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Homecoming Server Update (May 7th): Many news!

GM Tempest

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Hello, everyone!


It’s that time again, we’re here to provide you with some news and information about our ongoing plotsplans. This is not going to be a small bite-sized bit of information, so buckle in, we’re going for a ride!


HALCYON (coming soontm)

We have a new shard coming online soon to help balance out the load. This shard will be possibly temporary, a stop-gap solution to provide some additional room for you to help avoid the Queue debuff. This Possibly Temporary Server (see what I did there?) will be coming up…right about...now!


In the event that we decide to shut the shard down, we will give you a full seven-day notice so you have plenty of time to collect your things, pack up, and transfer your characters to another shard.


This shard cannot be confirmed or denied to be the Official Unofficial server for the Banana Republic.



We have now re-enabled server transfers. The bug has been found, quarantined, and sprayed with RAID. Let us know if you run into any further issues, we’ll be monitoring the situation in the event more adjustments need to be made. This feature may be disabled again in the event we need to adjust it, so please bear with us in the event we must fix it!


XP bonuses have been normalized across the board. That’s +50% XP above standard for all shards! Still plenty of leveling to get done, get out there!


AE Nerfs are still in effect, this -50% debuff to AE XP will continue to remain until otherwise notified in announcements in here or Discord, this is an effort to prevent overloading the server with excess AE instances. We will adjust this moving forward at a later time.



This was a tough one! We went through a lot of your costumes, and we really have to say there were some truly fantastic ones out there. It took us a good bit of time to select the winners, but we have something for you now!



Kenwe has won…FIRST PLACE! For a truly Heroic costume, Kenwe will be awarded the Honorable Hero title in-game, The Fashion Victim badge, and 200 Reward merits!



Harvest has won…FIRST PLACE! For one of the most unique and inventive costumes we’ve ever seen, Harvest will be awarded the Costume Cultivator title in-game, The Fashion Victim badge, and 200 Reward merits!



LycraBoy has won…FIRST PLACE! For a truly magnificent villainous look, we award LycraBoy with the Magnificently Maleficent title in-game, The Fashion Victim badge, and 200 Reward merits!



Three costumes so fantastic we couldn’t decide which should get the gold, so we’ve ended up with a three-way tie for First Place. Heck of a way to start our first costume contest, you really gave us some truly fantastic ones to choose from!



And now for something that’s a little more cut and drier, patch notes from our latest patch to the server that should hopefully possibly maybe arrive later today!



  • There was an issue with Respecs granted from leveling badges; they were following the old limit of holding a maximum of 3 respecs at a time, which means you got the respec for levels 10, 20 and 30 but not 40 and 50. This should be fixed now
  • Added free respec for all due to the cooldown issue and the level 40 badge not awarding a respec (may take a day or two to arrive)
  • Fixed the infinite cooldown bug affecting some powers
  • Polished the Foorls




  • Arcs marked Developer's Choice in Architect Entertainment will no longer be affected by the Architect XP reduction (This is an experimental change, and may not work as expected - in the event of bugs, we’ll work on fixes)
  • The minimum level for Positron TF Part 1 has been lowered to 8




  • As the #badge-hoarders have noted, Echo: Faultline did not have any exploration badges. This patch fixes that oversight, returning three badges that were in the original Faultline zone before Issue 8 to Echo: Faultline, and adding 8 new exploration badges and a zone accolade
  • Moved "Newsman", "Faultless Mystic" and "Apex" from Faultline to Echo: Faultline
  • Added "Riveting", "Upcycled" and "Rock Bottom" to Faultline
  • Added "Forsaken", "Pristine", "Claim Denied", "Spare Parts" and "Dug Too Deep" to Echo: Faultline
  • Added "Epicenter", Echo: Faultline zone accolade.
  • Added "Fashion Victim" for spending 50,000,000 inf on the tailor. Rewards a Free tailor token for your trouble




Honestly and truly, everyone, it has been a heck of a ride. From finding out City of Heroes wasn’t dead anymore, to seeing the title screen on my computer again, to becoming your Community Manager, I cannot even begin to tell you how amazing this has been for me. Through rough times and fun times alike, I have watched this community grow and shift, and I can’t tell you how proud I am of all of you, that you all have come so far, and of how amazing it is to be part of a team bringing it back to you now. To say this was a dream of mine is to understate how much I have adored this game, and the community it once held.


I can only now hope that we’re going to keep growing, that we’ll keep showing everyone who once saved Paragon City that the Heroes (and Villains!) are back in town.


Keep being the amazing community I know you all are capable of being.


Now that I’ve kept you busy reading all of this, I have one last thing for you to do:

Go. Hunt. Kill Skuls.


- The Homecoming Team

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Im so happy to be back.


Being a retired Fire Fighter/Paramedic I love spending my days playing this game.


Thank you very very much for bringing it back

Why yes I do know what a search feature is. However with the 1000 returns it is hard to dig through all that. So I ask in posts.

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Thank you, to everyone who has contributed, the whole Homecoming team, to those that broke the code, and on and on.  Please keep it up, and I look forward to the day when we normies can contribute to this effort.

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I know this post won't be popular, even hated I would say... But why do we have to have +bonus on xp? I want to play the game the way it was suposed to be.


And I don't like either the supresion of prestige for SG's in exchange of unlimited decoration stuff for bases.



I want to feel the achievement of earning my stuff with all the effort it required in the old days. And I don't think this free bonuses benefit anybody, not even the ones that can't resist the rush of reaching top level in a breath.

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We have a new shard coming online soon to help balance out the load. This shard will be possibly temporary, a stop-gap solution to provide some additional room for you to help avoid the Queue debuff. This Possibly Temporary Server (see what I did there?) will be coming up…right about...now!


In the event that we decide to shut the shard down, we will give you a full seven-day notice so you have plenty of time to collect your things, pack up, and transfer your characters to another shard.

so at my time zone i have no Queue (or at least a verry short Queue) for most of the time i want to play,

are there other reasons i should switch over to Halycon?



But why do we have to have +bonus on xp?

i think the intention behind is to make up for the lost 7 years without COH


Im so happy to be back.


Being a retired Fire Fighter/Paramedic I love spending my days playing this game.


Thank you very very much for bringing it back

a Hero playing a game about Heroes.

back to the Zukunft



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Thank you so much, for not only giving me a chance to play with everyone again, but to also be able to share it with those who never had the chance to do so when the game was live.

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Thank all of you for your hard work in reviving one of the best games online...I never found one to compare in the 6.5 years it was gone. I'm so happy to be home and be back with my friends again, it's so nice to once again Save Paragon City !!!

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Thank you all so much for all you do. This game was always a pleasure to play with my friends and community. When it went away all I could do was dwell on fun times. Now my friends and I have begun a new chapter :). Thank you all again from all of us at Team Tomorrow.


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I know this post won't be popular, even hated I would say... But why do we have to have +bonus on xp? I want to play the game the way it was suposed to be.


And I don't like either the supresion of prestige for SG's in exchange of unlimited decoration stuff for bases.



I want to feel the achievement of earning my stuff with all the effort it required in the old days. And I don't think this free bonuses benefit anybody, not even the ones that can't resist the rush of reaching top level in a breath.



I sure am glad to be back in Paragon, and appreciate everything the Homecoming team has done to bring us all home.  However,  I  do share your thoughts on both XP and Prestige (as unpopular as they probably are).  I'd personally rather level up my characters without any bonus - we already got XP Smoothing before the shutdown, so we're leveling a lot faster than we used to anyway.  Of course we have the option to turn off XP, but then we're not leveling at all.  I'd rather XP bonuses be reserved for special occasions, but I'm likely in the minority on that one.


On the other hand, we've all been absent for about 7 years, and since I'm remaking all my old characters, this is a nice way to kind of play catch-up.  That's the way I'm choosing to look at it - I've already leveled these characters once, so if I have to do so again, there's nothing wrong with doing it a little quicker.  I just hope that eventually XP rewards will go back to normal.


At the end of the day, though, I'm able to return to Paragon City - something I'd pretty much given up hope of ever doing again.  So I'm glad as hell to be able to bitch about something like this, and thankful to the Homecoming team for making it possible.

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Thank you for everything - and thank you for the XP boost - unfortunately i do not have much free time as i had 15 years ago when CoH launched, but i would still like to enjoy leveling up as many characters as i can.


I hope you will consider a bigger XP boost, or maybe even a server with accelerated progression for people like me.


Again, thanks for all your hard work!

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I know this post won't be popular, even hated I would say... But why do we have to have +bonus on xp? I want to play the game the way it was suposed to be.


And I don't like either the supresion of prestige for SG's in exchange of unlimited decoration stuff for bases.



I want to feel the achievement of earning my stuff with all the effort it required in the old days. And I don't think this free bonuses benefit anybody, not even the ones that can't resist the rush of reaching top level in a breath.


Why? Because people have jobs and lives now. It's difficult to play the game for 300+ hours to get a singular character to 50 when you maybe have two hours at most a day if even that. Having this is a good step but honestly letting people set themselves to 50 if they wanted to is also a good thing. Inverted version, why don't we have a +300% xp rate option? Or just a vendor which lets you pick level 10, 20, 30, 40 or 50? I don't have the time to play this game for hundreds of hours to get one teleporter, or to get one character to 50. AE wouldn't be an issue if leveling wasn't a concern or a worry tbh.

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