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Everything posted by momentarygrace

  1. Thanks, going on my seasonal playlist. =^^=
  2. Yesterday on Indom the regular GM hunt in the early evening found 2 in KR. So it does happen.
  3. O hai welcome to our Home, now you are Home also! Adding my (unasked-for) advice: Don't worry too much about outleveling content because 1) you said you will be making many characters so you will get to do it again and again.... ...and... 2) there is something called flashback content. You will hear/read folks refer to Ouro - that's Ouroboros, an alternate dimension game zone set in the distant future that you can gain access to, and which allows you, through the Pillar of Ice and Flame, to do missions you have outlevled. https://homecoming.wiki/wiki/Ouroboros https://homecoming.wiki/wiki/Flashback If you want to check it out, ask in Broadcast channel for someone to drop an Ouro portal in whatever zone you are, near some identifiable landmark ("could someone drop an Ouro portal near Arbiter Unger in Port Oakes" for example) and if anyone's around they will likely do that. Click on the glowy gold area as if it's a door and take a peek for yourself. ^^ You can go back to a number a zones the same way, the golden portal is always there in Ouro. Ouroboros was added to the game as semi-endgame content but it's useful for Flashback even early on. I'm around on all the servers (have alts), mostly on Indom at the moment, my global is @Trixibelle Lives =^^= I solo a lot but feel free to say hi if I'm on, if you need help with anything I will help if I can.
  4. So I played on Live not since the beginning but pretty close. When I started, street sweeping was a thing, everybody was still hitting the Hollows on the way up, we did suicide runs to the Icon in Steel for costume fixes at single digit levels. I later played several other MMOs including Lord of the Rings Online, Guild Wars, Champions (briefly, when CoH went down), Secret World, WoW (briefly) and some others I can't remember. CoH was my first and one true MMO love. My spouse started playing around the same time as me, and we were both excited as fruck when Homecoming came into being, logging on over and over on when the new, first server sputtered to unreliable life. I play more than her, I work from home, she doesn't, and I have a fraction more patience with it. She mostly gets on to bash stuff as a tension reliever. I try to help her with little tips and tricks I've picked up on the forums or through trial and error, and she thinks I'm a genius and should write beginners guides. I'm not and I shouldn't. I'm scraping by, but I have fun at my level and it makes me happy. Min-maxing is over my head. When people start talking (in text) about builds and re-speccing and so on, my eyes glaze over. I dabble in IO set bonuses and I do mean dabble, or maybe dribble. I poke at procs like a cat encountering a crumpled piece of wrapping paper or an unusual spider. I'm still happy. I mostly play solo, but I do occasionally answer a call in LFG for GMs or events or even more rarely, a TF or SF. I always worry a little when I do that my team or league mates may notice or think my ability to play is lame but I haven't had anyone say so to my face yet. I think for some players, the game might be 'easy', for me sometimes it occurs as 'hard', but I still enjoy it. When a mission or a boss is hard, I die and do it again. If I die too many times for it to be fun any more, I either get wife to help, auto-complete the mish and keep going, or out-level it and come back later. I never run out of things to do, things to tweak and learn, and I would cry moar if it were to be taken from me. I'm not sure I answered the OPs question. ^^;;; Some of it's too hard, some too easy and it's exactly just right except when it isn't, but then better than any alternative in existence. *^^*
  5. Thanks Purple Enchantress, I was on the GM team tonight and got my badge! (plus 11 others! :D)
  6. It's probably posted somewhere obvious but when is the GM Hunt usually?
  7. If you do any badge runs in September, I'm looking to get Hammer Down, for Ghost of Scrapyard. *^^* Working on the Born in Battle accolade for one of my rogue alts, got everything but that and the damage badge.
  8. You don't know me. My playstyle *is* what is possible for me, it's not an adaptability issue. But bless your heart. ❤️ Either way, I'm not arguing for badges that are impossible to get, so no need to school me. Back under my rock, then.
  9. The complaint department is always open, I suspect. There are a bunch of hard mode badges that are impossible for me to get, because of my playstyle, but I don't mind other folks getting them.
  10. I've been playing more on redside lately so I could make an evil suggestion that if you battle the Mapserver and die, you actually lose a random badge... data corruption you know... Now I have to hide. That would not be popular. 😺
  11. I don't have any feelings about having a badge but if there was one it shouldn't say you 'defeated' the Mapserver, only that you survived...
  12. Maybe having the Mapserver (GM, not the whole event) start randomly appearing in zones now and then might be fun.... I love the Mapserver. *_*
  13. Don't worry about that, I feel like a noob and I played on live and have been on Homecoming since it existed. As long as you are having fun who cares!
  14. ...and the end of the story... After sharing my woeful tale (and support ticket & replies) with GM Crumpet, it was discovered that the fella that told me my re-naming of my nurse to Florence Knightingale (deliberate misspelling) was because 'it was a real person' was.... mistaken. That's apparently what they thought but after several messages and some checking, it turns out my new chosen name was one character too long! (Which is why I saw a Florence Nightingale recently, the K pushed it over the limit!) So misinformation dispelled, I dropped the Florence, and my heroic nurse mastermind no longer has an unhappy cloud over her. Crumpets are my new favorite pastry, sorry poptarts!!! 😼
  15. I'll dm you the support ticket. Read the whole thread for Florence.
  16. April 2020. In order to provide full disclosure, the character's original name was Nurse Rona, which was genericed because (I assume) of coronavirus. I shrugged and thought, okay, and named her Florence Knightingale using the Knight spelling to emphasize a quality. She was intended as a tribute character to honor the medical profession who were absolutely going down in history as real heroes as they should. The second knock took me entirely by surprise and I appealed it, to be told "that's a real person". On her third renaming I just used Heroic Anonymous and more or less gritted my teeth and remade her same costume - medical, with a mask - and kept her bio. But yeah, it did leave a sour taste.
  17. I had an MM who was a nurse, protected by soldier types she'd saved on various battlefields, I got Florence Knightingale for her name and then she was genericed. I appealed and was told 'she's a real person'. Florence Nightengale was a real person ...who died in 1910. Recently I saw someone else with Florence Nightingale in game. Yes, that's butthurt you detect in my emotionless typed characters. -_-
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