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Glacier Peak

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Posts posted by Glacier Peak

  1. 3 minutes ago, Gilbegger said:

    Wow..there are to many touchy homers on these forums. Let people express their views without being a douche.

    The irony in your response speaks volumes...🤣

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  2. 49 minutes ago, Mezmera said:

    Yes fun is subjective.  Dwindling pvp numbers are hard data.  


    That's what this take was designed to help describe as someone that played and enjoyed pvp pre and post revamp on Live to the iteration it is now.   


    Yes damage is king especially when added to hp buffs, mez shields, absorb shields, etc.   They police themselves quite fine but hopefully they aren't so complacent they don't see the lack of balance doesn't attract newcomers.  

    Oh I misunderstood the topic of this post. I thought you were asking for casual observations about PvP.

  3. 3 minutes ago, usshathaway5 said:

    I guess this is what happens when you "cheap out" on servers...hopefully this doesn't become the norm.  

    This hasn't happened in the two years I have been playing on the Homecoming servers. I definitely isn't the norm and it is not something that the Homecoming team has any control over. The fact that you used quotes around 'cheap out,' makes me think you are implying that there is a lack of diligence on behalf of the Homecoming team, which is wholly inaccurate. 

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  4. 2 hours ago, America's Angel said:

    Top 10 Ranked 6/20/2021:

    1    Madvillain
    2    Alouu
    3    America’s Angel (+1)
    4    Ridicc
    5    Magecow
    6    Kencian (+5)
    7    T Mart
    8    Blackhearted
    9    mjb
    10  Mushroom

    Ranks are calculated by Elo Score. Source: https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1ZetLGnWhKXeE9o_5KG3ZI-rpdhde5YigzQlorIsOR4k/edit?usp=sharing

    Reasons for movement:

    We ran another Fight Club night last night. Kencian brought his new Kat/Rad scrapper (Sanzuken) and dropped damn near everyone he went up against. (Only Madvillain was able to force a tie out of him!)


    If you find yourself in Recluse's Victory on Indomitable, watch out for this guy...



    As always, if you're interested in seeing your name in the top 10, taking part in our weekly Sunday Fightclub events, or learning more about 1v1 melee fights, then feel free to join up to our discord, here: https://discord.gg/knq839NUM4

    Wow Katana! That's awesome. I really gotta get to one of these weekly events. Thanks for bringing the updates AA!

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  5. 1 hour ago, Hedgefund said:

    My 2 inf for why not to make the change - it would change nothing at all.


    The ticking clock is by and large irrelevant.  If a team is so inclined to farm ambrosia or go spelunking in general, they're free to, they have 4 hours, more than enough time.  I've done this before on a team that fought their way through and I remember that being 45 minutes, so I bring this up as the edge case for how long an Eden takes.  I've been on plenty others using the more common "Speeden" techniques and those can be as few as 10ish minutes, more commonly in the 15 minute range.  Again giving ample opportunity to savor the locale should they choose after it's over.

    I follow what you're saying - the reason not to change the time is the reason not to change the time. Four hours feels like a long enough time to do whatever is required during the trial - okay, fair enough that is a reason not to change the time requirement. 


    Would you agree that same reason not to change the time also applies to a reason to change the time? I mean if it doesn't affect normal players, speed runners, or what have you, then that sounds like it isn't detrimental to the game experience of many players. 

  6. Good post idea! I'll go next:


    I want to thank @TraumaTrain, @Jaxman100, @Midnyte, @FrauleinMental, @TygerDarkstorm@Bananiac, @TrixieKixx AND @EmmySkyfor their weekly themed task force/strike force engagements. Many of the folks who participate post screenshots of the event. The reason I bring that up is because I've never participated for various reasons, but I always find myself checking out their shenanigans each week. Perhaps a vicarious sense of community, as I don't team very often and because it's a bit of a drag pulling together folks on Indomitable. Anyways, they have a fan and perhaps one day I'll sign up for a themed event. 



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  7. Plain and simple suggestion - the second mission of the Eden Trial (2 of 2) has a four hour time limit. If memory serves me correctly, this was added to prevent farming the map way back in the day when there was not an aggro limit. My suggestion is to remove the timer and the reasons for and against are below:


    Cons: Removes a motivator for teams to quickly proceed through each objective to reach the final Titan monster.

    Pros: Gives players an opportunity to enjoy a unique map; badging runs will secure a number of Devouring Earth related badges, abundance of enemies gives players an opportunity to farm (though the enemies are not particularly kind to farming), spelunking(?)/exploring the map. 


    So that is my suggestion - any posters have more reasons for or against this?

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  8. If the changes to Moment of Glory were implemented as you suggest, the power would need to be renamed to "More than a Moment of Glory."


    Seriously though, 15 seconds is plenty of time.

  9. 48 minutes ago, Techwright said:

    A realization today regarding the implications of episode 2's ending...


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    I'd been thinking of the villain as a hybrid of Lady Loki and Enchantress from the comics.  That was myopic.


    She wears the broken-horned crown of Lady Loki, and looks like the Enchantress (Amora, an authentic Asgardian), sure.  But the credits give the character name of Sylvie, which puzzled me because I know Amora to be the Enchantress.  Now I've learned that Sylvie, in the comics is essentially Enchantress II.  I've also learned that she was a human that Loki, for his own twisted pleasure, gave Asgardian power to, and twisted her thinking to believe she was an Asgardian.   At some point, the source says, she broke free of Loki and wanted to become a hero and joined, for a short time, the Young Avengers.


    Now that is very interesting, because the Young Avengers theme keeps popping up.  So far, to the best of my recollection, we've seen from the comics YA roster:


    1. Wiccan & Speed (Wanda's boys)

    2. Patriot (Isaiah Bradley's grandson)

    3. Stature (Ant-Man's daughter)

    4. Hawkeye II ?? (Clint's daughter) - this one is a guess, because in the comics it was a gal named Kate, not Lila Barton, but they did take some time to show Lila training.

    5. Sylvie


    Now I don't expect to line up YA exactly, but I can see the MCU using analogs:

    1. Iron Lad - we're actually anticipating a future project with Ironheart, a young girl.

    2. Hulkling - a Kree-Skrull hybrid.  I can see this playing out one of two ways:  A) Hulking is brought into play during the upcoming "Secret Wars" which involves the Skrulls.  B) She-Hulk is the analog replacement after her mini-series.

    3. Black Widow II - Black Widow wasn't part of the Young Avengers, but if they consider the Young Avengers to be Avengers Mark 3 in the MCU (Mark 2 occurred at the end of "Age of Ultron"), then Black Widow II might be a part of it.  The Black Widow movie premiering in a couple of weeks was supposed to introduce the character that becomes Black Widow II last year before it got seriously bumped.


    Additionally, I could see them adding Ms. Marvel (Kamala Khan) to the MCU team after her movie premiers.



    Damn these are some deep thoughts!

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  10. 3 hours ago, America's Angel said:


    Meant to post this in my previous post, both from Beta on Stone Tanker:








    One thing of note with the Granite Armor change; the additional 25% Psi resistance ends up getting DR'd to zero after about 25% resistance... if the player had absolutely no added Psi resistance from set bonuses or IOs, it may potentially add a little, but to my build - it was not felt at all. 

  11. 1 hour ago, arcane said:

    So you’re open to tankers being unable to cap any resistances like they currently can in PvE often without a T9? Sounds like someone’s never been in a PvP zone. Diminishing returns suck hard. PvP tankers with T9’s on are actually squishier than PvE tankers with T9’s off.

    Yeah, for more context, my Granite Tanker:


    In PvE: Resistance to all but Psi capped at 90% / Defense to all but Psi at 56%


    In PvP: Resistance to all but Psi at 62% / Defense to all but Psi 33%


    Edit: And what's funnier is that in PvP squishy ATs actually get built in resistances from their epics' shields that can bring them up near those same PvP caps. They experience DR as well, but it can be seen as part of the reason for this attempt to balance out ATs in PvP.

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  12. On 6/10/2021 at 12:27 PM, csr said:

    Do people actually use Granite Armor in PvP?  In any case I'd rather see Minerals changed to work with Granite Armor.  I should mention that I PvP very rarely though, so my opinion is based more on my conception of the set and its various powers than the effect of the change; Minerals would probably be a lot stronger in PvP than the small amount of Res and may be too strong if paired with Granite.


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