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Everything posted by Samsupra

  1. Oh oh. Well, I'm off to talk about Defenders in the Controller forums.
  2. My pet peeve is looking up threads on builds within a specific AT and powerset, and by the 3rd or 4th reply, every build posted is no longer about that AT, and likely isn't even the power set the OP asked about, and now only builds of a more "effective" AT and power set are posted. The original post is then literally ignored, and everyone appears to be completely OK with it. lol
  3. I keep returning to mess around with this game, but even with so many combinations in each AT, there are really only a very few combinations that work with an end game tailored now to a specific meta. Is it because developers now create through polling (which is catering to meta chasers) and no longer objectively making decisions for the betterment of the game itself? Why has Mercenary's sucked since 2005, which is inside of an entire AT that doesn't fit into the 'end game' anyway? Just a general question, and not directed at the current dev team, because this has been ongoing since this game was released. It just makes me ponder why development time was spent on things no developer cared to ever revisit? We get years of new content that only a select few AT combinations can effectively partake in, because certain game mechanics became outright obsolete for decades. It's a reality in many games, but also baffling to me, because it's effectively content for a specific fraction of the player base. It's frustrating to be sure, because the end result is that I return after 300+ days played, and still find out that my favorite concepts in theory are still largely unplayable post 50, be it effectively or stylistically vs the meta. I'm a victim of always being most interested in unique and complex playstyles, and mmorpgs rarely reward me for it. I'm a druid on Classic wow being told I can't play the game I want to play. I'm a Mastermind being told I can't play the game how I want to play it. I'm a Controller being told I can't play the game how I want to play it. When I am told to play 3 or so things out of dozens of options, I can't help but only see a very broken game. In the mean time, it's the usual, "*sigh*, I guess I'll play the usual power combination 99% of the player base tells me to play, because it's a waste of my time otherwise". It just seems to me that the value of new content increases dramatically when more of the game that even allows an end game to exist, supports that end game. Alt-itis drives this game, yet it's constantly stifled by limited effective options. Love the passion that brings these old games back, but perhaps a "refocus" is in order so that the game is healthier and not just larger. This is a thought experiment, more than a critique. Don't judge me too harshly for bring these things up.
  4. Would you mind explaining a bit more about your build for prosperity sakes? This is why forums exists. You don't have to take paragraphs of "get to the f'ing point", garrulous rambling as the original poster did, but help out future google searchers a bit. ;)
  5. I feel the need to remind you that this is a role playing game. Explore other perspectives and motivations by role playing them. It doesn't mean you believe in them.
  6. I agree that MMs can be build is many different ways. As for personal attacks: I find many carry over the old, pre-IO set/proc builds where personal attacks were largely underwhelming. That isn't the case now, depending on build. Some secondary power pools are very hands off and leave plenty of time for cycling in personal attacks. Those attacks can carry procs that increase the damage of both your own and your pet's. It's a viable option for certain builds. Further more, not all MM sets are created equally when it comes to placing pet and proc sets. Personal attacks can help offset this if you choose a limited MM option. Your secondary can also offers slotting options to help offset primary limitations. Questions like who is tanking more, your pets, you or bouncing aggro are important too (like ninja where t2 pets naturally placate along with Oni if you Smoke Flash him often). Now, I'm still learning all of this but once you start going over your IO set options, you begin too see the benefits of personal attacks in certain builds that leave you struggling for set bonus slotting options.
  7. I am someone who will tweak a costume for weeks to find the right aesthetic balance in shape, colour and concept. My friends would get so jealous of my results that they would have me tweak or even design their costumes. I designed our super group, colour palette and even tabards in other games (along with guild names as I often find witty and interesting concepts). I constantly would get players in game stop and comment on my designs. That said, I never won a single costume contest I ever entered in CoH and CO. Why? Because the judging would often come down to someone with completely different tastes. I noticed that most winners tended to be simple, clean, 2 colour "hero in tights" which I could design and make in 5 minutes. I gave up on contests early on in my gaming career.
  8. Could you please provide more information like: WHERE the P2W vendors are in game and their specific name on map? As usual, when the game is down and questions can't be asked there, Discord would rather reply multiple times insulting your questions than answering it. I'd appreciated more information from official forums and notes if possible which "Google searches" for eternity unlike Discord. This P2W conversion crap the game went through wasn't in the game back when I played it. Thanks.
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