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  1. I'd love to get a thrown weapons set, but I've also suggested they could reskin Archery with throwing knives, and for added fun, reskin Trick Arrow as specialty grenades.
  2. I mean in terms of making things like a robot character, since robots in both CoX and other media tend to be resistant to psi. Darkness might fit for a ghost/undead character, though.
  3. I thought almost all robots in the game WERE resistant to psi, except the clockworks.....which are actually psionically held together anyway. And the problem is, the only sets that are notable for guarding against psi are Stone and Dark, which don't really fit thematically. Maybe if Stone had "metal" animation options? And yeah, I know, technically some sets have all-around defenses and resists.....but there's not a lot for specifically guarding against psi, thematically.
  4. I've commented before that there are powersets that can affect what you DO, but there should be more thematic ones that can fit for what you ARE. For example, a "cybernetics" defense set that offered high resistance to PSI and Toxic, at the cost of less protection against Energy.....like if you're either a cyborg or a robot, your mind will be harder to affect, and poisons won't bother you as much, but you have to worry about being shorted out by electricity. Probably some equivalent for Ghosts, plant creatures, etc, etc. Make defensive sets that offer up an edge in certain areas but balance it with less protection in others.
  5. This. Let every power in Fiery Melee have a "sword" option, etc.
  6. Honestly, anything that screws with their mental focus would probably have a noticeable effect. Even just hotboxing them would "weaken" them 😂
  7. Fair, I was thinking of how Mysterio is a tech villain, but also uses hallucinogenic gasses to screw with people's perceptions, like throwing off Parker's spider-sense. That kind of thing could also probably hamper a psionic opponent like Xavier or Emma Frost to some extent.
  8. Interesting idea, and I like that AoE is a logical weakness for it....though I feel this might step on Defender/Corruptor toes a little. May wanna add more psi resist in the powers that don't give AoE defense.....basically, even if someone can tag your AREA with an AoE psi attack, if you're messing with their mind (especially by way of your OWN mental powers) that's still going to interfere with their ability to affect you.
  9. Hard pass: I have a DP Sentinel based on Mega Man, and the color as-is matches his solar bullets pretty well 😂 (JK, this is a reasonable request)
  10. An idea I had before was if the Time Bomb was replaced with a Sticky Bomb attached to a mob, that also inflicted a Fear effect, requiring timing/strategy on when you detonate it...
  11. Something I've never quite understood about the pool...... Powers tend to fall into the categories of ranged dps, melee dps, armor, support, control, or Summons. I was under the impression that a big reason for the Epic pools was to allow a character to snag a couple powers that AREN'T included in their AT's sets, like a Defender getting armor, or a Tanker getting some Control. Isn't LRM redundant for a Blaster? Just one more ranged attack, for an AT that already is based on them?
  13. Also, it'd be nice if we had a "magic staff" skin for Beam Rifle....
  14. I'm suddenly reminded of Red Faction, where you could throw a sticky remote charge onto an enemy, then they'd panic and run around screaming....making it trickier to time the detonation to hit a crowd.
  15. I know, and I'm a little sad about that =(
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