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Popmenus: the what, why and how.


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Several guides on the forums here use popmenus, for the most part though it’s “here, use this popmenu to do the thing.” without any guidance on how to modify it to suit your needs. There’s nothing wrong with that, especially since plenty of people don’t want the added complexity of modifying or customizing a popmenu.


I am not one of those people, and if you’re reading this guide you probably aren’t either. I like to poke things. I like to figure out how they work and how I can make them work to suit my needs.


So recently I decided I wanted to make a custom popmenu for chat, just a simple one, but I wanted quick access to multiple presets for chatting without a bunch of keybind.


Unfortunately, Paragonwiki’s article on popmenus isn’t that helpful:





What is a popmenu?

A popmenu is a custom menu which can be used to execute any number of slash commands, it essentially allows you to bind a large number of options to a few keystrokes.


Why popmenus?

Because they’re cool? In all seriousness, popmenus are ideal for commands you want ready access to, but don’t need at a single push of a button. You probably wouldn’t want to use a popmenu to activate your general combat powers, though you could certainly use one that way. You might use popmenus to combine inspirations on the fly, or start chatting in certain ways, to send commands for a raid, or maybe to set up flyposes… The options are nearly endless.


So how do I do it?

The first step to making a popmenu is creating the directory the game will look for them in:

<game install>/data/texts/english*/menus

*or the language your game is in.


From there you will create a .mnu file named whatever you happen to want to call it. In Windows 10 I find that to create an .mnu file, I have to create a text document and then ‘save as’. Do make sure you don’t accidentally save it as menu.mnu.txt.


Inside that .mnu file, you will need to use this format:

Menu MenuName


    Title TitleName

    Option OptionName Command


    Title TitleName

    Option OptionName Command

    Menu SubMenuName


        Title TitleName

        Option OptionName Command




            DisplayName OptionName

            Command Command

            Authbit AuthIdentifiers

            Badge BadgeIdentifiers

            RewardToken RewardIdentifiers

            StoreProduct ProductIdentifiers





Now… this doesn’t make a lot of sense, let’s be honest. I copy and pasted that from the Wiki article, and you can read what they say about it, but there’s a lot you really don’t need right now. Like the divider command, that just puts a divider between options (.. Seems like wasted space to me >.>). The LockedOption command is cool, if you want options to only be available to certain people (super cool uses, but pretty advanced stuff), etc.


If you want to make any notations in your popmenu, you can easily do so! If you enter // in to the menu, it will ignore anything following that until the next line break (the next time you hit enter). I don’t tend to make use of this for my own popmenus, but I can see why some would want to have notations and comments in their files.


We’ll start with the basics by looking at simple one I built for chat:



Menu “chat”


Title chat

Option “help chat &q” “beginchat /hc [@Zolgar] “

Option "LFG &w" "beginchat /lfg [$level $archetype] "




Menu “Chat”

This just tells the game what the menu name is, and this is how we will find it later.


Title Chat

This is what will display as the name of the menu when we open the popmenu.

Option “help chat &q” “beginchat /hc [@Zolgar] “

Option tells us this is a new command in the popmenu. What follows in quotes “Help chat &q” tells us the name of the command, and the keystroke for it, in this case the keystroke is q. The second set of quotes is the command it issues. Like keybinds and macros, you do not need to use the slash before the command. “But Zolgar, it says /hc right there!” Correct! That’s because I’m using the beginchat command. This particular command line will open my chat box up for typing starting with /hc [@zolgar] , which allows me to quickly send messages with help, tagged with my global handle (since I alt all the time.).

Option "LFG &w" "beginchat /lfg [$level $archetype] "

Same deal, sets up to send a chat to the looking for group channel, opened with my level and archetype, saves me a bit of typing. 🙂


Just closes the menu out.


Update: I am am idiot and missed a key piece of Information! 

Popmenus must be preceded by // or a blank line


So it should open like:


menu (menu name)


menu (menu name)



Now, how do we turn that into a thing in game? First, you can’t add/modify popmenus on the fly, you must reload the game for it to acknowledge they are there or have been changed.


In game, you use a keybind to open the menu, so you have to set that up, in my case I used shit+enter for this.

/bind shift+enter popmenu “chat”


That’s a really simple example, of course!


You can get fancier, like you could do a menu for mastermind commands!

Credit where it’s due, I got the idea for this, and stole the commands from this thread:



The numpad binds are super amazing and the only reason I don’t like them is the number pad is on the right side of the keyboard my right hand never leaves the mouse while I’m playing except to type. I want something to function on the fly… SO! Let’s play.


A quick side note, you’ll notice I use q, w ,e r, a, s, d etc. as commands a lot. This is because I want to be able to hit the commands needed from the natural state of my left hand.



//Mastermind Robots commands.


Menu Bots


Title "Pet type: Robots"

Menu "All &q"


Option "Aggressive &q" "petcom_all aggressive"

Option "Defensive &w" "petcom_all defensive"

Option "Passive &e" "petcom_all passive"

Option "Attack &a" "petcom_all attack"

Option "Follow &s" "petcom_all follow"

Option "Go to &d" "petcom_all goto"

Option "Dismiss &x" "petcom_all dismiss"


Menu "Battle Drones &w"


Option "Aggressive &q" "petcom_pow battle drones aggressive"

Option "Defensive &w" "petcom_pow battle drones defensive"

Option "Passive &e" "petcom_pow battle drones passive"

Option "Attack &a" "petcom_pow battle drones attack"

Option "Follow &s" "petcom_pow battle drones follow"

Option "Go to &d" "petcom_pow battle drones goto"

Option "Dismiss &x" "petcom_pow battle drones dismiss"


Menu "Protector bots &e"


Option "Aggressive &q" "petcom_pow protector bots aggressive"

Option "Defensive &w" "petcom_pow protector bots defensive"

Option "Passive &e" "petcom_pow protector bots passive"

Option "Attack &a" "petcom_pow protector bots attack"

Option "Follow &s" "petcom_pow protector bots follow"

Option "Go to &d" "petcom_pow protector bots goto"

Option "Dismiss &x" "petcom_pow protector bots dismiss"


Menu "Assault Bot &r"


Option "Aggressive &q" "petcom_pow assault bot aggressive"

Option "Defensive &w" "petcom_pow assault bot defensive"

Option "Passive &e" "petcom_pow assault bot passive"

Option "Attack &a" "petcom_pow assault bot attack"

Option "Follow &s" "petcom_pow assault bot follow"

Option "Go to &d" "petcom_pow assault bot goto"

Option "Dismiss &x" "petcom_pow assault bot dismiss"




This gives the functionality of the keybinds in the above link, but as a popmenu. Unfortunately, some of the commands don’t work on keystrokes (go to and dismiss), but these are two things you’re not going to need all the time. 🙂


Really, I have only scratched the surface of what popmenus are capable of with this post. I have heard tell of some amazing things, like using it for a badge checklist. I am currently trying to suss out how to make a popmenu that I can use to check and see what badges I am missing for a given accolade, but haven’t figured it out yet.


Over all, I hope I have given you some idea on how to create popmenus to do whatever crazy and/or useful things you might need them to.


What else should I know?


So, I recently discovered an interesting quirk with popmenus that make them annoying to deal with while editing my chat popmenu for a global channel I joined.


I joined the channel Looking for RP, so as you can imagine, the first thing I did was add a line for that in my popmenu, that looked something like:

option "LFRP &r" "beginchat /send "looking for RP" [$name, Everlasting] "

This should have the effect that when I hit shift+enter r, it pops the chat bar up to send to the channel looking for RP with my current character's name and the server I am on autopopulated.

Except instead it pops up a chat bar with /send 

It took a lot of fighting with it to figure it out, and several other helpful folks in Help Chat fighting with it and doing some Google searches. Ultimately the issue was discovered:

You cannot have quotation marks in a popmenu command line.

I came to the conclusion that the popmenu expects the command to be encased in quotation marks, and so sees one and basically reads it as a full stop on the command line, ignoring everything after.

Further testing, if I leave the quotations off, it tries to send "for RP [$name, Everlasting] " to global channel 'looking'.

Unlike powers, I cannot use underscores in place of the spaces in the global channels name.


Basically, you cannot use a popmenu to chat in a global channel with spaces in its name...


I, however, was not satisfied with this answer!

So I built a workaround. This deviates from popmenus a bit, but it's still interesting, and it will let you know how to get around the issue, if you run in to it:


I discovered the /powexectray command will activate macros, and will do so from a popmenu.

So I created a macro and shoved it in to the first slot on my 7th tray:

beginchat /send "looking for RP" [$name, Everlasting] "

Then, I added the line to my popmenu:

option "LFRP &r" "powexectray 1 7"

Now, I don't particularly want to type "/macro LFRP "beginchat /send "looking for RP" [$name, Everlasting] "" on every character I roll and then drag that macro to 7:1, and I have a few keybinds I use on all characters already, so I finally got around to setting up a bind file for them, and added to it:

f11 "macroslot 60 LFRP beginchat /send "Looking for RP" [$name, Everlasting] "


So yes.

I have a keybind.

To make a macro.

To be activated by a popmenu.

To chat in a global channel.


You might say it would be easier to just make a command like ctrl+enter as a bind to just chat in looking for RP.

SURE, it would be, but then I would have to use a different command than I do for all my other chats, plus that's quitter talk 😛


Side note: the /macroslot command is super cool, it automatically dumps the macro generated in to whatever slot you choose, from slot 0 (1:1) to 89 (9:10)

Edited by Zolgar
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Always happy to answer questions in game, typically hanging around Help.
Global is @Zolgar, and tends to be tagged in Help.

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I'm ready, after years of game-play, to finally get into pop-menus.  So my questions are noobish in nature.

First note, when I followed directions for the chat sample, after I typed 


/bind shift+enter popmenu “chat menu”

into the chat box, then hit shift-enter, I got this error:


Usage:popmenu takes 1 args, you gave 2. 
Pops up the named menu at the current mouse location
popmenu <string>

Now, when I started this and went to my <game install>/data directory, I only saw a subdir called texture_library.  No "texts".  I added that as well as \English\Menus.  The content of your first sample is in a file named "chat.mnu".

I don't get the error mentioned above if I type "/bind shift+enter popmenu "chat"" but nothing happens.  

I assume if I had been successful a menu would have appeared at my mouse location, and then I could move this menu.

Just for yucks, I also copied the menu file found in 

Using "/bind shift+enter popmenu "RTR"" also did nothing.

Do you, or anyone else for that matter, have any thoughts as to how I can most effectively proceed debugging this?


Just to note, I did completely exit and game and tequila and restarted tequila and the game after making the changes.

Edited by Hedgefund
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Hm, typically the game considers anything within quotations one arg.

Try in the chat menu one, changing the line:

Menu "Chat menu"

To just:

Menu Chat

and /bind shift+enter popmenu chat


The game may not like two word menu names. I shall need to experiment. The joy of systems in the game that don't behave QUITE the way other system do. 🙂

Always happy to answer questions in game, typically hanging around Help.
Global is @Zolgar, and tends to be tagged in Help.

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Thanks for the headsup. Fortunately this post was from before the new forum.. and if it's not, all my guides get saved to my Google drive. 🙂


Always happy to answer questions in game, typically hanging around Help.
Global is @Zolgar, and tends to be tagged in Help.

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This is a pomenu I got from the wayback machine that allows you to do costume changes easily.



// ccemotes PopMenu
// Written By: "Snow Globe"
// Version 1.3
// Usage:
// /popmenu ccemotes
// /bind <key> popmenu ccemotes
// /macro <name> popmenu ccemotes
Menu "ccemotes"
    Menu "Basic"
        Menu "Back Flip"
            Title "Back Flip"
            Option "Costume slot 1"             "cce 0 CCBackFlip"
            Option "Costume slot 2"             "cce 1 CCBackFlip"
            Option "Costume slot 3"             "cce 2 CCBackFlip"
            Option "Costume slot 4"             "cce 3 CCBackFlip"
            Option "Costume slot 5"             "cce 4 CCBackFlip"
            Option "Costume slot 6"             "cce 5 CCBackFlip"
            Option "Costume slot 7"             "cce 6 CCBackFlip"
            Option "Costume slot 8"             "cce 7 CCBackFlip"
            Option "Costume slot 9"             "cce 8 CCBackFlip"
            Option "Costume slot 10"         "cce 9 CCBackFlip"
        Menu "Evil Laugh"
            Title "Evil Laugh"
            Option "Costume slot 1"             "cce 0 CCEvilLaugh"
            Option "Costume slot 2"             "cce 1 CCEvilLaugh"
            Option "Costume slot 3"             "cce 2 CCEvilLaugh"
            Option "Costume slot 4"             "cce 3 CCEvilLaugh"
            Option "Costume slot 5"             "cce 4 CCEvilLaugh"
            Option "Costume slot 6"             "cce 5 CCEvilLaugh"
            Option "Costume slot 7"             "cce 6 CCEvilLaugh"
            Option "Costume slot 8"             "cce 7 CCEvilLaugh"
            Option "Costume slot 9"             "cce 8 CCEvilLaugh"
            Option "Costume slot 10"         "cce 9 CCEvilLaugh"
        Menu "Howl"
            Title "Howl"
            Option "Costume slot 1"             "cce 0 CCHowl"
            Option "Costume slot 2"             "cce 1 CCHowl"
            Option "Costume slot 3"             "cce 2 CCHowl"
            Option "Costume slot 4"             "cce 3 CCHowl"
            Option "Costume slot 5"             "cce 4 CCHowl"
            Option "Costume slot 6"             "cce 5 CCHowl"
            Option "Costume slot 7"             "cce 6 CCHowl"
            Option "Costume slot 8"             "cce 7 CCHowl"
            Option "Costume slot 9"             "cce 8 CCHowl"
            Option "Costume slot 10"         "cce 9 CCHowl"
        Menu "Salute"
            Title "Salute"
            Option "Costume slot 1"             "cce 0 CCSalute"
            Option "Costume slot 2"             "cce 1 CCSalute"
            Option "Costume slot 3"             "cce 2 CCSalute"
            Option "Costume slot 4"             "cce 3 CCSalute"
            Option "Costume slot 5"             "cce 4 CCSalute"
            Option "Costume slot 6"             "cce 5 CCSalute"
            Option "Costume slot 7"             "cce 6 CCSalute"
            Option "Costume slot 8"             "cce 7 CCSalute"
            Option "Costume slot 9"             "cce 8 CCSalute"
            Option "Costume slot 10"         "cce 9 CCSalute"
    Menu "Ascension"
        Menu "Inner Will"
            Title "Inner Will"
            Option "Costume slot 1"             "cce 0 CCInnerWill"
            Option "Costume slot 2"             "cce 1 CCInnerWill"
            Option "Costume slot 3"             "cce 2 CCInnerWill"
            Option "Costume slot 4"             "cce 3 CCInnerWill"
            Option "Costume slot 5"             "cce 4 CCInnerWill"
            Option "Costume slot 6"             "cce 5 CCInnerWill"
            Option "Costume slot 7"             "cce 6 CCInnerWill"
            Option "Costume slot 8"             "cce 7 CCInnerWill"
            Option "Costume slot 9"             "cce 8 CCInnerWill"
            Option "Costume slot 10"         "cce 9 CCInnerWill"
        Menu "Light Magic"
            Title "Light Magic"
            Option "Costume slot 1"             "cce 0 CCLightMagic"
            Option "Costume slot 2"             "cce 1 CCLightMagic"
            Option "Costume slot 3"             "cce 2 CCLightMagic"
            Option "Costume slot 4"             "cce 3 CCLightMagic"
            Option "Costume slot 5"             "cce 4 CCLightMagic"
            Option "Costume slot 6"             "cce 5 CCLightMagic"
            Option "Costume slot 7"             "cce 6 CCLightMagic"
            Option "Costume slot 8"             "cce 7 CCLightMagic"
            Option "Costume slot 9"             "cce 8 CCLightMagic"
            Option "Costume slot 10"         "cce 9 CCLightMagic"
        Menu "Rainbow"
            Title "Rainbow"
            Option "Costume slot 1"             "cce 0 CCRainbow"
            Option "Costume slot 2"             "cce 1 CCRainbow"
            Option "Costume slot 3"             "cce 2 CCRainbow"
            Option "Costume slot 4"             "cce 3 CCRainbow"
            Option "Costume slot 5"             "cce 4 CCRainbow"
            Option "Costume slot 6"             "cce 5 CCRainbow"
            Option "Costume slot 7"             "cce 6 CCRainbow"
            Option "Costume slot 8"             "cce 7 CCRainbow"
            Option "Costume slot 9"             "cce 8 CCRainbow"
            Option "Costume slot 10"         "cce 9 CCRainbow"
    Menu "Epic Archetypes"
        Menu "Peacebringer"
            Title "Peacebringer"
                DisplayName "Costume slot 1"
                Command "cce 0 CCPeacebringer"
                Storeproduct CTATPEAC
                DisplayName "Costume slot 2"
                Command "cce 1 CCPeacebringer"
                Storeproduct CTATPEAC
                DisplayName "Costume slot 3"
                Command "cce 2 CCPeacebringer"
                Storeproduct CTATPEAC
                DisplayName "Costume slot 4"
                Command "cce 3 CCPeacebringer"
                Storeproduct CTATPEAC
                DisplayName "Costume slot 5"
                Command "cce 4 CCPeacebringer"
                Storeproduct CTATPEAC
                DisplayName "Costume slot 6"
                Command "cce 5 CCPeacebringer"
                Storeproduct CTATPEAC
                DisplayName "Costume slot 7"
                Command "cce 6 CCPeacebringer"
                Storeproduct CTATPEAC
                DisplayName "Costume slot 8"
                Command "cce 7 CCPeacebringer"
                Storeproduct CTATPEAC
                DisplayName "Costume slot 9"
                Command "cce 8 CCPeacebringer"
                Storeproduct CTATPEAC
                DisplayName "Costume slot 10"
                Command "cce 9 CCPeacebringer"
                Storeproduct CTATPEAC
        Menu "Warshade"
            Title "Warshade"
                DisplayName "Costume slot 1"
                Command "cce 0 CCWarshade"
                Storeproduct CTATWARS
                DisplayName "Costume slot 2"
                Command "cce 1 CCWarshade"
                Storeproduct CTATWARS
                DisplayName "Costume slot 3"
                Command "cce 2 CCWarshade"
                Storeproduct CTATWARS
                DisplayName "Costume slot 4"
                Command "cce 3 CCWarshade"
                Storeproduct CTATWARS
                DisplayName "Costume slot 5"
                Command "cce 4 CCWarshade"
                Storeproduct CTATWARS
                DisplayName "Costume slot 6"
                Command "cce 5 CCWarshade"
                Storeproduct CTATWARS
                DisplayName "Costume slot 7"
                Command "cce 6 CCWarshade"
                Storeproduct CTATWARS
                DisplayName "Costume slot 8"
                Command "cce 7 CCWarshade"
                Storeproduct CTATWARS
                DisplayName "Costume slot 9"
                Command "cce 8 CCWarshade"
                Storeproduct CTATWARS
                DisplayName "Costume slot 10"
                Command "cce 9 CCWarshade"
                Storeproduct CTATWARS
    Menu "Holiday Packs"
        Menu "Confetti Throw"
            Title "Confetti Throw"
                DisplayName "Costume slot 1"
                Command "cce 0 CCConfettiThrow"
                Storeproduct CUCPHPCO
                DisplayName "Costume slot 2"
                Command "cce 1 CCConfettiThrow"
                Storeproduct CUCPHPCO
                DisplayName "Costume slot 3"
                Command "cce 2 CCConfettiThrow"
                Storeproduct CUCPHPCO
                DisplayName "Costume slot 4"
                Command "cce 3 CCConfettiThrow"
                Storeproduct CUCPHPCO
                DisplayName "Costume slot 5"
                Command "cce 4 CCConfettiThrow"
                Storeproduct CUCPHPCO
                DisplayName "Costume slot 6"
                Command "cce 5 CCConfettiThrow"
                Storeproduct CUCPHPCO
                DisplayName "Costume slot 7"
                Command "cce 6 CCConfettiThrow"
                Storeproduct CUCPHPCO
                DisplayName "Costume slot 8"
                Command "cce 7 CCConfettiThrow"
                Storeproduct CUCPHPCO
                DisplayName "Costume slot 9"
                Command "cce 8 CCConfettiThrow"
                Storeproduct CUCPHPCO
                DisplayName "Costume slot 10"
                Command "cce 9 CCConfettiThrow"
                Storeproduct CUCPHPCO
        Menu "Gift Burst"
            Title "Gift Burst"
                DisplayName "Costume slot 1"
                Command "cce 0 CCGiftBurst"
                Storeproduct CUCPHPPR
                DisplayName "Costume slot 2"
                Command "cce 1 CCGiftBurst"
                Storeproduct CUCPHPPR
                DisplayName "Costume slot 3"
                Command "cce 2 CCGiftBurst"
                Storeproduct CUCPHPPR
                DisplayName "Costume slot 4"
                Command "cce 3 CCGiftBurst"
                Storeproduct CUCPHPPR
                DisplayName "Costume slot 5"
                Command "cce 4 CCGiftBurst"
                Storeproduct CUCPHPPR
                DisplayName "Costume slot 6"
                Command "cce 5 CCGiftBurst"
                Storeproduct CUCPHPPR
                DisplayName "Costume slot 7"
                Command "cce 6 CCGiftBurst"
                Storeproduct CUCPHPPR
                DisplayName "Costume slot 8"
                Command "cce 7 CCGiftBurst"
                Storeproduct CUCPHPPR
                DisplayName "Costume slot 9"
                Command "cce 8 CCGiftBurst"
                Storeproduct CUCPHPPR
                DisplayName "Costume slot 10"
                Command "cce 9 CCGiftBurst"
                Storeproduct CUCPHPPR
    Menu "Incarnate"
        Menu "Fireworks"
            Title "Fireworks"
                DisplayName "Costume slot 1"
                Command "cce 0 CCFireworks"
                Storeproduct CTIECCFW
                DisplayName "Costume slot 2"
                Command "cce 1 CCFireworks"
                Storeproduct CTIECCFW
                DisplayName "Costume slot 3"
                Command "cce 2 CCFireworks"
                Storeproduct CTIECCFW
                DisplayName "Costume slot 4"
                Command "cce 3 CCFireworks"
                Storeproduct CTIECCFW
                DisplayName "Costume slot 5"
                Command "cce 4 CCFireworks"
                Storeproduct CTIECCFW
                DisplayName "Costume slot 6"
                Command "cce 5 CCFireworks"
                Storeproduct CTIECCFW
                DisplayName "Costume slot 7"
                Command "cce 6 CCFireworks"
                Storeproduct CTIECCFW
                DisplayName "Costume slot 8"
                Command "cce 7 CCFireworks"
                Storeproduct CTIECCFW
                DisplayName "Costume slot 9"
                Command "cce 8 CCFireworks"
                Storeproduct CTIECCFW
                DisplayName "Costume slot 10"
                Command "cce 9 CCFireworks"
                Storeproduct CTIECCFW
        Menu "Ice Block"
            Title "Ice Block"
                DisplayName "Costume slot 1"
                Command "cce 0 CCIceBlock"
                Storeproduct CTIECCIB
                DisplayName "Costume slot 2"
                Command "cce 1 CCIceBlock"
                Storeproduct CTIECCIB
                DisplayName "Costume slot 3"
                Command "cce 2 CCIceBlock"
                Storeproduct CTIECCIB
                DisplayName "Costume slot 4"
                Command "cce 3 CCIceBlock"
                Storeproduct CTIECCIB
                DisplayName "Costume slot 5"
                Command "cce 4 CCIceBlock"
                Storeproduct CTIECCIB
                DisplayName "Costume slot 6"
                Command "cce 5 CCIceBlock"
                Storeproduct CTIECCIB
                DisplayName "Costume slot 7"
                Command "cce 6 CCIceBlock"
                Storeproduct CTIECCIB
                DisplayName "Costume slot 8"
                Command "cce 7 CCIceBlock"
                Storeproduct CTIECCIB
                DisplayName "Costume slot 9"
                Command "cce 8 CCIceBlock"
                Storeproduct CTIECCIB
                DisplayName "Costume slot 10"
                Command "cce 9 CCIceBlock"
                Storeproduct CTIECCIB
        Menu "Nuke"
            Title "Nuke"
                DisplayName "Costume slot 1"
                Command "cce 0 CCNuke"
                Storeproduct CTIECCNU
                DisplayName "Costume slot 2"
                Command "cce 1 CCNuke"
                Storeproduct CTIECCNU
                DisplayName "Costume slot 3"
                Command "cce 2 CCNuke"
                Storeproduct CTIECCNU
                DisplayName "Costume slot 4"
                Command "cce 3 CCNuke"
                Storeproduct CTIECCNU
                DisplayName "Costume slot 5"
                Command "cce 4 CCNuke"
                Storeproduct CTIECCNU
                DisplayName "Costume slot 6"
                Command "cce 5 CCNuke"
                Storeproduct CTIECCNU
                DisplayName "Costume slot 7"
                Command "cce 6 CCNuke"
                Storeproduct CTIECCNU
                DisplayName "Costume slot 8"
                Command "cce 7 CCNuke"
                Storeproduct CTIECCNU
                DisplayName "Costume slot 9"
                Command "cce 8 CCNuke"
                Storeproduct CTIECCNU
                DisplayName "Costume slot 10"
                Command "cce 9 CCNuke"
                Storeproduct CTIECCNU
        Menu "Pure Energy"
            Title "Pure Energy"
                DisplayName "Costume slot 1"
                Command "cce 0 CCPureEnergy"
                Storeproduct CTIECCSB
                DisplayName "Costume slot 2"
                Command "cce 1 CCPureEnergy"
                Storeproduct CTIECCSB
                DisplayName "Costume slot 3"
                Command "cce 2 CCPureEnergy"
                Storeproduct CTIECCSB
                DisplayName "Costume slot 4"
                Command "cce 3 CCPureEnergy"
                Storeproduct CTIECCSB
                DisplayName "Costume slot 5"
                Command "cce 4 CCPureEnergy"
                Storeproduct CTIECCSB
                DisplayName "Costume slot 6"
                Command "cce 5 CCPureEnergy"
                Storeproduct CTIECCSB
                DisplayName "Costume slot 7"
                Command "cce 6 CCPureEnergy"
                Storeproduct CTIECCSB
                DisplayName "Costume slot 8"
                Command "cce 7 CCPureEnergy"
                Storeproduct CTIECCSB
                DisplayName "Costume slot 9"
                Command "cce 8 CCPureEnergy"
                Storeproduct CTIECCSB
                DisplayName "Costume slot 10"
                Command "cce 9 CCPureEnergy"
                Storeproduct CTIECCSB
        Menu "Stone Block"
            Title "Stone Block"
                DisplayName "Costume slot 1"
                Command "cce 0 CCStoneBlock"
                Storeproduct CTIECCSB
                DisplayName "Costume slot 2"
                Command "cce 1 CCStoneBlock"
                Storeproduct CTIECCSB
                DisplayName "Costume slot 3"
                Command "cce 2 CCStoneBlock"
                Storeproduct CTIECCSB
                DisplayName "Costume slot 4"
                Command "cce 3 CCStoneBlock"
                Storeproduct CTIECCSB
                DisplayName "Costume slot 5"
                Command "cce 4 CCStoneBlock"
                Storeproduct CTIECCSB
                DisplayName "Costume slot 6"
                Command "cce 5 CCStoneBlock"
                Storeproduct CTIECCSB
                DisplayName "Costume slot 7"
                Command "cce 6 CCStoneBlock"
                Storeproduct CTIECCSB
                DisplayName "Costume slot 8"
                Command "cce 7 CCStoneBlock"
                Storeproduct CTIECCSB
                DisplayName "Costume slot 9"
                Command "cce 8 CCStoneBlock"
                Storeproduct CTIECCSB
                DisplayName "Costume slot 10"
                Command "cce 9 CCStoneBlock"
                Storeproduct CTIECCSB
    Menu "Animal Pack"
      Menu "Feather Burst"
         Title "Feather Burst"
            DisplayName "Costume slot 1"
            Command "cce 0 CCFeatherBurst"
            Authbit AnimalPack
            Storeproduct CUCPAFEB
            DisplayName "Costume slot 2"
            Command "cce 1 CCFeatherBurst"
            Authbit AnimalPack
            Storeproduct CUCPAFEB
            DisplayName "Costume slot 3"
            Command "cce 2 CCFeatherBurst"
            Authbit AnimalPack
            Storeproduct CUCPAFEB
            DisplayName "Costume slot 4"
            Command "cce 3 CCFeatherBurst"
            Authbit AnimalPack
            Storeproduct CUCPAFEB
            DisplayName "Costume slot 5"
            Command "cce 4 CCFeatherBurst"
            Authbit AnimalPack
            Storeproduct CUCPAFEB
            DisplayName "Costume slot 6"
            Command "cce 5 CCFeatherBurst"
            Authbit AnimalPack
            Storeproduct CUCPAFEB
            DisplayName "Costume slot 7"
            Command "cce 6 CCFeatherBurst"
            Authbit AnimalPack
            Storeproduct CUCPAFEB
            DisplayName "Costume slot 8"
            Command "cce 7 CCFeatherBurst"
            Authbit AnimalPack
            Storeproduct CUCPAFEB
            DisplayName "Costume slot 9"
            Command "cce 8 CCFeatherBurst"
            Authbit AnimalPack
            Storeproduct CUCPAFEB
            DisplayName "Costume slot 10"
            Command "cce 9 CCFeatherBurst"
            Authbit AnimalPack
            Storeproduct CUCPAFEB
      Menu "Feather Spin"
         Title "Feather Spin"
            DisplayName "Costume slot 1"
            Command "cce 0 CCFeatherSpin"
            Authbit AnimalPack
            Storeproduct CUCPAFEF
            DisplayName "Costume slot 2"
            Command "cce 1 CCFeatherSpin"
            Authbit AnimalPack
            Storeproduct CUCPAFEF
            DisplayName "Costume slot 3"
            Command "cce 2 CCFeatherSpin"
            Authbit AnimalPack
            Storeproduct CUCPAFEF
            DisplayName "Costume slot 4"
            Command "cce 3 CCFeatherSpin"
            Authbit AnimalPack
            Storeproduct CUCPAFEF
            DisplayName "Costume slot 5"
            Command "cce 4 CCFeatherSpin"
            Authbit AnimalPack
            Storeproduct CUCPAFEF
            DisplayName "Costume slot 6"
            Command "cce 5 CCFeatherSpin"
            Authbit AnimalPack
            Storeproduct CUCPAFEF
            DisplayName "Costume slot 7"
            Command "cce 6 CCFeatherSpin"
            Authbit AnimalPack
            Storeproduct CUCPAFEF
            DisplayName "Costume slot 8"
            Command "cce 7 CCFeatherSpin"
            Authbit AnimalPack
            Storeproduct CUCPAFEF
            DisplayName "Costume slot 9"
            Command "cce 8 CCFeatherSpin"
            Authbit AnimalPack
            Storeproduct CUCPAFEF
            DisplayName "Costume slot 10"
            Command "cce 9 CCFeatherSpin"
            Authbit AnimalPack
            Storeproduct CUCPAFEF
      Menu "Fur Burst"
         Title "Fur Burst"
            DisplayName "Costume slot 1"
            Command "cce 0 CCFurBurst"
            Authbit AnimalPack
            Storeproduct CUCPAFUB
            DisplayName "Costume slot 2"
            Command "cce 1 CCFurBurst"
            Authbit AnimalPack
            Storeproduct CUCPAFUB
            DisplayName "Costume slot 3"
            Command "cce 2 CCFurBurst"
            Authbit AnimalPack
            Storeproduct CUCPAFUB
            DisplayName "Costume slot 4"
            Command "cce 3 CCFurBurst"
            Authbit AnimalPack
            Storeproduct CUCPAFUB
            DisplayName "Costume slot 5"
            Command "cce 4 CCFurBurst"
            Authbit AnimalPack
            Storeproduct CUCPAFUB
            DisplayName "Costume slot 6"
            Command "cce 5 CCFurBurst"
            Authbit AnimalPack
            Storeproduct CUCPAFUB
            DisplayName "Costume slot 7"
            Command "cce 6 CCFurBurst"
            Authbit AnimalPack
            Storeproduct CUCPAFUB
            DisplayName "Costume slot 8"
            Command "cce 7 CCFurBurst"
            Authbit AnimalPack
            Storeproduct CUCPAFUB
            DisplayName "Costume slot 9"
            Command "cce 8 CCFurBurst"
            Authbit AnimalPack
            Storeproduct CUCPAFUB
            DisplayName "Costume slot 10"
            Command "cce 9 CCFurBurst"
            Authbit AnimalPack
            Storeproduct CUCPAFUB
      Menu "Fur Spin"
         Title "Fur Spin"
            DisplayName "Costume slot 1"
            Command "cce 0 CCFurSpin"
            Authbit AnimalPack
            Storeproduct CUCPAFUF
            DisplayName "Costume slot 2"
            Command "cce 1 CCFurSpin"
            Authbit AnimalPack
            Storeproduct CUCPAFUF
            DisplayName "Costume slot 3"
            Command "cce 2 CCFurSpin"
            Authbit AnimalPack
            Storeproduct CUCPAFUF
            DisplayName "Costume slot 4"
            Command "cce 3 CCFurSpin"
            Authbit AnimalPack
            Storeproduct CUCPAFUF
            DisplayName "Costume slot 5"
            Command "cce 4 CCFurSpin"
            Authbit AnimalPack
            Storeproduct CUCPAFUF
            DisplayName "Costume slot 6"
            Command "cce 5 CCFurSpin"
            Authbit AnimalPack
            Storeproduct CUCPAFUF
            DisplayName "Costume slot 7"
            Command "cce 6 CCFurSpin"
            Authbit AnimalPack
            Storeproduct CUCPAFUF
            DisplayName "Costume slot 8"
            Command "cce 7 CCFurSpin"
            Authbit AnimalPack
            Storeproduct CUCPAFUF
            DisplayName "Costume slot 9"
            Command "cce 8 CCFurSpin"
            Authbit AnimalPack
            Storeproduct CUCPAFUF
            DisplayName "Costume slot 10"
            Command "cce 9 CCFurSpin"
            Authbit AnimalPack
            Storeproduct CUCPAFUF
    Menu "Magic Pack"
        Menu "Lightning"
            Title "Lightning"
                DisplayName "Costume slot 1"
                Command "cce 0 CCLightning"
                Authbit MagicPack
                Storeproduct CUCPMPLC
                DisplayName "Costume slot 2"
                Command "cce 1 CCLightning"
                Authbit MagicPack
                Storeproduct CUCPMPLC
                DisplayName "Costume slot 3"
                Command "cce 2 CCLightning"
                Authbit MagicPack
                Storeproduct CUCPMPLC
                DisplayName "Costume slot 4"
                Command "cce 3 CCLightning"
                Authbit MagicPack
                Storeproduct CUCPMPLC
                DisplayName "Costume slot 5"
                Command "cce 4 CCLightning"
                Authbit MagicPack
                Storeproduct CUCPMPLC
                DisplayName "Costume slot 6"
                Command "cce 5 CCLightning"
                Authbit MagicPack
                Storeproduct CUCPMPLC
                DisplayName "Costume slot 7"
                Command "cce 6 CCLightning"
                Authbit MagicPack
                Storeproduct CUCPMPLC
                DisplayName "Costume slot 8"
                Command "cce 7 CCLightning"
                Authbit MagicPack
                Storeproduct CUCPMPLC
                DisplayName "Costume slot 9"
                Command "cce 8 CCLightning"
                Authbit MagicPack
                Storeproduct CUCPMPLC
                DisplayName "Costume slot 10"
                Command "cce 9 CCLightning"
                Authbit MagicPack
                Storeproduct CUCPMPLC
        Menu "Presto Chango"
            Title "Presto Chango"
                DisplayName "Costume slot 1"
                Command "cce 0 CCPrestoChango"
                Authbit MagicPack
                Storeproduct CUCPMPPC
                DisplayName "Costume slot 2"
                Command "cce 1 CCPrestoChango"
                Authbit MagicPack
                Storeproduct CUCPMPPC
                DisplayName "Costume slot 3"
                Command "cce 2 CCPrestoChango"
                Authbit MagicPack
                Storeproduct CUCPMPPC
                DisplayName "Costume slot 4"
                Command "cce 3 CCPrestoChango"
                Authbit MagicPack
                Storeproduct CUCPMPPC
                DisplayName "Costume slot 5"
                Command "cce 4 CCPrestoChango"
                Authbit MagicPack
                Storeproduct CUCPMPPC
                DisplayName "Costume slot 6"
                Command "cce 5 CCPrestoChango"
                Authbit MagicPack
                Storeproduct CUCPMPPC
                DisplayName "Costume slot 7"
                Command "cce 6 CCPrestoChango"
                Authbit MagicPack
                Storeproduct CUCPMPPC
                DisplayName "Costume slot 8"
                Command "cce 7 CCPrestoChango"
                Authbit MagicPack
                Storeproduct CUCPMPPC
                DisplayName "Costume slot 9"
                Command "cce 8 CCPrestoChango"
                Authbit MagicPack
                Storeproduct CUCPMPPC
                DisplayName "Costume slot 10"
                Command "cce 9 CCPrestoChango"
                Authbit MagicPack
                Storeproduct CUCPMPPC
        Menu "Spell Cast"
            Title "Spell Cast"
                DisplayName "Costume slot 1"
                Command "cce 0 CCCast"
                Authbit MagicPack
                Storeproduct CUCPMPSC
                DisplayName "Costume slot 2"
                Command "cce 1 CCCast"
                Authbit MagicPack
                Storeproduct CUCPMPSC
                DisplayName "Costume slot 3"
                Command "cce 2 CCCast"
                Authbit MagicPack
                Storeproduct CUCPMPSC
                DisplayName "Costume slot 4"
                Command "cce 3 CCCast"
                Authbit MagicPack
                Storeproduct CUCPMPSC
                DisplayName "Costume slot 5"
                Command "cce 4 CCCast"
                Authbit MagicPack
                Storeproduct CUCPMPSC
                DisplayName "Costume slot 6"
                Command "cce 5 CCCast"
                Authbit MagicPack
                Storeproduct CUCPMPSC
                DisplayName "Costume slot 7"
                Command "cce 6 CCCast"
                Authbit MagicPack
                Storeproduct CUCPMPSC
                DisplayName "Costume slot 8"
                Command "cce 7 CCCast"
                Authbit MagicPack
                Storeproduct CUCPMPSC
                DisplayName "Costume slot 9"
                Command "cce 8 CCCast"
                Authbit MagicPack
                Storeproduct CUCPMPSC
                DisplayName "Costume slot 10"
                Command "cce 9 CCCast"
                Authbit MagicPack
                Storeproduct CUCPMPSC
        Menu "Spin"
            Title "Spin"
                DisplayName "Costume slot 1"
                Command "cce 0 CCSpin"
                Authbit MagicPack
                Storeproduct CUCPMPSP
                DisplayName "Costume slot 2"
                Command "cce 1 CCSpin"
                Authbit MagicPack
                Storeproduct CUCPMPSP
                DisplayName "Costume slot 3"
                Command "cce 2 CCSpin"
                Authbit MagicPack
                Storeproduct CUCPMPSP
                DisplayName "Costume slot 4"
                Command "cce 3 CCSpin"
                Authbit MagicPack
                Storeproduct CUCPMPSP
                DisplayName "Costume slot 5"
                Command "cce 4 CCSpin"
                Authbit MagicPack
                Storeproduct CUCPMPSP
                DisplayName "Costume slot 6"
                Command "cce 5 CCSpin"
                Authbit MagicPack
                Storeproduct CUCPMPSP
                DisplayName "Costume slot 7"
                Command "cce 6 CCSpin"
                Authbit MagicPack
                Storeproduct CUCPMPSP
                DisplayName "Costume slot 8"
                Command "cce 7 CCSpin"
                Authbit MagicPack
                Storeproduct CUCPMPSP
                DisplayName "Costume slot 9"
                Command "cce 8 CCSpin"
                Authbit MagicPack
                Storeproduct CUCPMPSP
                DisplayName "Costume slot 10"
                Command "cce 9 CCSpin"
                Authbit MagicPack
                Storeproduct CUCPMPSP
    Menu "Martial Arts Pack"
        Menu "Ninja Leap"
            Title "Ninja Leap"
                DisplayName "Costume slot 1"
                Command "cce 0 CCNinjaLeap"
                Authbit MartialArtsPack
                Storeproduct CUCPMANL
                DisplayName "Costume slot 2"
                Command "cce 1 CCNinjaLeap"
                Authbit MartialArtsPack
                Storeproduct CUCPMANL
                DisplayName "Costume slot 3"
                Command "cce 2 CCNinjaLeap"
                Authbit MartialArtsPack
                Storeproduct CUCPMANL
                DisplayName "Costume slot 4"
                Command "cce 3 CCNinjaLeap"
                Authbit MartialArtsPack
                Storeproduct CUCPMANL
                DisplayName "Costume slot 5"
                Command "cce 4 CCNinjaLeap"
                Authbit MartialArtsPack
                Storeproduct CUCPMANL
                DisplayName "Costume slot 6"
                Command "cce 5 CCNinjaLeap"
                Authbit MartialArtsPack
                Storeproduct CUCPMANL
                DisplayName "Costume slot 7"
                Command "cce 6 CCNinjaLeap"
                Authbit MartialArtsPack
                Storeproduct CUCPMANL
                DisplayName "Costume slot 8"
                Command "cce 7 CCNinjaLeap"
                Authbit MartialArtsPack
                Storeproduct CUCPMANL
                DisplayName "Costume slot 9"
                Command "cce 8 CCNinjaLeap"
                Authbit MartialArtsPack
                Storeproduct CUCPMANL
                DisplayName "Costume slot 10"
                Command "cce 9 CCNinjaLeap"
                Authbit MartialArtsPack
                Storeproduct CUCPMANL
        Menu "Smoke Bomb"
            Title "Smoke Bomb"
                DisplayName "Costume slot 1"
                Command "cce 0 CCSmokeBomb"
                Authbit MartialArtsPack
                Storeproduct CUCPMASB
                DisplayName "Costume slot 2"
                Command "cce 1 CCSmokeBomb"
                Authbit MartialArtsPack
                Storeproduct CUCPMASB
                DisplayName "Costume slot 3"
                Command "cce 2 CCSmokeBomb"
                Authbit MartialArtsPack
                Storeproduct CUCPMASB
                DisplayName "Costume slot 4"
                Command "cce 3 CCSmokeBomb"
                Authbit MartialArtsPack
                Storeproduct CUCPMASB
                DisplayName "Costume slot 5"
                Command "cce 4 CCSmokeBomb"
                Authbit MartialArtsPack
                Storeproduct CUCPMASB
                DisplayName "Costume slot 6"
                Command "cce 5 CCSmokeBomb"
                Authbit MartialArtsPack
                Storeproduct CUCPMASB
                DisplayName "Costume slot 7"
                Command "cce 6 CCSmokeBomb"
                Authbit MartialArtsPack
                Storeproduct CUCPMASB
                DisplayName "Costume slot 8"
                Command "cce 7 CCSmokeBomb"
                Authbit MartialArtsPack
                Storeproduct CUCPMASB
                DisplayName "Costume slot 9"
                Command "cce 8 CCSmokeBomb"
                Authbit MartialArtsPack
                Storeproduct CUCPMASB
                DisplayName "Costume slot 10"
                Command "cce 9 CCSmokeBomb"
                Authbit MartialArtsPack
                Storeproduct CUCPMASB
    Menu "Mutant Pack"
        Menu "Dimension Shift"
            Title "Dimension Shift"
                DisplayName "Costume slot 1"
                Command "cce 0 CCDimensionShift"
                Authbit MutantPack
                Storeproduct CUCPMUDS
                DisplayName "Costume slot 2"
                Command "cce 1 CCDimensionShift"
                Authbit MutantPack
                Storeproduct CUCPMUDS
                DisplayName "Costume slot 3"
                Command "cce 2 CCDimensionShift"
                Authbit MutantPack
                Storeproduct CUCPMUDS
                DisplayName "Costume slot 4"
                Command "cce 3 CCDimensionShift"
                Authbit MutantPack
                Storeproduct CUCPMUDS
                DisplayName "Costume slot 5"
                Command "cce 4 CCDimensionShift"
                Authbit MutantPack
                Storeproduct CUCPMUDS
                DisplayName "Costume slot 6"
                Command "cce 5 CCDimensionShift"
                Authbit MutantPack
                Storeproduct CUCPMUDS
                DisplayName "Costume slot 7"
                Command "cce 6 CCDimensionShift"
                Authbit MutantPack
                Storeproduct CUCPMUDS
                DisplayName "Costume slot 8"
                Command "cce 7 CCDimensionShift"
                Authbit MutantPack
                Storeproduct CUCPMUDS
                DisplayName "Costume slot 9"
                Command "cce 8 CCDimensionShift"
                Authbit MutantPack
                Storeproduct CUCPMUDS
                DisplayName "Costume slot 10"
                Command "cce 9 CCDimensionShift"
                Authbit MutantPack
                Storeproduct CUCPMUDS
        Menu "Energy Morph"
            Title "Energy Morph"
                DisplayName "Costume slot 1"
                Command "cce 0 CCEnergyMorph"
                Authbit MutantPack
                Storeproduct CUCPMUEM
                DisplayName "Costume slot 2"
                Command "cce 1 CCEnergyMorph"
                Authbit MutantPack
                Storeproduct CUCPMUEM
                DisplayName "Costume slot 3"
                Command "cce 2 CCEnergyMorph"
                Authbit MutantPack
                Storeproduct CUCPMUEM
                DisplayName "Costume slot 4"
                Command "cce 3 CCEnergyMorph"
                Authbit MutantPack
                Storeproduct CUCPMUEM
                DisplayName "Costume slot 5"
                Command "cce 4 CCEnergyMorph"
                Authbit MutantPack
                Storeproduct CUCPMUEM
                DisplayName "Costume slot 6"
                Command "cce 5 CCEnergyMorph"
                Authbit MutantPack
                Storeproduct CUCPMUEM
                DisplayName "Costume slot 7"
                Command "cce 6 CCEnergyMorph"
                Authbit MutantPack
                Storeproduct CUCPMUEM
                DisplayName "Costume slot 8"
                Command "cce 7 CCEnergyMorph"
                Authbit MutantPack
                Storeproduct CUCPMUEM
                DisplayName "Costume slot 9"
                Command "cce 8 CCEnergyMorph"
                Authbit MutantPack
                Storeproduct CUCPMUEM
                DisplayName "Costume slot 10"
                Command "cce 9 CCEnergyMorph"
                Authbit MutantPack
                Storeproduct CUCPMUEM
        Menu "Rapid Boil"
            Title "Rapid Boil"
                DisplayName "Costume slot 1"
                Command "cce 0 CCRapidBoil"
                Authbit MutantPack
                Storeproduct CUCPMURB
                DisplayName "Costume slot 2"
                Command "cce 1 CCRapidBoil"
                Authbit MutantPack
                Storeproduct CUCPMURB
                DisplayName "Costume slot 3"
                Command "cce 2 CCRapidBoil"
                Authbit MutantPack
                Storeproduct CUCPMURB
                DisplayName "Costume slot 4"
                Command "cce 3 CCRapidBoil"
                Authbit MutantPack
                Storeproduct CUCPMURB
                DisplayName "Costume slot 5"
                Command "cce 4 CCRapidBoil"
                Authbit MutantPack
                Storeproduct CUCPMURB
                DisplayName "Costume slot 6"
                Command "cce 5 CCRapidBoil"
                Authbit MutantPack
                Storeproduct CUCPMURB
                DisplayName "Costume slot 7"
                Command "cce 6 CCRapidBoil"
                Authbit MutantPack
                Storeproduct CUCPMURB
                DisplayName "Costume slot 8"
                Command "cce 7 CCRapidBoil"
                Authbit MutantPack
                Storeproduct CUCPMURB
                DisplayName "Costume slot 9"
                Command "cce 8 CCRapidBoil"
                Authbit MutantPack
                Storeproduct CUCPMURB
                DisplayName "Costume slot 10"
                Command "cce 9 CCRapidBoil"
                Authbit MutantPack
                Storeproduct CUCPMURB
    Menu "SteamPunk Pack"
        Menu "Oil Strike"
            Title "Oil Strike"
                DisplayName "Costume slot 1"
                Command "cce 0 CCoilstrike"
                Authbit Steampunk 1
                Storeproduct CUCPSCCO
                DisplayName "Costume slot 2"
                Command "cce 1 CCoilstrike"
                Authbit Steampunk 1
                Storeproduct CUCPSCCO
                DisplayName "Costume slot 3"
                Command "cce 2 CCoilstrike"
                Authbit Steampunk 1
                Storeproduct CUCPSCCO
                DisplayName "Costume slot 4"
                Command "cce 3 CCoilstrike"
                Authbit Steampunk 1
                Storeproduct CUCPSCCO
                DisplayName "Costume slot 5"
                Command "cce 4 CCoilstrike"
                Authbit Steampunk 1
                Storeproduct CUCPSCCO
                DisplayName "Costume slot 6"
                Command "cce 5 CCoilstrike"
                Authbit Steampunk 1
                Storeproduct CUCPSCCO
                DisplayName "Costume slot 7"
                Command "cce 6 CCoilstrike"
                Authbit Steampunk 1
                Storeproduct CUCPSCCO
                DisplayName "Costume slot 8"
                Command "cce 7 CCoilstrike"
                Authbit Steampunk 1
                Storeproduct CUCPSCCO
                DisplayName "Costume slot 9"
                Command "cce 8 CCoilstrike"
                Authbit Steampunk 1
                Storeproduct CUCPSCCO
                DisplayName "Costume slot 10"
                Command "cce 9 CCoilstrike"
                Authbit Steampunk 1
                Storeproduct CUCPSCCO
        Menu "Pressure Release"
            Title "Pressure Release"
                DisplayName "Costume slot 1"
                Command "cce 0 CCpressurerelease"
                Authbit Steampunk 1
                Storeproduct CUCPSCCP
                DisplayName "Costume slot 2"
                Command "cce 1 CCpressurerelease"
                Authbit Steampunk 1
                Storeproduct CUCPSCCP
                DisplayName "Costume slot 3"
                Command "cce 2 CCpressurerelease"
                Authbit Steampunk 1
                Storeproduct CUCPSCCP
                DisplayName "Costume slot 4"
                Command "cce 3 CCpressurerelease"
                Authbit Steampunk 1
                Storeproduct CUCPSCCP
                DisplayName "Costume slot 5"
                Command "cce 4 CCpressurerelease"
                Authbit Steampunk 1
                Storeproduct CUCPSCCP
                DisplayName "Costume slot 6"
                Command "cce 5 CCpressurerelease"
                Authbit Steampunk 1
                Storeproduct CUCPSCCP
                DisplayName "Costume slot 7"
                Command "cce 6 CCpressurerelease"
                Authbit Steampunk 1
                Storeproduct CUCPSCCP
                DisplayName "Costume slot 8"
                Command "cce 7 CCpressurerelease"
                Authbit Steampunk 1
                Storeproduct CUCPSCCP
                DisplayName "Costume slot 9"
                Command "cce 8 CCpressurerelease"
                Authbit Steampunk 1
                Storeproduct CUCPSCCP
                DisplayName "Costume slot 10"
                Command "cce 9 CCpressurerelease"
                Authbit Steampunk 1
                Storeproduct CUCPSCCP
    Menu "Super Science Pack"
        Menu "Drink Formula"
            Title "Drink Formula"
                DisplayName "Costume slot 1"
                Command "cce 0 CCDrinkFormula"
                Authbit SupersciencePack
                Storeproduct CUCPSSDF
                DisplayName "Costume slot 2"
                Command "cce 1 CCDrinkFormula"
                Authbit SupersciencePack
                Storeproduct CUCPSSDF
                DisplayName "Costume slot 3"
                Command "cce 2 CCDrinkFormula"
                Authbit SupersciencePack
                Storeproduct CUCPSSDF
                DisplayName "Costume slot 4"
                Command "cce 3 CCDrinkFormula"
                Authbit SupersciencePack
                Storeproduct CUCPSSDF
                DisplayName "Costume slot 5"
                Command "cce 4 CCDrinkFormula"
                Authbit SupersciencePack
                Storeproduct CUCPSSDF
                DisplayName "Costume slot 6"
                Command "cce 5 CCDrinkFormula"
                Authbit SupersciencePack
                Storeproduct CUCPSSDF
                DisplayName "Costume slot 7"
                Command "cce 6 CCDrinkFormula"
                Authbit SupersciencePack
                Storeproduct CUCPSSDF
                DisplayName "Costume slot 8"
                Command "cce 7 CCDrinkFormula"
                Authbit SupersciencePack
                Storeproduct CUCPSSDF
                DisplayName "Costume slot 9"
                Command "cce 8 CCDrinkFormula"
                Authbit SupersciencePack
                Storeproduct CUCPSSDF
                DisplayName "Costume slot 10"
                Command "cce 9 CCDrinkFormula"
                Authbit SupersciencePack
                Storeproduct CUCPSSDF
        Menu "Super Serum"
            Title "Super Serum"
                DisplayName "Costume slot 1"
                Command "cce 0 CCSuperSerum"
                Authbit SupersciencePack
                Storeproduct CUCPSSSE
                DisplayName "Costume slot 2"
                Command "cce 1 CCSuperSerum"
                Authbit SupersciencePack
                Storeproduct CUCPSSSE
                DisplayName "Costume slot 3"
                Command "cce 2 CCSuperSerum"
                Authbit SupersciencePack
                Storeproduct CUCPSSSE
                DisplayName "Costume slot 4"
                Command "cce 3 CCSuperSerum"
                Authbit SupersciencePack
                Storeproduct CUCPSSSE
                DisplayName "Costume slot 5"
                Command "cce 4 CCSuperSerum"
                Authbit SupersciencePack
                Storeproduct CUCPSSSE
                DisplayName "Costume slot 6"
                Command "cce 5 CCSuperSerum"
                Authbit SupersciencePack
                Storeproduct CUCPSSSE
                DisplayName "Costume slot 7"
                Command "cce 6 CCSuperSerum"
                Authbit SupersciencePack
                Storeproduct CUCPSSSE
                DisplayName "Costume slot 8"
                Command "cce 7 CCSuperSerum"
                Authbit SupersciencePack
                Storeproduct CUCPSSSE
                DisplayName "Costume slot 9"
                Command "cce 8 CCSuperSerum"
                Authbit SupersciencePack
                Storeproduct CUCPSSSE
                DisplayName "Costume slot 10"
                Command "cce 9 CCSuperSerum"
                Authbit SupersciencePack
                Storeproduct CUCPSSSE
    Menu "Vanguard Pack"
        Menu "Vanguard Sigil"
            Title "Vanguard Sigil"
                DisplayName "Costume slot 1"
                Command "cce 0 CCVanguardSigil"
                Authbit VanguardPack
                Badge Vanguard_Sigil_CC
                Storeproduct CUCPVGSI
                DisplayName "Costume slot 2"
                Command "cce 1 CCVanguardSigil"
                Authbit VanguardPack
                Badge Vanguard_Sigil_CC
                Storeproduct CUCPVGSI
                DisplayName "Costume slot 3"
                Command "cce 2 CCVanguardSigil"
                Authbit VanguardPack
                Badge Vanguard_Sigil_CC
                Storeproduct CUCPVGSI
                DisplayName "Costume slot 4"
                Command "cce 3 CCVanguardSigil"
                Authbit VanguardPack
                Badge Vanguard_Sigil_CC
                Storeproduct CUCPVGSI
                DisplayName "Costume slot 5"
                Command "cce 4 CCVanguardSigil"
                Authbit VanguardPack
                Badge Vanguard_Sigil_CC
                Storeproduct CUCPVGSI
                DisplayName "Costume slot 6"
                Command "cce 5 CCVanguardSigil"
                Authbit VanguardPack
                Badge Vanguard_Sigil_CC
                Storeproduct CUCPVGSI
                DisplayName "Costume slot 7"
                Command "cce 6 CCVanguardSigil"
                Authbit VanguardPack
                Badge Vanguard_Sigil_CC
                Storeproduct CUCPVGSI
                DisplayName "Costume slot 8"
                Command "cce 7 CCVanguardSigil"
                Authbit VanguardPack
                Badge Vanguard_Sigil_CC
                Storeproduct CUCPVGSI
                DisplayName "Costume slot 9"
                Command "cce 8 CCVanguardSigil"
                Authbit VanguardPack
                Badge Vanguard_Sigil_CC
                Storeproduct CUCPVGSI
                DisplayName "Costume slot 10"
                Command "cce 9 CCVanguardSigil"
                Authbit VanguardPack
                Badge Vanguard_Sigil_CC
                Storeproduct CUCPVGSI
    Menu "Unlockables"
        Menu "Murder of Crows"
            Title "Murder of Crows"
            Option "Costume slot 1"             "cce 0 CCMurderOfCrows"
            Option "Costume slot 2"             "cce 1 CCMurderOfCrows"
            Option "Costume slot 3"             "cce 2 CCMurderOfCrows"
            Option "Costume slot 4"             "cce 3 CCMurderOfCrows"
            Option "Costume slot 5"             "cce 4 CCMurderOfCrows"
            Option "Costume slot 6"             "cce 5 CCMurderOfCrows"
            Option "Costume slot 7"             "cce 6 CCMurderOfCrows"
            Option "Costume slot 8"             "cce 7 CCMurderOfCrows"
            Option "Costume slot 9"             "cce 8 CCMurderOfCrows"
            Option "Costume slot 10"         "cce 9 CCMurderOfCrows"


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Marshal, that is an awesome one.

It also tells me that my badge check one SHOULD be working. *grumbles at the editor*

Always happy to answer questions in game, typically hanging around Help.
Global is @Zolgar, and tends to be tagged in Help.

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I've been having that same problem with other menus, and I cannot for my life figure out why. I'll let you know if I can figure it out.

Always happy to answer questions in game, typically hanging around Help.
Global is @Zolgar, and tends to be tagged in Help.

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16 hours ago, Papaschtroumpf said:

How do you trouble shoot when it's not working?


You can see where I put the file:




the file contents




I restarted the game


then in chat I did: /bind e popmenu chat


nothing happen when I hit the e key...




You're missing a carriage return at the start of the file. Also I think if you're going to bind it to 'e' you need to change the 'q' to an 'e' after the '&' but Zolgar would be better equipped to comment on that one. I've gotten the only one of these I've tried to work based off his/her inspiration stuff in one of the farming threads.

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Don't forget to add the part where you made a popmenu to set a bind that creates a macro and then you activate the macro using the popmenu in order to do what a bind can do but a popmenu can't.  All to get around a space being in a global channel name.


Last night was a fun one huh?

  • Haha 2

@Veracor - Veracor, Bio/TW Tanker on Everlasting.  Retired raid leader.

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I wanted to update my Custom Menu window (screenshot here) and realized both your info and Healix's were not quite what I did to create my custom window menu.  Replying to your post so I can link it from my guide.


Here are the steps to create a "PopMenuTest" window:

(1) With CoH closed, in your CoH Tequila data folder, make sure you have sub-folders for the following path: \TequilaCoH\data\texts\English\Menus *AND*  \data\customwindows

(2) In the \TequilaCoH\data\texts\English\Menus folder, create a text file "PopMenuTest.mnu"

(3) Using Notepad, edit the .mnu file according to what commands you want in the menu. Make sure you NAME THE MAIN MENU the SAME NAME AS THE FILENAME. An example below:





Menu PopMenuTest
    Menu "Travel"
        Option "&Ouroboros"                "powexec_location 0:10 Ouroboros Portal"
        Option "&SG Base Teleport"        "powexec_name Base Transporter"
        Option "&Mission Teleport"        "powexec_name Mission Transporter"
        Option "&Assemble the Team"        "powexec_name Assemble the Team"
        Option "&Team Mission Teleport"    "powexec_location 0:10 Team Transporter"
        Option "&Wentworth's"            "powexec_name Enhanced Day Trader Teleporter"




(4) Login to CoH.  Create a macro called Window: "/macro Window "popmenu PopMenuTest"  --> this has to be the same name as the filename of your .mnu file in the \TequilaCoH\data\texts\English\Menus

(5) Type in the command " /customwindow PopMenuTest"   --> This will create a menu window on the top left of your screen.  Sometimes the Target window will block it.  Click on it to expand.

(6) Drag your Macro "Window" onto the "New Command" text bar.  --> This will add your popmenu macro to the custom window.

(7) Check the folder \data\customwindows  --> there should be a file there titled "custom.window" that was generated by CoH.


Note: in the original discussion, it was recommended that instead of step #6 dragging the macro button, was to edit the custom.window file directly.  I found that wouldn't work if I didn't have the macro.  So I just created the macro and dragged it over.


Your final window should look like this.  Note: if you try to execute powers you don't own, they won't trigger.

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  • 6 months later

This might be necroing an old thread, but it's relevant. You can have quotes in popmenu commands, and you can string multiple commands together. The following for example works:

Option "ITF" <&macro ITF "targetcustomnext alive Cyst$$targetcustomnext alive Gene$$target_custom_next Nict"&>

Surround the main command with <& and &>, then use quotes all day long.

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  • 1 month later

I finally got around to setting up my old Popmenu targeting menu.  Sometimes you're in the middle of a real furball of a fight, and realize you have to target one specific guy.  So far I've set up for the three things that are most annoying: Malta Sappers, DE Cairn emanators, and Quartz emanators.  Anyone got any further nominees for the "you must die now" list?  🙂


// Here's the priority targeting part.
Menu "PriorityTarget"
Title "Select a Target!"
Option "&1 Sapper" "target_custom_near enemy alive sapper"
Option "&2 Cairn" "target_custom_near enemy cairn"
Option "&3 Quartz" "target_custom_near enemy quartz"


PS - How do I put the above in a spoiler box? This one isn't bad but if I had a real big 'un I'd want to hide that in a spoiler tag.

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On 2/13/2020 at 5:25 AM, MultipleGirl2 said:

This might be necroing an old thread, but it's relevant. You can have quotes in popmenu commands, and you can string multiple commands together. The following for example works:

Option "ITF" <&macro ITF "targetcustomnext alive Cyst$$targetcustomnext alive Gene$$target_custom_next Nict"&>

Surround the main command with <& and &>, then use quotes all day long.

Enormous help, TYVM !

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  • 2 weeks later
On 3/13/2020 at 1:38 PM, Generator said:

Anyone got any further nominees for the "you must die now" list? 

I cheerfully stole this popmenu, thanks!


After having a couple Banished Pantheon fights in the Dark Astoria arcs go south real fast on a Bio brute, I've added in:


Option "&4 Elder BP" "target_custom_near enemy elder"


To quickly acquire the lieutenants in the DA groups--the floating face underlings they summon up throw a lot of debuffs (defense especially) that can quickly stack to overwhelming You (me!) Melt Now levels when running solo at higher group # settings. (The non-DA BP groups can also be an issue for that particular toon, but the margin between staying on top of things and a hospital trip isn't as tight!)

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  • 5 months later

Greetings. Loved and learned from yours and others on this post. But... lol, I need help. I copy/paste your popmenu, changed the names to fit a Demon MM, and went out to conquer some villains. Every worked just fine on the Demonlings. Happy camper I am. Then along come the Demons (haven't made it to Prince level). Now those commands are half n half! I can Summon but can't Dismiss the Demons (Demonlings working good), thank goodness for Dismiss all! When I go to test the Stances, no problem. But the actions don't work! I love MM's and plan to make more but would like to get code right b4 I switch to macros. I hate keybinds as I have memory problems, lol (ol'timerz). This the reason I like popmenus, as I can add a lil' more fyi info to my buttons of choice. Plz Help?

Menu "Demon"
Title "Summon or Dismiss"
menu Summon
option "&Demonlings" "powexecname Summon Demonlings"
option "D&emons" "powexecname Summon Demons"
option "Demon Prin&ce" "powexecname Summon Demon Prince"
menu Dismiss
option "&All" "petcom_all Dismiss"
option "&Demonlings" "petcom_pow demonlings Dismiss"
option "D&emons" "petcom_pow demons Dismiss”
option "Demon Prin&ce" "petcom_pow demon prince Dismiss”
Title "Stance and Action"
menu Demonlings
option "&Aggressive" "petcom_pow demonlings Aggressive"
option "&Defensive" "petcom_pow demonlings Defensive"
option "Pa&ssive" "petcom_pow demonlings Passive"
option "Atta&ck" "petcom_pow demonlings Attack"
option "&Follow" "petcom_pow demonlings Follow"
option "&Goto" "petcom_pow demonlings Goto"
menu "Demons"
option "&Aggressive" "petcom_pow demons Aggressive"
option "&Defensive" "petcom_pow demons Defensive"
option "Pa&ssive" "petcom_pow demons Passive"
option "Atta&ck" "petcom_pow demons Attack”
option "&Follow" "petcom_pow demons Follow”
option "&Goto" "petcom_pow demons Goto”

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5 minutes ago, Satarna said:

Plz Help?

Try this:



Menu "Demon"
Title "Summon or Dismiss"
menu Summon
option "&Demonlings" "powexecname Summon Demonlings"
option "D&emons" "powexecname Summon Demons"
option "Demon Prin&ce" "powexecname Summon Demon Prince"
menu Dismiss
option "&All" "petcom_all Dismiss"
option "&Demonlings" "petcom_pow demonlings Dismiss"
option "D&emons" "petcom_pow demons Dismiss”
option "Demon Prin&ce" "petcom_pow demon prince Dismiss”
Title "Stance and Action"
menu Demonlings
option "&Aggressive" "petcom_pow demonlings Aggressive"
option "&Defensive" "petcom_pow demonlings Defensive"
option "Pa&ssive" "petcom_pow demonlings Passive"
option "Atta&ck" "petcom_pow demonlings Attack"
option "&Follow" "petcom_pow demonlings Follow"
option "&Goto" "petcom_pow demonlings Goto"
menu "Demons"
option "&Aggressive" "petcom_pow demons Aggressive"
option "&Defensive" "petcom_pow demons Defensive"
option "Pa&ssive" "petcom_pow demons Passive"
option "Atta&ck" "petcom_pow demons Attack”
option "&Follow" "petcom_pow demons Follow”
option "&Goto" "petcom_pow demons Goto”



There was a minor issue with the bracketing. In my experience, errors in bracketing can cause all kinds of wacky issues so it's better to fix those first and test it before trying to diagnose further issues. A cursory glance over the commands doesn't reveal anything immediately wrong, but I don't have any experience with mastermind commands so there could be something more subtle that I am not seeing.

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