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Glacier Peak

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Posts posted by Glacier Peak

  1. 13 minutes ago, arcane said:

    Yes I did that and got it to show up as x9999 on the nav - but still just +4’s in the mission. 

    This was based on Yomo’s thread though and I think the only qualifier he mentioned was for the mission to be below 50. But I’m guessing it’s more complicated than that and I need to try something that isn’t level 49 OR isn’t an AE mission.

    Ah interesting - I believe I was exemped down to level 24 for the 1st respec trial and I was facing level 30s. Not sure how it works for the around lvl 50 content.

  2. 21 minutes ago, arcane said:

    I tried to trigger your bug by starting a level 49 mission at +4x9999 but it didn’t work 😕 

    Did you try using the command [/setdifficultyteamsize x], with x representing the '9999' number? I was able to do this for the first respec trial on a solo run and holy yikes, I was working my butt off with the spawns. I had to use everything, pets, temps, nukes, the whole bag.

  3. 1 hour ago, ZacKing said:
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    Loved Throg!  That was great.  Looks like its down to Kang or He who Remains being the one behind the TVA.  I'm only guessing, but I'm going to say He Who Remains with Renslayer trying to find him and kill him because of her connection to Kang.


    Agreed! The way the series has progressed I see those as the only options left on the table.

  4. On 7/3/2021 at 12:05 PM, merrypessimist said:

    God yes. A temp power that does nothing but "instantly kill a mole machine" added to you inventory during any mission that features the stupid things would be awesome.  I'd even be for leaving them at the huge HP pool but removing the resists.

    Yeah, I am open to this alternative as well. 

    • Like 1
  5. Another satisfying episode!



    The other Loki's bit/betrayal was expected, but I thought it actually pulled away from the story that the viewers (at least myself) cared about. I found myself liking the Sylvie character even more after this episode, especially after erasing herself and it was great to see Mobius back at it.


    So many little easter eggs in the background of this episode, I think I will just watch a youtuber tell me this time so I don't have to rewatch it a dozen times lol. Next week should be the season finale, perhaps a big unmasking of the TVA, perhaps a tie in to other series/movies in the future, and hopefully a cliff hanger for the next season!


  6. 5 minutes ago, krj12 said:

    Hidden room that I found in Peregrine Isle back on live,  seems like you had to work your way through some bugged geometry to get to it though.

    I don't remember exactly where it was or how to replicate it.






    That area is now accessible on Homecoming by clicking any interior arena door.


    Previously it required teleporting under the map geometry in a zone with an arena and then /stuck underneath to enter. 

    • Thumbs Up 1
  7. There's a MIB-esque entrance to a Council headquarters building in RWZ.  Another fun little base in Boomtown where War Walkers & GM spawn. 


    Outside Pocket D there are a number of cool little easter eggs. Here's a tour:


    You can get outside of most maps in this game with a little effort and a lot of patience.


    There's a pool with a Corlax fishing/eating a donut in Grandville as well. 

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  8. Have two accounts. One farmer one healer. Jump in to separate ouro missions, one level 10 or below and one at level 50. Go to the NE section of Mercy Island where Legacy Chain spawn infinitely. Plop farmer down with AoE attack on auto in mob spawn. Plant healer nearby for heals on auto. Never need to reset, but cheesy xp.

    • Like 1
  9. 18 hours ago, Midnyte said:

    Positron TF Parts 1 and 2 - Cat or Dog dressed as a superhero - Saturday, 7/3/2021





















































































    Holy smokes! Lots of screenies, how do you get around the 4.88MB limit???

    • Like 1
  10. 21 hours ago, Razor Cure said:

    Apparently the Mole's DID give insane xp, way back in the aerly days of CoV. I didnt see it myself, but a few people told me this when I started playing. I always found it ironic the old devs would nerf every redside farm, and yet blue side had SO many farms just left alone.

    Ah yes, I alluded to that in my original post, but I wasn't sure what exact farming method was the cause. Thanks!

  11. 12 hours ago, JayboH said:

    Besides the end cost savings mentioned by ZN, it kind of looks like it is about the right end cost when compared to Telekinesis, but more expensive than Repel and Sonic Repulsion. 

    Ah interesting. I've only dabbled with Whirlwind during testing, it seemed rather high as I careened in to a group of enemies. 

  12. 18 hours ago, Tahliah said:

    With all due respect, this is horrible advice. Why would you steer clear of amazing IO sets that happen to have some movement bonus as their first tier bonus when the next three are fabulous (plus acc, recharge, resistance/defense, and etc.)?  I love Ghost Widow's Embrace and Performance Shifter, both of which have "incidental" movement speed bonuses that lead to very useful other bonuses to health, endurance, and damage/accuracy.


    I wouldn't slot for movement bonuses, of course, but there are some good sets for non-mains/non-high cost toons that are very useful despite having a first tier movement bonus.

    The poster I was replying to specifically asked how to slow their movement speed down. I gave them a handful of ways. Hopefully that added context is not lost. 

    • Thanks 3
  13. 1 hour ago, Murcielago said:

    Call me crazy but I feel like travel powers are too fast now. They're difficult to control, is there a way to slow them down? 

    I'd recommend not slotting for speed, leaping, range, or flight speed. And steering clear of set bonuses for movement as well. 


    Or if you don't want to make those changes, you could try turning off the travel power. You can also use the slower versions from the P2W vendor.

    • Thumbs Up 1
  14. 55 minutes ago, Hyperstrike said:

    IIRC, the mole machines don't actually attack you.
    They're just Big Dumb Objects to destroy.

    This is true. They did not do any damage to me during my wailing.


    Since this is the case, let's recommend the health be scaled down to other objects which grant no xp or influence. 

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