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Everything posted by PeregrineFalcon

  1. I like your idea. If for nothing else it'd be a new experience. However, I do have a question about this: What do you mean by 'gas out'? Are you talking about running out of Endurance? I ask because in your initial proposal you mentioned that these 'Saga Mode' characters would not be able to use crafted enhancements. Without crafted enhancements I don't see how these characters, especially at low level, won't be constantly running out of Endurance.
  2. And my issue isn't with Arcane, obviously. It's with what was said, and I've seen many others post something similar, in case my post didn't make that clear. My issue is that I want Homecoming to stay around for a long time. Look, Homecoming doesn't have that many players, on Friday evenings it's usually up to what? 5k or so? Just because Concord wished they had that many players doesn't mean that's a big number. When that number gets near zero Homecoming will likely cease to be. That will happen eventually, and I want to delay that day for as long as possible. Every person that gets chased away because someone on the forum, in or game, tells them to go play on another server, reduces Homecoming's lifespan by an unknown amount. And I've seen that these things tend to snowball. People start leaving and then more people leave because people are leaving. Chasing people away is bad for Homecoming. How bad? I don't know because I cannot foresee the future. But I'll ask all of you. If you want Homecoming to stay up for a long time then isn't it in your best interest to not chase players away?
  3. "You lot" is a phrase that is plural, similar to "you all." In other words I was referring to the people on the forums, not to just you specifically. I suppose, but why would you work to ensure that with a condescending post? Look, Homecoming's major draw is its population. Also, Homecoming relies on donations to keep going. So, encouraging people to leave with a condescending post, like you did, does not benefit Homecoming, you, or the person you're responding to. So I'm asking why you would do that. Is that too difficult a question to answer?
  4. Please explain to me how condescendingly telling players to leave benefits you or Homecoming? You know, you lot sure cry a whole lot of "Peregrine's a big meanie" and speed-hammer the report button on my posts, but they you'll hypocritically post condescending garbage like this. I'm disappointed Arcane, you're smarter than this.
  5. Wilkommen zuhause, Snarky. Es gefallt mir dass du zureckgekehrt bist.
  6. I agree with you, but I'd also like to explain why this happens. People will say they didn't like the movie and even explain why. And then other people will attack them for not liking the movie, demean them, insult them, and then the thread gets locked. When someone says "That movie didn't do well, and here are the number to prove it" what they're really saying is "I think this movie is garbage, the majority of people believed this movie is garbage, here's the objective numbers to prove that the movie is garbage, and you can't argue with that because the numbers are the numbers." So I guess the bottom line is that if I felt it was ok to just say "I didn't like this movie because of these reasons" without a certain faction exploding and demeaning my opinion and even down right insulting me, even going so far as to call me a "not-see" simply because I don't like a particular movie (and yes that happened on this forum), then maybe I could discuss certain movies and what I liked and disliked about them. But as long as people are going to lose their marbles and compare me to a certain Reichskanzler simply because I don't like certain movies, or shows on Disney+, (and as long as the moderators on this forum allow them to continue doing that, while suspending me every time I push back against that craziness) then yeah, I'm going to stick to talking just about the numbers. Hope this clears things up for you. 🙂 PS: Don't forget to go through my post history and put a thumbs down on all of my posts. It's become something of a tradition for you to do that, but I noticed that you forgot to do that yesterday.
  7. Here's an explanation that's not only newer, having been posted just 3 days ago, but it also focuses on the movies and series and explains the various bad decisions that Kathleen Kennedy over the years.
  8. Bottom line: the movies are crap, the merchandise didn't sell, related IP things like Netflix series and the Galactic Starcruiser Hotel haven't done well. I've shown you proof that Disney hasn't made back what they've paid for Star Wars, the franchise is in a worse place now than it was when they bought it, and it's all the fault of the person who was deliberately running Star Wars into the ground and laughing at the fans while doing it, Kathleen Kennedy. So yeah, ya missed something. And, in case it isn't obvious by now, I've been following this whole debacle for the last 10 years. Becoming more and more angry while Kathleen Kennedy and her woke, man-hating cronies, wreaked one of my favorite IPs and insulted the majority of the fan-base and laughed while doing it. Add to that the constant lying and attempts at gaslighting, about how great and successful they are while show after show fails to get renewed because they're garbage, by internet NPCs has finally just stomped all over my one last nerve. And I apologize if I've taken it out on you.
  9. It's about the fact that Disney has lost money on the Star Wars IP and that's entirely because of Kathleen Kennedy. You pretending it hasn't, and TTRPGWhiz going through my post history and putting a thumbs down every one of my posts, isn't going to change that.
  10. I didn't really feel like doing the math myself just so you could refuse to believe me, so I found a video that explains it. Now this video came out in April 2024, so it's not recent. However, nothing has really happened in between that made $billion$. I point that out because that's seems the most likely rational rebuttal to this video.
  11. How about Supergroups? Did you all finally generic The Marvels?
  12. I didn't say they were losing money, I said they were "meh." The criticisms of these movies have been posted all over the internet for a decade now and I'm not going to sit here and repeat all of those explanations all over again. And I noticed that you very specifically didn't include Solo, the one Star Wars movie that actually did lose money. Way to cherry pick your examples. Also, ever heard of "Toys R Us"? All of their 1,500 stores in multiple countries were permanently closed. Know why? Because they spent $billions stocking their shelves with Star Wars toys from the new movies. Toys that did not sell. So the entire company collapsed and is no more. Because the fans did not like the movies and did not want to buy the toys from those movies. Disney paid a little over $4 billion for the Star Wars IP and still hasn't recouped that money, because of the quality of those movies. And that's all thanks to Kathleen Kennedy.
  13. In theory I definitely agree with you. However, in this specific instance, I don't think I do. I think that if Disney is really interested in rehabilitating Star Wars in the eyes of the fans the best thing they could do is to fire Kennedy immediately. After all, what exactly is she going to teach her successor? How to ruin a franchise? How to insult the fans of an IP on social media? Of course I don't think that Disney leadership is trying to rehabilitate Star Wars, or any of their once popular franchises, in the eyes of their fans. I think they're going to stick with their "we know better than you do" attitude. And they're going to continue to either lose money, or not make nearly as much money as they'd like, for the next couple of decades. Star Wars losing money didn't teach them. Marvel movies losing money didn't teach them. A state taking away their tax-exempt status away, thus adding tens of millions to their overhead, didn't teach them. At this point I no longer think it matters when Kennedy leaves. Because whoever replaces her will be just as bad, if not worse.
  14. Kathleen Kennedy just did an interview where she said: "The truth is, and I want to just say loud and clear, I am not retiring. I will never retire from movies. I will die making movies." And: ". . . I’m continuing to stay at Lucasfilm . . ." Now before you jump in and "Holy shit! Peregrine Falcon was right, again." Well, not quite. She then goes on to equivocate ". . . we have every intention of making an announcement months or a year down the road." https://deadline.com/2025/02/kathleen-kennedy-clarifies-lucasfilm-exit-star-wars-future-1236304421/
  15. Gene Hackman, great actor and US Marine (46 - 51).
  16. /FF, along with the Leadership pool and the Medicine pool, is very good at keeping MM pets alive. /dark and /sonic are also good, but not as good as /FF.
  17. How much did this movie cost to make again?
  18. You're right that it refers to Nessy of Scotland. By American culture I was referring to the tons of constantly televised Big Foot and Loch Ness Monster 'documentaries' that were very popular during the 90s in America. And speculation on the retail forums that this is why the devs included Sally, and the easter egg that she was targetable and had an associated badge. Sorry, I should have explained that better in my last post.
  19. To be fair to Zaslav, Monolith, Player First Games, and WB Games all lost money in recent years. Hogwarts Legacy is the only good game they've put out in years. It turns out that making crap games and then insulting the customers on social media for not buying said games, isn't a great business model. And they're even in denial about it: "In a statement to Bloomberg, a spokesperson for Warner Bros. Games said the shutdowns were “not a reflection of these teams or the talent that consists within them.”" I don't understand the mental gymnastics behind that statement at all. Let me see if I can follow the logic here. A team of game developers gets put together, under an experienced leader, and they create and publish a video game. Said video game bombs. Then a PR person says "Oh, it's not their fault their product sucked." Ok, did I get that right? Well whose fault is it then? If it's not a reflection of the talent on those teams then is it a reflection of bad choices on the part of the C-Suite? You know as well as I do that's not what Mr. PR meant by that, so who was he referring to? Whose fault is it? WB PR spokes-clown is blaming the customer for this. You might be right about that. Personally I think it's more likely that the development teams for these companies sucked, made sucky games, and the studios were shut down because it's the easiest way to fire a bunch of "creatives" who suck. And it allows WB to get a tax write off for a "failed business venture."
  20. The good news is that you two have entertained me greatly for the last half hour. So there's that, right? 😁
  21. This is most definitely not a dead horse. Please continue. I find this whole conversation very entertaining. 🤣 You know, I don't think I've used Secondary Mutation since the retail servers. I'd kinda forgotten about it. Now I'm thinking about giving it a try again. Mostly so I can prank my friends with it. What? Now that's just victim blaming. How dare you!
  22. Yeah. People online have been saying "Oh, she's gonna get fired any day now!!!" for 8 or 9 years at this point. I hope she does but, after 3 movies that had 'meh' box office performance, which should have done way better than they did. A line of Star Wars toys that flopped and took the entire Toys R Us company down with it. And several Star Wars spin off series that have been very hit and miss. I said many years ago that she had something on someone in the C-Suite at Disney or she would have been fired long ago. And I stand by that. She's literally cost Disney billions of dollars, possibly tens of billions of dollars. The fact that she hasn't been fired and sued after all of that just reinforces my belief that she has some blackmail material on a C-level exec. So will she really leave Disney at the end of the year? Or will this turn out to be yet another article promising that "oh, she's really gone this time"? We'll see I guess, but I wouldn't hold your breath.
  23. Ok, now you're just lying about me and I'm done responding to you.
  24. Yes, and a million people clearly agree with your definition of misogyny as "any time a man doesn't worship a woman." Which is why I said, at the beginning of this thread that I entirely discount the use of the word misogyny because it's been changed to the point as to be meaningless, and it gets thrown around at the drop of a hat. However, the more than a billion of us who agree that misogyny means "hatred of women" reject your new "current year ideology" definition of misogyny. And until the dictionary does get updated to reflect your new definition it's wrong. Because the dictionary is the arbiter of language, you are not. PS. I rode my unicorn to work today. Actually I drove a car, but whatever. I can redefine words on a whim just like you can, right?
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