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Glacier Peak

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Posts posted by Glacier Peak

  1. 1 hour ago, Vanex said:


    fact is newStealth should be at 3rd power since increased stealth radius ( same as oldInvisibility no?)

    while Infiltration should be 1st power since lower stealth radius with added boosts...

    in summary:  don't touch Invisibility and boost Stealth -> Infiltration


    current choice will require me to respec many toons, instead boosting only stealth would have been painless (for everyone), do You agree?

    Infiltration is a travel power, which is why its the third choice. And these changes have already been live for weeks now and the majority of folks who have voted indicated their preference for as is. 

  2. Since this is your third (or fourth?) time going through all gold side, do you perhaps have a well-laid strategy for ensuring all content has been played? A roadmap even? I have only done the gold side complete all run once, and I missed so much content from not making the right connections at the right time that I gave up at Level 6 😁

  3. 6 minutes ago, ForeverLaxx said:

    As your question on whether you having Cel Shading on or not matters (it doesn't: the person doing the judging has the only visual setting that matters) has been answered, I'd just like to say that I've got a ton of costumes I love with small details and themed designs that many people compliment the few times I team but I've never placed, let alone won, a CC on Homecoming.


    Why? Because it's subjective. In my experience, the people who seem to win the most are people who used 90-100% of a developer-made costume set (think Celestial Armor) or they're some kind of skimpy catgirl. The others that win/place are almost always joke characters.


    There's no accounting for taste, I'm afraid. Just enjoy your own look because your opinion on your costume is the only one that really matters.

    Well said! At the end of the day, a costume contest might take up an hour or so of your time (dependent on number of participants vs. judges). Contrast this to staring at your character every time you play it, days, weeks, months even. Way more important to me how I like it, than how other folks like it.

    • Like 1
  4. Just now, Wavicle said:

    I sent the full crash report.


     Level 50+3 energy/energy Blaster


     not sure what other content I could provide

    What alignment were you? Were you in a team, solo, or in an AE or Ouro mission or TF? Did you have this happen once or is it repeatable? If so, what were the exact conditions so that other players, like myself, can replicate the bug and help troubleshoot the problem. 

  5. 5 minutes ago, Dahkness said:

    I am only able to do this on the third mission and it works for every EB. I also noticed it brings the lvl down of the EB after they get teleported.  Would love this to be a perma change for every EB at 54 🙂

    To be clear, you're saying that a power is able to change the security level of an enemy, specifically the EBs in the ITF? Is that the bug you're describing?

  6. 21 minutes ago, Faultline said:

    The graffiti texture currently there is 256x128, so while the original should be high res (or vector), be mindful it's going to end up at around that size, so a lot of detail won't really help. Graffiti is more about broad strokes anyway, see this graffiti of the statue of liberty for reference: https://www.freeimages.com/es/photo/statue-of-liberty-graffiti-1534246


    I'm attaching the highest quality version of the seal I found in the texture library, but I wouldn't want to use just plain lineart or even something that is too close to the seal, since that is more a Kings Row feature (the large coin in the police station) than an Atlas one, even if the statue is featured in it. Keeping the graffiti style will work best, in my opinion.




    That is a dope logo. Thank you for digging it out of the files and sharing. 

  7. 3 hours ago, Ironblade said:

    I think we need just a few more options.

    I mean, look at this . . .



    There are actually a ton that you can use... (see spoiler)


    People & Body
    Animals & Nature
    Food & Drink
    Travel & Places


    • Thanks 1
  8. 2 minutes ago, Christopher Robin said:

    Same thread linked above just scroll down two posts (though I think that is a thumbs down being used ironically rs4wmRnk_o.gif).

    Yeah my original post at the top of this thread has thumbs up and down, looks cool!

    • Like 1
    • Thumbs Up 1
  9. I gotta say like everyone else, it is subjective. Is that fair? Hmmm... It is in the eye of the beholder.


    For example, the most recent costume contest event on my primary server was a ton of fun. When it came to the four runner-ups, their costumes were fantastic! Completely original designs with great color compliments. But the winner? Holy cow, it looked like they hit the random button. Two primary colors selected for the palette. The costume made no sense to me, it was literally a costume that shows up when you hit random in the costume creator. I was more surprised that the costume winner beat out the other four awesome costumes than my own that didn't place. Heck the winning costumed character was created on the day of the event, Level 1, no badges. Meanwhile I spent months tweaking my costume on my character for this event after previously participating in other contests. 


    So yeah, its subjective. But that is okay! 

    • Like 1
    • Thumbs Up 2
  10. I was expanding on @TemporalVileTerror points. There's a bit of history behind the gestures, thumb extended facing up or down that is. It is said to harken back to Roman times, though it's probably more relatable in Western culture to mean approval or disapproval. I also added a touch of levity.


    • Thumbs Up 1
  11. 15 minutes ago, TemporalVileTerror said:

    I just conducted a little test, and I see that "Thumbs Down" doesn't appear to deduct any Reputation.  So, at least there's that.  Additionally, with this change, the Confused Reaction can hopefully be read in the context of the post in question causing confusion, rather than the reading that seemed to develop for some users thinking it was used in the absence of a "negative" Reaction.

    Overall, though . . . I wonder how much use these two new Reactions are going to see.  Will the availability of the Thumbs Down create any more hostility between members of the community?  And really, is there a difference in context between the blue Like heart and this Thumbs Up?  That does also seem a bit redundant from my perspective.

    What about cultural misunderstandings! Does it mean Longbows are poised and ready? Shall verso or converso pollice be decided? What approbation shall abound?!

    • Confused 1
  12. 17 minutes ago, zenblack said:

    I support and like the change to Lady Grey Taskforce, it fixes a real problem. It's the gold equivalent of the Ms Liberty Taskforce and Lord Recluse Strikeforce. It contains an endgame enemy type and difficulty level (though I would support a more "rikti supergroup av fight" at the end. Perhaps with 1 extra AV at each pylon or buffed up Riders or something). The one thing that might help distinguish this would be changing it's Incarnate component reward and swap it with a Synthetic Hami-O, but even if not it seems fine.


    I also appreciate the fix to Emp Arrow and Arcane Bolt/power. I would like the strenuously suggest having an alternate effect for Arcane Bolt though, please, it's terrible. Perhaps a Psychic Blast projectile to simulate a Magic Missile.

    Magic missile gif 4 » GIF Images Download

  13. 9 minutes ago, csr said:

    My issue with it is actually the flip-side:  It renders KR's entrance pretty much useless.  So why not lose it instead?

    I would support this.


    Edit: Furthermore, there are still the original Paragon Dance Party entrances which could be used as a nexus to Pocket D.


    • Like 3
  14. 21 minutes ago, Andreah said:

    I think it would be cool if the Atlas Pocket-D entrance, if there is one, was close to Back Alley Brawler. Give people more reason to see that he's there.



    The entrance to Pocket D in Atlas is to the East of City Hall, in the parking lot across from the Auction House and near the Architect Entertainment building.


    After reviewing Atlas Park as the replacement for Founder's Falls, I believe it is appropriate given the zones connection to high level zones (Recluse's Victory, Rikti War Zone) and transportation hubs (Paragon City Monorail, TUNNEL connection, base portal, Fort Trident). If I wanted to connect to Founder's Falls I could use one of the many options available to a player to do so.

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