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Everything posted by PeregrineFalcon

  1. Did they look like psychos? Is that what they looked like? They were villains! Psychos do not explode when sunlight hits them, I don't give a **** how crazy they are!
  2. You can make macros that will control your pets, but you can't make Sandolphin's entire numpad system as a macro. You could do it with a bunch of macros though.
  3. You have a problem that you are complaining about, people have explained to you how to fix the problem. The auction house is a part of the game. You don't have to like it. You don't have to play it. And the developers don't have to give you an additional way to buy your SOs or IOs simply because you refuse to use an option that's already in the game.
  4. People aren't computers. If you want people to agree with you, on anything, you're going to have some credibility with them or they're just going to disbelieve or ignore anything you say. I too do not like it when people try to argue semantics, e.g. "but the devs increased their damage resistance by 0.39%! See! that's a buff." If it doesn't increase their survival by an amount of time visible to the human eye then it's not a buff. I agree with you on this. Where I disagree with you on is the need for MM pets to have a survival buff. I have played many /FF, /Sonic and, /Dark MMs. All of those secondaries increase the survival of pet MMs. Traps does a bit too with its Force Field Generator, but I don't really care for the rest of the set so I don't play it. From what I've seen having to take care of and/or constantly resummon your pets is intended MM gameplay. In short, it appears to me that the developers intend for MM pets to not be very durable.
  5. My signature doesn't say what you think it says. Try reading it again. Giant purple balloon animal.
  6. Well, except that everything I said was factually accurate. Yeah, I guess that I don't know what I'm talking about. Yes. It was removed from the pet powers and added to the upgrade powers. Thank you for proving that what I said was correct. I bought City of Villains when it first came out and bought City of Heroes later. This was back when you had to purchase them separately. I then played off and on until the game shut down. The background picture on my profile page is a screenshot that I took when the retail servers shut down for good. So yes, I was there. Your psychic powers have failed you once again. I've put thought and effort into my responses and, as I showed above, everything I've written is factually accurate. I've also shown that I am, in fact, quite educated in this matter, having played MMs for hundreds of hours and I have dozens of keybind files that I wrote myself in order fine tune my control of my pets since I chose not to use Sandolphan's numpad keybind scheme. Your claims about my ego seem to be intense projection on your part. It appears to me that your ego is incredibly large and shaped like a balloon animal. Like a giant purple hound or something. I'll have to think about it and consult my psychic abilities, as you apparently have done.
  7. Your opinion flat out ignores factual information like MM pets have already received 2 survival buffs. 1) Damage Resistance being added to the Upgrade powers and 2) pet levels being equalized in Incarnate content. Once again no, I'm not here "just to hear myself talk." You're not psychic, you cannot read my mind, and your thoughts do not create reality. You can keep saying it all you want, but it doesn't make it true. Your opinion is not reality. I'm here because I want to discuss this subject because I've played MMs for many hundreds of hours, I really like this AT, and I disagree with your opinion. Unless "you're just here to hear yourself talk" is a colloquial expression for "disagrees with me and that makes me want to cry" then ok, I guess you're right.
  8. I had multiple max level MMs on the retail servers and I have many MMs on the Homecoming servers. I do play MMs, I just disagree with you. No, I didn't ignore your post, I just didn't feel the need to quote your entire post. And no, I'm not here to "hear myself talk", I just disagree with you. That's your opinion, mine is that the survival of MM pets should be balanced around which secondary power set you choose. I'm not just suggesting it, I'm flat out saying it. I don't care about Controller or Dominator pets, they are not Masterminds.
  9. Sargon of Akkad, ancient wise man and king of the Akkadian Empire, has an interesting take on Helldivers 2:
  10. Christopher Lee and Ian Fleming knew each other. Lee's mother married Fleming's uncle. It's been said that James Bond was based, at least in part, on Christopher Lee.
  11. You want your pets to survive? Take Force Fields or Sonic as your secondary. My Mercs/FF MM almost never has to resummon pets. If you choose one of the more common secondaries: Poison, Time, Traps, etc., then just realize that your pets are going to die more often. That's the tradeoff for having a more offensive secondary. Bottom line: the problem isn't with the pets or the AT, it's with your power choices.
  12. Well perhaps you didn't read the OP: "hover with really bright effects and persistantly hover at head height in caves and Orangebaga" Forget the bright effects for a moment. Let's say you're trying to play the game and my character is constantly hovering right at eye level in front of your character blocking your view. Now let's say there's two people doing that. In a tight cave so you can't move around to clear your view. How long would you put up with that?
  13. To be fair if one person turning on Hover is lighting your screen on fire then you should turn down effects a little. There's such a thing as over doing it. Oh, and stop sending me nudes, Luminara.
  14. No. If you can't see the enemies then how are you expected to be able to play the game? Hover doesn't give anyone 45% Defense, I don't believe that anyone can even have 45% Defense at such a low level and, if there's a Tank on the team it isn't needed anyway. You're not in the wrong, your request was completely reasonable, and you should have kicked them from your team and then informed the rest of the team that you kicked them and why.
  15. I'm pretty sure that was a Fleetwood Mac song "Little Lies." 🙂
  16. According to my unit's Democracy Officer: "Capes are a staple in liberation, managed democracy is heroic and requires capes to reinforce this."
  17. I play exclusively with friends on Discord and we've been having great fun! Sometimes we play on low difficulty and tear around blowing stuff up while drinking beers and making silly jokes on Discord. Other times we crank the difficulty up and really work hard to get the objectives and get to the shuttle to escape retribution from the incoming enemy army. And, unlike many games now days which are very grimdark dark dark darkity dark serious, HD2 is very positive and light-hearted. The music is very upbeat and positive, the NPC's are always saying things like "Now that you're here the war's as good as won." And the background story is essentially tongue-in-cheek Starship Troopers (the movie) with the propaganda and fascism cranked way up. There's a reason that HD2 sold so many copies that for the first month the servers were constantly full and/or crashing.
  18. Just so you understand the whole "no" and "case dismissed" was me joking around with you. I was hoping that you'd understand that. Also, mama is what infants and toddlers call their mother. That word literally has no other meaning. I was trying to help you so that you wouldn't continue to embarrass yourself by using that word when speaking to adults. Apparently you're (not your) so burnt up about Arcane not agreeing with your psychic powerset that you're (not your) going to lash out at me now. That makes no sense to me, but I've never been one to get angry at someone for something that someone else did, and I've never understood it when other people did that either. By the way, capitalizing the first word in a sentence is not optional in English. Frankly I understand his concern, but I will say no more because the last time I expressed genuine concern about someone's wellbeing on this forum the mods gave me an involuntary vacation.
  19. Ok, now this is bothering me. Just so you know "mama" means "mother". I'm thinking you weren't trying to say "sir or mother." The word you're (not your) looking for is ma'am, which is short for madame. The word madame became something of an insult back in the 19th century so it's no longer used. Instead we use the shortened form which was previously the way it was pronounced by the uneducated. Similar to how educated folks would say "my lord", but peasants would say "m'lord."
  20. Judge Joe has already ruled. Case dismissed.
  21. Sure I can. And I've already decided. DENIED!
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