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Glacier Peak

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Posts posted by Glacier Peak

  1. 1 hour ago, America's Angel said:

    Top 10 Ranked 6/13/2021:

    1    Madvillain
    2    Alouu
    3    Ridicc. (+1)
    4    America’s Angel
    5    magecow (+1)
    6    T Mart
    7    Blackhearted
    8    mjb (NEW ENTRY)
    9    Seductive
    10  Mushroom

    Ranks are calculated by Elo Score. Source: https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1ZetLGnWhKXeE9o_5KG3ZI-rpdhde5YigzQlorIsOR4k/edit?usp=sharing

    Reasons for movement:

    We ran another Beginner's night on Everlasting. Had a great turnout again. Highlight of the event was mjb bringing his MA/Stone brute...and coming first with it!



    Wish I'd grabbed a picture of it doing Eagles Claw. :classic_biggrin:

    As always, if you're interested in seeing your name in the top 10, taking part in our weekly Sunday Fightclub events, or learning more about 1v1 melee fights, then feel free to join up to our discord, here: https://discord.gg/knq839NUM4

    This is great to see! Thanks for the weekly updates AA.

    • Thanks 1
  2. 20 minutes ago, srmalloy said:

    Not as badly as the old "yellow dawn" for screwing up on the original Hami raid, where one yellow mito would spawn for each character in the zone (I can only think of a couple attempts to recover from one)... but clearing a full-on spawn hell is a great achievement.

    Imagine that being the beefed up version of the Hami raid, it spawns with a full bloom for every player, but each yellow miti/mito gives every player a merit.


  3. 15 minutes ago, JayboH said:

    I do test and give feedback; I just think if there is a bunch of PvP changes to test I shouldn't get involved.  Dice roll PvP where it's more about getting favorable rolls than actual skill/reflexes has never appealed to me (well, most of us it looks like.)  I don't want my limited experience to influence things that others care more about - isn't that the smart thing to do?  Do the PvP players want PvE only players to help change the PvP?

    I wasn't meaning* to imply in my response to you that you weren't testing or giving feedback. And I can certainly understand your point though, in fact I am in the same boat.


    One thing I am good at is measuring and comparing stated effects (i.e., what the patch notes say or how it should work) against what is actually happening, and when there is a discrepancy, I ensure the bug report is very detailed to make sure my results can be retested by others. 


    • Thumbs Up 1
  4. 3 hours ago, JayboH said:

    Hopefully the PvPers help test

    This has been an ongoing process over the past few months, with a number of very dedicated and PvP-knowledgeable players testing these and other proposed changes. And while it isn't solely up to PvPers to test these changes, players who are familiar with or compete in an organized manner (in the arena, for example) and in zones are also testing these proposed changes. Heck, even folks who don't PvP are testing these proposed changes. I honestly can't think of a reason for anyone not to be included for testing - if you or others would like to, I certainly recommend helping the community through the testing and providing feedback of these proposed changes.

  5. 2 hours ago, Techwright said:

    The idea of an overarching Time Authority is not unique to Umbrella Academy.  For example:  Star Trek: Voyager did it about 20 years before Umbrella Academy was filmed (though admittedly I don't know when the source comic book for U.A. was released.)  As to having period equipment in high tech settings, there's Firefly and Battlestar: Galactic right off the top of my head.  Doctor Who has done it often as well.

    If anything, the time travel trope originated in Charles Dickens's novel 'A Christmas Carol' (1843). There may be earlier examples, but I am not aware of any lol

  6. 1 hour ago, cohRock said:

    Since I have the system up and running, I saw what you mean.  I was surprised only 1 HDMI.  What is advantage to DisplayPort?  If I go dual monitor, would I want to use two of the DisplayPorts, or will there be some weird limitation with one DisplayPort and one HDMI?

    To answer your question: If you want to use dual monitors - do either of the monitors have built in speakers? If they do, do you plan on using them? If yes, HDMI makes it so you don't need an additional audio cable (in at least one of the monitors). If not, use Display Port for both.


    The difference is that the HDMI 2.1 cable can output video AND audio signal, while Display Port has a larger bandwidth, due in large part to it ONLY outputting video (and not audio) signal. 


    For example, I have two monitors. One monitor has a built in speaker (it's also a higher resolution and refresh rate, 1400p/165Hz) and the other is a 1080p with no speaker. I use a Display Port cable to hook up to the 1440p/165Hz monitor to enable it to reach its maximum potential (refresh rate and resolution) and a separate audio cable to connect the audio output.


    I use an HDMI cable to go to my 1080p monitor because it doesn't need an audio output option since it has no speaker and has low resolution. 


    Newer certifications like HDMI 2.1 (updated from 2.0) and Display Port 1.4a (updated from 1.4) on the video card ports makes it so you can use more of the HDMI and Display Port cable bandwidth.


    I kind of like to think of it as... a big pipeline. On one end, your graphics card, it has a large capacity for rendering stuff, but it can't push it all through the pipe at once. It is constrained by the diameter of the pipe. The updates to the ports make it so more can go through the pipe.


    Hope that helps (or if smarter folks can explain it better, I defer to their expertise!)

  7. 8 minutes ago, ZorkNemesis said:


    I couldn't get below that big blue cube under the map, Port Oakes has a Shadow Shard-style safety net under the map that drops you in front of the mansion in the north if you go too low.  I didn't try teleporting straight down though.

    Simple work around, fly out in any direction about a mile or so and then drop/turn off fly. You'll hit the real floor of the zone. From there, just run/fly to the bottom of the blue square (making sure not to get to high off of the floor of the zone). Watch my video for reference on this technique: Around 5:35 timestamp.



  8. 14 minutes ago, Apparition said:

    Yep.  Click on any door *inside* the Peregrine Island Arena.


    Like I said in the original post, it was originally intended to be the arena waiting room.  However, it was scrapped, and the arena was built literally overtop of it.  Galaxy City, Talos Island, and Peregrine Island all had one, but only the Peregrine Island one was accessible due to map holes.  You would have to fall through a map hole in PI, fly to what looked like a big box underneath the arena, and then type /stuck which would put you inside. 😄 I was one of the first (perhaps the first) to find it on the Champion server.  Eventually, I parked a character there, and frequently teleported others inside.  The last couple of years prior to sunset, It became a bit of a social hang out where a couple of DJs from an Internet radio station would host their radio shows.  At least on Champion, I don't know about the other servers.


    During the "secret server" days, SCoRE plugged the map holes in Peregrine Island, but made "the Matrix room" much more accessible.


    I just have fond memories of the place from prior to sunset, and think it would make a nice social area red side since red side is especially lacking in such things.

    Oh darn! I am at work right now or else I'd provide step by step - but you can get under Galaxy City, Talos Island, PI, Port Oakes... gosh I guess pretty much any map (except for current Atlas Park, they fixed all the geometry holes I used). I know for a fact Talos had a blue square on live! I'll have to check when I get home if they are still there (I am pretty sure PO has one).

    • Thanks 1
  9. 23 minutes ago, DougGraves said:

    So they decided making a villain that was like an evil version of the hero was not enough, now they have the villain be an actual evil multiverse version of the hero.  That was sad.  I lost about 50% of my interest in the show.  I will still probably watch it since my daughter loves Loki.


    It really felt like Umbrella Academy season 2 time bureau, with the black woman time tracker from season 1 thrown in.  Everything looked cool, but it felt so unoriginal having season Umbrella Academy last year.  I mean it didn't just seem like the Umbrella Academy plot.  The lighting, color, use of flashbacks, the whole feel of the show was Umbrella Academy.


    This feels to me like a marvel Netflix show.  Really slow and drawn out.  But I felt that way about  episode 1 of Falcon and Winter Soldier and that got a lot better.  So this may just be a lame first episode.


    And if you have not seen Umbrella Academy, this probably all seem innovative and cool.

    Interesting perspective! Yeah these Marvel Disney shows have all been slow builds...



    ... but I get the trope is played out (alternate version of character, good now evil or evil now good and versus each other). Perhaps this will become a plot twist later? 


  10. 8 minutes ago, UberGuy said:

    Quartz give DE +100% tohit bonus, so yeah, they basically cancel SR on their own.


    Suppression should not last for the duration of the effect - only for the period where you are actually mezzed. Can you test that in a more controlled environment, where there is nothing like Quartz around?

    Side question - 100% tohit bonus... does this translate to ALWAYS hitting target? Or is this 'chance to hit target is 100%' per roll? I don't really understand this.

  11. 8 hours ago, Glacier Peak said:

    That is EXACTLY what I thought. It was a nice touch in the beginning....


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    ...having that sort of 'take a ticket and proceed through the line' scene. It really grounds the character in to the new reality of the show. That, and having a drawer full of infinity stones, aka paper weights, as well.

    I meant to pull this in from a cross post before I realized there was already a thread for it! 😅

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