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Everything posted by boggo2300

  1. the link is buried in the lyrics 🙂
  2. Thanks you said this much better and more concisely than I managed
  3. Just to respond to the thread title, never team with me then, my toons look so good the mobs just surrender to the cool!
  4. well as it was a late addition removing it completely is probably easiest, but as there are people that like it, making it hide-able is probably best and not much more complex
  5. I think you should get used to disappointment then as I don't expect anymore to be said on it officially, "we don't have the database, and we've committed to not getting it" is pretty much the final word, and yes, having to do engineering work for a loose cannon like Elon Musk would be REALLY hard however this is WAY off topic for this thread and we should stop before the parents come to scold us
  6. Thats how it SHOULD be I play everything for the theme, looks, or animations and I have never even given thought to the mechanics during character creation, I just don't give a fig about the meta game
  7. Things that are easy in government are almost insurmountable in corporate, and even more impossible for a non-profit, I've been in all three, plus you are talking three countries, plus the privacy laws in Europe that will be enforced because there are EU based players (and this isn't just current players, this is all the players who had an account with NC for city) It's not impossible, but it's far too much effort for either HC or NC to want to deal with
  8. the huge legal and administrative hurdles when dealing with thousands of peoples personal details, something a small band of volunteers wouldn't want deal with if they were sane, and something that even NC-soft don't want the overhead of dealing with
  9. Uh oh, I seem to be stuck on the Beatles
  10. theyve explained it already, NC-soft would only negotiate if the player DB was gone
  11. well apart from Homecoming officially saying it's off the table...
  12. Two people had the account information, after NC-Soft contacted HC those people destroyed their copies of the database, search around here on this forum and you will find it, and it's not an ambiguous legal reason, it's illegal for anyone but NC-Soft to have that data in the US, EU, Canada and pretty much most other countries players are in. If the game had changed hands yes, maybe the database could have been transferred, though that is by no means guaranteed.
  13. Brick, and sticking with the Scorpions 😄
  14. We have been, if you mean any of the HC team, even if it's a general renewal and nothing to do with their negotiations the best course of action for HC is to not comment on ANYTHING NC-Soft does until there is a clear conclusion, I bet it's burning them up and keeping quiet is really hard for them, but it's the best thing they can do for the negotiations.
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