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Everything posted by Trike

  1. I don’t farm and have very, very (very!) rarely participated in AE farms here. I have more than 300 characters because for me the costume creator is 50% of the game, and I think I’ve run 3 of them through farms. Just because I was bored a couple times and wanted to chat while also leveling a toon. I think the highest level one got to 32. Something like that. So I’m not concerned with the changes in merit drops or whatever you guys are talking about. I have a lot of alts and 2 50s, so I don’t really do endgame stuff. I *will* say that I REALLY like the idea of moving the AE buildings out of the starter zones. I was bopping through Atlas Park last weekend on Excelsior, running around getting the exploration badges and from the outside it looked like the AE building was on fire. 😂 Moving them reduces lag and quiets Broadcast and lets new and returning players experience the game as it was meant to be played, at least in those early levels. Once they figure out (or are reminded of) the basics, they can go farm to their heart’s content. I don’t care what people do. I teamed with two returning players over the weekend who haven’t been in CoH in well over a decade, and they were enjoying themselves just playing the game again. Allowing people to get their superlegs under them is better in the long run, I think. I don’t really get the point of removing some of the rewards from the AE, but then I don’t play those parts of the game, so it doesn’t affect me. I do come down on the side of “do whatever you want” for the most part, right after taking those AE hubs out of the starter zones.
  2. What is that pattern? Is it from the test server?
  3. Back on Live I had two with exactly that remit: Polly Morph and Copycat.
  4. That's terrific, and a great name get. To no one's surprise, I have a similar character named Voxel Sprite, invented by another of my characters, Quiz Kid, helped by his friend Holo B01 (another character of mine), inspired by yet another toon of mine, Every-Were. It's the everything bagel of self-reflexive character creation. I can't get a shot of all her various costumes, but they're all of other characters I've made. https://ibb.co/W2FDmzP
  5. That's the exact issue I ran into due to the CC's limitations. I decided that she was good but forced to be bad by society because of their ignorant reactions. Having my cake and eating it too.
  6. Well that's just blinkin' brilliant. I have a toon called Lamp using that same back-lantern whatchamacallit, but it's nowhere as good as this. ETA: turns out I have a screenshot of her. Ugh, ordinary, awful. https://ibb.co/F0NMWf2
  7. I have one called Coral Strike, based on the sea snake. "Ella Pidae" is the scientific name rendered as a human name. Elapidae - Wikipedia Corruptor - Water Blast/Poison, on Everlasting. https://ibb.co/TwrdfxJ Based on this photo:
  8. Intriguing combination of elements: Devil horns, angel halo, and a miner’s hat. Sounds like a fascinating backstory in the works.
  9. I have one of these, too, although I went a different way. https://ibb.co/nCKppxF https://ibb.co/N29dZvt https://ibb.co/tMf48bK
  10. I gots me one o' them. https://ibb.co/ftS8Wcc https://ibb.co/8N7tZ7N
  11. I made a South Africa-inspired hero, so to balance it out I also made a villain tonight. Frankly, I'm stunned this name was available. Lightning Bird is based on the mythology of the area, a grimmer version of the Thunderbird. Lightning bird - Wikipedia https://ibb.co/YQCPycN
  12. A bit creepy, he says, as the rest of us suddenly find ourselves afflicted with insomnia.
  13. I wanna guess! Let’s see… looks like that rebreather thing that sticks out out on the side, with the death goggles on the metallic face. Am I close?
  14. When everyone knows you queue up your snipe first. It’s the only way to be sure.
  15. You’re not entirely exaggerating. 😏
  16. I’ve tried to watch the new Ultraman anime but I can’t get into them. Pushing 60 does that. I *have* gone down the rabbit hole of watching Ultraman compilation videos on YouTube. The franchise has really expanded since 1974. 😛 It’s smart from a business perspective that they ultimately went with creating specific toys to enable the transformation into the various ultras, but I’m kind of sad that kids today can’t just grab a pen and click their way into being a 60-foot space robot the way we could. (Also smart: not having the new Ultras transform while INSIDE BUILDINGS. What was that about?)
  17. After school Speed Racer/Ultraman hour was my favorite. They are hilariously unwatchable today.
  18. That’s what I went with, as well. For my Ultrawoman, I did Energy Blast / Atomic Manipulation. If only we had an equivalent to the “Energy Sawblade” OG Ultraman had, but overall it’s pretty close.
  19. I edited my response. I'm so old school (because old) that I prefer the red and white variations.
  20. I have a bunch of costumes based on Ultraman (and Ultrawoman). I haven't looked at them in a while, but they are similar to this. Edit: So here are a bunch. Looks like I have 22 total, most of them just minor variations, but they were all based on an Ultraman/Ultrawoman costume I found online, whether from TV series or comics. Only 19 are here, but the others aren't much different. https://ibb.co/T8DG0wH
  21. I've been making flag-inspired toons lately. Here's today's: Mujaji, based on the flag of South Africa. https://ibb.co/SJNbvLN
  22. What is this novel? Fanfic? Nevermind, I'm up to speed.
  23. I vote "with". But why choose? Multiple costume slots exist for this very reason. 🙂
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