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Everything posted by Trike

  1. This is so smooth with almost no jaggies on the edges What settings do you use?
  2. Brilliant. Absolutely brilliant. This is next level.
  3. Photo Essay: The Corridors of Paragon City https://ibb.co/GRX3knh https://ibb.co/cYvr07M https://ibb.co/TT6F7fv https://ibb.co/tq84X4p https://ibb.co/sbz1zQR https://ibb.co/S5zJWNq https://ibb.co/nDLj7bq https://ibb.co/PFLzkz1
  4. I misunderstood what Marshal General meant. I thought he was talking about the cloud matching the skiff’s color. That’ll teach me to read in haste before having breakfast. 😆
  5. Looks like Power Slide. You can change the color in-game using tailor mode at trainers or Icon.
  6. Back on Live I had a character named Avatari (avatar + Atari), the concept being a hard light hologram roaming the city doing the hero thing. I didn't want to repeat the name, even though I love it, but I wanted to do a new version. So here is Avatarex. Electric/Kinetics Controller. Hard to get a good screenshot of her due to the weirdness of nighttime lighting. Her skin isn't actually blue-gray. But she looks really cool in the dark. Pixel aura set to Body-Combat. https://ibb.co/7CqVCrZ https://ibb.co/7QqGGkM
  7. Spaghetti Betty manifested herself. Punched her way into reality.
  8. Ever see a comic book character and think, "I could make that in CoH?" I do, all the time. Here's another one. https://ibb.co/D1jgkhk
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