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Glacier Peak

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Posts posted by Glacier Peak

  1. I remember reading a great thread about the most common damage resistance types across the many enemy groups in the game that someone put together and posted on these forums. Problem is, I can't remember the name of the thread or who posted it (or when really). After searching for this thread and coming up empty handed I figured I would ask any other forum goers who can remember what I am talking about, and if possible post a link to said topic.


    Many thanks from a misrememberer!

  2. 48 minutes ago, srmalloy said:

    I had taken my Rad/Atomic Blaster to Eden to defeat enough Paragon Protectors to finish out her Infiltrator badge, and ran into a clear demonstration of a fundamental problem with Countess Crey's Revenant Hero Project. I was flying above a spawn, and sniped down the Paragon Protector in the spawn. The Medic in the spawn rezzed him, and he flew up after me. I blasted him down, and he fell back into the spawn... where a Geneticist rezzed him. He came up again, and was sent back down... and another Geneticist rezzed him. This went on and on, with the three rezzers always having one of them with their rez up. Eventually, the entire spawn disappeared, but not before I had gotten 62 defeats toward the Infiltrator badge from the one Paragon Protector. You have to admire their determination, if not their brains. I kept expecting the rezzers to do something like "Okay, Frank; you've had enough tries, you're done. Take the medi-port and go back to the lab." and stop rezzing him, but it took the entire spawn going away to stop it.

    Wow this is a great strategy for zone badge collecting!

  3. You mean the Carnival of Shadow enemy group? The HC Team removed the term 'Carnies' because..... consistency!


    On 8/24/2021 at 12:43 PM, Faultline said:

    Renamed "Carnie" enemy group to "Carnival of Shadows" for consistency with "Carnival of Light", "Canival of Vengeance" and "Carnival of War".

    • Haha 1
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  4. 1 hour ago, Ukase said:

    You made me curious. I knew that with custom mobs, the xp was going to vary, but man, some farms are definitely better than others. I was in one farm - and I was getting almost twice as much xp in Briggs as I was in another farm - no sense naming it here, who want's less xp? 

    The strange thing is...both maps have an ally of sorts...the only difference must be in mob difficulty, but they're all dealing in fire. Other than the costumes, I really can't tell the difference between them, but the game seems to see one. 

    Thank you for taking the time to check and report back your findings. I'm definitely going to follow up with my data once I get back on and run my tests. 

  5. 1 hour ago, Lazarillo said:

    Freak minions and LTs are worth slightly lower than standard XP.  This was put into effect back before the game's original closure, as they were considered weaker than a lot of enemy groups (particularly for teams) and can rez themselves for "double" rewards from a single mob.  You may or may not recall the infamous "Dreck farms" that even exploited this simplicity.  I don't remember the exact change to the curve, but the enemies you were fighting for Unai Kemen appear to give about 80% of what they "should" based on those AE values, which sounds about in line with my recollections.


    Now, that all said, I couldn't tell you what the values for Freaks are in AE, and if they're halved relative to this curve, too.  But it shouldn't be too hard to investigate.

    Ah very much appreciated! I'll try another enemy group outside AE to get the baseline. 

  6. Just now, lemming said:

    Might depend on when and the how the extra XP for more difficulty takes place.  Try at +0 to double check.  (Of course, other variable is number of teammates, dayjobs, a few others...)

    Good suggestion! I tried to isolate as many variables as I could think of in my initial test. I'll try the next iteration at -1, 0, +1, +2, and +3.

    • Thumbs Up 1
  7. 11 minutes ago, Bill Z Bubba said:

    I'm confused. Until your post this seemed like a normal "huh, here's some data that I didn't expect, does anyone know what's up?" kinda thread.

    Yeah, that's what I was going for. Noticed something, wanted to see if anyone else noticed it or if my numbers were off.

  8. 32 minutes ago, Coyotedancer said:

    I remember that early on the devs decided to halve the rewards that AE mobs gave, but I thought that was in comparison to the former rate of the AE things themselves rather than in comparison to whatever average non-AE critters produced. 

    I have the same recollection, but I can't find the quote for specifics. Wish I knew exact numbers so I can have better expectations.


    At the end of the day, I tend to choose the most convenient farm. Sometimes that's in Portal Corp or sometimes that's in AE. 

  9. I was operating under the false impression that experience received from the non-Dev Choice Architect Entertainment missions were half of regular non-AE missions. I collected some data and this is what I found:


      +4/8 Solo

    Non-Dev Choice AE

    Enemy Rank....   
    Minion................   4,272 XP
    Lieutenant........    8,544 XP
    Boss....................  25,632 XP
    Elite Boss..........    51,265 XP


     +4/8 Solo

    Unai Kamen (Take readings from rupture mission)

    Enemy Rank....

    Minion................   6,836 XP

    Lieutenant........    13,671 XP

    Boss....................  51,265 XP

    Notes: Custom Enemy Critters from the #18553 Fire Farm. Unai Kamen enemies were Freakshow from the Dreck replacement mission (untimed).


    The only thing I can conclude is that the numbers from the AE mission are off because the critters aren't getting 100% of the power requirements for full xp. Anyone else have better numbers they could share or enlighten me as to why I am seeing this? Is it supposed to be double? Am I miss remembering? Do some non-custom enemy groups get half-xp in AE by default? (Freaks? Demons? Family?).


    Help a fellow farmer!

    • Thanks 1
  10. 13 hours ago, Kai Moon said:

    Not strictly an i27-3 badge, but Volcanic is now quick to get in Cavern of Transcendence, because of the extra boss type and infinite ambushes added. It was one of the more time consuming badges before.

    This is helpful! In fact, I'd rather be level exemped than struggle thru the Hollows searching for these bosses any day!

  11. 7 minutes ago, ShardWarrior said:


    Perhaps I missed something, but have the people here stopped developing future content?  If not, is there no plans at all to ever add any level 50+ content in the future?  I had thought I heard there were some Incarnate level missions coming in January.  Perhaps I am mistaken.


    As for people "being rude to their fellow players", that is just nonsense.  I have teamed with a great many people playing their low level characters who do not have a clue what they are doing.  Playing the "right way" is no guarantee.

    I could've sworn I heard something too about Incarnate level Cimeroran missions, at least to* flesh out opportunities to defeat certain enemies for the two recently introduced defeat badges. 

  12. Maybe the farther away or closer the Sentinel is to the target the less damage bonus they get? With the current damage modifier as the lowest baseline of the spectrum and 1.1 damage modifier as the top boost from specified distance. Folks keep talking mid-range skirmisher, so that could entice a playstyle.


    I'm just not sold on the idea of static close, mid-, or long range as being a required playstyle. What about kiting and range boosting modifiers? This is a tough conundrum.

  13. 4 hours ago, jessica said:

    Do the holes from Tiki still work?  I tried the larger one which is just to the left above the main exit, but my circle will never go white inside.  The only other hole I found was a very small one above the bar, and I could never get a circle of any color to appear outside.

    Yes they do. Using the method I described in previous pages. There is also a video in my signature showing how to do so. 

  14. Just now, Zepp said:

    Before trying to decide how to "fix" Sentinels, I think it is important to ask, "What should a Sentinel be?"

    This brings us to the peculiar design of Sentinels...

    Sentinels as Tank Mage (last line of defense to protect squishies):

    • Lack taunt
    • Range is lower, meaning that if they are "in position" they are out of range for most targets.
    • Limited AoE cap makes hoard breakthroughs less containable as they can not generate sufficient threat.
    • Lower armor numbers make this position less tenable.

    Sentinels as off-tank:

    • Lacks support to help tank maintain aggro
    • Lacks taunt
    • Low armor values

    Sentinels as Snipers (ranged Stalkers):

    • Lack Snipe
    • Lack range
    • Lack spike damage

    Sentinels as Scouts:

    • No Stealth
    • No +Perception
    • No default mechanism to distribute intel outside of chat


    So, basically, it is difficult to see what role the developers intended for this class. They are fun to play, and pretty good solo. However, they do not really improve team composition.

    These are really good points from an archetype perspective and it makes sense from an Issue 1 legacy standpoint, but looking at the cross-archetype powersets and the availability of IO sets, procs, and Incarnates, it starts to become less driven by those things you've pointed out. There are varying degrees of success in each AT filling each other's roles and none do so as well as the specific AT - but it's less relevant now than in years past. That's just the state of the game. 

  15. 44 minutes ago, Aurora_Girl said:


    I've played one sentinel, to 35. My take on this particular question is: ranged solo with Mez protection. That's it. Far fewer players; just like a lot of HC's changes, were implemented for a player base of just the tiniest handful. Folks wanted to pew pew by themselves and not have to deal with Mez. 


    That's it. Sentinels were to pew pew while solo and survive. My sent couldn't generate enough aggro on a +0 ITF to die and it was frustrating as all hell. Soloing on low level but higher mob size took too long (and I couldn't die), and the same with high level but smaller mob size. 


    Raise the DMG scale on all attack types (not target cap), give opportunity a scaling -res debuff on all attacks, and switch the blasts for Assault sets, and I think you have a quick and clean solution. The inherent provides value solo or teaming, and the player feels like they're contributing in a meaningful way. 

    Hey that's a start! So pew pew with mez protection was the intent, but slogging damage output and damage mitigation that outperforms threat level was the outcome. 

  16. 1 hour ago, biostem said:

    I ran across a thread some time ago that talked about the various characters you see on the generic CoH login screen, (image below), but can't seem to find it again.  Does anyone recall those characters' names and backgrounds, (barring the obvious ones like Statesman and I think an early concept of Back Alley Brawler).  Thanks!

    coh login1.jpg

    You're right about BABs, he even made it in to the initial game release with a black skin tone. Why it was changed has eluded me. 


    I do remember an article similar to what you're describing, but can't remember where I read it. The female in orange on the right was originally wearing red in the old pre-release trailers.


    I've tried to recreate their costumes for an AE story arc, but gave up because their all unique. 

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