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Everything posted by PeregrineFalcon

  1. Unfortunately you've already missed the beta test discussion / forum flame war around this very subject. In the end it finally came out that the devs were just obsessed with the idea of this set not having an AoE immobilization, they kept trying to find a work around that would allow players an immob if they combo'd it with something else. In the end it just ended up not happening simply because the players wanted it to happen but the devs had dug their heels in against it.
  2. And the announcement that I've been waiting for has finally happened: https://www.forbes.com/sites/paultassi/2024/08/19/the-acolyte-reportedly-cancelled-ahead-of-season-2-which-is-no-great-shock/
  3. I would like to know the specific method you used to determine that only a small minority of players still use SOs. You and your friends and/or guild and NOT the majority of the player base.
  4. Whenever this and certain other subjects come up you always respond so directly and confidently that your post reads like it was written by a dev, or someone who talks to the devs daily. So which one is it? I'm curious.
  5. Fünfte Kolonne: Uralter Vampir Division!
  6. Actually no. In America, outside of New York, you're allowed to walk around with melee weapons on your back. When I lived in Seattle there was a homeless guy who walked around with a Katana openly and while people did call and complain the police could do nothing about it. Bottom line: If you're not American you probably shouldn't talk about what American police can and can't and will or won't do.
  7. Sie ist keine Farbe, Sie ist Stoff. Und Stoff können Farben nicht halten. And that's my word play for the day.
  8. There's already plenty of end game content that can be soloed, but there's very little end game content that's a challenge for a full team. It appears to me that they're trying to create challenging end game team content. Not necessarily because that's their target demographic, but because it's where we have the least amount of content. Now if you talk with the devs and know differently then feel free to say that, otherwise my statement is just as likely to be correct as yours. Also, the entire reason that this game requires an internet connection is because it was meant to be played primarily with other players. That being the case it makes sense that the devs would focus primarily on content that requires teaming. I completely agree with you on The Council revamp and will add only that you don't have to chase the runners.
  9. No, no. They're being shouted down. How dare you think otherwise. Remember, whenever anyone makes a suggestion, no matter how ridiculous or mathematically incorrect, we're supposed to support their suggestion and agree that it's just fabulous! Anything less is gatekeepingism and tryhardphobia and something something their feelings. Look, bottom line is that we're not required to agree with a suggestion. There's even a stickied post by a moderator that specifically says we're not required to agree with a suggestion. Disagreeing with a suggestion isn't "shouting down" or "gatekeeping" or anything else but disagreeing. Welcome to Earth, not everyone is going to agree with you. Your life is going to be a lot easier if you just get used to that little fact.
  10. It's a video game. There is going to be nonsense. You have been warned.
  11. There's billions of people on this planet and Hollywood can't find a couple of new younger people to star in their shows? Please. There's no reason to cast 76 year old Arnold Schwarzenegger, 82 year old Harrison Ford, or 94 year old Clint Eastwood as the star in an action movie. An 80 year old man leaping over cars and acting like Rambo just looks stupid. Hollywood wouldn't have to lean so heavily on these geriatric movie stars if they had better writing and directing and didn't have to rely on nothing but name recognition to sell tickets. What I was talking about specifically was this new tendency they have to cast actresses in their 30s or 40s as someone in their 20s. It just looks silly seeing a 38 year old actress posing as a 24 year old medical student. I recently even saw a video where an actress said that Hollywood is not hiring attractive women in their 20s. In previous decades there were always new, younger stars starting their careers in breakout roles. Not anymore.
  12. I really liked RDJ as Tony Stark, but casting him as Doctor Doom just reinforces my belief that Hollywood is just becoming more weird by the year and actively trying to keep new people out of the business. The action stars are all in their 70s, the "young attractive" starlets are all in their 30s and 40s, and the writers are the same talentless hacks who've been churning out uninspired trash since the 90s.
  13. I already addressed this. I do not believe that MMs, or any AT, should receive any buffs specifically for Hard Mode content as I believe that it defeats the entire purpose of Hard Mode. Outside of Hard Mode content MM Henchmen with 100% Defense and/or 90% Resist aren't being killed instantly the way you described in your previous post. You, and other posters who've talked about MM Henchmen in Hard Mode content, are essentially trying to set up a situation where MM Henchmen seldom, or never, die. Doing that would be a huge buff for MMs even if only in Hard Mode content, and if it applies in all content then it would make FF and Sonic nearly worthless. There are many things an MM player can do to increase how long their henchmen survive. From power picks to placement of henchmen on the battlefield to waiting until the tank has aggro before ordering henchmen to attack. And I think that discussions about henchmen survival should focus on that instead of trying to convince the developers to buff MM henchmen.
  14. They need buffs in Relentless? Isn't that the entire point behind Relentless? To see if you can survive? Giving any AT a buff at certain difficulty levels literally defeats the entire purpose of that difficulty level. Once again, try playing an MM with the Force Field or Sonic secondaries. Those secondaries make MM henchmen much tougher. But no, you all want to take the more offensive secondaries but you still want your henchmen to be tough. The buff that you want for MMs will make FF & Sonic completely worthless. Why do you want to completely invalidate those powersets?
  15. I've got multiple level 50 MMs. I had multiple level 50 MMs on the retail servers. I feel the need to mention this because if I don't someone will respond and claim that I don't know anything about MMs, or that I hate them, or something else equally ridiculous. You clearly put a lot of thought and effort into your post and I like your post even though I disagree with most of it. I do agree with Recall command, Group travel powers and stealth, and a level shift for the pets. I see those as really more QoL improvements rather than straight up buffs. I do not believe that Hard Mode, or Challenge Mode, or whatever it's being called now days, is justification to buff any class or class pets. Same with Incarnate Trials. These specific bits of content are supposed to be really difficult, they're difficult for other ATs and they should be difficult for MMs as well. EDIT: Also, I've see a TON of suggestions this year about making MM pets tougher. The problem that I have with this is that if the devs do this it makes Force Fields and Sonic secondaries worthless. The entire point behind those secondaries is to make the pets much tougher at the expense of the offensive powers that are in other secondaries. Bottom line: if you want your pets to be tougher take /FF or /Sonic. .
  16. Wait! You're not saying the developers ignored your feedback are you? How dare you!
  17. Wherein Ryan George describes the plot of the show and uses satire to show why some of us think certain parts didn't make sense. Regardless of how you feel about the Acolyte you should watch this video. It's super easy, barely an inconvenience.
  18. Very true. I really enjoyed Wanda Vision, but the first two episodes definitely aren't the best. Kinda like the first two seasons of ST:TNG.
  19. Oh? And just which type of person would that be?
  20. Hmmmm... that's not suspicious at all. Nope. (These are Google reviews)
  21. I think the bigger question is: why were they drug testing sharks? Employment screening?
  22. Did a Homecoming developer actually say that to you? I think you're probably correct, but I don't remember a Homecoming dev actually posting anything like that.
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