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Glacier Peak

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Posts posted by Glacier Peak

  1. 4 minutes ago, Hedgefund said:

    Badge progress!  Including an important one  (I pursue HTP not FP for all my characters).

    I hear that!


    I am curious, of the top of anyone's head do they know if Patrol XP pays off Debt? If I can pop the Experienced temp, does that eat away at debt?

  2. 5 minutes ago, Erratic1 said:

    I've lost?


    I figure whoever is competing for a boxing or MMA titles does not think, "If I win I am the champion and get paid a lot of money and if I lose I am not the champion but get paid a lot of money even if less than winning so either way I get paid a lot of money."


    My goal is to not be defeated and to avoid defeat while fighting as difficult a setting as I can.


    Besides, defeat is embarrassing if you are teaming, especially as a melee class as it does not project the proper image.

    I get this perspective. In a game where gameplay is conducted while not being defeated, the only recourse while being defeated seems to just be potential embarrassment. Though as other posters have pointed out, it is actually a benefit if this happens when someone on the team has Vengeance.

  3. I'd like to hear other players perspectives. For me, being defeated causes me to do two things, select a resurrection option (self-rez insp, temp, p2w power, or RotF, Revive, ask teammate for rez insp or rez power, select my base resurrection, select the hospital, or in-mission hospital for some) and receive a certain amount of debt after... Level 10 I believe?


    The former is trivial and the latter is insignificant to me. I may experience a slight delay in my efforts during solo play by returning to the battle or the team may or may not have to wait for me to get back in to the action. Debt itself seems insignificant to me because, well, it's just gone so quickly I never really notice it. (Not like the old legacy days where I would've deleted a character and started over when faced with *levels* not bars of debt).


    Anyway, what's the impact to you upon being defeated?

    • Thumbs Up 1
  4. 1 minute ago, Rudra said:

    1) Except I never know thhre is an MSR planned until I enter the zone and face-plant into one forming.

    2) If you are proceeding directly to league zone for league activity, then no, you don't really have time without the high likelihood of being locked out.

    4) The indicator of being affected is not an indicator. It is an affect. At which point the player goes "Oh crap. Group Fly affects me." An indicator would be a quick view icon that says yes or no even without having to be affected.

    Fair enough - I did my best to cater to what-if scenarios presented by @Greycat. They can't all be winners!

  5. 1 minute ago, Rudra said:

    I was bugged then. Go figure. Happens a lot. Anyway, since the convo seems to just be the 3 of us now, and 2 of us say it is a good idea and the third says he is not opposed, I think we are all in agreement this is a good idea! Yay for ... .... whatever you call a forum decision!   🤣

    Rudra, my apologies - I will refrain from further clogging up the discussion with my banter! Good luck!

  6. 6 minutes ago, Greycat said:

    You're "all for increased accessibility," yet arguing with people saying to have it accessible in two places it would be handy to have...


    Which is it?

    Accessibility means there are options to do so. Accessibility and convenience are two different things. Are you asking this question rhetorically?

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  7. 1 minute ago, Greycat said:

    I log on just after work for an MSR. Zone is nearly full. I have a choice - go to the MSR and enjoy time with people I like, or go down to Pocket D and get locked out. So, no.


    Hamidon raids can go straight from that to the MSR.  If I'm melee, I may very *much* want to be affected by group fly for one, and *not* in the MSR immediately after - and, again, wanting to play with certain folks means the extra time zoning, changing, and coming to another zone may mean I don't *get* to get into that other zone.



    That is an utterly nonsensical reply. Do better.



    Again. THERE IS NO INDICATOR. You know, someething I can check to see if I *have* to go do so.  Which, again, means potentially getting locked out of a zone.


    You're being deliberately obtuse here.

    I will do my best to cater solutions to these outliers:


    1. The assumption here is that the player knows ahead of time that there will be a scheduled MSR. So under this assumption of foresight, there is a certain amount of due diligence on behalf of the player would ensure before the scheduled event, that particular character is either setup for how they intend to be played (whether accepting the effect of Group Fly or not). Or an alternative is assumed to be known to the player which gives said player options to alleviate their perceived inconvenience of said effect. Such options could include turning the effect off ahead of time via Null the Gull, quitting the team and joining another which is part of the MSR, using a temporary fly power to move out of range, or any other mentioned so far in this thread.


    2. If a player is going to a Hamidon raid directly following an MSR, there is an opportunity to change their settings via Null the Gull. It exists, regardless of the perceived inconveniences said player may experience - a player can mitigate those perceived inconveniences ahead of time by directing their efforts towards minimizing travel time (using a base portal then going to Pocket D then using the base portal there and teleporting to zones connecting to the Hive/Abyss.


    3. I don't care?


    4. The indicator of whether Group Fly is affecting a player is... wow.. its that the player is being affected by the power? In addition to that lighbulb, players can go to Null the Gull and check to see if they are affected by Group Fly.


    Good discussion! 

    • Thumbs Down 2
  8. 3 minutes ago, Rudra said:

    Again, did not know that bit, Glacier. Does it really add junk to Null's coding if he is simply being duplicated though? His code doesn't change, just the instances where he is/the code is accessible.

    Well don't count it until I can actually find the quote - I don't want to mislead folks if I am misremembering.

  9. Just now, Rudra said:

    Or... and here's a wild thought... when we get to the RWZ or Hive/Abyss, there is a Null right there was can ask! Yay! 😆

    I'm not agreeing or disagreeing with this suggestion (and I am all for increased accessibility for players). I am just more inclined to use the capabilities already provided to players in game to achieve the desired results of this suggestion, which is ultimately to turn off or on Group Fly effects.

  10. 2 minutes ago, Rudra said:

    You know, so far the only responses against Null being in the RWZ (and hopefully also the Abyss and Hive) is "Well, you should have done so when you were staring out! Shame on you!" Are there any other reasons why this is a bad idea other than we should have known and already done it?

    You missed the developers not wanting to add more junk to the Null the Gull coding, though I don't think it has been brought up in this thread.

  11. 1 minute ago, Greycat said:

    Everlasting MSRs are group-fly friendly. And it's useful for (some) masterminds, so no, you don't have them turn it off.


    As far as "well, turn it off in any of the previous levels" - I have 100-odd characters. I challenge you show me where, immediately on login, I can see that I've had that turned off or on. The *only* ones  I know I have it selected a certain way are... the ones I've personally taken group fly on.

    Still doesn't change the fact that players have ample opportunity to change it. Having 100 or a 1,000 characters doesn't change it either. That just means there are now thousands of opportunities to change it if a player wants to.


    As for your challenge, go to Null the Gull and select the Group Fly option and it will tell you whether its turn on or off. 

    • Thumbs Down 1
  12. 6 minutes ago, Rudra said:

    Huh. Didn't know it only affected teammates. I only encounter it at Hami', so that makes sense. My apologies.

    I believe it is also league mates as well - I'd have to check the CoD entry to confirm.


    Edit: Well still not sure... but it can affect up to 255 targets, so that would make sense. 


    Edit 2: I've been told it does not affect league mates.

  13. 3 minutes ago, Greycat said:

    Except the decision to want it or not want it can change depending on circumstance. Or, well, you may think you *have* turned it off on that character, but haven't... since there's no indicator at all that you've declined group fly other than being affected by it.

    That doesn't change the fact that a player still has 35 levels to remember...

  14. 1 hour ago, Rudra said:

    If he is going to solo somewhere else on the map, why would he need to quit a team? How does playing solo and being affected by someone else's group fly translate to being on a team? And have you ever tried asking a player with group fly to turn it off? They get ANGRY because you asked. Every time. (If there are players out there that don't, I apologize. Haven't met any of you yet.

    Well if a player quits the team, the Group Fly affect is removed.


    And I will admit I've never been bothered enough by Group Fly to ask someone to turn it off. One time someone had Shadow Fall turned on and I was like, "dang I can't see my dude - I'll just move over there away from the effect."

  15. 5 minutes ago, ZorkNemesis said:

    I saw that picture, that was from a PDF of the manual that appears to be from after a certain point in the game but not the original release.  That manual also had mentions of the Council instead of the Column and had the Sturdy line of inspirations which were not originally in the game.  While that picture does have the Cone Range enhancement, it also has the combined Endurance Mod which was originally split into a Drain and Boost category.  Also no mention of jump height but I'm not sure I remember an enhancement specifically for height. 


    According to the old Paragon Wiki, there was also at one point two separate Defense Buff categories, one for "Team Defense" and another for "Self Defense."  Would be interesting to find icons of those because I don't remember that at all.


    The original booklet that came with the box game was good readin', I am glad someone else noticed these things!

  16. 1 hour ago, Bill Z Bubba said:

    Tis true! Course, the OG devs could have just avoided all of this by creating the option to disable it in the first place... but that was then. We have a fix now. Might as well add "allow all rezzes without prompt," too.

    I'm all for increasing accessibility. Weren't rezzes auto accepted in the early days of legacy?

  17. 25 minutes ago, arcane said:

    When I spot a character of mine that has not made all the usual Null changes yet, I feel a wave of shame at my laziness and sheer incompetence. Perhaps you should all do the same.

    I don't know if I would go so far as feeling shame, but if I haven't done my normal ritual of visiting all the Atlas exploration badges for the LRT, going to the P2W vendor, making last minute costume edits, and finally heading to Pocket D via Atlas Park to check/uncheck the usual Null the Gull options, it makes me feel like its not as easy to want to play that new character.

  18. 1 hour ago, Bill Z Bubba said:

    Too bad that spawn I'm trying to kill is inside that 60ft radius. Guess I'll go solo somewhere else on the map instead.

    Or quit the team since you're okay with going solo. Or ask the player using Group Fly to turn it off. Or remembered to have gone to Null the Gull to turn off affected by Group Fly any of the previous 50 levels. 


    So many options!

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  19. Updated: Also, see 'Staff' Section on the Browse tab of the forums to show all this with forum avatars too.


    Okay here's what I gathered based on my interactions on the forums, official Discord, and in game:


    Homecoming Team:
         Jimmy - 
    Generally the lead when announcing major updates or information pertaining to the Homecoming community. 
         Cipher - Posts announcements and monthly donation windows. Pays the bills and deals with the financials.
         Number Six - Technical team / server and system guru 
         Telephone - Technical team / server and system guru
         Buckets - Technical team
         Flowers - Back end tooling for the team

    Game Masters: There are a lot… they are all helpful and professional. Depending on who is working the current shift/region/server, a different GM will respond to support tickets or requests for in game help. Full list of GMs available at: https://forums.homecomingservers.com/staff/
    GM’s below:
         GM Widower
         GM Korvin
         GM Kal
         GM Conviction
         GM ColdSpark
         GM Kaiju

    GM Tempest
    GM Sparky
    GM Crumpet 
    Support ticket master
    GM Joji
    GM GoodNyght
    GM Helferlein
    GM Impervium
    GM Mimiru
    GM Quasar
    GM Willow
    GM Kiwi
    GM Arael
    GM Flints
    GM Navigator
    GM Aegis

    They are all highly trained and specially selected great folks that operate under an exacting code of conduct, and GM Kal is very glad to work with all of them!

    GM Bot is their remote control bot that can do commands and send announcements, not an actual person, and is not automated in any way (other than cute replies when you do a /tell!)

    GM Solace
    GM Manga / 
    GM Globetrotter
    Are not currently Homecoming GMs, but are valued consultants.
    And every Mac user has Manga to thank for being able to play CoH.


    And Michiyo - Consultant, and runs the Homecoming Wiki and FBSA websites

    Most all of the Homecoming staff groups work on a consensus basis for any important decision. 

    Homecoming Developers:
         Cobalt Arachne - Self-proclaimed villain developer. Most recent work includes the Dr. Aeon SF.
         Naomi - Costume and Emote Developer
         Piecemeal - Story developer. Most recent work includes the Dr. Aeon SF. Brought new life in to the Vahz, Freakshow, and looking at revamping the Warriors.
         Captain Powerhouse - Power and house Developer
         The Curator - Patch Notes Developer
         Faultline - Bit of everything Developer
         Booper - Powers and enhancement Developer
         Player-1 - Powers Developer
         Zanshin - Unknown Developer

         The CareTaker - Unknown Developer

    • Thanks 2
  20. Null the Gull - a chicken for every pot! A solution to any problem! Just make the gull do it and it will be better. It may surprise folks that Null the Gull didn't exist for many years and players went about their way, finding alternative solutions to the problems they experienced in the game.


    For example, Group Fly has a 60 ft radius. If players move outside the radius of the caster, they won't be affected by it any longer.

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