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Christopher Robin

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Everything posted by Christopher Robin

  1. Right?!!! Right!??? I recommend the good stuff. DD can tell you... even if it sometimes takes years for her to come back and admit it to me. If you see the buildup then why Maul has the Dark Saber (and what it means), what is up with the green mist and Oppress and the line about Bo Katan from Obi all make sense and the story suddenly clicks and you go ohhhhhh I get it now but if you just want a visual spectacle this is it. Just the city shots of them flying around Mandalore on jetpacks remind me of flying around in CoH but more futuristic. And yeah that moment when Palpatine is all like "prepare my shuttle" I was like UH OH someone's gonna get it now! It does not disappoint. I don't want to say much more for anyone who hasn't seen the series yet but if you're a fan of StarWars and good storytelling then that episode at least is a must watch. Oh and here is one more. Jedi Master Luminara Unduli
  2. Hey just be happy Nick won the argument with his brother Richard over who got to name the business after them.
  3. A bit silly but if you stand by the bathrooms in Pocket D you can hear vomiting, toilets flushing and the occasional farty sounds depending what is going on. Also there are several NPC's called the BUM who sit outside the entrances to the old Paragon Dance Party (which got replaced by Pocket D) and sarcastically tell you to go to Pocket D and let me sleep. What they say can vary but it's always sarcastic. Finally there is a developers clubhouse (The Cryptic Lounge) hidden under the rubble in Faultline. The tunnel to get to it is under a ramp and behind some crates. You can find Melissa Bianco (WarWitch) in her street clothes and a badge inside. I used to hold SuperGroup meetings in there.
  4. Thanks! It's worth a Netflix (or the Disney alternative) marathon watch through of a few episodes but if I had to pick just one, look for an episode called "The Lawless" if you like the orig trig that one has it all. It does NOT end like you think a Star Wars cartoon should. It's even better as the final payoff after watching what came before but still "most impressive." either way.
  5. Ahyup that would do it. lol
  6. Thank you kindly QueenBethari. Oh it's mine too, by a long shot. I am most definitely an Original Trilogy kind of guy. That said I do have to admit the Clone Wars cartoon grew on me. At first it looked weird and they all had large misshapen heads but over time the story got so damn good that I stopped noticing the animation style and then somewhere along the way I started liking it. The voice cast are all amazing too you really start to believe in the characters. Especially Obi Wan, Maul and Ventress (Nika Futterman is just... wow). Have you ever watched any of the SWtCW animated series? Also here is one of my favorites... Princess Leia R.I.P. (Rebel In Peace?) Carrie Fisher.
  7. More softbrushed StarWars! Here is Jedi Padawan Ahsoka Tano. To this day this continues to be the most favorited thing I have ever done for some reason. She must have a huge fan base or something (moreso than just being a SW character).
  8. I guess she would make a good Sonic corrupter.
  9. Thanks Tem. @DJ1 Yes exactly, everything is proceeding according to plan. Also that happens sometimes when the text above yours is colored it can affect all text in the response. It doesn't happen all the time but it can just like the @DJ1 above is orange even though it's white by default. Because of the "thanks" above it being orange though it gets changed orange too. Deleting the text and starting over will usually clear the effect, not sure why anyone would want to do that though.
  10. No worries. As soon as you host it yourself I will change that update above, right now it still points to your thread it just goes to the first post rather than the one with all the Chibi's. That link may have been a remnant, I was using photo"suckit" (it's "bucket" actually but they may as well have a more accurate descriptor) before they put up a paywall and locked everyone out of their pics. It had long strands of text. Now I use ImgBox and they are super short and easy to work with.
  11. Oh, you mean you didn't change anything on your end and you could still see it fine? What was the link? Was it a sta.sh? Imgshack? Some other problematic site? (entirely possible, I had to learn the hard way what sites work with our new forums and which have... "quirks")
  12. To belabor the point not everyone reads the official website. (I don't until after I've run the related content) but they might read the forums. No worries though. ------------ Well truth in advertising may have died but at least in the militaristic and religious senses iridium oxide and nitrogen enriched yttrium are as delicious as ever.
  13. Teaching a game you have mastered long ago to someone new. Frail Click the thumbnail to see it larger in my thread.
  14. This was for the Inktober subject "Frail" The idea being when you take time to teach a game you have mastered long ago to someone new. The CC being completely unfettered steals some of the punch but hopefully it still reads okay in this MMO as opposed to the ilk it originated with.
  15. Heya @CatastrophicMews. Welcome to my thread, thank you and glad you like what you see. Thanks! Well the Inktober stuff is a bunch of scribbly silliness done for fun but it is getting me to draw more often and I do have some older stuff I am working to finish up and some new stuff coming soon.
  16. Forgot how hard it is to get a reasonable likeness when you cannot erase a line. Ah well hopefully it looks a tiny bit like him. The internet assures me the thing in the corner is a Poke-something-or-other named Kingdra so... Hail to the KINGDRA BABY! Click the image for larger version
  17. I've heard that! lol Thought I was hearing things.
  18. I could just copy and paste my post from above except substitute the name SaintD.
  19. That was the most awkward episode of Maury let me tell ya. When it comes to all of Dragon kind.... CR... YOU ARE THE FATHER!
  20. Do bear in mind what I wrote above... though I wonder now if she was just so distracted with what was going on and that's why she got my hero all wrong.
  21. Does she not have an forum account? Or is she one of them there lurkers? Kidding aside is the character an actual Vampire? I am aware I made like a dozen vamp puns above but I don't actually know. If I am going to color it would help to know if I am just doing a straight portrait color or am I looking for under-lighting? A hint of a fang or a bit of blood in the corner of her mouth? A little bit of backstory or her Bio might be useful. Also, welcome EnnVee's daughter (sorry I don't know your forum name) to the best part of the forums!
  22. Instead of warning people, you could put that in a spoiler hideaway box if you were concerned Brigg... it's the little "eye" right end of the 2nd row next to the grid/table. That is what it's there for.
  23. Well this is probably common knowledge here but just in case it isn't I remember the first time I started noticing ALL of the cops had names that were a play on cops (and the actors that play them) from pop culture TV and movies. i.e. Detective Westbrush = Eastwood Croquette and Basins = Crokett and Tubbs from Miami Vice etc etc Detective Freitag = German word for Friday (Dragnet) who talks about "just the facts." There's one that references Robocop too I think Murphy and a Martins that is probably Martin Riggs from Lethal Weapon. Back in 05 when I started playing I remember at one point going around to all the various precincts and trying to figure them out.
  24. Sounds like a plan Tem.
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