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12 Good
  1. SG Leader's Global: @Ai Hai Lilitu Discord handle (if applicable): Myndwurx Base or SG Name: Mystic Ascendancy Shard: Everlasting Passcode: PARADE-34578 Other associated contributors; up to 4 more people:
  2. Infernal looks.... concerned.
  3. So, has anyone mentioned how SW cycles its "Ending Animation" multiple times when the toggle is ended? It's both very loud, and pretty annoying.
  4. Right, Does that mean people that Have the Pool Power are going to get that Accolade automatically? What power will replace that In The Power Pool? These are unanswered questions.
  5. Thanks for all you do, but Why are you taking the Long Range Teleport power away from toons and what are you going to replace it with?
  6. Dunno if this is the place, but I have questions about the Banner Mission that is part of this event, and I'm hearing contradicting info as to how to make the banners Vulnerable. Can you provide clarity or should I ask this in another thread?
  7. Nope, works on rando toons.
  8. 6. ;slrcamera -- pulls out modern, high powered, camera, takes picture. 7. ;liedown -- lays down on the right side, in a semi-curled position.
  9. The Block With the Skull's relentless attacks on Kings Row, the damage was eventually going to be catastrophic. One fateful day in Sept 2019, they ignited a blaze that nearly obliterated a two block square of The Gish. Fortunately, a local charitable organization, "The Island", stepped in and bought up most of the burned buildings at previous market value, preserving the local land value, and then encouraged manufacturing and locally owned businesses to move back in as well as setting up an at risk women's shelter and soup kitchen. Though all may not be as it seems. (OOC: this started as the IC entrance to another Sg's base, and kind of Metastized into it's own thing. It is a public area available for various RP opportunities with shops, bistro restaurants, a park, a high tech factory, a dance club/restaurant, and a 'greasy dive' hold over hidden in an alley. ) SG Name: MA Block Leader: Archmage Crystal BG (@Ai Hai Lilitu) Entry Code: MONK-11958
  10. I'm hearng rumors of a Team themed CC this month, can you confirm correct and if so Date/Time?
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