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Glacier Peak

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Posts posted by Glacier Peak

  1. 1 minute ago, ZorkNemesis said:


    High Roller (dice7) is awarded for having Burkholder's Bane (Heroes) or Deuces Wild (Villains)


    Tablet Write I believe is the architect tablet, which should now come from Thrill Seeker (previously Mission Engineer).


    Drenched Donuts is a bunch of coffee and donut emotes awarded by the Old Fashioned badge in Faultline.  There isn't a Villain equivilant....yet.


    Thank you! I had searched the HCWiki before posting but didn't see the drenched donuts one. I may have to create an account on there and start updating!

    • Thumbs Up 1
  2. I think redside has the best story writing hands down. And the unlockable contacts on redside are a breath of fresh air for anyone who is tired of the Issue 1 blueside grinds. It's really odd, but I like the feel of blue side the most, the story of the redside the most, and the artwork, buildings, and set pieces of goldside the most.


    I think the Tour Guide missions and the Alignment missions should also get their just praise. 


    Edit: And let's not forget the amazing community content created in the AE! The limits of imagination are hardly constrained in this system and I forsee a lot more content being added in this realm in the future. 

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  3. On 12/30/2021 at 9:53 AM, Zhym said:

    My favorite Flashback arc is "Collateral Damage" from Laura Lockhart (22.01, under levels 20-24).  To avoid spoilers, I won't say much about it except that you should play it twice and it uses the idea of being an Ouroboros flashback arc better than any other arc in the game.  I wish there were more arcs that did something like it.

    This! Some of the best writing in the game. I had THE FEELS after playing it the first time and THE JOYS the second time after doing the spoilery thing. 

    • Thumbs Up 3
  4. Shouldn't it read Homecoming: City of Heroes? That is how I remember the HC team wanting to brand their work/community... gotta find the post somewhere...


    Found it!



    Hello everyone! We’ve got a few updates to share with you today.

    The Talks
    Just over one year ago we announced that we had begun talks with NCSOFT, so it’s about time we provided a little update!


    Over the past year we’ve been working closely together to make this work, and have made significant headway in several areas. Unfortunately, Coronavirus has hindered the pace of these discussions somewhat, but we’re still having regular meetings and are slowly but surely moving towards a positive outcome.


    Many of the updates we’re talking about today are a result of these ongoing talks. There’s still a ton of work going on behind the scenes to get us to the finish line, and we’d like to thank you all for your continued patience.


    TL;DR: Still Soon™, but Soon™er than before.


    Homecoming: City of Heroes
    We’re going to be changing the name of the project from City of Heroes: Homecoming to Homecoming: City of Heroes. This won’t be an immediate change - you’ll slowly start to see things switch over the next few months - however, the current Homecoming logo will be remaining in place. 


    2027700530_new-logo(1).thumb.png.a39bc674e2678a17a1a5925fd063e828.png 757687397_HomecomingIcon.thumb.png.d5a74ad0354486819df3d48f809c9dfb.png


    We’ve also set up several social media channels - we’re not actively using these right now, but feel free to follow us for when we do!

    Finally, we’ll also be switching over to using homecomingcoh.com domain in the near future (with our short links moving to hccoh.gg). When we make the switch all existing links will continue to function with a redirect, but you will need to refresh your login cookies (ie: you’ll need to log in to the forum again).



    • Haha 1
  5. 23 minutes ago, Li_Sensei said:

    Recluse's Victory, Ghost Widow.


    When RV was opened, there was a large group on Union who descended upon it looking for badges (thank you Sal for gathering so many lunatics in one channel...).


    The problem is, that GW in there had not only the usual high level AV regen, resistance, debuff resistance and all the usual stuff that made AV's a PITA to take down back then, she also has Dark Regeneration and Life Drain...  AoE's that heal her *per target hit*...


    When she's being mobbed by several teams of badge monkeys?


    There was no way to defeat her.


    I'm not sure if there was also the PvP zone inflicted nerf to player powers in effect also, since PvP has never been an interest of mine.


    But she'd take maybe 20% damage, then pop back up to full health.  I don't recall if she was ever actually taken down that evening or not.

    And her Mag 200 hold lol

  6. 42 minutes ago, Snarky said:

    I have run this A LOT more since that post.  Getting comfortable being near the crackles and keeping up DPS is major important. We use a incarnate inspirations strategy. I burn two team reds and a team acc/dam when we summon lores. These are the big ones from luna.  After a couple crackled i do it again.  The whole league is similarly equipped and doing same/similar.  Avoid the crackle, keep DPS up.  I have also switched to an ice/cold Corruptor for most incarnate trials.  Pure DPS with a single target and AoE -res along with DoT Blizzard and Ice Storm work so well with Scourge.  Fully ranged and adding tovthe league’s ability to burn fast fast fast

    Ice/Cold Corruptors are awesome! They've got it all and can be built to solo AVs/GMs or make a lackluster team better with added def shields and glorious debuffs. The three targeted AOE powers are awesome too and recharge really fast. 

    • Thumbs Up 1
  7. 30 minutes ago, PeregrineFalcon said:

    I'm seriously divided on this topic.


    I want to jranger because my friends and I love fighting Carnies (I don't care if that word is offensive, report me) and I don't see any reason to up their XP because they're no more of a challenge than Malta.


    On the other hand, I fight Carnies all the time. Bonus XP, on top of getting to enjoy the screams of my victims, would be like icing on the cake.


    Surely you can see the predicament this puts me in?


    Looks like it was actually done for consistency:

    On 8/24/2021 at 12:43 PM, Faultline said:

    Renamed "Carnie" enemy group to "Carnival of Shadows" for consistency with "Carnival of Light", "Carnival of Vengeance" and "Carnival of War".

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