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Bring back Galaxy City as a Hazard zone

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I'd say the main reason I wouldn't see this being done would be the work involved - either it'd be back with no real damage (which wouldn't really fit the "it was hit by Shivan meteors" spiel from the tutorial, Habashy's arc, etc.) or they'd basically have to rework the entire zone  - which I'm not sure the team has the tools to do.  (Skill, yes, tools, no.)


Either that or we ignore the whole "Galaxy City was destroyed!" and just bring it back.

Kheldian backstory guide 2.0 is out.

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It could be neat as a sort of flashback event, to have our higher level characters secretly ensuring the survival of "new heroes" (or villains), going through the Galaxy City tutorial - sort of a spin on or different take on the events...

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1 minute ago, biostem said:

It could be neat as a sort of flashback event, to have our higher level characters secretly ensuring the survival of "new heroes" (or villains), going through the Galaxy City tutorial - sort of a spin on or different take on the events...

There is a Malta mission that does that. Your character goes back to... I think it is Galaxy City but it may be King's Row... where the mission is populated (initially) with grey Skulls that are talking about how they don't know who their employer is, but they are getting paid to lure a newbie up and coming hero into an ambush because their employer views the (unnamed) character as a potential threat. (Malta shows up to fight after the Skulls start running for their lives when they see you and your character briefly wonders if another hero did the same thing for them early in their career.)

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It would be a huge amount of work, I don't see it happening anytime soon, Kallisti wharf was partially done when the game shutdown and the zone still isn't feature complete, so I don't see another happening for a good while.


If I recall though, the original devs mentioned the plan was to make Galaxy an incarnate zone, like DA, but the game shutdown before it could happen.

Edited by Kaika

Kaika DB/INVUN Stalker                                                 Unluck AR/Nin Blaster

Riot Siren Bio/Dark Tank                                                      Ria Greenheart Axe/Sheild scrapper

Blue Meteor Em/Rad Scrapper                                             Fio Rune  FIre/Rad Stalker 

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