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How does attuning work


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I understand it makes them keep their enhancement value regardless off level, but my question is around the level they start as. For example, if I have an IO that can range from level 35-50 and I have a level 30 and gives a, let’s say 34% enhancement to damage. The same IO at level 50 gives a 35% enhancement. If I attune the level 30 IO, what % enhancement does it give?



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You can think of attuned IOs as leveling with you.  For example: if the IO has a min level of 7 and a max of 30 then it will allow you to slot it at level 7 and it will increase in effectiveness until level 30.  Same thing happens if you exemplar down.  You will keep any set bonuses at the lower level so long as the power is available to you.


What I've been doing on alts is using attuned sets when convenient because you don't have to upgrade them.  Then when I cross into the next tier, I just unslot them and sell the older ones.  It can be expensive if you want the best but since we basically print money any time we want it isn't a concern.


As for your direct question it depends on the IO and what schedule it is on in order to determine the exact %.

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Every attuned IO is the same. It doesn't matter what it was before you attuned it, nor does it matter what level you are when you attune it. At the end, it's just an attuned version of that IO, and there's only the one attuned version.


It will give enhancement values as if it were a crafted IO of your character level, unless the set caps out below that. For example, an attuned set of Kinetic Combat on a level 50 character will still only provide the enhancement values of a level 35 IO, because Kinetic Combat caps at 35.

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Thanks for all the responses.


What is meant by this?

What I've been doing on alts is using attuned sets when convenient because you don't have to upgrade them.  Then when I cross into the next tier, I just unslot them and sell the older ones.  It can be expensive if you want the best but since we basically print money any time we want it isn't a concern.


If you are 50, is there reason to use normal, not attuned IOS as opposed to attuned?  The way I was understanding it, attuned was the way to go always. 

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The reason at 50 to not use attuned IOs is if you want to boost them past 50.  Using the boosts you can make IOs that are 51-54.  Also I believe it is ATO that cannot be attuned.  I personally use attuned IOs because I often exemplar down and want to stay effective and not lose my set bonuses.  My first 50 I wasn't able to slot attuned as I leveled because I didn't have the inf.  Now that I do, all my current lowbies are slotted with the appropriate attuned versions as they level.  And since I don't suffer from altitis I can easily fund those lowbies with just a few level 50 runs.  This also means that I sell all salvage and recipes I get across all my characters.  My 50 is slotted.  So my only costs are those low toons.


So for probably 95% of the time attuned is the way to go but there are valid reason not to.

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ATOs are already attuned in the sense they level with you and are slottable at lvl10. If you have the inf, they are the best ones to slot early because some other sets only start at lvl30 for example and can't be slotted before 27, even if attuned.

You can then catalyze ATOs to turn them into the superior version, but then you can't pass them on to a lowbie to equip at lvl 10, so you need to be sure you're going to use/need that superior ATO before catalyzing it.


Procs don't benefit from being attuned. They proc the same (frequency or benefit) regardless of level. the one possible reason to attune it is if you have a lvl50 proc you crafted from a recipe, but want to slot it at lvl27 on a lowbie character. you can then either sell the  unatuned version and buy an attuned one, or use a catalyst (usually more expensive). Be aware you can't sell to yourself in the market. This can create an issue if you want to convert into an attuned proc RITE NAO and ther are none on the market or the ones vailable are at a much higher price than your sell price.


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Can you boost IOs in sets that do not cap at 50 up to 50? Or if a set that caps at lvl 49 can go to 40+5  or something?


No.  Attuned enhancements cannot accept IO boosters.

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Can you boost IOs in sets that do not cap at 50 up to 50? Or if a set that caps at lvl 49 can go to 40+5  or something?


If there were such sets you could, but there aren't. but say you for some reason wanted to slot e.g. adrenal adjustment which caps at 20. it'd keep its set bonuses down to level 17 even if you boosted it to 20+5. So if you never exemp below 27, e.g., you'd be better off +5ing a level 30 steadfast +defense than using attuned. and by better off i mean you'd get a tiny bonus to the resist component in it vs the attuned version. but min/maxer is min/maxer.

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