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A few things I have noticed that may interest you...

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Embalmed do not use endurance to activate their suicide bomb.  I was on my Ice Tank and notice them try over and over to no avail, yet heir endurance did not drop even a little bit. I figured it would be like a blaster trying to fire off snipe, yet keeps getting interrupted...that endurance would drain very quickly. So keep this in mind when fighting them, draining their endurance or interupting them over and over will not prevent them from going boom, unless some change is made to them.


Second thing is, I remember back in mid life of City of Heroes, I once requested a Tank set that was pure resist based. Don't ask me why this never happened, it would have been a very unique set. However, it seems what we got instead where the same old types of Tank primaries that revolve around a bit of resist, a bit of defense and a bit of regen. Maybe one day we can hope for a "Metal Skin" all resistance Tank set, eh? I'll keep my fingers crossed.


Another thing for us returning players....talking to your first contact (you know, the ones we used to talk to in order to unlock inspirations from him, we had to run a few of his missions before we out leveled them?) and running their missions is no longer required to unlock their inspirations. In fact, now I can see no point in running their missions at all, other than pure story line. So if you just want to hit the sewers until you pop level 8-10, you can do so without worrying about out leveling your first contact.


Lastly, somebody told me that Frostfire was deleted and was no longer an option to play....they were wrong, Frosty is still alive and well and you get the mission the exact same way you always have!


Also, this one is a bit of a request. Can we get the old taunt back? I miss the deep growl, the "Come hither" growling taunt. Now all we have is the "I'm constipated!" taunt. Yeah, can we pretty please revert that one, or maybe even make it an option???


Anyway, take care, all. See ya around in game!

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Isn't Tanker's Electric Armor an all resistance set? Or do you mean no heal either? Because I think it used to have no heal, but was considered the worst armor set until the heal was added.

Buff Trick Arrows! | Buff Poison!
Powerset Suggestions: Circus Performers | Telepathy | Symphonic Inspiration | Light Affinity | Force Shield | Wild Instincts | Crystallization
Old Powerset Suggestions:  Probability Distortion | Magnetism | Hyper-Intellect

I remember reading Probability Distortion a few months back and thinking it was the best player proposed set I'd ever seen. - Arbiter Hawk 💚

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Isn't Tanker's Electric Armor an all resistance set? Or do you mean no heal either? Because I think it used to have no heal, but was considered the worst armor set until the heal was added.


I don't know about the worst, but playing Electric Armor was really a labor of love until, as you said, Conserve Power became Energize, at which point my Brute became an electrified wrecking ball.  Before that I tried to make do with Aid Self which, well, it wasn't ideal, I'll leave it at that.

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Isn't Tanker's Electric Armor an all resistance set? Or do you mean no heal either? Because I think it used to have no heal, but was considered the worst armor set until the heal was added.


Yes, and I stand corrected. It is indeed an all resist set. Which is why after reading your post, I made an Elec Tank. I never played Villains outside of playing Stalkers in PvP on Live. Never rolled a Brute. I was hard core Heroes and before I stopped playing CoH, Elec was not a Tanker set. So some of this is very new to me. Even some mechanics have changed. I am picking up on it fast though...but after 6 years, it is amazing how much I have forgotten.


I just wish Elec had an aggro holder similar to an Ice Tank's Chilling Embrace. Nothing can hold aggro like an Ice Tank. Auto hit debuff type powers seem to hold aggro better than hit check powers. For example, Invuln's Invincibility, or Rad Armor's Beta Decay. It would have been a perfect set in the hands of a Tank, had the set had an auto debuff power rather than an PBAoE with a hit check.

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