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Glacier Peak

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Glacier Peak last won the day on January 10

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About Glacier Peak

  • Birthday September 29

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  1. Love the intent, disagree with the method. I've kept my main at Veteran Level 99 for five and a half years. Folks can see in my description when I created the character, how many badges I've collected, how many vanity pets and Aether costumes I've collected, and based on my reputation on Indomitable, the sole shard I've stayed on the whole time. Or players can check the notes they have on me. I've always said the reward is playing the game. At least I find it rewarding in of its self.
  2. Edit: My comment said "Go on to the beta shard and use the freebie popmenu to select which level you want to play at." I didn't say anything about decreasing your effective level on the Open Beta pop menu.
  3. It's possible already. Go on to the beta shard and use the freebie popmenu to select which level you want to play at. This also reads like a suggestion or feedback thread.
  4. It's pretty clear when someone is multiboxing, so there's not much to question.
  5. Do you have any evidence that supports this claim? Homecoming has been around for almost six years and they've allowed multiboxing the whole time. They're the most popular server too.
  6. I don't know what it means, but I use it when a poster says something I would say or I think speaks well to the topic.
  7. It would've been six sided, but the construction workers kept cutting corners...😁
  8. I think the Ancillary Powerset Ice Mastery Frozen Armor on Controllers is even better than the Corruptor version - which is already in a great spot. Values are higher across the board. The fact that players can slot resistance or defense IO sets makes this a very versatile power for build prioritization. Note: The Controller version also provides 30% Cold res and 10% Fire res as well.
  9. Current teasers from the January 8th, 2025 post: Please keep in mind, as this content is in development; it is not finalized and subject to change.
  10. Regen Regeneration
  11. @MoonSheep you should also mention being able to select either of the first two powers in a secondary powerset during character creation. That's been a huge boon for creativity in my opinion also.
  12. The work around is to go to the vendor for Overwhelming Force IOs and convert with enhancement converters to Cupid's Crush.
  13. It did not.
  14. I did this on my namesake, took years. Just be careful once you summit this mountain - your game freezes briefly when you open your inactive contacts tab or souvenirs tab.
  15. It's from the Awakened mob in the Labyrinth.
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