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Christopher Robin

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Everything posted by Christopher Robin

  1. @Dacy I have read it. I'm on my second read through now. In short, I think it is excellent. If this was a book I'd have quickly purchased it and would most likely be clamoring for a sequel by now. ------------- As for the above, good on you for your redress, apology accepted and no worries. We've all had days like that. Thank you, that is very kind. Thanks... I think? --------------- @DJ1 If we are talking Ratt I am definitely more of a "Way Cool Jr." than "Lay it Down" and that was actually somewhat polite on your part. **/e claphands** No dice suckaaah! Not only am I not an English teacher or writer, English wasn't even my first language. ---------------- @Midnight Blue Mage I like it, smaller more manageable chunks and a teaser are good ideas.
  2. I mentioned it in my main art thread but in case you haven't read that yet I thought I would start a thread to say welcome to all the new faces of late and say I think it's about time we had an artz contest around here. Well okay it's not so much a contest as a "say hi in the welcome thread and your name goes in a hat for a chance to win" but, you know, baby steps. So go say hi and a bit about yourself (if you are new here or an OG from live, what character you might be most known for etc) over there and if you win, PM me your hero refs and I'll get started. Link to the welcome thread below, 7 days to post, good luck everyone!
  3. @Oubliette_Red, seconded. Also welcome @drgantz, @MaskedMan, @Fista, @Shadowsleuth, @Winder30, @Heraclea, @Kismette, @KingofMonkeys, @Ferrus_Xeno and @Rathulfr to the best part of the forums! Phew that's a bunch! I'm happy to see so many people showing up and/or stepping out of the costume/bio threads lately though and to those new here ---> this might be of interest <---
  4. Lol great pics people. Oh and welcome to the best part of the forums @wasuber, @Leiland, @BuzzKilla, @Coyotedancer and @FireBrandi ! Firebrandi I recognize that name from live and all the art that went with it. Good to see more of the art collectors/appreciators showing up. @Healix Lol I've done that same puke in the cup and I even remember when boombox channels "broke" and you could do all kinds of crazy things on command. One was doing the self-rez animation + the puke animation to get a rotating vortex of projectile vomiting.
  5. Thanks for the birthday notes and PM's everyone. Even though it was my birthday I feel like giving something away and I think we have enough people for a contest now. Several people seem to be still be in lurk mode or at least have not introduced themselves so I'll tell you what. Anyone who says hi and a bit about themselves in the welcome thread in the next week I will add their names to a hat and draw one at random to win some gift artz. I may call it early if we get enough up front or I may choose more than one name if there are a lot of responses. So drop your stealth and say sup!
  6. This one I was demonstrating more how to punch up a piece and make it more visually interesting, nothing wrong with the original but the artist thought it was a bit flat IIRC? He was not a forum regular so apologies I do not remember his name off the top of my head but I would know his avatar if I saw it again. So on this one I did add to the design to round out the forms. Notice the change to the horns and if you watch the neck you'll see it change a few times as I tried different lighting schemes. Being that she's a villain I tried to really play up the menace.
  7. You're welcome @Oubliette_Red. @QueenBethari This is a drawing by DD from many years ago when I was trying to tell her the same kind of thing about adding shadows and going further than she though she should. After her making some minor tweaks I decided to go overboard on it and show her what I meant so she could see what some heavy dynamic range looked like on her own piece. Hopefully she won't mind me using it for demonstrative purpose. Bear in mind that I added nothing here. Like with your piece I just darkened what was already there. You obviously don't have to go this far (or you could go further) this is just to show what is possible. I'll post another piece by a different artist a bit later where I did "add" to the piece by making shading and lighting passes to really round out the forms, and it's in color.
  8. No need to go to extremes. I never said you suck or told you to go sit in the corner. That was not to be the take away at all. You did see me say it was an uniformed opinion, right? And to disregard it all if I am off the mark (even cracked a tree joke with Ent and put in a winky face to make it extra clear). Those are just my first impressions, not some sort of scathing commentary on your ability to start a topic. Sent you a PM. Flash is a base designer too and if you've looked about the artz forums you'll find she's decent at the drawing stuff as well. Her book series is called the Interminables and it is written by Paige Orwin and you can find them on Amazon. https://www.amazon.com/Interminables-Paige-Orwin/dp/085766591X
  9. Not here as it is too far off topic but I will try to explain my reasoning over in my thread... soon. ™ In the mean time I have more pics of Sam X, enjoy! You put a spell on meeee... okay more like a carcinogenic dose of Radiation on meee... aaaaaaaand this is totally NOT a picture of Sam X doing a headlong Naruto Run at the gate of a certain secret U.S. military base located in the Nevada desert... ...nope definitely not that. Thank you kindly @Flashtoo.
  10. Well then hopefully you will meet some through this site. I will say @Caemgen, while he doesn't write professionally, is one of the best storytellers and concept creators I know. @Darth Delicious also writes and has a book in the works (non CoH). @Flashtoo's hero The Hour Thief is in a real published series but I don't know if that's her writing under a pen name or a friend's work. There are also a couple of other people who's writing I am not as familiar with (but I know it's set in the CoX verse) whom I am trying to convince to post here as well. One is already here and playing the game and I posted a color pencil coloring of Brahn that she did in my artz thread already. /e waves at @Bhudicae. On the note of your thread, bear in mind I am not a writer so this is a less than informed opinion but when I reread the OP I picked up on... "If you'd like critical feedback, editing suggestions, grammar and spelling checks........ reviews etc. " and thought what if they don't want any of that? What if they just want a personal space to create or maybe their stories have already been proofread and they just want to post them for others to enjoy? Also, despite the hashtags, nothing in the title told me that it was a place for other writers to post, (at least not in the way that say a "Post your best costumes here" title makes it clear) which is one reason I wondered if you had consulted any other writers? Also adding into the first paragraph of that thread "Sure, I could make it about just my stuff, but" is perhaps not the most inviting thing ever? An datz not jus cuz ju iz putn' a comma before da werd but! (j/k) Again just my two cents in an unfamiliar subject, please disregard if I am barking up the wrong Ent.
  11. This is better QueenBethari. I have a few more different examples I can post tomorrow that may help as well. I will post them in Art Talk since they have nothing to do with the OP title of commissions.
  12. Neat. I like the name too it reminds me of ooooOooOOOh My God they've... parked a truck on the South Park lawn. Seriously how irresponsible. You Bastards!
  13. Nice find @Oubliette_Red. Do they say over how many years that redraw takes place? P.S. the text goes to DA but the image is linking to the top of page 3 Art Talk here F.Y.I. P.P.S. I went and clicked through to DA, **forehead slap** oh of course, that is Ross Draws I should have recognized his style right away. He has over 100 videos up on YT and 1mil+ subscribers. https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCLEVrhumRsK67JkP3G4w5cQ/featured Also, I've always been jealous of his massive wacom Cintiq and studio setup.
  14. @Dacy Lol. Something about creative types and herding cats comes to mind. I could point to a half dozen examples already in this section of the forums where I tried to foresee what would be needed and set it up in advance... some of them worked out better than others. That said I will point out that if enough quantity starts happening there is merit in people having their own art/writing threads and also having centralized general purpose threads to share stuff in. Hard to tell in the early days but in the long run it can make things much easier to find. It has been my experience (many times over now) that when you're the "first in the door" you do your best and then let those that follow change and evolve it into something beyond your initial conception. Also did you consult with any other CoH writers before setting it up?
  15. Three thoughts on that: 1: Every artist says that, if not aloud then in their head, dozens of times throughout their life. Heck I say it to this day from time to time. 2. Art is a journey of sorts and you can never tell at the beginning where you might end up. Think about the best modern day artist you know. Now realize when he/she started out they were probably drawing stick figures or tracing stuff and politely telling people who saw potential in them... "Oh I'm no artist." 3. You don't need to be Leonardo (Da Vinci not the Ninja Turtle) to make a comic for fun and profit. The above are generalized truths, specifically in this case I was talking like a web comic series. The fact that you like storytelling (and I could pick up on that from your Inktober stuff) is all you really need in the beginning. The art will come with repetition. One of the best and longest running webcomics out there started out looking like this... https://questionablecontent.net/view.php?comic=2 Just a heads up the link is to a comic called "Questionable Content" and it does have some adult themes, toilet humor, dating stuff and as Wil Wheaton's temp tattoo says... butts. at well over 4k comics posted he has obviously gotten much better over the years and even went back and redrew his first few hundred in his new style because the stories still held up and he wanted to put them out in book form to sell at cons. Oh and speaking of I am sure if you told the younger Jeff Jaques who started from almost nothing that people far more famous than him would wait in line at conventions to meet him and get his comic drawn on their bodies I am sure he would not have believed you. Besides if you ended up being Leonardo the Ninja Turtle at some point along the way, that'd be pretty awesome too.
  16. Nice alt suit MBM. Makes me think we need a Public Service Announcement though. Ahem... Has your cat gone missing? Good news! There's no need canvas the neighborhood or staple "have you seen me" adds with a photo and number to call... just check around at the local armory, cybernetics shopz and/or ninja dojos.
  17. To be fair(er?) I knew that and had, after getting them to make us an art section sooner rather than later, already created "best costume" & "best bios" threads for us in here. They were some of the first threads I created for the art forums. Once they imported already existing threads with dozens of costumes and thousands of views mine became redundant and deleted. From an admin point of view it made perfect sense and I would've done the same but personally I was not thrilled with the result on the day. I'm not knocking anyone for focusing on what they like, we all do that, just thinking that since people from the "General Discussion" section are here now anyway... maybe branch out a bit. You might find other threads you love. We have a couple good writers that have posted stories already (like @Dacy & @EyeLuvBooks), a costume help thread, an art request thread & like 10 artists so far putting up content. Come to think of it if you guys have a costume you are particularly proud of there are a couple artists still available for commissions yet (like @Flashtoo and @battlewraith) so you can have your best creations made into a literal work of art. So, you know, maybe wander about for a bit & as I oft say, Welcome to the best part of the forums.
  18. Thank you for starting the thread MBM, it was a fun diversion. You should make it a habit, you know the more I see your drawings the more they remind me of a single panel comic. A speech bubble or two and a couple reoccurring characters or a pithy caption and you're there. Something like "The Adventures of Missing Cat." I would totally read that comic if it existed.
  19. You know I am getting the sense that some people come to the Artz part of the forum but they are not actually here for the art (crazy right? ). They seem to only be interested in the "Best Costume" & "Awesome Bio's" threads. Midnight Blue Mage and his/her character Missing Cat are all over this neck of the woods in everything from the Inktober thread... To some of the Art and art request threads. Heck I even drew Missing Cat once (she is basically a catgirl silhouette with glowing green eyes) in my art thread. Kinda hard to miss her unless you never stray from the two aforementioned threads. Yes I realize that was a really long set up just for a cat pun. I regret nothing.
  20. Yeah that would make it more usable. You can deform it somewhat with the sliders but a military style option would make a good addition. Maybe add it to the "Costume Piece Request" thread? **ring ting ting ating ting sounds continue** "I admit it, you are better than I am"
  21. I like both costumes @Oubliette_Red but I have a hard time seeing anyone other than Sean Connery in the role so the beret looks out of place to me. "Unless the enemy has-a study his Agrippa... which I haf." ***insert rapier/sidesword combat sound FX here*** "You are wanderful."
  22. Thought and speech balloons? Or do you actually mean balloons like you find at a birthday party? Unless I misunderstand what you are asking they are already in the game and have been since waaaay back. @Shadowsleuth I do like the idea of a Sugar Skull makeups being a face option like we have a couple different Carnie masks now.
  23. You need to move the word slightly but otherwise correct. I've added two hotspots to make it more obvious and an animation so you can see the changes between the versions repeatedly if you want. Seeing the change happen in a continuous loop may give you some clues about where you want to add your shading for this kind of lighting scenario. Also there are two mistakes, two places I put a shadow where there should be none. I was going to fix them but thought why not leave them in case anyone wants to go hunting.
  24. Missed the joke, you did. I'll give you a hint. Open a reply box and type @ and then the name Midnight Blue.
  25. Okay then have another! This my Rad/Devices Sam X Erewhon which stands for X-mas nowhere backwards. It was an inside joke between her and her husband whom she lost to "the coming storm" and Lord Nemesis. She hated it when they were apart so to put her mind at ease he would frequently say there was nowhere she could be without him and him without her and that he would be with her one way or another. Always. His last words to her on that fateful day were that he was looking forward to spending "X-mas nowhere" with her. Naturally, you must expect me to attack with Capoferro!
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