)

33-40 players on the map: Minotaur = 54(+9)

41+ players on the map: Minotaur = 54(+10)





  • Throughout the coloured floors, players can encounter Gladiators In The Fog.
  • Standing next to one will prompt the Gladiator to respond.
  • Depending on how many badges from the Labyrinth you currently have, the Gladiator will do one of the following:
    • Respond with hints/tips/lore dialog about the Labyrinth.
    • Gift a Draught of Fog inspiration.
    • Become hostile and attack the player. (More Labyrinth badges = higher chance of attack)
    • A slim chance they will become a pet with full Mastermind controls (They will look like a Warrior in this case)
  • Each Gladiator will only interact with the same player once ever.
  • Defeated Gladiators drop a single Draught of Fog inspiration to one participating player.




This is your role, you should be serving as an anchor for people to use the new [Follow Through Fog] power to teleport onto you if they get lost or die, if they do die they can go to hospital and use it on you as the hospital is in the zone ❤️


If people are confident in their abilities they can scout the Labyrinth solo to look for "Malevolent Fog", they should be killing these solo when possible as they get harder to kill the more players are around them.


This is THE MOST IMPORTANT job as it is the best way to build Level Shifts which are essential for killing the Minotaur, I would recommend a team of up to 8 scouts on any size league. It can help to have incan but not essential ❤️

Team Murder

The filler slot, if you are not leading or scouting, you are murdering everything and anything that is in your path 😄



Running the Labyrinth

There are two main methods at the moment for running the Labyrinth, Method 1 which is the intended way and has a lot more murder and more rewards but can be a lot slower, and method 2 which is what I would personally recommend so you do not have people waiting too long for their rewards.

Method 1 - Bovine bloodbath!
More Rewards but Slower

Use this method if you want to get a good amount of XP and Influence for the league and don't mind taking a little longer.
This takes 30 minutes PLUS at the moment


Phase 1 - Motes:


I personally like to start my leagues gathering the 5 main motes in the Labyrinth (White and Orange are not smooth to access) as they will grant the league buffs until they leave the zone, even if they die and hosp ❤️ 
DO NOT fight the Minotaur yet!


Your job is to lead the league from Mote to Mote, this is easily done with coordinates and below is a good order in which to do them in 🙂

Green - [-1178.3 -220.8 1350.5]

Red - [-906.6 -236.2 -487.1]
Yellow - [-2666.7 -353.5 2428.7]
Purple - [1956.2 402.9 582.5]
Blue - [2312.9 -508.2 -2379.8]


For now your job is to search the Labyrinth for any "Malevolent Fog" and kill them before continuing the scouting, an easy target bind to make them easy to target is listed below (This will make you target fogs over all else)

/bind Tab "targetcustomnext enemy alive$$targetcustomnext enemy alive Fog"



Phase 2 - Level Shifts:


This phase can take a while depending on how lucky or how many scouts you have on your league, as we build up level shifts in preparation to fight the Minotaur (You want to hit 10 ideally) 
DO NOT fight the Minotaur yet!

You should still work as the anchor for the murder league but now when you run out of mobs to kill, and your scout has found a good set of mobs, you should use the [Follow Through Fog] power on the scout and incanning the murder league to the mobs, helping maintain the Level Shifts.

You should always have 1 scout at a large group of mobs ready for you to teleport and incan to


For the most part, your job is the same, killing fogs for Level shifts. However if you find a large group of mobs (4+ packs) let the Leader know and if they do not already have a scout ready they might ask you to chill there for them to teleport onto (If you die that is fine, they can teleport onto your corpse)



Method 2 - Cow-abunga!
Faster but little rewards

Use this method if you just mainly want the reward from the Minotaur and the kill badge on it.
This takes around 25 minutes at the moment



Phase 1/2

Really simple! Everyone in the league is going to scatter to the winds in search of "Malevolent Fog" and kill it! This will get you to 10 level shifts much faster and ready to face off against the Minotaur!

Useful bind to help people target Fogs over mobs:
/bind Tab "targetcustomnext enemy alive$$targetcustomnext enemy alive Fog"

I personally like to run the following route to scout as it takes you to 3 high Fog chance areas ❤️

Blue Prison - 
[-997.2 -261.1 752.5]

Blue Arachnos -
[2686.1 -508.2 -2707.2]

Yellow Underground - 
[-2613.0 -422.0 1875.7]

Phase 3 - Minotaur:


Final phase now! For the most part everyone continues to repeat what they were doing on Phase 2, however if either the Leader or the Scouts see the Minotaur, it is time to Incan the league onto them and kick their butt until the Teleport prompt appears for the fight!
Once you get the prompt from the Minotaur make sure you hit accept!

The fight has 2 main things to focus on:

1 - Tanks keep the Minotaur facing away from the league, everyone else should be behind him!
2 - When the Minotaur reaches 10% health, he will spawn a wave of Gladiators, they need to all be killed before you can hurt him again.

Apart from that, avoid the nasty spike beds, and avoid the tornados.



Conqueror of the Labyrinth badge_i28_accolade_labyrinth.png.d962562e6f30316042f57e3f672b0f27.png.bfc6fcbe014a1f7fbeeca768023267c7.png

Grants: 'Core Attunement' Accolade_LabyrinthCore.png.87f4cd2d075d0d99c78117611c11b7d7.png - Self: Teleport between the Labyrinth of Fog's lobby and the Core of the Labyrinth. (Only available from those locations)

Collect the following badges in order to unlock this accolade:

Slayer of the Minotaur
Kill the Minotaur.

Malevolent Intoxication
Defeat 5 Malevolent Fogs.

Hidden In Fog
Exploration badge located at the start of any of the secret rooms.

Greek Philosopher
Within the core of the Labyrinth you need to click the following 6 plaques:

[464.1 -205.0 2717.8]
[584.7 -113.3 2800.5]
[543.1 7.0 2856.0]
[289.9 -101.3 2402.0]
[227.5 -84.0 2669.2]
[395.0 -245.3 2748.7]

Unique Costume and permanent buff Temporary_LabyrinthMoteBlack.png.06fbf91ca4b54dd6b8d7ab049a94ea57.png.df8a0cb05be9b3b10d44e86a1a6c767f.png

Labyrinth comes with it's own unique Prestige costume anyone can unlock for their toon ❤️ To get it you need the 7 Mote buffs located at the following locations within the Labyrinth:

Green: Mote of Greed - [-1178.3 -220.8 1350.5]
Red: Mote of Violence - [-906.6 -236.2 -487.1]
Yellow: Mote of Cowardice - [-2666.7 -353.5 2428.7]
Purple: Mote of Jealousy - [1956.2 402.9 582.5]
Blue: Mote of Despair - [2312.9 -508.2 -2379.8]
Orange: Mote of Fury - [-3562.8 -330.5 2038.9] (Best to get here starting from the core due to how pathing works, if that is not an option use the method below until you end up on the Orange coloured floor)
White: Mote of Apathy - This one is located at the end of the "glass" maze map, the easiest way to get there since it is the following:

Teleport to the lobby - Go in the Red portal - Take the first left and enter the door at  [-150.1 -244.1 1722.4] - Repeat until you end up in the huge maze and using the Inspirations you will see a path on the floor to follow to get to the White Mote (If the line fades, cancel the inspiration buff and pop another to get the line back)

Once you have all 7 Mote buffs on you it's time to head to the Core of the Labyrinth and head to [179.9 -84.5 2663.3] - Once there enter the portal and the costume is now yours! This will also give you the benefits of ALL the motes whenever you visit just 1 in the future! ❤️



The two vanity pets
Mini-Taur in the Fog
Defeat the five variants of the Minotaur
 - Archery
 - Shield
 - Staff
 - Dual Blades
- Titan Weapon


Benefactor in the Fog
Must defeat 1,000 total Gladiators on a single character (Easiest done in the final boss fight)

The Labyrinth is full of secrets to discover! These do not affect how a league should be run so unless you want to be spoiled, don't click the section below!


The Seven Secret Areas!
Each colour of the Labyrinth has it's own secret room to discover! (Massive thanks to @Final Overlord for the work done here)

White - The Endless Colonnade - 
Yellow - Jack's Realm - [369.2 -462.6 1256.1]
Purple - Forbidden Server - [-1333.5 80.4 -1014.5]
Blue - ESCAPE IMPOSSIBLE Boat - [-23.6 -154.3 -3007.0]
Red - You against the world - [440.6 -152.6 -1242.8]
Green - Indescribable: Tram ride [ -1776.4 -253.1 1119.1]
Orange - Unknown for now!

Macro images:
If you want any of the new images to use as macros below is a list of all of them thanks to @Glacier Peak ❤️


Red Mote of Violence: Temporary_LabyrinthMoteRed
Yellow Mote of Cowardice:  Temporary_LabyrinthMoteYellow
Blue Mote of Despair: Temporary_LabyrinthMoteBlue
Green Mote of Greed: Temporary_LabyrinthMoteGreen
Violet Mote of Jealousy: Temporary_LabyrinthMoteViolet
Orange Mote of Fury: Temporary_LabyrinthMoteOrange
White Mote of Apathy: Temporary_LabyrinthMoteWhite


Conqueror of the Labyrinth: badge_i28_accolade_labyrinth
Greek Philosopher: badge_i28_history_labyrinth
Malevolent Intoxication: badge_i28_defeat_labyrinthaether
Slayer of the Minotaur: badge_i28_defeat_labyrinthminotaur
Hidden in the Fog: badge_i28_tourism_labyrinth
Phantom Gladiator: badge_i28_defeats_fog_gladiators
Lab Rat: badge_i28_tourism_labyrinth
Draught of the Fog: Inspiration_Labyrinth


And the numbered Level Shift images:

I just want to close this off with a massive thank you to @Cobalt Arachne (And their brother for the music) for all the work he has put into this passion project! It is such a great addition to the game and helps make City of Heroes Homecoming a great game to play!

Also a massive thanks to @Glacier Peak for all the helpful information!


Edited by Laucianna
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This is much like how I've been seeing it ran on Indom. I've gone back and forth on the whether Motes are really needed, but they certainly help familiarize players to the zone who may not be very well acquainted yet. 

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47 minutes ago, Glacier Peak said:

This is much like how I've been seeing it ran on Indom. I've gone back and forth on the whether Motes are really needed, but they certainly help familiarize players to the zone who may not be very well acquainted yet. 

Yeah I worry about the 5 listed as it is a nice easy route through the Labyrinth, Orange waypoint always leads to the Mino only door and white is in the maze XD

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4 minutes ago, Laucianna said:

Yeah I worry about the 5 listed as it is a nice easy route through the Labyrinth, Orange waypoint always leads to the Mino only door and white is in the maze XD

You might also mention the True Labyrinth, no need to go in to detail, but Gate of Darkness portal once all motes are converted to Mote of the Gladiator.


I also meant to edit my last comment about your Badges/Costume section:

  • This is the accolade badge Conqueror of the Labyrinth:  badge_i28_accolade_labyrinth.png
  • This is the accolade power icon Core Attunement:  Accolade_LabyrinthCore.png
  • This is the power icon for Mote of the Gladiator Temporary_LabyrinthMoteBlack.png

Anyone who loves making macros and wants numbered images here ya go:

  1. image.png.d2450ef479b80bde2054ce7174217df0.png /macro_image "Labyrinth_Shift_01" "Text" "Command"
  2. image.png.8394277292a1dcd566e021d2f56fef2d.png /macro_image "Labyrinth_Shift_02" "Text" "Command"
  3. image.png.718698c75ff07bf92344e567948e66fb.png /macro_image "Labyrinth_Shift_03" "Text" "Command"
  4. image.png.75288a7e5e523df50498d95d5a783544.png /macro_image "Labyrinth_Shift_04" "Text" "Command"
  5. image.png.45749216a415b49950f138706ebfd3d7.png /macro_image "Labyrinth_Shift_05" "Text" "Command"
  6. image.png.1b9ce071478ab872422cca653328b0f5.png /macro_image "Labyrinth_Shift_06" "Text" "Command"
  7. image.png.280eb70026661beff24a8b929a175d80.png /macro_image "Labyrinth_Shift_07" "Text" "Command"
  8. image.png.27468335f9a60fc975b4d3f65d9d0ff9.png /macro_image "Labyrinth_Shift_08" "Text" "Command"
  9. image.png.d4fce1218d4415b59d088efe49fd5fad.png /macro_image "Labyrinth_Shift_09" "Text" "Command"
  10. image.png.df30dc7aec76db202350ad3ed061516b.png /macro_image "Labyrinth_Shift_10" "Text" "Command" 

Again, if you don't want to use up your account file limit, you can link to the below images for your guide:




Badge_midnightsquadmember.png  'Midnight Squad' badge.













And I realize you may not want all this information on your guide (since you link to it already), but perhaps add the details from the patch notes?


  • The Labyrinth of Fog added to the LFG queue where it's found under the 'Trials & Raids' tab if you can access the Midnighter Club and are over Level 45.
  • The zone has a 50-player population cap. Additional instances will generate if one fills.


Many Floors & Corridors!

  • The raid zone begins with the labyrinth's entrance lobby.
    • Reviving at the hospital while in this zone will return you to the entrance lobby.
    • Idle players are returned to the Midnighter Club after 15 minutes of inactivity.
    • Logging out while in the zone will return you to the entrance lobby upon login.
  • There is no mini map in the labyrinth except for the entrance lobby.
  • The entrance lobby contains four color-coded portals that each are used to enter into the labyrinth.
  • Each goes to a color-coded floor. There are six floor colors total: Red, Yellow, Blue, Green, Violet, Orange
  • The color of the floor determines what set of grouped enemies populate that floor.
    • Violet Floors contain the most dangerous groups and Giant Monster event channel spawns.
    • Orange floors contain completely randomized enemies.
  • Here is a complete list of the various enemy groups that populate the labyrinth and their floor color:
    • Arachnos
    • Council
    • Freakshow
    • Gold Brickers
    • Hydra
    • Devouring Earth
    • Drudges
    • Imperial Defense Force
    • Nemesis
    • Rikti
    • Carnival of Shadows
    • Circle Of Thorns
    • Cimeroran Traitors
    • Malta Operatives
    • Tsoo
    • Crey
    • The Family
    • Praetorian Resistance
    • Psychic Clockwork
    • Sky Raiders
    • Snakes
    • The Awakened
    • Arachnoids
    • Nictus + Void Hunters
    • Soldiers Of Rularuu
    • Talons Of Vengeance
    • Vanguard Sword

Fight For Rewards & Gain Level Shifts!

  • Temporary_LabyrinthCall.png.ded139ca7be3dbadbb2271a7119c4720.png Experience & Influence earned in the zone increased by 25%
    • This stacks with other power such as Experience Boosters or Windfall.
  • Labyrinth of Fog is an extremely vast (40+ floors) mission-style zone filled with Level 54+1 enemies to battle for increased rewards.
    • It is intended this zone be tackled with a Team or League.
  • All enemies in the zone are Rank Shifted (Minion -> Lieutenant, etc.) up to a maximum rank of Elite Boss.
  • Enemies behave identically to standard content and drop all the same rewards they would normally.
  • As Elite Bosses are defeated, a meter on your navigation will fill up, eventually granting a zone-wide Level Shift buff!
    • Elite Bosses have a foggy aura to make them easier to identify as the targets in the zone.
    • Elite Bosses increase in Level Shifts alongside the players.
    • Pets (including Mastermind and Lore) also receive the zone-wide Level Shift buffs.
 Avoid the Minotaur until you've got a team or league that can coordinate gathering Level Shifts to take him down! 
  • While in The Labyrinth of Fog, players are hunted continuously by The Minotaur In The Fog, a Monster that's Level 54+(5 to 10) and periodically (every 2-3 minutes) moves to the location of a player on the map (higher odds for the zone's oldest occupants, excludes those in the entrance lobby which is always safe), navigating the labyrinth's maze at inhuman speeds to find prey.
  • For every 8 players in the zone after the first, the Minotaur will gain another +1 Level Shift (min +5, max +10).
  • The navigation window will display the Minotaur's current level, or, if they're currently dead, will show a timer to their next respawn time:

1-8 players on the map: Minotaur = 54(+5)

9-16 players on the map: Minotaur = 54(+6)

17-24 players on the map: Minotaur = 54(+7)

25-32 players on the map: Minotaur = 54(+8)

33-40 players on the map: Minotaur = 54(+9)

41+ players on the map: Minotaur = 54(+10)

  • Defeating the Minotaur will award the new badge_i28_defeat_labyrinthminotaur.png.c74549ad507cb9c5653ff6a602340b6d.png 'Slayer of the Minotaur' badge and the Minotaur will vanish from the zone for one hour, allowing people to adventure and battle enemies within without danger.
    • The Minotaur rewards a choice table with 5 Prismatic Aether + 10 Monstrous Aether to all who participated in the defeat on an 18 hour cool-down. Additional defeats within that time will only reward half the payout.
    • Alternatively, can select 3 Draught of Fog inspirations with no cool-down.
  • The Minotaur will spawn with one of five different weapon power sets; All weapon powers deal 100% Negative Energy damage exclusively.
    • All variants of the Minotaur come with the Unholy Plague Howl, Netted Pilums, Hoof Stomp, Trial By Combat, and Fog Given Form powers.

Search for Malevolent Fog!

  • Special 'Malevolent Fog' pinata enemies (no attacks, no regeneration) can be found in the labyrinth that, when defeated, increases the zone's Level Shift navigation bar meter by 50 points and grants 1 Reward Merit to all players in the zone who meet the following conditions:
    • Cannot be dead.
    • Cannot be in the entrance lobby, the Core, or a secret area.
  • A single player who participated in the defeat will receive a Inspiration_Labyrinth.png.87c56e578ee283726275661b392c3a5d.png 'Draught of Fog' inspiration.
    • These special inspirations provide the user with 15 minutes of a single Level Shift stack exclusive to them and their pets, as well as immunity to the Diseased debuff.
    • These Inspirations are not bound and can be freely traded or stored in Super Group bases.
  • Malevolent Fog are most commonly found in rooms that are dead ends, and their FX makes them stands out in the foggy environment.
    • Once defeated, another Malevolent Fog will spawn somewhere else in the labyrinth to take its place. This should naturally filter them down to lesser visited places over time while ensuring there is always some to be found.
  • The zone-wide buff grants +1 Level Shift, +DMG/ToHit/Recharge/Recovery for each stack. It can be stacked up to ten times from either Malevolent Fog defeats or cumulative Elite Boss defeats. The current Level Shift total can be seen on your buff bar as a black icon with a white number:


 The Labyrinth's Level Shifts stack up to a max of 10! 

  • The Level Shift buffs decay at a rate of once per 5 minutes, each decay will reduce the total stack of Level Shifts by 1.

But Not Without Assistance!
  • Players are given two pop-tray powers while in the labyrinth to assist them:
    • Temporary_LabyrinthRecall.png.0f06ef778a2100c8018c6ff49af3143c.png Escape From Fog: Teleports yourself back to the entrance lobby of the labyrinth. 1 second cool-down.
    • Temporary_LabyrinthRally.png.f3e296703c6ac8484d3b9a153703e6af.png Follow Through Fog: Teleport yourself to a target Team or League mate. May fail if the target does not have space nearby or is going through a door. Intended to help teams stick together. 1 second cool-down.


Gladiators In The Fog?

  • Throughout the colored floors, players can encounter Gladiators In The Fog.
  • Standing next to one will prompt the Gladiator to respond.
  • Depending on how many badges from the Labyrinth you currently have, the Gladiator will do one of the following:
    • Respond with hints/tips/lore dialog about the Labyrinth.
    • Gift a Draught of Fog inspiration.
    • Become hostile and attack the player. (More Labyrinth badges = higher chance of attack)
  • Each Gladiator will only interact with the same player once ever.
  • Defeated Gladiators drop a single Draught of Fog inspiration to one participating player.

Explore the Labyrinth!

  • There are many secrets and prizes to be discovered within the Labyrinth of Fog.
    • Temporary_LabyrinthMoteBlack.png.06fbf91ca4b54dd6b8d7ab049a94ea57.png Including many not detailed at all in the patch notes!
  • Finding a secret area will reward the badge_i28_tourism_labyrinth.png.dbd7e0d19612e434ebd40bf51967aad1.png 'Hidden In Fog' exploration badge.
    • Secret area doors have a confirmation box when clicked to enter them.
  • Some secret areas are easy to find, others more difficult. All secret areas reward the same exploration badge.
  • The secret areas show up as '???' locations and immediately grant the badge upon discovery.





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2 hours ago, GM Crumpet said:

I've pinned this post as it's very helpful

Obviously up to @Laucianna, but there's a nice 'Guides' spot in the Fort Trident section (For discussion of Task Forces, Trials, and Endgame content) that is sitting rather empty also.




Edit: Mainly because this Guides subforum is pretty bloated. Then again, pinning a thread will alleviate that also.

Edited by Glacier Peak
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5 hours ago, Laucianna said:

Yeah I worry about the 5 listed as it is a nice easy route through the Labyrinth, Orange waypoint always leads to the Mino only door and white is in the maze XD

You can get thru the Mino door with just a one time investment of ten prismatics...

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23 minutes ago, lemming said:

You can get thru the Mino door with just a one time investment of ten prismatics...

Does it actually let you go through if you were the Minotaur outfit? 😄 That is amazing if so!


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8 minutes ago, Laucianna said:

Does it actually let you go through if you were the Minotaur outfit? 😄 That is amazing if so!


Yes. You can wear either the regular (Whole Milk) or Nictus Minotaur Prestige Costumes from the Cimerora Tier 1 Costume section. There's a pop-up when the hanger door is clicked at the bottom center that hints at this if you're not in costume.

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Awesome guide. Thanks for setting it up.



Participated in a run yesterday evening on Reunion that was successfully completed with the death of the Minataur while we where at +6. Wasnt easy but we got it done.


I didnt got all the motes during the run but having the guide helped me get them this morning to get the costume. 


A few questios:

What is the Mino only door?

Where is it located and what costume do you need to acces it?



Edited by Ejlertson
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8 hours ago, Ejlertson said:

Awesome guide. Thanks for setting it up.


Participated in a run yesterday evening on Reunion that was successfully completed with the death of the Minataur while we where at +6. Wasnt easy but we got it done.


I didnt got all the motes during the run but having the guide helped me get them this morning to get the costume. 


A few questios:

What is the Mino only door?

Where is it located and what costume do you need to acces it?

The Mino door is located in the Yellow Warehouse Map linked to the Orange Warehouse Map.    If you are wearing a Mino costume as GP mentions, you can pass thru, otherwise you get a popup saying why you can't.  (Different messages for each side)




The purpose of the door is for the Minotaur to be able to get between Orange and the rest of the Labyrinth since Orange does not link directly to the other colors.  To travel to Orange, you either need to go thru the Core, thru the Mino door, or randomly drop onto an orange floor.


I'm blanking on which badge is needed to activate the ability to drop onto the Orange ones.  (There was a bug where it wasn't checking earlier)



Edited by lemming
added door images
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29 minutes ago, Laucianna said:

Figured out to get the Benefactor in the Fog pet you need to get 1,000 Gladiator kills on one toon ❤️ 

Congrats! Any chance you could list what the five variants of the Minotaur weapons are in the guide for its mini pet?

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1 hour ago, grazerlor said:

Is this like the 4 star Lady Grey in that you have to have certain ATs with certain builds and so on?



It's more like an MSR where you're going to need a few knowledgeable people to lead and the rest is victory through application of sheer mass.

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Could you please add to the guide that the only way into the Core of the Labyrinth is to beat the Minotaur or to teleport to someone who is already there?

You reference the Core repeatedly but don't explain how to get there, and the mote hunting in particular sounds like something that could be done solo but can't because of lack of access to the Core.

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For the sake of listing them for those who have trouble seeing or differentiating the colours of the motes:

  • White: Mote of Apathy
  • Orange: Mote of Fury
  • Purple: Mote of Jealousy
  • Green: Mote of Greed
  • Red: Mote of Violence
  • Blue: Mote of Despair
  • Yellow: Mote of Cowardice
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1 hour ago, Molubdos said:

For the sake of listing them for those who have trouble seeing or differentiating the colours of the motes:

  • White: Mote of Apathy
  • Orange: Mote of Fury
  • Purple: Mote of Jealousy
  • Green: Mote of Greed
  • Red: Mote of Violence
  • Blue: Mote of Despair
  • Yellow: Mote of Cowardice

@Laucianna your subsection on Motes is missing the White and Orange Motes - Molubdus has them here. Technically there is an 8th Mote too, Gladiator of the Mote, which is awarded for turning in the ones you've collected to the Gate of Darkness.

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I had all the motes listed under the section to get the costume, the motes listed under the "mote" subsection is just for when you are running a kill league and Orange and White are excluded due to how annoying they are to get to 😄

But I've added a section for the Core and also writ down the names of the Motes for those who struggle with colours ❤️

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Updated it with a better pop menu, including both methods on how to run it, the secrets, badge guides, and also the lore of the Labyrinth from what I have deciphered  ❤️ 

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I like that you're adding the lore aspect - that's something that the Labyrinth rewards players with well if they pay attention. I'd love to see @Cobalt Arachne give their Developer Diary entry for this (like they did with the Dr. Aeon Strike Force many years ago!) that might provide some light confirmations or hints for where this fits in with the greater City of Heroes universe.


On 7/26/2024 at 1:39 PM, Laucianna said:

quickly enveloped the isle in her fog causing calamity

I'd say that's close, but there is some lore hidden in the power descriptions for some of the Labyrinth enemies that touch on this. For example, the Malevolent Fog have a power called "Fog of Catastrophe," and by digging in to the wonderful resource of City of Data, it has the following power description:




"The Malevolent Fog is but an aspect of the Fog of Catastrophe and will swell in response to the subconscious fear of those surrounding it."





"Unrefined Fog: The Labyrinth of Fog is the source of a thick mythical fog with metaphysical properties that enables the maze to be the spatial anamoly that it is.

The Core's natural fog is too polluted by divine malevolence for mortal use without alchemical refinement. Steeping oneself in its pure essence will very quickly overwhelm an individual's soul and cause insanity."


Daedalus has his own powers with Fog-related descriptions (albeit, some descriptions are direct copy and paste from Positron - like Enervating Field of Fog's description).





Probably the best source is the Minotaur entry - 





Particularly, the power "Fog Given Form"


"If threatened, The Minotaur In The Fog can condense the fog around those foreign to it and call the maze's Gladiators In The Fog to combat.

This will spawn Gladiators In The Fog near all players within 250ft of the Minotaur. When cornered, the Minotaur will attempt to sow chaos on the battlefield by beckoning forth the souls of those who lost their minds to the Fog of Catastrophe, using an ancient lust for battle as a smokescreen."


On 7/26/2024 at 1:39 PM, Laucianna said:

King Minos however was not contempt with such power being locked away

I think you meant "content" here.


Edited by Glacier Peak
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48 minutes ago, Laucianna said:

Updated it with a better pop menu, including both methods on how to run it, the secrets, badge guides, and also the lore of the Labyrinth from what I have deciphered  ❤️ 

Should be noted that while I'm collecting Fog Spawn points, I've barely documented all 200 possible locations.

Guardians there are 200 as well.   I'm in a door connecting streak right now and redoing my data storage there of.   Probably will wind up with a decent sized collection of data points after that.   (while running around, grabbing more of the other locs too)

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