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Glacier Peak

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Everything posted by Glacier Peak

  1. That's a tough comparison to try to make - for example, PvErs don't have to PvP in order to play the game (outside of the few instances of voluntary badge earning I would concede). PvPers have had to PvE forever - even though they're only interested in PvPing. When the devs implemented Temporal Warriors, it was a solid QoL improvement for that community - and it came with caveats, including not being able to travel to any non-PvP zone, enter any missions, or have access to any PvE content. This was a middle ground, based on testing and feedback mind you.
  2. Yeah that was my take as well. Sounded like the poster was describing a bug, that is why I recommended a bug report be filed. And same with the second part.
  3. It's not a number pulled out of thin air. It's an accurate representation of the actual powers in game. How long on average does it take to retoggle an Offensive Toggle power, meaning activation time (and originally recharge before the changes). You know this because you replied to posters in the Focused Feedback thread. Luminara had a huge list of the activation times of them. You clearly care about this issue more than most posters based on your feedback. You replied the most to the Focused Feedback thread on the beta too. But you are not going to change anything by saying 'this is how it should be and I want it' you need to demonstrate with testing that something isn't working, file a bug report, and wait for the devs to determine how to handle it. Because that is how this game is ran by the Homecoming staff, not you.
  4. Sorry for the tangent, but Electric Blast is amazing! It was my very first powerset I tried on a Blaster back in Issue 0. Loved the theme/color, the recent HC updates have made the set a really awesome combination of end drain and damage now.
  5. Hamidon has diminishing rewards, TF/SFs have them to an extent. I think the higher the reward tier the more diminishing returns you'll see.
  6. I mean, the fact that the devs think its at a good time interval does mean it is. They thought 7 or 8 seconds was good, player base did testing and wanted 3 seconds, devs met them in the middle. Not sure where the "they forced it" is coming from - it was on the beta shard for months and before that it was tested on the closed beta. They took the feedback and made their changes. Have you played a Peacebringer since then? Form switching is amazing! A little lag between flying and dropping, but I'm confident that will be addressed in the future. So, not saying you're wrong or right, just a bit confused. Are you saying there is something that you've found that wasn't addressed and that's what your trying to discuss?
  7. Lots of discussion happened on the beta when testing was conducted. That's how it was lowered to 5 seconds to begin with. Recommend reading through those threads for the lively discussion.
  8. Bless you for sticking with Halo Infinite! I snagged Onyx in ranked and then switched to the social playlists. The MMR system is awful, and you tend to get stuck in the same rank tier unless you search with a fireteam of buddies. I did solo que up to Onyx on Controller and then ranks reset and I'm stuck in Platinum because I get Golds on my team and Diamonds on the opposite team lol But I digress! PvP isn't terrible in my experience, but I can understand folks who have had bad experiences. I'll say that Homecoming PvP has its mix of incredibly helpful players and also some real window lickers. I think that's a pretty accurate representation of human beings in general though.
  9. I really tried hard to remember my main from live, but I only recall one of my favorite characters was an Ice themed take on Raiden from Mortal Kombat. So that's what I went with. I'll admit I don't remember the forums at all, but I did read patch notes and things like that. Edit: Oh and I started playing in Issue 0, then played off and on based on whether the content was fun with my gaming friends at the time.
  10. Couldn't tell you - I do know that I can unlock it in less than 5 minutes for free by jumping on the the Beta Shard though. If folks want something, they will earn it. If not, they can play on the Beta shard where everything is free and instant gratification is abound!
  11. Solid series! The artwork was nuts! Loved the chronological shift and the 'realism' of the series too.
  12. That's the highest tier cosmetic reward, not the best example for your response to Luminara. And you know there is a market option to complement the manual earning through content since you've read through this thread and responded. It seems a bit disingenuous to imply otherwise.
  13. I'm a casual player. I went on to the beta server and granted myself 10,000 Prismatic Aether Particles then proceeded to unlock everything, then granted myself some more when I ran out. Took me about 10 minutes to do that. Tried on all the cool tier costumes. Instant gratification and all that. I'm thinking, what's the point beyond vanity? I don't need other people to see my character in an NPC costume and say how awesome I am for wearing an entirely cosmetic reward offered voluntarily with multiple methods to earn. I enjoy the look all on my own and can appreciate the effort it took for the devs to make it happen. And if, for some reason beyond my concern, the need to earn these entirely optional cosmetic rewards on the live shards arose, I'd earn them over time as they were intended to be earned because that's the way this server is ran. These are the rules players play by. I don't play with an ounce of entitlement, so that's probably why I can't empathize with the crazy people I keep seeing in this thread who are just complaining because this is a platform to do so and think they are owed the world. I say go to the beta shard and enjoy the instant gratification there 😆
  14. They better be careful or they're going to alienate the people who don't play the game next!
  15. What is the "certain height" you are referring to? And Irradiated Ground is an Offensive toggle, so if the user is mezzed while that power is toggled, it will suppress (not drop) - that's working as intended.
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