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Everything posted by boggo2300

  1. as someone critiquing that song on radio once said, the only Ironic thing about this song is calling it Ironic 😄
  2. Ahh the song that proves Alanis Morrisette doesn't know what Irony is
  3. get some superhero back into the mix 😄
  4. Oh! sneaky!!! link-UB40 did a cover of this
  5. I'll drop my smart arse attitude and just make my point Paragon City is on Primal Earth we aren't the main point of that being Seasons end in Paragon City when the people running the game say they do, what happens outside your window is irrelevant
  6. I must be missing something, I 90% of the time play a blaster and I never think about Mezz protection, or how horrible mobs with mezz are, I honestly don't get the strong feelings about it, it's such a minor inconvenience, that happens so rarely, and hell nowadays you still have your t1 and t2 attacks as a blaster while mezz'd, I agree 100% with what @iBotsays above, we don't need city of everyone playing the same toon which is what is going to happen if we keep giving everyone the same ability to deal with different situations
  7. /search gold 0 characters found (I'm bad I know, but couldn't resist)
  8. You've said crash, but also mentioned mapserve, these are very different things under the hood with very different solutions, can you give a little more detail on what actually happens?
  9. so jealous I'd kill for it to cool down to that for a few days!!!!
  10. well the big killer with Kallisti has been populating it and making content for it, so I don't think you'd be saving much effort in the long run
  11. 1: no 2: yes 3: I have huge issues with the whole jihad against KB so it's a soft no from me 4: rubbish!
  12. for the love of god HOW much work do you want to pile of the dev team? and stealing hero zones isn't going to bring people red-side, making red-side suck less is the only thing that's going to do that
  13. ok that made me laugh so hard I actually cried
  14. and more, any other interesting things that happen to your character, and when, badges are badges and I love them, souvenirs are a waste of a tab that I don't think i've ever bothered to look at, bunch of random things without any real info why I should care, heck, I'd be cool with replacing the souvenirs tab with the character history tab, but I'm sure there are people out there who love it, so it's not fair on them to replace it, hence new tab
  15. personally I think there are already too many AT's with to much overlap, but I don't see that being an argument I'll ever win, so I've pulled a frozen on it
  16. Well except they don't get a lot of play 😄 and as a Solo toon they are pretty kick butt (and they should never come close to blaster damage levels, nothing should) Sentinel tweaks are still happening I understand, they've just been moved behind the Tanker tweaks, we are still relying on a very small number of Devs, less than a 10th of what Paragon Studios had, personally I'd rather see Kallisti Wharf populated and finished before too much more get's done on AT's (Except the MM pet fixes on beta, we need those SO bad) hey I'm biased, sue me 😄
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