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Everything posted by arthurh35353

  1. I think this is one time where it really makes sense for popup windows with multiple things to click of unselect.
  2. Well, since we have the tech with pop up sub powers, how about the pop up list actually have 0 cost toggles that allow you to turn off and on options for [team mates] [pets] [team mates pets]? Make them little 🚫 signs in different flight colors? And if possible, it remembers to turn them on/off when you activate the main toggle. (And later, when we have more time.)
  3. To just finish up my thought process from earlier, the travel power pools were all very heavily normalized and mostly to get my thought process off of it finally: Fly = Mystic Flight, Superjump = Mighty Leap, Superspeed = Speed of Sound in a mechanical way with different sub powers. (Teleport does not have an Origin Pool equivalent, I guess as its mechanical equivalent is not directly affected by slotting for it in Translocation. Hmm.) Fly, SJ and SS all got normalized toggle costs (yay!) and they and their mirror powers were all modeled to get roughly the same benefit from enhancing to reach 90% to 95% of their speed cap with IO travel set slotting and putting an enhancement of the correct sort in Swift or Hurdle (alas, Teleport does not get this cool perk. I actually suggested it for Hurdle as an alternate to just Jump +speed and +height. Shot down as too cool for range characters, I think.) Probably all by design and to make them roughly equal. It finally (re)occurred to me that there's only one actual outlier that sort of 'breaks' the equality of them, and that's actually Super Speed as it's the only travel power that you can activate any of the Sprints and it will actually hit the enhanced cap. (I don't think you actually have to slot sprint even, either. But with all the prestige sprints, you have free choices anyone can have anyways. So meh.) SJ and Fly don't have any free to any power that does the same thing. Maybe in a perfect world, you could put a +Fly speed or +Jump (for speed, not height) in sprint and be able to reach the caps just like Superspeed can. Probably not as easy or doable (and might make sprint do weird things like making it faster to hop than to run). Not a hill that needs dying upon, but maybe my stupid brain wyrm being slain finally. The only thing that I might suggest to make them 'as equal' as Superspeed would be to fiddle with the Fly and Superjumps enhanced maximums so that they get a baked in bonus equivalent to sprint without having to devote an extra slot or boosters. Or having to do odd slotting in comparison. Probably too stupidly ramble-ly.
  4. I think they mentioned that messing with some animation sequencers is much more involved and it may not be as feasible to do that. The developer mentioned that trying to change the warshade teleport animation was not a simple thing.
  5. I think it just got posted randomly. So not a biggie, but I can understand a programmer not wanting to spend days/weeks fixing one power to be shorter. Make me think they did something *odd* to Kheldian powers to animate them with all the swirling stuff.
  6. It was stated on the Gold Standard Testers that it's more of how much work debugging the animation to do the small bit of change at this point, not 'just because'.
  7. Boost range? I don't play blasters much due to mezz (I don't play nearly as much squishies really because of it.) Huh, totally missed that before. My only recent energy has been Sentinel and most Sents get kind of hosed on regular range powers.
  8. I know that I use it to turn off almost all powers, including incarnate autos. I'm not 100% sure on my thoughts on this yet. My SG uses it to turn off all the aura except your actual costume auras at times for pictures.
  9. As a quick heads up from my stress-testing Teleport in the Storm Palace, you can still place thumbtacks that will not appear on the compass or off in the distance. Attaching a screen grab. I *think* the line that you can't thumbtack past is about this line. (or at least can't see it in the distance an on the compass, anyways.)
  10. I really do love these changes to teleport now. The 1/2 off end cost means that even teleport 3.5 miles and back in the Storm Palace means I do not run out of End anymore, even with all of my armor toggles (including tough/weave!) I clocked my teleport at about 170mph (but I have a global range buff of 25% on top of 2xIO+5s ranges). So that's about as fast as I think you can go without power boost, which is too short to really impact long range travel too much.
  11. That is why I brought up the basic travel set bonuses. My logic is that it was intended to be slotted for 3 and those 3 slots would get you to your caps or maxes. For Fly and Mystic Flight, you can't do that any more. You have to either devote another slot or an extra power (Evasive Maneuvers). Yes, it may have been over slotting before but now it would be under slotting and expecting that you either devote another slot/power or have to take specific bonuses to get there. Which is forcing a build?
  12. IO sets appears to be part of the end game and design though, is what I'm getting. This seems to go against that design where IO sets are designed around getting all or most of the set bonuses, the part that you try to get back the lost level that the game had before Enhancement Diversification. You would expect that if you put in the full IO set that is available for a power, you have pretty much maxed it out, outside of boosters and possible set bonuses. The set bonuses for the travel powers are fairly on the low side, I'd say. Where is your incentive to use travel IO sets at this point? Minimal set bonuses and not even reaching those ED diminishing returns? Or to the caps in this case? I took a closer look at the IO set bonuses for Speed and not as many as you would think are that accessible. And some of the amounts are incredibly tiny. That may be enough to get up to those caps, but it looks a little dodgey. I'll probably want to think a bit more on it at this point.
  13. Hmm. I had a new character that I'm starting to play with using Mystic Flight, but as far as I understand, it should function identically to Fly itself. So I figured 3 slots with the Soaring IO set should be a fairly valid choice. Slotted Swift with a level 50 IO Flight Speed. Is it intentional for Fly and Mystic Flight to not be able to hit the caps (not using afterburner) at this point? Right now on Brainstorm it shows that you would only hit 80.69 mph with level 50s slotted. Even with a couple of mph boost, that still looks that with using (what I think is a valid slotting and using the IO travel set) and slotting Swift for flight speed, that there is no way to reach your normal Fly and Mystic Flight improved cap without using Boosters. As far as I know the developers hate boosters a ton, so I can't see them wanting to incentivize people to use them to get that last bit of flight speed. Or are they saying that you must devote at least 4 slots (the IO soar set + 1 more) to actually reach the cap here? I would think that 3 slots towards the travel power plus dedicating Swift towards it should be enough to reach the basic cap of flying fast without using Afterburner or Evasive Maneuver (which Mystic Flight does not get, of course). Or is my logic being weird here again?
  14. Hmm. Would it be heretical to have Rune of Protection Power have two different uses (and possible timers) depending on mezz status? 1) Not mezzed: Beta's +Resist and Mez protection with the new longer timer. 2) Mezzed and normally unable to do anything: Able to click on RoP so that it grants Mez Protection and minimal resistance on a 120 (non-enhanceable) second timer. Still triggers the full out of combat (aka not-mezzed) countdown, but is now useful to breakfree fairly often, but only up 50% of the time. Too silly? To hard? Just throwing stuff out to see if anything might be good.
  15. Those are very one off situations, not an ever-present danger that can strike you down if you don't play perfectly.
  16. I think the thing about mezz and squishies that is the worst is that it leaves the most vulnerable helpless and unable to really do anything. And that's the opposite of heroic, as heroic is having agency and the ability to change things and do things that are normally impossible. And it feels the worst to be helpess and then die.
  17. Except we know this is pretty much BS. Defense amplifiers give (for a hefty INF cost at high levels) +4 mag protection on top of defense and other abilities. Already in the game, would take super little bits of effort to move out of the P2W category and move it to exclusive toggles (like other servers have done). So adding +4 mag protection does not break the game and makes the squishier characters less likely to be held with just one or two mezzing foes. It does make it much less frustrating, I know from experience. Very annoying to keep up, especially if you aren't actively mission-fighting constantly. Hanging out and RPing before an AE mission or getting ready to do a Task Force with your SG, it's just ticking away with no way to hit pause. That level of mag protection isn't going to make Tanks and Brutes superfluous. At least no more than hefty incarnate powers do anyways.
  18. But a mishandled bad change can sour an entire update. 😞
  19. The "large" numbers sound good until you realize that you need +100% mez resistance to decrease the full time to 50%. +200% to lower it to 33%. +300% to decrease the mez duration to 25%. So seeing a bonus of +10% is not as large as you need really.
  20. Isn't the problem that you can't slot to resist mezzing? While their are powers that give mez resistance, you can't actually aim to improve that generally beyond primary power choices. 😞
  21. I find it funny that people bring up some very weird changes for 'anything' to fix mezz protection, even things that could end up making it harder for everyone. 😕 Debuffs transitioning to mezzes sounds nice, except that the people getting mezzed would just get debuffed harder before getting mezzed on top of things. Let's punish squishies more and I'm sure I could hear the screams of protected ATs if they started to get random debuffs instead of being 100% protected like they are now.
  22. And some of us have been complaining about squishie non-mez issues for that whole time. Every other modded server seems to have some form of minor mezz protection for all ATs. Clunky, weird or just giving everyone AV triangles so you can only be held at most 1/2 the time. I think one I checked out had made the amplifiers mutually exclusive toggles that everyone gets. I've advocated that epic armors (or Kheld's three base armors) get +4 hold/stun protection (and possibly a flavor protection like Dark getting +4 Fear, etc.) That level of protection is not total immunity, it just not freezing at the first mob that glares at you hard and certainly isn't going to make you immune to whole teams of mezzing.
  23. So, because people are no longer spending real money on this for the mez protection, it is being taken away in a meaningful manner? Why are we still punishing squishies for not having mez protection? This has been pointed out that being stuck not able to do anything on the lower hit point ATs with their offensive "defending" toggles is pretty much a death sentence...
  24. Wouldn't the micro-sleeps count as an attack so the pets would aggro on the sleep inflictor?
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