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Everything posted by Hyperstrike

  1. "Which is the most poweful hero"? WHOEVER THE WRITER WANTS TO WIN! Meaning PVP is a cheat to make it work.
  2. For a second I read that as "Air Supply"
  3. *Tank* No understand this heresy!
  4. Hey! I want everything handed to me on an an enchanted Impervium platter! BECAUSE *I* WANT IT! GIMME GIMME GIMME!
  5. Solution is easy. Pull a spit hood over their head first!
  6. The top video shows that there are multiple motherships out there in Pocket D.
  7. CAN you create this stuff at home? YES. A bit of rubberized craft foam, hobby glue and a suitable surface fabric. Is it cheaper? Not really. The finished product is worth more than the raw materials.
  8. 50+ Years. Sorry. No es bueno.
  9. My sig basically says it all.
  10. I generally have a violent negative reaction to the use of mutations of "Reimagine" I have had my say....
  11. Still use them. Have run into too many reflective/clear/glass surfaces that I don't leave home without them.
  12. Blaming a little kid! How low can you sink? 👺
  13. Honestly, unless my objective is maximum gaming performance without any other benchmark, it's not worth the price premium. I think the need for actively controlling the CCD cores (disabling the cores you're ALREADY paying so much for) is a waste of time and money. Primarily, air-cooled vs liquid is an effectively dead argument. The price of a competent liquid cooler as a way to stabilize CPU is worth more (IMNSHO) than opting for X3D, Remember I have history overclocking dual Celeron setups and have familiarity with such "home brew" setups. For me, if it's "more power" or "more stability", having had rigs go t**s-up at the drop of a hart, has broken me of badly planned "Clock To The Moon And Back" stuff. Considering how much you spend on a rig, you're NUTS if you're doing it any other way.
  14. AM4 is a perfectly acceptable budget option. A 5600 chip is fine, if you want to give it a bit more grunt, a 5800. A B-550 board. The nerd in me says a minimum of 16GB is fine, but 32 or more is NEVER GOING TO HURT. Make sure unless you are space constrained, to go with a regular ATX board. Don't saddle for m-atx unless you are forced to. And yes, SSDs. Get the biggest fastest drives you can. Samsung is my recommended brand. They tend to be the best mix of size and performance. If "durability" is a concern look at the Seagate FireCudas. Give the AM5 platform a bit of time. Their current power ceilings result in very "Meh"performance. It's not "BAD". But it's no an appreciable step up. The new settings for wattage here on out will result in a better performance boost.
  15. Not in today's economy!!
  16. My schedule doesn't really allow for regular attendance. My presence at RTR has been cut out by time allowed to me. 80+ hour work weeks are somewhat inflexible.
  17. You just need to be a tanker. No particular level is required. However, if they're trying to hit particular missions, it may cause problems. Like trying to take a L2 with on a Manticore or something. They'll try to flex for everyone. But it isn't always possible.
  18. If you're "accumulating debit", that's a bug. You sure it's not Patrol XP? Or that you have not turned XP earnings off?
  20. It's just a way of priotirizing your time investment. Especially if you are pursuing badges. You want to badges for whacking praetorians villains. Not burning a couple days going "completionist" on every mission the contact offers/
  21. It's one of those things. I had never noticed it initially. I was trying to push a toon through content I was familiar with and noticed the change a while back.
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