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Glacier Peak

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Posts posted by Glacier Peak

  1.  I really love the zone and I appreciate the person(s) who made it so awesome! I wanted to note a few locations that could use a touch up (or additional layer of graphics) since there is so much attention to detail in the zone that I want it to be perfect too. I was spending a lot of time around one building in particular, so here are some coordinates:


    Back side of the caste/building with atrium inside:

    [-1791.9 269.5 -800.9] Bottom of column

    [-1725.9 296.6 -791.1] Bottom of column

    [-1687.5 232.6 -857.3] Bottom of column

    [-1575.1 269.0 -919.5] Bottom of column

    [-1574.1 256.4 -506.6] bottom of column (able to fly up underneath)

    [-1577.7 288.0 -512.8] bottom of column (able to fly up underneath)

    [-1447.6 258.7 -574.7] bottom of column (able to fly up underneath)

    [-1450.4 288.2 -583.3] bottom of column (able to fly up underneath)

    [-1532.9 356.0 -519.5] the blue-grey tile floor height doesn't match the surrounding objects, so it appears with a slight gap between objects.

    [-1576.8 376.0 -726.6] the ceiling glass has a gap

    [-1608.1 376.0 -688.6] the ceiling glass has a gap

    [-1529.7 376.0 -640.0] the ceiling glass has a gap

    [-1545.9 376.0 -669.6] the ceiling glass has a gap


    ...and lastly, I would like the giant donut to act like a CoT portal and teleport me to inside the building next to it  😛




    @Zepp beat me to it, but I had to work today 😭


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  2. On 4/28/2021 at 3:51 PM, Takinalis said:

    Used the hole to make it all the way to the snake hole behind the pillars that lead back to pocket D, and to go through bottom of island 🙂


    Behind the pillars is 'power dead'. You don't even get inherent fitness jump.

    You mean that you logged out next to the wall opposite of the snake hole then logged back in and because the snake hole acts as a door portal, when you logged back in you were inside the no-powers "jail" area? Sure wish /stuck worked.... 😁 (Edit: That was a joke, just go down the hole)




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    • Haha 1
  3. Oh you will be giddy when you see every costume item unlocked at the very start, every powerset free and customizable, every quality of life feature you ever thought of would've been nice back in the day, it's here! 


    I have been playing on Homecoming since they went public and I've been nothing but happy with the way they've kept this fun little super hero game not just alive, but ready to thrive.

    • Like 8
  4. 8 minutes ago, UltraAlt said:

    Update failed twice while using the Homecoming launcher.

    Third time was the charm.


    I've never had the Homecoming launcher fail to update the first time before.

    This is interesting, mine updated so quickly I thought it didn't actually get the patch. Maybe internet connection?

  5. 3 minutes ago, Katharos said:

    The two things that concerned me about the incoming walk changes was the suppression of the panacea and performance shifter procs that clutter up chat files I use to record roleplay, and the suppression of movement-effecting set bonuses that make the geysers in the Shadow Shard throw you into oblivion, which Disable All Powers seems to handle fine. That said, it's a shame panacea, performance shifter, and the power transfer proc can't be removed from chat logs separately from having to disable all powers period. It would make my in game combat log a lot more usable, and would probably enable me to find combat-specific bugs better. Besides which, it'd let me use the new walk with toggles on in roleplay, which I had thought was part of the intention of walk changes. I suppose it'd take a lot more work to put procs into its own channel/tab the way pet powers are... I know hardcore players who use a log parser to get around the spam, so I suppose I should probably figure out the details about that instead.

    If those procs are clogging your chat files, you can temporarily remove them with Enhancement Unslotters while you are recording roleplay, then add back in after you are done.


    Edit: Oh and you can also use the beta server as well - lots of features available instantly thanks to the Freebies Menu.


    • Sad 1
  6. 25 minutes ago, Taboo said:

    Just what I said. Work-arounds seem to be growing in number. What are you going on about?

    This is a feedback thread for beta changes that address issues that were discovered after the latest patch was released. We, the players, are testing these changes to ensure they don't create further problems. What are you misunderstanding? Do you need to continue this discussion via direct messaging so that we don't clog up this thread?

    • Like 3
  7. 7 hours ago, Sovereigne said:

    Few of my favorites:

    Dragonfly - TA/electric defender

    Sandstream - Water/storm corruptor

    ? - been sitting on this one for a while, haven't come up with a concept to fit yet

    Neurochemist - Pain/DP defender


    This makes me want to use those cell shading lines really bad! I just keep it turned off because it kind of taxes the system 😅

  8. Following up my previous post on AI Flight behavior with one on Mastermind pet, allied pet, and temporary pet behaviors


    Conclusion: Mastermind Pet commands worked as intended while using Group Fly.


    Testing proceeded as follows: From a distance, while using Defensive stance, I targeted an enemy then clicked Attack My Target. Mastermind pets engaged quickly by initially getting in to melee range and then using ranged attacks as they cycled through their attacks. Once the targeted enemy was defeated, they moved on to other targets that I selected. At the end of the engagement, the Mastermind pets returned to my side. Behavior appears normal.




    Using the Aggressive stance, the Mastermind pets attacked enemies which I used Attack My Target on. They continued to attack until the enemies in the area were defeated. Behavior appears normal.





    Moving on to Prestige and temporary pets...


    Behavior appears similar (subjectively exactly the same even) to how Prestige and temporary pets without Group Fly behave. If they have ranged attacks, they use them and if they have melee attacks, they use them as well. Tested using Signature Summon (Ranged Damage, Melee Damage, Support, and Tank) along with Back Up Radio (PPD Reinforcement) pet summon.




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