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Another thing where I doubt the efficacy of these changes, much less expect them to be added, but they've been in my head so I wanted to get them out, so here we go.


  1. Super Reflexes
    • Practiced Brawler: Add 500% resistance to taunt/placate. It would add a unique thing Practiced Brawler would add as a mez protection (it should be noted that all other armor sets, the mez protection usually comes with something extra, like /nin's psi resist and even /shield defense offering defense debuff resistance), it would help with an issue where Placates from mobs are auto-hit, but none of their other powers necessarily are, so you can end up in just a staring match as they whiff for several long moments and you can't even target them, and conceptually it could track for the theme of someone with super reflexes and a practiced brawler can shrug off such distractions and hold focus on enemies.
    • General: Maybe in some power or another add a +tohit and +acc buff. I admit this is more on thematics than necessarily about balance or buffing the set. Just figure it'd be an interesting lean into another aspect of having super reflexes: being able to track targets in addition to dodging them.
  2. Empathy
    • Clear Mind: Make into a targeted Ally AoE
    • Resurrect: Also make into an AoE (probably a PBAoE one for this). Just bring Empathy up a notch to help it as a healer powerset.
  3. Arachnos Soldier
    • New power - Full Auto (level 26): I admit, the reasoning is pretty flimsy as I just think it'd be fun to let Wolf Spider/Huntsman builds have the buff of tier 9 attack power and go full dakka.
  4. War Mace
    • New Power - Change Build Up into Overpower: To give War Mace something unique, I had this idea inspired by Baldur's Gate 3's 'overpower' ability for bludgeon weapons. In this case, Overpower would largely just be the same as Build Up with two small changes: 1 being that it would last a bit longer, say 15 seconds, but also while active, all attacks deal an additional small amount of smashing damage on auto-hit, so even if the attack 'misses' you're still chipping away at a foe. Good for when Captain Mako or a Paragon Protector pop Elude.
    • Shatter: As an and/or to the above, maybe add a -res component to Shatter. I had imagined this originally because I thought Bane Spider Soldiers got Shatter Armor as well but apparently, rechecking the wiki, only Blaster gets it in their Patron Powers. Still, I like -res, especially if you're using a smashing/lethal power set.
  5. Martial Arts
    • Eagle Claw's: Make it a short-ranged, self-teleport so the flying kick is now, well, flying. Also the punch version can just be a big lunging charge. (plus, imagine how it'd pair up with crane kick sending people away then following up)
  6. Power Pools
    • Fighting - Boxing: Change the animation into the 'one-two' punch used by Energy Melee's Barrage and Claws' Slash (because the low gut jab looks lame to me).
    • Fighting - Kick: Change the animation or include alt animation that uses Thunder Kick's roundhouse snap kick. (Because the push kick looks lame to me.)
    • Super Speed - Flurry: Gains synergy with fighting pool powers, Boxing decreases Flurry's recharge speed significantly, Kick increases stun effect from Flurry, and Crosspunch adds a chance to chain Flurry's hits to additional targets.
  • Like 1
Posted (edited)

Honestly, my wish for Flurry would be to turn it into a toggle with a pretty intense energy cost (.3-.5/sec?), that basically procs for a normal damage proc's amount of extra smashing damage at the normal proc rate for purples and plays one of the flurry's ghost punches when the proc triggers.

Well, it'd still have to be enhancable, so maybe with proc damage based on enhancement, matching a normal proc at like, 2 SOs and matching a purple at around 3?

Edited by PoptartsNinja
Posted (edited)
2 hours ago, Sakura Tenshi said:

Practiced Brawler: Add 500% resistance to taunt/placate.

Your character is adept at evading attacks, but that doesn't make your character deaf, immune to provocation, or otherwise resistant to being taunted into focusing on a specific target or ignoring said target.


2 hours ago, Sakura Tenshi said:

Clear Mind: Make into a targeted Ally AoE

Given everything that power does, unless you can show me another power with those effects that is AoE, I'm willing to bet the devs won't be implementing this.


2 hours ago, Sakura Tenshi said:
  • Fighting - Boxing: Change the animation into the 'one-two' punch used by Energy Melee's Barrage and Claws' Slash (because the low gut jab looks lame to me).
  • Fighting - Kick: Change the animation or include alt animation that uses Thunder Kick's roundhouse snap kick. (Because the push kick looks lame to me.)

I don't care how lame anyone thinks these powers' animations are. I will not support this. Now if you had asked for alternate animations instead so those that want the current animations can have them while those that want the other animations can have them? I would be fine with it. Simply changing the animation though? No.




2 hours ago, Sakura Tenshi said:

Arachnos Soldier

  • New power - Full Auto (level 26): I admit, the reasoning is pretty flimsy as I just think it'd be fun to let Wolf Spider/Huntsman builds have the buff of tier 9 attack power and go full dakka.

As long as you are fine with the mobs unloading on us with the same power, sure. Remember, the doppelgangers get every power from the Wolf Spider set and every power from either the Crab Spider or the Bane Spider set depending on our current build. Even if having all those powers would be impossible for our characters to have in that combination (such as having both versions of the Venom Grenade that they use back to back) or if it gives them more powers than our characters can have. (Edit again: And don't be surprised if the Wolf Spider Huntsmen and Arbiters get it too.)


Edited by Rudra


  1. Okay, but on a mechanical and balance level, do you disagree with SR getting Taunt/Placate protection?
  2. I did suggest the roundhouse as an alternative animation for kick, though with jab I felt it could only replace since the animation would end up changing the power from one tick of damage to two.
  3. a) Yes, I’d be fine with that and seems a bit like a matter of doppelgänger tech itself needing some debugging if SoA ones are able to basically select some of the otherwise mutually exclusive powers. b) also fine albeit seems like a weird situation since NPC Huntsmen and low level arbiters use their gun as a shotgun and grenade launcher. Though I don’t see why normal arachnos npcs would get full auto. It’s not like high level crab spider mobs can drop Omega Maneuver or Widows can actually use Link Minds.

I don’t know about any of these proposed changes, but, speaking of Shatter / Shatter Armor, I wish they would offer an alternative animation for one or the other. It’s slightly lame that my soldier has two attacks that look identical.

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Posted (edited)
1 hour ago, Sakura Tenshi said:

Okay, but on a mechanical and balance level, do you disagree with SR getting Taunt/Placate protection?

Yes, because it doesn't fit thematically. And also because SR is already really good.


1 hour ago, Sakura Tenshi said:

I did suggest the roundhouse as an alternative animation for kick, though with jab I felt it could only replace since the animation would end up changing the power from one tick of damage to two.

You did. And I noticed that. Several hours after I posted my post.... So it only applies to the Boxing request. My apologies. As for Boxing and its ticks of damage? You want a different animation? Okay. However, I am against it for as long as the power's animation is simply going to be replaced. You want a double strike animation as an alternate? Okay then. And you work out your head cannon for the damage application. Like maybe that first punch was a feint for the second.


1 hour ago, Sakura Tenshi said:

b) also fine albeit seems like a weird situation since NPC Huntsmen and low level arbiters use their gun as a shotgun and grenade launcher.

So do low level Wolf Spider players. And you are still asking for Full Auto for them.


1 hour ago, Sakura Tenshi said:

Though I don’t see why normal arachnos npcs would get full auto.

Because NPCs should have access to the same powers as players using the same sets.


1 hour ago, Sakura Tenshi said:

It’s not like high level crab spider mobs can drop Omega Maneuver or Widows can actually use Link Minds.




Crab Spider Webmaster
Crab Spider Webmaster

Crab Spiders function much like SWAT teams in other cities, and are dispatched to deal with high-level threats like super-types. They're equipped with full body armor, larger weapons and a set of mechanical spider arms that turn them into death-dealing machines.

Levels: 21-54


CrabSpider Channelgun.png Channelgun Ranged, Moderate DMG(Energy), Foe -DEF
Your backpack has a built in energy Longfang Channelgun which fires bolts of energy.

CrabSpider Suppression.png Suppression Ranged (Cone), Moderate DoT(Energy), Foe -DEF
Your Longfang Channelgun may also fire long bursts of energy, causing moderate damage in an large cone in front of you.

CrabSpider Slice.png Slice Melee, Moderate DMG(Lethal), Foe -DEF
The arms of your backpack may be used to slice at opponents for moderate lethal damage, as well as reducing their defense.

CrabSpider ArmLash.png Arm Lash Melee (Cone), High DMG(Lethal), Foe -DEF
The Crab Spider's backpack is capable of making rapid attacks with its many arms dealing heavy damage to foes within a short cone in front of the user.

ArachnosSoldier WideAreaWebGrenade.png Wide Area Web Grenade (Only Level 31 and up) Ranged (Targeted AoE), Foe Immobilize, -Fly, -Recharge, -SPD, -Jump
You have been caught in a web. You cannot move or fly and your attack speed is reduced.

CrabSpider VenomGrenade.png Venom Grenade (Only Level 40 and up) Ranged (Targeted AoE), Moderate DoT(Toxic), Foe -Resist(All)
This poisonous grenade causes toxic damage over time and weakens the resistance of all foes within the area of effect.

CrabSpiderTraining Fortification.png Fortification (Only Level 40 and up) Toggle: Self +Res( S10 L10 F20 C20 E20 N20 T20 ), Prot( Ho 4.152 Im 4.152 St 4.152 Sl 4.152 ), Res( Sl 50% )
Your Crab Spider Armor Upgrade improves your protection to Smashing, Lethal and Psionic damage types, as well as increasing your protection against most status effects, including Confuse, Fear, Disorient, Hold, Sleep and Immobilize effects.

CrabSpiderTraining CrabSpiderArmor.png Crab Spider Armor Auto: Self +Res( S30 L30 P20 ), Prot( Ho 4.0 Im 4.0 St 4.0 Sl 4.0 Co 4.0 Fr 4.0 ), Res( Sl 50% )
Your Crab Spider Armor Upgrade improves your protection to Smashing, Lethal and Psionic damage types, as well as increasing your protection against most status effects, including Confuse, Fear, Disorient, Hold, Sleep and Immobilize effects.

Crab Spider Webmaster gains the following in Hard Mode Aeon Strike Strike Force, Levels 50-54

CrabSpider OmegaManeuver.png Omega Maneuver Summon Omega Bomb: High Accuracy, Ranged (Location Area of Effect), Extreme Damage(Energy/Smash), Foe Disorient
You may use the Arachnos Teleportation system to summon an Omega Bomb in the midst of your enemies. The Omega Bomb immediately sends out a short range psionic signal and hypnotic light display to draw the attention of those nearby, causing them to approach the device. Then it detonates, causing massive damage to all enemies in a wide radius.

CrabSpiderTraining Serum.png Serum Self Heal, +MaxHP
You can activate this power to increase your maximum Hit Points for a short time.

TrainingandGadgets TacticalTrainingAssault.png Tactical Training: Assault Toggle, Point Blank Area of Effect, Team +Damage, Res( Pl 1038% Tn 1038% )
While this power is active, you and your nearby teammates deal more damage and are more resistant to Taunt and Placate.

TrainingandGadgets MentalTraining.png Mental Training Auto, Self +Recharge, +Speed, Prot( Co 3.46 Fr 3.46 )
Your mental training allows you to focus your will, allowing you to move faster than normal, as well as resist slow and confuse effects. This power is always on and permanently increases your attack rate and movement speed.

CrabSpiderTraining CrabSpiderArmor.png Crab Spider Armor Auto, Self Res( S30 L30 P20 ), Prot( Ho 4.0 Im 4.0 St 4.0 Sl 4.0 Kb 100 Co 4.0 Fr 4.0 ), Res( Sl 500% )
Your Crab Spider Armor Upgrade improves your protection to Smashing, Lethal and Psionic damage types, as well as increasing your protection against most status effects, including Confuse, Fear, Disorient, Hold, Sleep and Immobilize effects.


Edited by Rudra
Edited to add highlight and again to add City of Data link.
11 minutes ago, Rudra said:

Yes, because it doesn't fit thematically.

Devil's advocate:

* anything can be written to fit anything - it's just how much your suspension of disbelief can tolerate

* The flavor text says "Your training has allowed you to become a Practiced Brawler, turning you into a perfect fighting machine." It's not just about being evasive; your character is seasoned in close combat.

  • Thumbs Up 1
2 minutes ago, megaericzero said:

Devil's advocate:

* anything can be written to fit anything - it's just how much your suspension of disbelief can tolerate

* The flavor text says "Your training has allowed you to become a Practiced Brawler, turning you into a perfect fighting machine." It's not just about being evasive; your character is seasoned in close combat.

We're going to get into a tangential argument here. So instead I will simply say I vehemently, absolutely, very much so disagree.

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  • Thumbs Down 1





Player Arachnos Soldiers don't get Shotgun powers and Huntsmen NPCs do not get Burst, Heavy Burst, or Single Shot. And while I wasn't aware Aeon SF Crab Spiders did get Omega Maneuver, it does sort of undercut your point because it shows what powers the VEAT SoAs get and what the Arachnos NPC mobs get are very much dependent on the whims of the developers. The only case where the powers are copied are where they are literally copied in the Doppleganger system, which itself is full of flaws and limits.


Also, maybe you should have just said 'I feel SR is too powerful and doesn't need any buffs' instead of trying to make it entirely about thematics? I still disagree and have arguments against your point but it's a finite argument instead of one about fluff.

2 hours ago, Sakura Tenshi said:

Player Arachnos Soldiers don't get Shotgun powers and Huntsmen NPCs do not get Burst, Heavy Burst, or Single Shot.

You're right. I was thinking AR. Sorry.


2 hours ago, Sakura Tenshi said:

And while I wasn't aware Aeon SF Crab Spiders did get Omega Maneuver, it does sort of undercut your point because it shows what powers the VEAT SoAs get and what the Arachnos NPC mobs get are very much dependent on the whims of the developers.

No it doesn't. The Wolf Spiders and player Wolf Spiders not overlapping undercuts my point, but not the Advanced Mode Crab Spider Webmasters getting Omega Maneuver and the Advanced Mode Fortunata Mistresses getting Link Minds. All it shows is that NPC power availability is dependent upon content assigned, with the better/best powers not being available for most content but being available for more difficult content. Which the Wolf Spider Huntsmen and Arbiters could also get with Full Auto for more difficult content. Except that they apparently don't overlap player Wolf Spiders with the Arbiters using Bane Spider Executioner builds for high levels and only low level Arbiters using Wolf Spider Huntsmen builds.


2 hours ago, Sakura Tenshi said:

Also, maybe you should have just said 'I feel SR is too powerful and doesn't need any buffs' instead of trying to make it entirely about thematics?

Except that was not what I said, nor was it what I meant. I firmly believe that granting SR resistance to placates and taunts does not fit the theme. That more falls under Willpower. So kindly don't try to twist my argument.


I mean, thematically then, why is SR able to resist sleep, confusion (which comes from Focused Fighter), or stun? Why doesn't Practiced Brawler protect against fear? But even that aside, mechanically, Practiced Brawler is the only mez protection that does that and only that every other power that does mez protection also has an extra effect beyond the protection*, then there's the fact that, as mentioned, placates are an incredibly annoying issue with SR (really high defense builds in general but SR does kind of stand out) because placates themselves bypass your defenses to autohit but the followup attacks from opponents are not so you both can end up staring at eachother while the enemy whiffs at you until they get a streak breaker.


*Running down this list:

  1. Kuji-in Rin also grants psionic resistance and movement speed boosts.
  2. Active Defense adds defense debuff resistance
  3. Environmental Protection grants typed defenses and bonuses from adaptation stances.
  4. Obsidian Shield grants psionic resistance
  5. Static Shield protects from teleport, resistance to end drain and recovery debuffs, and psionic resistance
  6. Entropic Aura provides resistance to defense debuff, teleportation protection, and is a taunt aura and reduces recharge rate of enemies while boosting your own
  7. Fiery Aura's mez protection is spread out across multiple toggles plus burn which all have additional effects.
  8. Wet ice protects from Slow and Defense Debuff
  9. Unyielding increases resistances
  10. Fallout Shelter grants resistance to slow as well as toxic and psionic damage.
  11. Integration boosts Regen (also, I wanna rename it Homeostasis because biology reference) and Resilience adds resistance to all damage types.
  12. Rooted increases regen and reduces defense debuffs and Minerals also gives psi defense and +perception
  13. Indomitable Will adds psionic defense
  14. Bane and Crab Spider mez protections are passive with other additional effects
  15. Widows also use Indomitable Will and have Foresight which boosts psionic resistance and recharge rate

So why can't Practiced Brawler protect from Taunt and Placate?

Posted (edited)
32 minutes ago, Sakura Tenshi said:

then there's the fact that, as mentioned, placates are an incredibly annoying issue with SR (really high defense builds in general but SR does kind of stand out) because placates themselves bypass your defenses to autohit but the followup attacks from opponents are not so you both can end up staring at eachother while the enemy whiffs at you until they get a streak breaker.

You mean like my Willpower and Ninjitsu characters routinely have to do when they are placated despite having high defense? This is going to come across as harsh and quite likely rude, but I really don't care right now, so: boo hoo.


(Edit: Willpower characters, the ones that have the indomitable will to stand against everything, you can't faze them because of how strong willed they are, can't resist taunts and placates, but sure, give that protection to characters that specialize in dodging instead.)


32 minutes ago, Sakura Tenshi said:

So why can't Practiced Brawler protect from Taunt and Placate?

And why not give it something else? Like maybe damage resistance for being a practiced brawler?


Edited by Rudra

Adding a few more things to this list I was reminded of:


  1. Integration
    • Change power name to Homeostasis because biology reference
    • Also add any available debuff resistances, but mostly regeneration and recovery debuff resistance
  2. Heightened Senses
    • Change it from typed defenses to positional
    • Yes, this would screw up a lot of builds and balance but man has this always bugged me!

In the spirit of this thread, can the number of powers that can be auto-fired at once be increased to three?  I was going to create a separate thread but since we're discussing indecent power requests, I thought it fitting to add here.

@Super Whatsit

Superbase passcode (Excelsior) is "passcode-6475"


It's all a Nemesis plot.  But not everything is a Nemesis plot!

26 minutes ago, Display Name said:

In the spirit of this thread, can the number of powers that can be auto-fired at once be increased to three?  I was going to create a separate thread but since we're discussing indecent power requests, I thought it fitting to add here.

Never going to happen considering it would be a massive buff to afk farming.

24 minutes ago, arcane said:

Never going to happen considering it would be a massive buff to afk farming.

I'm sure it would be a massive buff, period.  Imagine Aim, Hasten and another power of choice on auto-fire.  Permadom, anyone?  But anyway, it doesn't hurt to ask.

@Super Whatsit

Superbase passcode (Excelsior) is "passcode-6475"


It's all a Nemesis plot.  But not everything is a Nemesis plot!

1 minute ago, Display Name said:

I'm sure it would be a massive buff, period.  Imagine Aim, Hasten and another power of choice on auto-fire.  Permadom, anyone?  But anyway, it doesn't hurt to ask.

And that is a good reason for it to not be implemented.

2 minutes ago, Rudra said:

And that is a good reason for it to not be implemented.

Imagine a dev saying "You, know, I've been thinking the same thing as Display Name.  Maybe we should at least implement two powers on auto-fire."  And then they come across your message.

@Super Whatsit

Superbase passcode (Excelsior) is "passcode-6475"


It's all a Nemesis plot.  But not everything is a Nemesis plot!

10 minutes ago, Display Name said:

Imagine a dev saying "You, know, I've been thinking the same thing as Display Name.  Maybe we should at least implement two powers on auto-fire."  And then they come across your message.

Okay, I imagined it. And now I am imagining said hypothetical dev giving consideration to the ways this idea could be exploited to make the game an auto-play/idler game. Now what?

5 minutes ago, Rudra said:

Okay, I imagined it. And now I am imagining said hypothetical dev giving consideration to the ways this idea could be exploited to make the game an auto-play/idler game. Now what?

I was just trying to gently point out how unwise your post was.  Let it play out before you jump in an squash it.

  • Thumbs Down 1

@Super Whatsit

Superbase passcode (Excelsior) is "passcode-6475"


It's all a Nemesis plot.  But not everything is a Nemesis plot!

1 minute ago, Display Name said:

I was just trying to gently point out how unwise your post was.  Let it play out before you jump in an squash it.

A bad idea is a bad idea. This is not an idler/auto-play game. And I will always oppose requests to make it so. This conversation has been had before, so you aren't suggesting anything new. And in those threads it got quashed too. There is a reason why we are only allowed one power to be on auto-fire. And a quick search through the forums will show why.

  • Thanks 1
24 minutes ago, Rudra said:

A bad idea is a bad idea. This is not an idler/auto-play game. And I will always oppose requests to make it so. This conversation has been had before, so you aren't suggesting anything new. And in those threads it got quashed too. There is a reason why we are only allowed one power to be on auto-fire. And a quick search through the forums will show why.

And new times produce new attitudes.  It's clear you're opposed to change.

  • Thumbs Down 1

@Super Whatsit

Superbase passcode (Excelsior) is "passcode-6475"


It's all a Nemesis plot.  But not everything is a Nemesis plot!

1 minute ago, Display Name said:

And new times produce new attitudes.  It's clear you're opposed to change.


25 minutes ago, Rudra said:

This is not an idler/auto-play game. And I will always oppose requests to make it so.


  • Thumbs Up 1
4 minutes ago, Rudra said:



Of course you will.

@Super Whatsit

Superbase passcode (Excelsior) is "passcode-6475"


It's all a Nemesis plot.  But not everything is a Nemesis plot!


I could have sworn this was brought up before and a dev did in fact chime in that having more than one auto power was something they were not inclined to do. But I can’t find the post.

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