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Everything posted by PeregrineFalcon

  1. I'm never in Discord with randos, just my friends. Not sure why you wouldn't want to be in voice chat with friends, but that's your choice.
  2. I disagree with too many chat bubbles being a good thing, which is why I have them off by default. Also, the world isn't silent and the supers aren't mute, for me. I always play with friends and we are always on Discord. So everyone has a voice and we're always laughing and having fun. Try it, just once, and you'll never want to read a chat bubble ever again.
  3. Really? I thought Vampirism was a contagious demonic possession.
  4. I'm sorry that you don't understand the difference between getting annoyed and being offended. They're not even close to the same thing. It's kinda sad really that you don't understand that. Ask your mom, I'm sure she can explain it to you. Sure, but it seemed like that was the theme for the entire day yesterday, both online and off. People actually damaged my calm yesterday, which is unusual.
  5. I actually did not know that there's a damage debuff graphic. I'm red color deficient so that's probably why I can't see it. There's no argument. The UI is part of the game, that's a fact. Why is there a countdown timer on my power icons showing exactly how many seconds until the power will be recharged and available for use again if I'm not supposed to look at it? I do agree with you on this: If Vulnerability doesn't have a cast time then Domination shouldn't either. Anyway, have a great weekend.
  6. Inherents or not, Practice Brawler and Active Defense cause the exact same issue and the exact same arguments were used by the players to try to convince the devs to convert them into toggles. And, almost every power in this game has a recharge time. Looking at the UI to see if you can activate the power, if it's still recharging, or if it's not activating because you're held, is part of the game play. You think I love having to monitor my damage so that I don't Footstomp right after Rage has crashed? You think that I enjoy constantly looking at see if Hasten is back up so that I can activate it again? Yes, having to constantly look at the UI is annoying. I agree with you on that. I would also argue that having to look at the UI is an intended part of the gameplay.
  7. No kidding. I specifically said "people who were famous in the City of Heroes community." That meant the retail forums. Everyone on the retail forums knew who these people were. So they were famous, in the City of Heroes community. Not worldwide. Not in your country. Not in your neighborhood. Not with your friend group. WITH EVERYONE ON THE CITY OF HEROES RETAIL FORUMS. How difficult is that for you to understand?!?!? I don't understand why you people are being so pedantic today. What is today anyway? Is today National No One Can Agree With Anything Peregrine Falcon Says Day? I swear to gawd, I could say the sky is blue and some rando on this forum would respond with "Nuh uh. The sky's not blue where I'm at therefore you're wrong."
  8. Ok, let me put it this way. Practiced Brawler (SR mez click) and Active Defense (Shield mez click) both have cast times. So why shouldn't Domination have a cast time? Domination, when it's perma, can be blocked from reupping by attacks and it can interrupt your attack chain when in fires off in mid combat. Just like Practiced Brawler and Active Defense. Isn't that the real reason that you want the cast time removed?
  9. The other powers are passives so of course they don't have cast times. Domination is an active power and, given how powerful it is, it should have an cast time. This is better because it allows you to choose when to use it and it allows you to make it perma. Of course Vulnerability should also have a cast time, but that's a whole different topic. tl;dr:
  10. You're not being insulting, you're just not thinking. Just because you don't know who someone is doesn't mean they're not famous. Do you know who Shah Rukh Khan is? No? Well all 1.4 BILLION people in India know who he is. Therefore he's famous. Of course you've never heard of them, you didn't spend much, if any, time on the retail forums. Just because you haven't heard of people that were part of a community that you were never involved in doesn't mean they weren't famous in that community. If you ask anyone who spent a lot of time on the retail forums they'll remember at least some of these people as these people were famous in the City of Heroes community. "Oh, I've never heard of Elvis, therefore he's not famous." Brilliant!!!
  11. @Snarky, it looks like he's new, so how would he know that Brutes have punch-voke? Is it even said anywhere in game? And even if he isn't new there are plenty of people who don't know all of the things those of us on the forums know.
  12. If you need to focus on work that's one thing. Keeping yourself not homeless must always take precedence over video games. That being said, no one here hates you. Certainly not because of this. We've all had ideas that sound great in our heads but not so much once friends start giving us feedback. It's all part of the great learning experience that is life. See you when you get back. Peace.
  13. Well then... why don't you just log in to your moderator account and move the thread then? What's that you say? You can't do that because you're not a moderator? Oh yeah, you're not a moderator. So why are you telling people what and where they're allowed to post? I like your suggestion @Rudra. A cosmetic aura that looks like a force field is a great idea.
  14. This is why, after Bonfire was nerfed, I asked that the Epic/Ancillary Pools to just be called Ancillary Pools. There's nothing about the "Epic" Power Pools that is in any way, shape, or form epic. I wish you luck in your quest to convince the Council of Fourteen to make Tar Patch worth taking.
  15. By branded do you mean "a character that's owned by someone else"? Like say Superman or Darkwing Duck? No they're not illegal. They wouldn't exist if they were illegal. However, and I suspect that this is what you're actually asking, it is against the terms of service to make a copy of a well known character (like Superman) on the Homecoming servers. When a mod finds out, and they will, your character's name will be removed and the costume changed to some generic preset. tl;dr: Yes.
  16. No. It was more than just that. There was a bunch of other stuff going on behind the scenes. The Homecoming folks did some stuff that made a bunch of people very mad at them. I don't know exactly what, because no one will give out any details. Basically people disagreed and feelings got hurt. It happens. While I tend to disagree with most of the dislike toward Homecoming that's posted on Reddit, I'm not naive enough to believe that the Homecoming devs are entirely blameless. Nothing ever works that way IRL.
  17. Serious question. What's the benefit of having a specific powered armor set instead of simply using an armored costume and Invulnerability or Willpower?
  18. Mercedes Lackey was known to play City of Heroes. She's a well known author and quite famous, in the strict definition of the word. So you're wrong again, sorry. By "famous player" we actually meant people who were famous in the City of Heroes community overall, not just in their social group or on their server. Names like BillzBubba and Arcanaville. I suspect you knew that, you just wanted to use your excessively nitpicky response to springboard off into one of the most boring and off topic posts that I've ever seen. One that reads like you're trying to pass a Turing Test.
  19. Do you understand what it takes to add animations to this game?
  20. You can certainly dream all you want but let's be honest here for a minute. The Council of Fourteen is not going to take the AOE buff away from Tankers and give it to Brutes. That's why I like Steampunkette's suggestion about having Fury add mez protection and debuff resistance. It gives Brutes a specific identity that the other melee ATs don't have without having to take anything from them. And it does it in a way that won't really improve AFK farming.
  21. So are you expecting the Homecoming developers to create all new animations for your mystic arcane powerset(s)?
  22. Yeah, except Tankers don't really need it though. In any case, Fury giving Brutes a really high mez and debuff protection would definitely give them their own identity. "Can't be slowed, can't be stopped, can only be killed."
  23. Brutes, like Tankers, have a taunt in every attack (punch-voke) and Rise to the Challenge has a taunt aura. So you really can't avoid taunting enemies unless you stand back and hit them with a ranged vet attack like Blackwand or Nemesis Staff.
  24. So their specific role, their identity, would be the raging brute that can't be stopped, can't be slowed, can't be debilitated. "That's what he does! That's ALL he does! You can't stop him! He'll wade through you, reach down her throat and pull her heart out!" Ok, let's say, for sake of discussion, that this is the decision. What numbers would you recommend? +1 mag mez protection per 20% Fury, and Fury x 100 mez resistance, and Fury x 2 = % debuff resistance?
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