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Glacier Peak

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Posts posted by Glacier Peak

  1. According to game lore, Ridolfo Uzzano was born somewhere in Italy during an unspecified time at the start of the 20th century. In his youth, Ridolfo sought connection to a higher power and became a Priest. Capitalizing on his greater access to ancient texts as a Priest, he sought out records stored in the Vatican. During his research, Ridolfo would find information pertaining to an ancient cult called Path of the Dark which was founded back in Roman times (think Cimerora). The cult's members would join together with otherworldly hosts (later known as Nictus) - sometimes successfully, creating superpowered beings with awesome power (though they'd be forced to create intricate keybindings to really maximize their efforts 😅). Other times, only partial fragments of this otherworldly creature would be imbued in the skin of cult members, creating either Galaxy Soldiers as we know them in modern times, or War Wolves in other cases.  


    In 1926, upon acquiring more detailed information on this cult, Ridolfo decides to hire some mercenaries and find them out in Ravenna, Italy. Ridolfo eventually discovers the location of the cult's leader, Emperor Augustus (*cough* Romulus *cough*) in an underground cavern and attempts to talk to him. Instead, a band of adventures interrupts and chaos ensues. Ridolfo's mercenaries are swallowed up by the darkness of the caves and Ridolfo is never seen again...


    ...until a month later when he shows up as Requiem in front of Il Duce (Mussolini) in the below uniform - which brings me to the the fun part of this history lesson. The below image is the in game NPC Requiem. On his chest, you will see a series of medals:




    Upon closer inspection:



    To anyone who has had the pleasure of serving in any armed forces of any nation, you may be familiar with medals, ribbons, and other accouterments. For those who are not, seeing some of these medals on Requiem may not be unusual. In-game lore did say he started working for the Italian government in the 1920s. Perhaps Requiem was given these medals and ribbons by Mussolini for his excellent achievements and merits. The problem is, every time I see these medals on Requiem I can help but cringe a little....




    1. The badge in the top left of the image is a reskin of a United States Army Combat Infantryman Badge (third award) which was first awarded in World War Two (specifically, 6 December 1941). The badge was meant to make the wearer stand out among his contemporaries, as the Infantry had lower recruitment numbers. The blue in the badge represents the Infantry military occupation specialty (MOS) and seeing how a graphics artist recolored that portion red, one could only assume they were in the Artillery MOS or were just trying to meet a deadline 😁.


    image.png.f1606410c040dc3a7f7fa1145300edd5.png   image.png.9f43ec9fcea924b9130614bb419a50b9.png


    2. The medal below that is United States Armed Forces Legion of Merit, awarded across all branches of the United States Military for exceptionally meritorious conduct in the performance of outstanding services and achievements. First awarded in 1941, this medal appears to have been modified slightly by the graphics artist to show gold bars connecting each of the edged leaves.  


    image.png.f1606410c040dc3a7f7fa1145300edd5.png  image.png.7669e92e5c06ba81e00133a8f251343a.png


    3. Moving on to the ribbon rack on the right side of the image, there is cause for alarm here as well for those unfamiliar with such things. For sake of brevity, I will simply link the names and images of each ribbon. The graphic artist made some minor changes to each medal, but they can still be discerned by a close eye. Needless to say these are all United States military medals as well and are not in the correct order of precedent.




    Silver Star BAR.svgMedal of Honor ribbon.svg

    Soldier's Medal ribbon.svg             [???}

    Army Service Ribbon.svgArmy Good Conduct Medal ribbon.svg

    Purple Heart ribbon.svgArmy Achievement Medal ribbon.svg

      NCO Professional Development Ribbon.svg   National Defense Service Medal ribbon.svg


    The Silver StarThe Medal of Honor  

    The Soldier's Medal /                           

    The Army Service Ribbon / The Army Good Conduct Medal  

    The Purple Heart Medal / The Army Achievement Medal (with Oak Leaf Cluster)

    NCO Professional Development Ribbon (third award) / National Defense Service Medal


    .... and that is not even halfway through the rack! So yeah, Requiem is a god-damn American hero! He's a regular Audie Murphy

    • Like 6
    • Haha 5
  2. Yes and no. It's a slippery slope IMO. On one hand, letting players know what is broken and what is being tracked to be fixed is helpful knowledge for the player base to be aware of. On the other hand it can lead to resentment if a bug exists for a long duration of time, perhaps one that has been identified by the HC Team, and either is not being actively addressed or there is not a fix in the pipeline.


    In all honesty, if a player has the interest/time, they could review the Bug Report forums and identify all of the bugs reported since HC was created, then crosswalk that against all of the patch notes that have been published to see what is left 😅


    Either way, HC Devs gonna do what they want to do.

    • Thumbs Up 1
  3. 3 minutes ago, momentarygrace said:

    9001% nope.


    Full disclosure - I read threads like this but the whole discussion is hundreds of floors over my head. I'm what I guess you could call a casual, but hopelessly devoted player since Issue 3 or so on live. When CoX was shut down, I lost something I never ceased to mourn for, and having it back has improved my mental and emotional well-being by volumes. I love creating characters, mostly heroes, but I do have villains and did do Praetorians when they first appeared, because they were there.


    I love having super powers, or skills, or whatever the character's theme might be and saving random citizens (blueside)/smacking random annoyances (redside), running missions, mostly solo but with the occasional PUG. I have 1 50/Incarnate and too many alts. 


    I do not have the head for/concentration or inclination for analyzing my game play on the level folks in this discussion do. I read the threads to perhaps pick up what crumbs my brain can absorb and have thereby improved what I can do solo (and my sporadic team participation) from it.


    But I am shaking my head almost sadly at how definitively some folks state what options currently available should be "destroyed" for everyone.


    I don't understand how something like emailing inspirations, or according to some, inspirations period, can be game-breaking. How is my use of anything the game offers breaking someone else's game???


    I don't get it.

    It's the "everyone should play the way I play" mentality that shows itself on these threads sometimes.

  4. 34 minutes ago, InvaderStych said:

    Same. I have thoughts on what I'd like to see, but I'm hardly an expert or authority figure.  In fairness that comment of mine belongs in the thread linked above in S&F. 😄


    The "boggled" status thing could be "low hanging fruit" to leverage in an Insight tune-up in some fashion though. Hmm.

    The DPS output of Psi Melee has so much potential; GPB is a behemoth of an attack, maybe on par with one of the hardest hitting ST attack in the game. On top of that it can accept damage and hold procs, it recharges fairly quickly, and animates/activates smoothly (considering its damage). The fact that the set lets you throw in Concentrate and then add Insight on top of that, it really gives this power a best in class status.


    Where I see the set coming up short is the predictability of its secondary set mechanic, Insight - while it can be predicted roughly as the OP has so graciously researched (THANK YOU!!!), the mechanic can definitely be refined. I've noticed anecdotally that Psi Blade is stacking Insight better(?) than Mental Strike - which has altered how I set up my attack chain (currently on my Stalker - BU, AS, GPB, PB and then an out-of-hide AS if anything is left standing). I'd love to throw in a Boggled (since it doesn't break Hide), but right now I don't need to. Level 54 DA Incarnate Bosses die from that one attack string.


    35 minutes ago, InvaderStych said:

    Thank you, but please no.  Just give Concentration a flag that grants Insight (without changing its "Boost Up" numbers) or at the very least one that cancels lockout (see also Savage Melee), shorten the lockout timer, and mildly increase the grant chance on each power.  PM attack chains are far too slow for some sort of stacking mechanic, and we already have enough of those.  Also please no on slow/fast versions (energy melee) of powers or other wonky, difficult to balance mechanics that would mean nerfing the core set to implement them.


    Look at it this way.  Insight doesn't always come to us in a linear progression, often it is a sudden rush of inspiration. I'm fine with it that way, it just needs mild tuning.

    Yeah I'd be down to test whatever makes it to beta - my reply to Mac was meant to get a better picture of what was being discussed as an alternative.

    • Like 1
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  6. That's not bad at all! CPU clock rates haven't edged too much higher these days, around 5GHz all core for the high ends and SSD speeds are still basically the same for loading games. And the nVidia card you bought back in 2013 could probably sell for MSRP today because of supply scarcity.

  7. Just now, Bill Z Bubba said:


    It... appears to have something to do with the clockwork see-through torso and the teleporter beam in the middle of AE.


    Frelling bizarre.

    I once managed to open 12 instances of the game, log in and test out any issues on my old server. GPU was fine, CPU was working hard - but it was the memory that really takes most of the work. Of course I was running them through a virtual machine, but the physical system that was running that was right next to me lol

  8. 2 minutes ago, Bill Z Bubba said:

    Got all kinda wonkiness so sad fark it.

    Set default values at Ultra in game.

    Set default values for driver but turned on vsync.


    Cranked up two instances.

    First one was my claws/fire brute. That instance sits at 110 FPS.

    Second was my new inv/nrg tank. That instance sits at 144 FPS.


    I can alt-tab between the two and FPS always settles back to the above.


    How does one character cause a 35 FPS drop when all toggles are turned off?

    I imagine it's from particle effect count. 

  9. 3 hours ago, macskull said:

    Right, but one of the chief complaints about the set's performance is the randomness of the insight mechanic. Sure, using Boggle makes it more likely but I can't imagine many cases where you wouldn't get more mileage out of simply continuing your attack chain instead of spending the time to cast Boggle in the hopes of a DPS boost.

    So instead perhaps an alternative mechanic similar to Tidal Forces for Water Blast or more recently Seismic Forces from Seismic Blast that stacks up then can be unleashed?

    • Like 1
  10. 5 hours ago, Player2 said:

    Can we stop calling the month of December the "winter" event?  It's obviously a Christmas event with the very subtle decorations and themes that can be found in the ski chalet and winter forest...  But even if you can't (or won't) call it what it really is because you don't want to risk offending someone who doesn't celebrate that holiday, my issue is this:  the event begins a couple of weeks in advance of the actual start of winter and ends the first Tuesday after the new year has begun.  Then it's back to 10 months of tedium of the city looking like a static snapshot but with a month long break from that during October.

    But winter has only just begun, and will extend through January and is usually coldest around February.  Why must the snow go away?  If it were a blight on every zone in the game, I could understand some people being sick of it and wanting to be rid of it ASAP... but it's really only in Atlas Park.  Can't we stretch it out a little longer next year?  Maybe don't start it at the beginning of December... maybe wait to the middle of the month with that pre-winter scene change we get in the fall and then let Winter last later into January?

    The timing has ALWAYS sucked.  But you have the power to fix it and just keep delivering more of the same.

    I get that this is more of a gripe about the length of the event, but there is a Menorah in the shop stand in the Winter Forest in addition to its holiday themes and Christmas tree and the zone can be accessed year-round. Holidays are really about spending time with friends and family anyways, which can be done year-round as well. As for other themes, if players are just interested in difference Atlas Park appearances, Null the Gull can send players to different themed versions of the zone. 

    • Like 2
  11. On 12/25/2021 at 10:08 AM, Jawbreaker said:

    I was looking at the playerslot doc in the homecoming file and trying to figure out if there's a way to set this to automatically place the names in alphabetical order, or if there's some kind of shortcut command to do it. 

    Alternative: By clicking the search bar under the character list, players can sort through their characters using the below filters and typing a keyword. 




    Aside from that, I don't have a solution to offer.

  12. On 12/28/2021 at 7:13 AM, Ukase said:

    I don't think they should randomly drop. I think they should be part of every reward table. Or at least most reward tables. 

    Now, what might be more interesting is to have a random Winter-O be available after completing the Winter Lord trial or some other appropriate task, much the same way Overwhelming Force is available after Summer BB. 

    And since the Summer BB is available year round - I see no reason why the Winter Lord trial can't be available year round. 

    Agree with this. Winter Event offering a Winter Pack (or just a reward table with one Winter-O) just makes sense to me.

  13. 4 hours ago, Elmyder said:

    To make sure I get the proper bragging rights, I completed it in 31 minutes 🙂


    As you can see from the screenshot, 100 inspirations in my email was insufficient, needed character item insps from super packs. I realized the only way to do this speedy enough was to cap def/res and melee towers. 



    Solo that's amazing speed! The fastest Ms. Liberty TF was done by a team in 12 mins, 29 seconds. Link: 


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