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Glacier Peak

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Posts posted by Glacier Peak

  1. Is there a dev tool setting that increases or maximizes the render distance/object quantity? I am curious if there is, and if said dev or GM has a powerful enough system, could they manage to get everybody in a contest like this? 


    I use /visscale # (where the number ranges from lowest of 1, to highest of 20). Would that help render more players or is that just objects/geometry?

    • Like 1
  2. This last page update changed the leaping powers:

    • Jump_LongJump.png.965618363ac8f16e7cc32209f5ee6b1c.png Super Jump and ForceofWill_MightyLeap.png.68958a297bf392684d4f96375d0e0a27.png Mighty Leap increase your jump speed cap by 30%, from 78.2mph to 101.8mph


    • ForceofWill_Stomp.png.d2ed9aec030afaa6250005e989685a11.png Mighty Leap > Takeoff
      • Now increases jump speed cap by a further 10% (to 110.39mph) and boosts Mighty Leap to put you at the jump speed cap for 30 seconds
        • Previously this bonus was just under 20%, but it now stacks with the 30% bonus from Mighty Leap
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  3. On the topic of the thread itself, and has been repeated already, these things won't become a problem as long as we can self police our own community. See a player violating the code of conduct? Report it to an in-game GM or through the forums, or on Discord (often found to be the quickest response in my experience). After that, it will be dealt with as the Homecoming staff see fit. If it keeps happening (there will always be another), they've made clear they are open to reversing the policy like they've done in the past.


    I think anything past this point is supposition and only mildly entertaining.

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  4. 1 hour ago, TemporalVileTerror said:

    uh, @Homecoming Team (actually, there's an idea . . . )
    To be clear, we're supposed to be branding this server as:

    Homecoming:  City of Heroes

    I noticed the recent Massively articles are still doing it the other way around.  I don't know how much of a sticking point this kind of brand distinction is, but I just wanted to clarify.


    Yeah that's what I read: State of the Project - August 2020



    Homecoming: City of Heroes
    We’re going to be changing the name of the project from City of Heroes: Homecoming to Homecoming: City of Heroes. This won’t be an immediate change - you’ll slowly start to see things switch over the next few months - however, the current Homecoming logo will be remaining in place. 




    2027700530_new-logo(1).thumb.png.a39bc674e2678a17a1a5925fd063e828.png 757687397_HomecomingIcon.thumb.png.d5a74ad0354486819df3d48f809c9dfb.png


  5. Yeah, so far after watching a couple of different streams on Twitch for City of Heroes: Homecoming, I think the streamers are doing the game justice on the platform. I especially enjoyed the past weekend's costume contest/monster mash - great way to show the community that we've built off to prospective future players!


    Edit: Oh I just remembered, there wasn't any apparent indication for the game between different servers. Some folks were streaming Rebirth, others Thunder Spy, etc. I am hoping down the road, in the not so distant future that the platform will have a specific City of Heroes: Homecoming game instead of the generic City of Heroes (or Going Rogue).


  6. 9 minutes ago, TheSpiritFox said:

    I know I'm in a minority but I hate this change. I hate streaming culture, I don't want to invite Twitch streamers in, I just want to play the game. Bad change imo. 


    Also like is there any actual word on "negotiations" cause at this point like after 2 years I would have expected to see more than "we're talking" that doesn't sound legit tbh. 

    It is okay to dislike a change.


    And if waiting for an announcement on server legitimacy is too hard for you, perhaps a reminder of the 7 years without the 'City of' franchise will provide you with the comfort that it really hasn't been that long of a wait. Time is relative though, so I guess if a player is younger, this might seem like a longer wait.


    • Like 3
  7. 1 hour ago, DougGraves said:

    Netflix shows me ads for it but I haven't tried it.


    Is this action, comedy, grimdark?

    Lots of action, gore, grimdark, heavy adult themes. It's an adaptation of a video game series, and I think it did a great job. Wish they included the Castlevania music though 😂

  8. 45 minutes ago, Apparition said:

    I wasn’t sure where to put this, but Off-Topic seems like a good bet.


    Now that videos and streaming are once again allowed for Homecoming… how do you make a video in the first place?  I would like to record (not stream, just record), a couple of tutorial videos and videos for bug reports and such.  FWIW, I am currently running Windows 10 Pro.


    What software would you recommend?

    Great question! From someone with similar use cases...


    I normally use [GEFORCE Experience] the baked in nVidia recording software that came with my GPU. It records the game when I press a hotkey and then stop the recording with another hotkey. Then it encodes it and saves it to wherever I want it for later. 


    As for video editing, uh... well I just use [Video Editor] the generic Windows 10 Pro video editing program. Nothing flashy because I don't make anything longer than a few seconds (bugs, geometry error locations, power issues, etc.)


    After that, it is just a matter of hosting the video. You can do this easily with something like a YouTube account.


  9. 7 hours ago, merrypessimist said:

    I watched the first three seasons having never played any of the Castlevania games, so they were fresh to me.  Of course I'm old enough to know "oh yeah there was a guy call Belmont who fought Dracula in a Nintendo game" but nothing beyond that.  That said I really enjoyed the first two seasons of the show and not enjoying the third one much.  I haven't gotten around to watching the fourth yet since three was... what it was.

    Yeah I felt the same way. I gave the fourth season a chance because I really enjoyed the first two seasons, and everything was nicely tied up, all the plot holes were filled, etc. The only thing I didn't like...


    ...was how short 'Death' was included in the series. He should have been introduced in Season 3 - the fact that they gave Trevor Belmont all those cool weapons at the very end of the series. Part of me feels like the writers just wanted the series to end without any extraneous supposition on a future season. But like I said, I enjoyed how it ended, so I am happy with that 😁


  10. 1 hour ago, Ukase said:

    Um..so, where is Vahzlok's lab? I don't see a gate/entrance from within the abandoned sewer network. I'm assuming without evidence to the contrary that I now have to do Doc Buzzsaw's new arc to get access. As a badger, this arc has so many pre-reqs it's like one of the last things I'm likely to do on a character. I'd rather not have that one exploration outstanding for so long. Is there a different path to the badge other than the arc, if my assumption is correct? 





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