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Everything posted by arthurh35353

  1. Some of it gets back to the design paradigm that squishies should never get mez protection out side of expensive defense amplifiers. Which also shows how schizo the devs are with a cruddy options that exists, so therefore is not too imbalanced but flatly disregarding any calls for give a minor base level of mez protection like into the epic armors. (4 mag base to everyone obviously doesn't make everyone gods otherwise it would be the choice.) Rune of protection giving a boost it did now allowed people to semi-permanently become much much tougher. I think the thing that should be looked at is it the bonus should be smaller over the same time, or change it to be a opener/emergency power. Most people would rather have a smaller buff over the longer time rather than to just make the power more situational.
  2. This is what I was saying. Some people say they love it for the combat parts, but they feel lackluster to me. But I think the devs are finding it hard to give it its own thing that doesn't stack on other powers for the min maxers to abuse.
  3. Even better, take the prestige sprints and athletic run and you can look super speedish!
  4. To be fair, with just slotting a travel set and hurdle with non-boosted IOs, you can't hit the jump speed cap any more.
  5. Combat numbers are not displaying correctly for Swift for it's +fly speed component. That's off by 20+ there with the new Fly active.
  6. It was a snarky comment that you can't just ignore all obstacles. And pointed out that fly is not always a straight line.
  7. Just ignore all those tall buildings in the city?
  8. He (and I) were talking apples to apples, when you are trying to say apples to oranges. We are both talking about different things or seeing it from a different perspective. We are not saying we aren't going faster, just that the percentage comparison between Fly and SS has gone up between them. The rework with Evasive Maneuvers is not the same power we had chosen before and doesn't exist as we would have chosen it.
  9. You, in fact, missed what he is comparing. He is not comparing the before and after speeds of i17p2, but the comparative speeds of Fly to Super Speed from both live, beta and even historical before Afterburner. He noted that the gap was pulled much closer with the addition of the original Afterburner. Now, in beta (with both sets being faster) Fly is actually losing some of that ground that it had with the Afterburner. The baked in Afterburner is not a full replacement (and I'd call it just enough of a replacement to try to calm people being upset by Afterburner being turned into Evasive Maneuver.) Yes, some of it is complaint about just being a change, but it is a pretty full rewriting of the power and the baked in Afterburner doesn't actually cover the cracks in that replacement of a power. People keep stating that taking Evasive Maneuvers is 'still' the replacement of Afterburner, but it really isn't. Yes, yes, I know. It buffs speed and gives you flight control like hover. But you have to get hover or air superiority anyways and most people tend to [get] hover for combat flying and +Def. And with it being given a lot more emphasis towards it's combat abilities, it's trying to convince people that they want it as a combat power. Not that it is really that useful enough for combat that you'd want to get it anyways. Maybe with Hover it'll be enough to make everyone hummingbirds and they'll really like it. Some of us were happy with the old Afterburner being all about out of combat (or combat irrelevant) as we went as full speed as we thought we could 100% of the time. In fact, we very specifically took it so that we could use it that way and Evasive Maneuver and Third of an Afterburner isn't what we used to have despite all the negative combat disadvantages it had with affect itself and such. ((I do have to chuckle that people talk that Evasive Maneuvers should give a buff to flight speed when in real life, moving into an evasive maneuver usually killed your speed and could even stall you out. Thematically, EM should be the click or toggle baked into flight that gives you a bunch of motion control for a loss of some speed, [while] Afterburner should be the power that gives the boost outside of power as the T5. In fact, pretty much all planes can sort of do evasive maneuvers, but only fighter planes have an afterburner.))
  10. Still talking comparatively. Which we have been for a while. It's not all about absolutism.
  11. If both people don't change their slots, they are both effectively at the same distance apart on Beta, I believe. Fly by itself may actually be worse off, now that I think it. I'm pretty sure Superspeed doesn't require (right now) a lot of slots on live either
  12. Which actually has some vertical ability now and many people grab either a flight pack or some sort of Run power with it.
  13. Dark has some great +End options... that need a target, so not always applicable for a travel power. I really am amazed at how expensive Teleport is for a 2 second cooldown. If I'm reading MIDs right, it's 13 END per 2 seconds (or 6.5 end/sec). Even chopping that down to 1/2 to 3.25 end/sec with +100% end reducers is more than a lot of people's end recovery. Tack on people leaving their armors that chops -1 end/sec from your recovery and no wonder I was running out on long teleports. For out of combat travel vs. Fly/SS/SJ toggle of what, .35 end/sec without slotting? I might be messing up numbers, but that still about 10 times the cost. I'm pretty sure that teleport isn't 10 times as good.
  14. Eh, I'd actually be okay with Teleport being changed to a toggle with a normalized end cost and with a popup target click like you have now (out to clickable range). I think you can actually bind distances on powexecname targets now, IIRC. So you could technically do macros with distances. In fact, the left/right forward/back binds/macros definitely already do that.
  15. Frankenslotting specifically kind of limits getting not only set benefits and would (I believe) leave you really, really under slotted for End Reduction there.) (Reading comp failure in the morning) Wait, how is that possible with getting both only of 3 slots? Range + Range/END + Range/END would get your Ranged near ED, END Reduction would only be worth x1 IO slot. That would actually make you less than optimal on End reduction, which is already the worst on Teleport.
  16. So did some testing on travel powers (Only Fly, Super Speed, Super Jump and Teleport) and travel set IOs. (I played around with lower levels (30th) and then 50th level 1) If you want to get max or near max on your travel power, you can't just slot the Travel IO sets that give -Slow, -KD and such. They just lose out on the Travel/END combo slot. So you either will have to slot an common IO or pick the ones that have Travel, END, Travel/END and then slot in the your unique in a 4th slot or something else. 2) Super Speed actually wins the lotto. With 3 slots of a travel set all focused on travel, you can hit the cap with only activating a sprint (does not even need to be slotted for run speed, BTW. Handy). You do have to slot Swift with a Run Speed IO to get the last 2mph. 3) Super Jump does not actually hit the jump speed cap with 3 slots, but does hit the normal jump height with a Travel IO with all three enhancements focused on travel. I also discovered that slotting Sprint only boosts Run Speed and jump height by a tiny bit that is totally inconsequential later. There is no Jump speed boost at all. Max speed that you can hit with Hurdle slotted with a Jump and using a travel focused IO set (Springfoot) you only get to 100.3 mph. (Cap is 101.8 mph, right?) So almost a rounding error in adjustment to hit the cap using the travel sets. I wonder if wonkiness I come across is affecting it? 4) Fly only gets to 80.6 mph and with the timed-toggle of AB 97.57mph. So it looks like it's not too far of actually getting to the caps with just the travel power and slotting 3 Travel focused IOs Flight set and Swift with a Flight Speed IO. But you'll have to get Evasive Maneuvers to actually cap it. As a note, flight speed bonuses are not displaying correctly at all. Swift is actually like it's only a 8.3% buff, not the 13.65% it is. So small bug in combat attributes? The small bonus of 3% travel power is adding, but it should be add .64 mph? Number do not actually add up. Manually doing the numbers I think they do. They bonuses numbers are like 33% low? I dunna grok. 5) Teleport doesn't get anywhere near getting to the ED limits of slotting for Range (only gets to 42.3% of the IO ED 2 slotting cap of 58.5%). This is no surprise, as Teleport has always required 3 SOs or 2 IOs slotting in just range to near its ED limits. 4 slotting to get to its own caps. Oh, almost forgot mention that teleport is really weird in his that it maxes out fly to to the cap while it hovers. And I feel that the travel power set (or really the powers they enhance) aren't all being equal in enhancement. In perfectly homogenized powers by the numbers in the IO sets.
  17. Is the Longbow Lt. power getting the same treatment? Please say it is so?
  18. Wouldn't it be fair to test short, medium and long range options? I mean, short range you sometimes have things where it may not be technically faster to teleport, but most people just turn on Run and Sprint of choice to go a couple hundred feet in a congested area while Flight and SJ just hopped over the apartment building in Praetoria? And SS cursed as it was a bit too tight to really leverage its speed? Middle ground in most zones at about a mile of travel from SG portals, SS and SJ are usually there before some people have even zoned in while flight and TP are getting there. Then you have the far end in a long range area with few ground areas where SS is going "TG I bought a raptor pack for the Shadow Shadow" and SJ is going "I can make it with some effort, but I hope I don't miss and have to start over" and Fly is cruising along at max speed, low issues and Teleport can get there fastest, but if you aren't slotted well can actually run out of endurance.
  19. Maybe this was to catch any odd one offs so that someone doesn't have a very unpleasant surprise?
  20. Hmm. I was doing more testing on TP End usage in The Storm Palace and notice that Thumbtacks worked better laterally (ie. east-west) but the north-south distance still wouldn't work to the north of the storm palace (as I was aiming to see how far I could go for how much end drain.) I don't think the numbers were increased enough to actually cover the traversable area.
  21. I have dozens of characters. Not all of them have the same powers. My original alt had Teleport and Flight. Only hover has actually stayed the same other than those two powers from the choices I had.
  22. I want to say that they made this much harder to do so that tankers couldn't dumpster dive with warwolves back in the days of 100% resists. The 16 aggro cap came from part of that.
  23. This would read much more clearly if it said: The power now has increased the fly speed cap by 50% (from 58.6 mph to 87.9mph) as part of Page 2's increase in travel power pools. (As a note, this matches the old fully slotted afterburner which you had to pick as an additional power.)
  24. It's the fact that it states it as if this is just afterburner changes, when its a change to Fly (as part of all travel power changes) that emulates some of the ability of afterburner. Or am I not explaining what I'm reading well?
  25. This part here does in fact actually make it sound like this is the Afterburner being baked into the power, not that the changes to increase all Travel Pool Powers are being increased. I know you guys love to harp on the 'this is how the power works' but that doesn't match the verbiage of the power. This is the part that confused me a lot and really drove me to a bad mental place.
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