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Everything posted by Neiska

  1. We wont agree on this. Continuing to debate is pointless.
  2. @ZemX - I don't know how to do multiple quotes form different people int he same post, but here is one. Boldfaced and snipped their post for clarity. I would call this "forceful." Or at least one attempt in many to try and have AE removed entirely. Even the OP post (copy/pasted), I bolded the parts in question. - Over the recent long day weekend, I noticed a large uptick in new players. I answered as many questions as I could in /help and was as welcoming as I could be. However, I noticed some oddities that made me think we, as a community, are failing our newest members. We're doing things that harm them and NOT doing things that would help them. I noticed one person advertising in help chat, "I've gotten level 50. So now what do I need to do to equip my character and start enjoying the game?" We've failed that person. They're level 50 and want to START enjoying the game. They've missed most of the game on their first character. If they're lucky, they'll be introduced to taskforces and the flashback system. If not, they'll discover that a lot of level 50 players do nothing but the same two trials over and over, get bored and leave the game because it seems like there's nothing to do compared to other MMOs. We can hope they make more characters to experience more of the game. A significant number of players take pride in powerlevelling anyone they can. They feel they're helping others by doing so, or even giving them a gift. In games where all the content is biased towards the end of the game, that might be true. For CoH players who've experienced the game's content many times over, that might be true. For new players who haven't really had much experience with the game, powerlevelling them means we're robbing their character of the missions that are not in Ouroboros flashback system. It means we're taking away a relatively gentle learning curve and expecting them to learn their character at level 50. The answer to keep this situation from happening is pretty straightforward. Don't advertise free powerlevelling. The players who WANT powerlevelling will still ask for it, and are not shy about doing so. People who want to powerlevel as a 'gift' will still have every opportunity to do so, even if they don't advertise. More recently, I saw a farmer encouraging a new player to play a character 'the long way' rather than powerlevelling. They explained that they wanted the newbie to enjoy the game and to stay for the long haul, and that they felt the best way to do that was to learn the game organically. That's the best solution, in my opinion. We ALL need to communicate to new players that the game's content and major story does NOT begin at max level the way some others do. What ways do you see that we fail new players and what are your suggestions for fixing those problems? ------------------------------- Some additional thoughts. 1. So it's fine for "you" to give opinions, but not anyone else? When you do it: "Hey I'm just giving advice." When I do it: "ITS JUST A VIDEO GAME!" Your advice: - "play 1 to 50. THEN decide if you like the game." My advice: - "You can play X way, or Y way, or even Z way. There is no wrong way. There's upsides and downsides to all of them." 2. And yes, a narrative. One can browse the past tabs in general chat and see that anti farming/anti AE topics are fairly common. Often by the same names in fact. So, if its "just a game" why do some people push it so hard to have a tool they don't even want used removed for other people? And I think I am done trying to argue with a brick wall here. You are entitled to your opinion. I am entitled to mine. And until the staff tells me differently, I will power level whomever I damn well please. Don't like it? Too bad. Not your concern. And if it "doesn't matter" then why do people keep whining about it?
  3. 1. Sure, I have. Elsewhere. To the OP in fact. The very first post in this thread, which I responded to. Many of which are already quoted, not just in this post, but elsewhere. I see no reason to send them several pings and bring up old arguments, many of which have already been closed. 2. Yes, it does. It presumes that you know the new players best interests. Which you do not. 3. I am not pretending to do anything. Even on the previous page, people are saying to do otherwise. I do agree that the consequence of those choices are entirely on that player. But let's not pretend that people are not pushing the narrative of "don't power level new people." Because that quite literally is the point of this topic, and its intellectually dishonest to pretend otherwise. This thread has not been a "let people choose" argument, it has been a "don't power level new players, because WE know what's best for them" argument. If you think otherwise, then perhaps you have not been following the thread or reading all the other previous posts.
  4. An analogy, if you will - "Here we have Coke and Pepsi. We can't let new people pick Coke, even if that's what they would want, because they don't know about Pepsi. And we cannot let them choose Coke for themselves, because we can speak self-assuredly that we know absolutely what is in their own best interests. We know for absolute certain that they should and would all pick Pepsi, without exception. We need to remove Coke from the menu immediately."
  5. 1. Nobody seriously expects this. - I gently disagree, as there are voices in this very forum that advocate for exactly that. In this very thread in fact. I would point them out by name, but I believe that violates policy. 2. Do you think it's in a new player's best interests to be carried to 50 on their first toon and THEN try to figure out the game -or- should they try actively playing first to see if they like it and maybe learn something on their own first? - I find your choice of wording interesting here, as it is a little bias. It is biased, because it infers that you (not you personally, but the rhetorical you) can speak on behalf of all new players and what their best interests even are. When the odds are just as many new players might choose to do AE, as not do AE. This question is presuming that the questioner knows for a fact what all new players would choose beforehand, what they would want, or what is in their best interests. A fairer question would be "Do you think it's okay to decide for other players on how to play or what correct play is?" And to that, I say No. Absolutely not. In no context in any game anywhere, should other players decide for other players what they can or cannot do. Only a developer or staff member, should they make such decisions on behalf of not just "new" players, but all players in general. 3. This is about what you'd suggest to a new player. They can always do what they want and ultimately they WILL do what they want. But if they asked you for advice... what would you tell them? - I would tell them the various ways to play, and the merits and drawbacks of both, and leave the choice ultimately up to them. Thats what giving honest choice and putting their "best interests" first is. This entire thread is based on the presumption that a new player who is power leveled to 50 will grow bored, and quit the game. When there is nothing to substantiate such a claim. Taking myself as an example - I leveled 3 different characters, all to high 20s mid 30s, and got frustrated at the pace and sense of "lack of reward" for my time. A friend then power leveled me to 50, explained MIDs, and all the intricates of making a build. And I found that far more enjoyable than doing things like contact missions. And so I began to farm. And nearly 5 years later, I am still here. So is she for that matter. The funny thing? My friends list is full of people who were "purists" who no longer play. I have not seen some of them in 2 or 3 years in fact. But all my farming friends? Still here. Still active. Still farming. I hope Xknight will forgive me for pointing this out but, even the farming discord is more active than the official HC discord. Now I am not claiming that farming is more popular or should be pushed upon new people. I am only using myself as an example of why such reasons as "they will grow bored and quit!" are simply untrue. And no matter how you try to rationalize it, or excuse it, or obfuscate it, claiming to know what is in another players "best interests" is wrong, no matter how you try to slice it.
  6. Good god. It was a question if it was possible to do via scripting/game mechanics. Not an actual suggestion. Even if it was, I doubt the staff would do so anyway, and I even pointed out such. Here, I'll simplify it for you - "Is it possible in the old game engine with spaghetti script? Not a suggestion, not an idea, not a solution, only asking if such a thing is even do-able?" If someone wants to partcipate in a conversation, its somewhat important to actually read and comprehend what the other person says, and not attempt to change their statement to avoid having to admit they were wrong. I would have more respect for you if you admit that you read my PS and had a knee jerk reaction. But its you who are doubling down here. (your words, not mine.) But I think I am just going to do us both a favor and put you on the ignore list. Since you like to obfuscate, even when something is repeated to you, then I don't think there is much we have to say to one another, so I am going to just save us both the trouble.
  7. It wasn't an idea, it was a technical question about what is or isn't possible. Not if it is valid or a plausible solution. If you had taken the time to read the full replies others have also made, you might have realized that. And rather than consider that, you extrapolate and put words into my mouth. So, with respect, you can take a hike and take your judgmental opinion with you. 🖕
  8. Now you are putting words in my mouth. I never said "i'm just saying." I added it as a PS to another topic. Another pointed out that would segregate the community (more than it already is) and I even agreed with them. "Doubling down?" On what, asking a technical question? Forums: "Level 50s ask questions! They are newbie AE babies!" Also Forums: "They asked a technical question! BOO THIS PERSON!" Also also Forums: "You aren't allowed to play by yourself, or your way. The only acceptable way to play, is MY way, WITH me. If you dont like it, this game isn't for you!" Starting to see a pattern here, and it isn't the farmers or new people that is the problem.
  9. Spared from what? Some random stranger's expression of displeasure? I see that about every 3 mins in the general channel. No sweat off my back. I am mostly amused about the context, i added that as an afterthought, mostly wondering if such a thing was possible in the game scripts and the like. Apparently it is, but not without having multiple different servers and the like. I thought it might have been a case of removing npcs or turning off the interaction script. I'm not actually very script-savy on those kinds of things, hence my musing about it. But as others pointed out, further dividing the community is a bad idea, which I agree with. Still, THUMBS DOWN FOR WONDERING I find amusing.
  10. @tidge And a thumbs down for going "hmm I wonder if this is possible in the game/script mechanics? Really? Added as an afterthought to another post no less? Good thing thumbs down or any of the emjojis dont actually mean anything.
  11. Because I was mostly wondering if it was possible? I replied to someone else that I don't expect such a thing to actually come to pass or be a viable solution.
  12. Oh, I agree. Mostly I was just wondering and musing. I don't actually expect that to be a solution, realistically, feasibly or otherwise.
  13. My previous reply was rhetorical, by "you" I was not meaning you personally, but by whomever might hold that position or opinion. And it is fine we disagree on some things. I respect your opinion. I just disagree on the extent of "new lvl 50s are clueless" and feel its been exaggerated quite a bit here on the forums, also with the "new people don't know there's another option" when it is pushed at them from every angle. If anything, they may not know what the AE is. I mean there is a literal bread-crumb trail leading them by the nose to story content, when the AE you have to literally explain to them what it is, what it does, how to use it, how to get there, etc. I would say there are already tools aplenty to push new players to open world and let's call them "polite barriers" to keep them from the AE. If they don't ask what a farm or AE even is, they might likely never even know. So I think you might have the "which option do they know about" rather backwards. And just to clarify, I did not say you personally was anti farm, but many of these forums are, even in this thread there are suggestions to punish or restrict people who power level in some way, not just in this topic but elsewhere. When AE has already been changed multiple times already, all 100% to make it more tedious, difficult, etc. There are certainly more "farming BAD" voices than "play your way" voices here. You don't see post after post after post in the forums bashing any other playstyle, just the AE/Farmers. But as they say, the squeaky wheel gets the grease I suppose, so maybe the Farmers need more of a presence here on the forums perhaps, so it doesn't look so one sided. Best wishes. PS - I am unsure it has been discussed or asked before, but I do wonder if its possible to separate the different shards by p2w/start and AE stuff. As in - Shard 1 - No p2w or AE Shard 2 - p2w, but no AE Shard 3 - no p2w, but AE Shard 4 - p2w and AE That way everyone can have their pick. The purists can have their playground, others can have theirs, and so on. I am not sure if this is even possible, or if the HC staff would consider such a thing. But it's at least a thought and an effort for a compromise. Everyone could have their own game environment of choice and stop the bickering on the farming/AE topic already.
  14. To begin, I would like to acknowledge and thank you for the tone of your argument. It is gratefully received, and I shall attempt to do the same. 1. New people are "choosing" to do this because.... -But you don't 'know' that. You don't know for absolute certain, "why." And I would argue, the "why" is irrelevant. Because as I stated before, it isn't our business on "why", but also because people have a right to make wrong choices. It's how we grow as people. Imagine a moment, you were back playing on live. And some random veteran just swooped in and made the choice for you. Decided your journey, claiming to know what was better, for your own good. I don't think you would appreciate someone speaking and deciding on your behalf, but that is what you are effectively doing. Swooping in and deciding on someone else's behalf what to do, where to go, how to do it. You are deciding "their" journey. I know that I wouldn't like that one bit. Even if it turns out they are right, because it really is kind of taking away someone's free will, in a sense. You can't look at all options, and then remove the options that you don't happen to agree with, and then claim to be the moral high ground in the argument, after taking away one of their choices. Even if it's a "bad" choice, it's still "their" choice to make. And just because it's a choice you don't agree with, doesn't make it "bad" either. It's simply the choice you wouldn't have made. -I do agree that game design have changed a lot over the years. They are faster paced now for certain. I don't know if you played Everquest when it first came out, but that game is the time sink to end all time sinks. You are talking years of progression per character there. It might have taken you over a year to get your epic weapon, and many people never got theirs. But does this affect new players decisions? Who can say? I would be surprised if it didn't affect it somehow, but I would suspect it varies person to person. And again, is irrelevant. 2. New people at 50 don't know... -Again, you don't know they are "AE babies." I have met people in their 30s and 40s who didn't have a single enhancement slotted. How? I asked them to take a snip of their powers sheet and send it to me on discord. Using myself for an example here, I have played the game for nearly 5 years now. I have 3 accounts, and about 4 pages of level 50s on each, most of them are T3's, a few are full T4's. And I have never done those zones you mention - Hallows, Faultline, Croatoa. (I tend to play almost exclusively Redside.) And the merits are irrelevant to me. At a guess, I have 5000 merits across my characters, and I don't think I've ever really spent any. I simply never needed to. But my point is, is that just because a player doesn't know something at any level doesn't mean they are "AE babies." You are presuming that. People can very well play "the legit" way (in some peoples minds anyway) and still be entirely confused on what's going on or what to do. The "AE baby" argument is casting everyone involved in the WORST possible light. When, speaking as someone who does actually power level people on occasion, I can faithfully tell you that 90% of people getting power leveled, are not new players. How do I know? I actually ask and have full conversations while farming. If anything, "new people getting power leveled" is the minority. I can recall only a handful of people who claimed to be "new." (To be fair here, I don't "know" that they were NOT new either, but only what they claimed. But at least I asked.) And just because a person asks questions, doesn't mean they are new, or were power leveled, or anything. They could be a returning player who took a break for a while. They may simply not remember. It could be any number of reasons. 3. You can't remove one option you dislike and claim it's giving people choice. A fairer statement would be - New Player: "Hey what do I do?" Old Player: "You can run open world content, get merits and see the story, and meet some of the characters. Or if there are a lot of things you want to try, you can be speed leveled." A much fairer statement to my mind, giving the merits of both, and it need not even be either/or either. I am sure everyone would agree that there are "slow spots" during the leveling process where farming certainly helps the leveling along. But I view the entire argument of "lets remove their option" more about control of how other people play, than any context of "it's in their own best interest." Because that infers that people cannot think for themselves or have a right to make their own decisions. And I will never agree that either of those are good arguments. Even if someone makes a "bad" decision, its important they have the opportunity to look back see why it was bad later on and grow from it. Anyway, I do thank you again for the tone of your reply. I agree on some parts, disagree on others.
  15. Has it not occurred to some people that - AE inf/exp was nerfed. People still farm. They have added prisms and such to all non-AE activities. People still farm. They changed the AI to make farming more difficult. People still farm. They have changed some powersets, adding things like inherent -DEF. People still farm. They have added all kinds of story content. People still farm. Many farmers have been farming for nearly 5 years now. People still farm. I am not sure how else to point out that some people, farming IS their peak enjoyment of the game. I can't speak for everyone as for the WHY. It may not be about the inf or the drops at all. Most players now are adults with adult lives. Some of us, don't have the weeks and weeks of free time required, to play every possible powerset combination we are interested in. Farming, gives me an option, to level a new character quickly within my available hobby time. What keeps me personally playing, is not the story arcs. It is not PUG-ing. It is not the raids. It is not the new content. It is not the old content. It isn't the new badges. It isn't the new shiny costumes. It isn't anything that they have used as a "carrot on a stick" to do whatever non-AE content you choose to apply that to. What keeps me personally interested, is all the fine that goes into a build. I find it intellectually stimulating. I will spend hours, no exaggeration, hours, in MIDS tinkering with power sets. Moving powers around, trying new combinations, new enhancement setups, and what have you. And the mental satisfaction of getting a build "perfect" give me a sensation that nothing else in the game offers. If leveling in content was as the same speed as AE leveling, I might do it more. But leveling multiple characters is what keeps me invested in COH. And as long as I can do it in a reasonable time and make back the money I spend so it is effectively free, I will keep doing it. But, the moment it gets too tedious, or costly, I will likely lose interest in doing so. As far as the "but, but, new players shouldn't level fast!" First off, what BUSINESS is that of yours? This is a open sandbox game. Don't yuck their yum. Let them build their sandcastle THEIR way. Some of you act as if people who are helping other people get money, or exp, are mustache twirling bond villains here. None of these people helping them level, are dragging the new folks into the AE by the ankle. There are no screams of torment echoing from the AE. There is no busload of orphans moving mountains of people into the AE. But by some of the theatrics here on the forums, you would think that was the case. Secondly, I would like to point out that these new people, are choosing, CHOOSING, to do this. GASP! Wha-wha-WHAT! No! WE CAN'T HAVE THAT! People deciding how to have fun THEMSELVES?!? WHY I NEVER! Why the server mods shall certainly hear of this immediately! I do NOT approve of this! HMPH! They should have to earn every snippet of EXP! They should have to claw over mountains of foes for every enhancement, like ye olden days of yore! Yes yes, I know many many changes have happened since then, so many that this isn't entirely the same game anymore with new powers, sets, even a new AT, but that DOESNT MATTER! I suffered! THEY MUST SUFFER TOO! How DARE they use tools and options available now to circumvent an antiquated game design in a game old enough to vote? I won't stand it! Jeeves! Bring the car around! TO THE FORUMS! I shall cry havoc and release the POSTS OF WAR! -Seriously, that's how many of these posts read. It comes off as a form of gatekeeping. Of trying to force people to play the game how it was played 20 years ago, when if you want to split hairs, it isn't even the same game, and just reeks of gatekeeping and trying to force new people to do the same content they once did, in the same ways they once did. To bring back a bit of nostalgia perhaps, or to simply have more people to re-live favored memories with. Well, hate to break it to you, but that's 20 years ago, and you have absolutely no right to do that. Unless your name has "Homecoming Staff" next to it, your opinions on how other people should play, and who they play it with, can sod off. Normally, I only power level people that I know and ask for it. But the more I see posts like these, the more it makes me want to post in LFG - "FASTEST EXP FARM Has room for two! Maps cleared every 3 minutes! New players ONLY! ALL ABOARD THE EXP-TRAIN! CHOO CHOO! Don't forget the EXP BUFF!" - out of spite.
  16. It isn't so much as their opinion, as its presentation. Their posts are often rife with passive aggressive remarks, such as "AE babies" for example. The player isn't content to live and let live, or find a compromise, it's THEIR way or you are wrong, as if they had any authority on the matter. And I take no small pleasure in pointing out their monologue, or pointing out their hypocritical statements. Consider for a moment, that player screams from the rooftops about the evils of AE and Farming, but not so much as a peep about - -Mothership Raid! Broadcast for invite! Any level allowed! -PI group LF6M! etc. Astute people might realize the paradox here, which leads me to suspect are not in fact against "fast leveling" but are for some reason outraged that some people would rather play alone, and actually have fun and advance their character while doing it. Which is pretty much this - No, that is what I call players who feel they have the authority to dictate to other players on what they can or cannot do. The person in question is not a developer nor HC staff member, and thank god for that.
  17. If gatekeeping and/or self-appointed dictator of fun was a person this is what it would look like.
  18. Bold of you to presume how many people are or are not online that I am willing to group with. I would rather go with a smaller group of friends, than a full team of randoms. I wouldn't call that a self-imposed cap per say, more of a group preference shared among friends. But no, not everyone runs at 8 for all activities. Even PI groups don't always fill. Plenty of teams for TFs go with fewer than 8. So respectfully disagree there. YOUR groups might always be filled, but that is not the case for some of us, and for others like me, it's a rarity.
  19. Not always. Did a 4-man DFB. Plus people leave. And some people like myself prefer to stick to our own friends and people we know to team with, so we run content at less than 8 quite often. And how is more choices bad?
  20. Oh, I agree. I have left other games for the same reasons. But the difference here is that much of that is actually against the rules, but I see no effort whatsoever to curtail the behavior, aside from people reporting. But as far as I can tell, that does little good. Because it just keeps happening. Frequently. So either - A) They don't care. (I doubt this is the case.) B) They take action, but said people just remake new free accounts and continue the behavior. Or C) They do police it, but it does little good. Because it is no exaggeration that anytime I get in the mood to do PUG activity, not a day goes by where something like that isn't said if not in Team or League chat, than in General chat.
  21. Lunar had it right, Everlasting. Not all of these happened in the last two weeks mind you, but they all happened in TFs and Raids. But yes, every one of those topics were openly discussed with all the casual conversation of "what is your favorite kind of cake?" If you ask me, people are focused on the wrong "problems", but that's just me.
  22. And now for my rebuttal, and I think I am going to remove my filter for this one. 1. New players rushing is wrong! -No, it isn't. Not if said new players "choose" it. Sure, you can offer guidance and your opinion, but unless your name has a "Homecoming Staff" besides it, then what you have to say is just that, your opinion. Not a rule. Not a must-do. It is at best, a bias suggestion. And I find it amusing that on one hand, CoH likes to go "AE/farming BAD" but in the same breath goes "hey, here is unlimited EXP boosters!" Not only that, but Where is it written "what" to do? Pray Tell, show me what rule says one MUST play a certain way? If a new player wants to hang out at pocket D at level 10, that's their business. If a player wants to not play superhero at all, and play investment simulator with the auction house, then that's their business. Who are you (not anyone in particular, speaking rhetorically here) to tell another person what activity is and is not allowed, good, or right? My only two questions are "did YOU have fun?" and "did THEY have fun?" should be the only two metrics of what "correct play" is. Because what "you" find fun, might be the part of the game someone else hates the most. 2. Why don't some people (new and old alike) like doing PUG things? - Speaking only for myself here, but not everyone likes or enjoys the PUG community here. For me there are a few reasons why, so I will break it down. 2a - The chat/commentary - I have been playing since 2019. I have done a total of five, FIVE mothership raids, and ONE Hami raid, all of them in the last two weeks. And I doubt I will do so again. Because every single time without fail, the chat has turned into the worst of various reddit threads, many of which I can't even repeat here. Here are a few examples - -NSFW Furry commentary. -Controversial topics such as BLM, "my body my choice", etc. -How some people of a particular political opinion should be arrested. -How terrible incels are, and why they are to blame for every ill in society. -How great communism is, and how bad capitalism is. -LGBTQ dating, most of which I cannot repeat here. -The current situation in Gaza, and how X side is wrong. -Religion. -Subscribe to my (adult content) - The adult orientation of X fictional character. etc etc. Now, I don't care what people's opinions are on any of these topics. I don't care what your intimate orientation is. I don't care who you support politically. I don't care who or what you worship or consider sacred. That is none of my concern, nor my business. If anyone is interested in any of these things, there are reputable platforms to discuss such things. CoH is a lot of things, but a pillar of fair intellectual debate, the general or team channel is not. And I don't care to see any of it. Normally, I would just ignore and press on. But it is so wild, common, and rampant that ignoring people 1 by 1 isn't any help. Its whack-a-mole. You ignore one, 2 more pop up. This is especially bad on the raids. And on two occasions, it was the leader themselves as a source of it. And I find it a bit illuminating that the some of the HC community seems more concerned with things like AE farming, than things like these being widely and openly discussed. Because Priorities? 2b - The behavior -As an example, just last week I was on a Manticore TF. One person sped ahead as fast as they possibly could, running through spawns in an effort to complete missions as fast as possible, even finding the elevator before the entire team was on the map. I spoke out, as did two other people. To which I was told to go fornicate myself. So, I left. Immediately after I left, another person (NOT the speed runner) began to lecture me on how "I had no right" to abandon my group like that, which turned into a 20-minute tirade of me being "selfish" because of not wanting to indulge in the speedster's behavior, and how my leaving caused the two others to also leave. I strongly dislike speed-running things. Unless I am with a group of friends, I pretty much clear every group of enemies. Because its money, drops, kind of the point of the TF in the first place, and whatnot. I dislike this gameplay so much that I have left other games because of it, namely ESO. Where "speeding" content is so bad that people are utterly unwilling to Tank it, which in turn leads to a shortage of tanks for high end content, where you can't just skip or bull rush things. The tank cues are so bad, its 4 hours or longer. When to me, it's a problem of their own creation. I have done TFs that I still don't know the story of. Even after almost 5 years of playing the game, I still don't know who the guy is on the Dam. I don't know the whole "its a nemesis plot!" thing. Many, many stories I have done several times, I have YET to get the context of. And at this point, I don't expect to get it. 2c - The unsolicited opinions and EPEEN - "Oh, you took THAT power? THAT pool? What a scrub!" etc. "My pixels are so much better than YOUR pixels! Now bare witness to my GLORY! Watch, in AWE of my might! I beat that Elite boss .023 seconds faster than you did! Get with the META, scrub! Cold Domination or get out!" etc etc. And yes, in some cases, it truly is that bad. Theme builds, are a thing. Builds "just for fun" are a thing. Taking powers you simply like, are a thing. Not everyone chases the META. Not everyone even CARES about the META. And I don't remember asking for the opinion of random pug player #0248592 for all the mathematical reasons of why I should not take powers like Enflame. So, to address the Elephant in the room, let's NOT pretend that Pugging is a land of Milk and Honey, of Unicorns and Rainbows, where everything is GREAT and everyone gets along. To many of us, it is quite Toxic. Not everyone is toxic mind you, but "enough" of it is that if I was given no option to PUG or uninstall, I would immediately uninstall, because my dislike of the PUG community outweighs my like for the game. I would simply rather play alone, or with my friends. Both in AE and in open world content. And the more the narrative of "PUG TEAMING" is pushed/baited/bribed on me, the more I resent it. And if I want "story", I will just run Ouros, again, either alone or with friends. Perhaps, just perhaps mind you, if people stopped focusing on what OTHER people are doing and focus on themselves and their own fun and enjoyment, things might calm down. But I wouldn't bet on that. Lastly, new players, being confused even at maximum level, is HARDLY unique to CoH. It exists in nearly every game, even games without "rushing" or "power leveling." It's normal. To be expected. And if someone wants to rush-rush-rush to level 50, and THEN do content, then it is their prerogative to do so. And you can't FORCE them otherwise. You can't "force" people to play with you, YOUR way. And the more you try to MAKE them, the more they will resent it. if you want more people to play YOUR way, the way YOU do, then give them options, and let them CHOOSE to do so. Rant over.
  23. Boy oh boy, I foresee absolutely no way that this topic might run off the rails. Gee, I sure hope people will refrain from being judgmental of how other people enjoy hobbies and understand that not everyone likes the same things. What can possibly go wrong? Here is an unrelated image.
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