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Everything posted by Lazarus

  1. How so,. Theft of Essence +END works great. I havent tried panacea in any other heals the require an acc check. Just checked it in DNA SIPHON doesnt work in there either,.. its a shame
  2. Why does the panacea proc, "NOT" work in dark armors DARK REGEN. I tried this on multiple mob groups and not a single proc. WTH really wanted it to work.
  3. SO I was looking over the troller sets and started wondering how many pets can I get on the battle field. I stared by looking at the sets,..My first thought was fire,. and said nope. to (fragile) Then electric which I hate,...and looking at DARK yup this will work. With a fair bit of recharge HAUNT can get up to 4 shades. WITHOUT a doubt STORM had to be my secondary,..with TORNADO and up to 2 LIGHTNING STORMS. SO that leaves the epic,..which i whent with LEVIATHAN where I took WATER SPOUT and CORALAX. WITH my global rech. at 145% with hasten I have counted up to 10 pets at same time will be 12 with LORE. THE toon is very fun almost no need for control,..BUT is MURDER on the blue bar. ALL in all this experiment is a different way to play trollers.
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  4. Its weird no one has said anything about rad melee. It also has realyx2 good aoe and a good debuff, plus a small heal.
  5. AS others have said, def, is useless in pvp so RES is your second best option. The best is healing or regen, what that in mind, IMO for this I would look at FIRE ARMOR. With FA/DM you would have 2 FAST recharging heals, (healing flames) can have a recharge around 15s, and a 100% regen.
  6. Proton Sweep is absolutely worth it. It has a really good cone width,. And its one of the few attack that can slot 2 -res procs in the game. I always 4 slot Eradication with 2 -res procs. then fallow it with DEVASTATING BLOW.
  7. I am playing a GRAV/SONIC troller and just got liquefy. I am confused as to how it works, how often does the HOLD take effect? Is this power worth using procs? Other than the kd and 2 debuffs i dont see much effect. thx for responses.
  8. My first thought is FIRE/MARINE. On my fire/marine troller i can maintain around +60% dam. and -60% res. With that i would think with all buffs and debuffs rolling a BUILD UPX2 TIER 9 OR SNIPE would be awsome.
  9. DARK/INVUL. scrapper is quite sturdy and smooth to lvl. It get all major powers by lvl 26 and when slotted is very strong.
  10. ITS easy to test for your self. I used the test pylons and monitored its health. just to see how many times I can get it to stack.
  11. KEEP in mind the -hp debuff "STACKS" even from self cast. on my troller i can get 3x stacking for around -2k hp
  12. Willpower is the single LEAST interactive set in game. its all toggles and passives. tier 9 is only click However 1 set not mentioned is shield. its has 1 click you can put on auto and 1 attack. out side of the tier 9 which is optional.
  13. Brine is interesting,..the -res is static,.... BUUUUUT the -HP component STACKES with itself. on my troller I was able to 3stack it for a -1200 ish HP
  14. Barrier Reef counts as a pet and can "'HOLD"' the SHIFTING TIDES toggle. That should help with speed.
  15. ok good point,...and TANKS GAUNTLET?,...that does increase radius
  16. Does +range affect proc chance. +range I'm including +range on ranged enhancements and TANKER GAUNTLET. Does it reduce the proc% AFTER modification?
  17. Also gonna suggest RAD ARMOR. The resists are great, has great END/RECH debuff protection. GROUND ZERO is a good aoe that also HEALS team. All-around its one of the best armors.
  18. Its a nice idea, sounds like it should be something more geared to an SG base modding.
  19. Don't overlook ENERFY AURA,..its has every thing you need.
  20. Do pets benefit from +ACC bonus to the owner. (I don't think they do) I am mostly speaking about location pets,...(caltrops,sleep grenade,bonfire,)ect If not, then is the only way to buff pet acc is TACTICS? thx
  21. Spines for the 4 melee at( BRUTE,TANK,SCRAPPER,STALKER), has a secondary effects of -SPD -RECH. Yet the DOMINATOR version has -DEF. IF we could get the -DEF for all the melee version its would go a long way to improve the set. Also SPINE BURST need an activation time redux,..3 sec. is WAY to long. thx
  22. Wait till you get incarnates, on my fire/fire/fire incarnated I can have 3 dots rolling just as bonus dam, with char I have 4 dots going at all times. I also opted to take hover/fly and skip burn,..don't miss it one bit. Outside of my standard single target rotation i also use fire cages and rain of fire for group destruction.
  23. For your tank how bout IRON LUSTER STEEL COATED AEGIS ADAMANT TITAN AS for your blaster QUANTUM OPTICS SIGHTWAVE IONS GAZE just a few ideas
  24. How do procs. work with heals like (Twilight grasp, Transfusion),..is the proc% based on the single target or the aoe effect? Also what about attacks with variable activation time (snipes,.energy transfer)? thx
  25. So ARS is ok on a DOM. where containment ISNT an issue for needed dps goals. gotcha Bringing up dom is sidestepping the issue of containment. Yes the pet is awesome but thats it .
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