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Everything posted by DrBasics

  1. No, the question itself isn't nasty. The way it was asked was nasty, but you already admitted to being jaded. However, just because you feel a certain way about this topic doesn't mean you should assume everyone is out to get under your skin.
  2. Just wanted to say that I put an idea out there and it was met with some pretty nasty jaded responses. Things like the fact that my idea somehow had secret hidden agendas of trying to milk more inf from things. I don't think this thread should be closed (because this is a good topic to discuss) but I do think that people need to take a breath and not jump into every post with their own jaded flavors for seasoning.
  3. I think a couple of good ideas to balance (or bridge the gap) of bare-bones and top-end builds. Both would effect only radio/newspaper missions. Allow level of enemies to be increased to +6. Allow players the option to make the "named enemy" an Elite Boss or Arch Villain The fact that this would only work in radio/newspaper missions wouldn't screw with any Task/Strike force missions, and I tend to think the reason that radio missions have consistently been popular is because of how easy it is to jump in and jump out, for those of us with busy lives that require is to leave the keyboard for extended periods of time (read: spouse and kids!). This way both sides of the coin would get what they want. Granted, I didn't give much thought into what it takes to implement these changes and/or the negative effects this may (or may not) have.
  4. I mean, stalker version of Street Justice hits harder than anything Super Strength. That is pretty much the Stalker version of Super Strength.
  5. I assume you refer to the Scrapper version of Ninjutsu (or maybe the Sentinel version?). Ninjitsu's run speed bonus is +85%, Super Reflex's run speed bonus is +35%. There is a bigger difference between these powersets than just run speed but if you are just trying to get a run speed character going, then ninjitsu is the way!
  6. Yeah, I actually already knew that. It was just a pipe dream of mine to be able to see other factions at lvl 50.
  7. Sort of related to the topic and can give you some inspiration:
  8. I wish that there would be a way of unlocking radio/paper missions for all zones to go from 1-50. So once we are all at level 50+, we can still go into Atlas Park, or the Hollows, or Mercy Island and be able to fight 50(+4) Skulls, Hellions, Snakes, Goldbrickers. Things we don't get to see on radio missions once we hit 50.
  9. I would overhaul the enemy threat system. I think it should go up to +8, x8. Obviously it is just an option and there will be no requirement for people that MUST run their teams +8. Keep the system the way it currently is, an option for +1, +2, +3, +4, +5, +6, +7, +8. The current meta shows that a team with just 2, or even just 1 fully IO'd, incarnate player can make a +4 missions team trivial.
  10. Let me say this about Sentinels. The fact that they do diminished damage compared to other classes is absolutely terrible. Seriously, it is... however, I have several 50+3, fully loaded IO'd characters. One of my go-to things to do when I have a short amount of time before I have to go do real life stuff is host 50+4 radio or paper missions. I usually advertise for anyone to join, even fresh lvl 1 characters. That said, I notice that with all my characters, the other team mates are just not really participating because I am able to kill off entire groups quick, fast, in a heartbeat. That said, when I run my sentinel, I notice that he gives the others a chance to participate because (1) He does less damage and there are targets to spare. and (2) His nuke hits like 8 - 10 targets and if they aren't dead, it puts some nice CC on them. And this nuke is up for every pull. So basically, what I am saying is that of course it sucks that my sentinel does puny damage comparatively, however, there is a tiny silver lining for me.
  11. Whenever I play a Sentinel, I like to take advantage of the shortened cooldown of the nuke. SR provides a great way to perma-hasten (or come super close to it) and that means your nuke is on a 20(ish) second cooldown. Maybe a little lower or a little higher. It is a fun way to play!
  12. No. Stop. Don't go there.
  13. What? Seriously, what are you even talking about? I literally just gave a shout out to @M3z ... You know what, you win.. whatever. Say anything to win an argument and run with the victory.
  14. There are tools available to deal with chat. Keep in mind, the toxic behavior people are not wanting to deal with doesn't break any rules, but it is perceived as something that people don't want to deal with. If someone was on the fence about PVP then they just got spawn camped and people are saying crazy things in chat. You can stop the chat, you can't stop the spawn camping or other physical aspects of PVP trolling. I know people will say "that's just part of PVP".. and that is why the community is so small. It literally comes full circle to my very first post in this thread.
  15. So this is the problem I see. The barrier that a lot of people have (majority in this thread) is the toxic behavior. You provide that the solution to that particular problem is "too bad, you are not the target audience because it is impossible to police the behavior of others". The 5-Star award should go to @M3z for providing an introduction to PVP in a friendly environment with many youtube videos to show that it can exist, but should also include a warning that the behavior of other PVP'ers may not reflect the behavior of what is perceived there.
  16. What you fail to realize is that even those that are NOT lactose intolerant are not going to want to eat the cheesecake because the waiter is rude.
  17. I mean in this thread of trying to get people who are not interested in PVP to try it, there are two sides. One side is for-PVP, the other is against-PVP. Just skimming through the thread you get the overall vibe of the "against-PVP crowd" saying that the main reason is the toxic behavior of the PVP community. The overall vibe of the "for-PVP" crowd is saying that PVP in every game is the same (that translates to the against-PVP crowd as "the PVP community in every game is toxic"). This isn't a good way to get non-pvp people to "try pvp".
  18. So someone creates a forum thread asking what needs to be done to get non-pvp'ers to try pvp. Many people talk about the toxic behavior of the pvp community (so many people that it triggered the quoted post). Many people tell stories from their personal experience with toxic behavior. You: Toxic behavior is not the reason. It's because everyone is scared to be competitive. Yeah, sorry, I don't buy it. I really am not trying to be jerk in this thread and I apologise to anyone that feels like I am.
  19. I completely agree with you. People need to give things a try before they dismiss it as something "not for me". However, I simply gave you the perspective of how many people think and feel. And this is a thread asking those people "How can we get you to try" (pvp). So I would argue that this thread is trying to get those very people interested. Whenever there is a thread about "How can we get you to try RP" , then it will be up to the RP community to defend itself and show it isn't (as you put it) "a bunch of futa catgurls circle-jerking in Pocket D"
  20. The problem that is present here is a problem that all the communities suffer from; ignorance. Many ignorant people (read: majority that are uninformed of PVP) will simply associate the toxic/bad behavior of Zone (or wherever it is present) PVP and Arena PVP. They see no difference between the two. The same way the ignorant (read: majority that are uninformed of RP) will associate every RP'er with being ERP, herp-derp Goldshire in World of Warcraft and/or "I put on my robe and wizard hat". And in my personal (anecdotal) experience, the people who troll RP'ers the most are of the PVP community. (keep in mind that I am not chastising anyone here) So the UNFORTUNATE task you face is breaking the stigma associated with ALL pvp'ers, despite sectors that have nothing to do with you.
  21. I am actually just answering the question in the title of the thread "How can we get you to try" (pvp). One of the biggest barriers to any competition is fear of failure and the general umcomfortability of being around hostile (sometimes toxic) people. If you were able to get that under control, I bet there would be a lot more people trying out PvP just for kicks and giggles.
  22. No, I'm not trying to say that those who are putting in work to get the pvp community to launch further than it is should be ignored. Again, I am just comparing this to the FGC (fighting game community) as they are extremely similar in the hurdles they are facing. There were people who were also there trying to be the liaison for "new blood" (Mike Ross and Gootecks are major names that people may recognize). Again, nothing against them when I talk about the FGC behavior, but I am pointing out that despite their efforts, the bad behavior did not stop or even slow. Just wanted to clear that up as I am in no way trying to slander the efforts of those individuals who are putting in the work to better their community, and I hope my first post didn't portray that (though it feels like it did judging by your response) That being said, I agree that turning off broadcast can help, but it is not the cure to get new people to join PVP. It would be like me telling you to come eat at a cafeteria where you know people are going to be talking smack and there is a good chance that it will be about you.. but don't worry, you can just insert these noise cancelling headphones. That is not a very good insensitive to get you to come eat at my cafeteria.
  23. This is literally the FGC (Fighting Game Community) all over again. Steep learning curve into this style of gameplay and if you aren't already pro, prepare to be insulted like crazy. (a lot of people here are name dropping a few people who are generally nice people, but the few do -NOT- outweigh the many). Then the FGC says things like "we are the elite that is why no one else can enter our territory" and/or questioning why their community doesn't grow. That being said, I can see a future where this doesn't have to be the case for CoH pvp.. however, the STARTING POINT needs to be with the attitude of the community AS A WHOLE
  24. Your way of playing (old school leveling) is not more important for you, anyone else or the survival of the game. Others' play style (Power leveling farms) is not more important for you, anyone else or the survival of the game. There is no correct or incorrect way to play a game. One style of play is not more important than another style. Just because I eat with chopsticks doesn't mean that those who eat with forks are "Lazy", or "think this is the only way to eat".. it is simply the way they prefer to enjoy their food. It doesn't mean that if people continue eating with forks that chopsticks will become obsolete. Get it?
  25. I used to work in a huge skyscraper office building with multiple basement levels. One level down below ground is labelled C1, two levels down below ground is labelled C2 and so on. Never got a clear answer, but I think the C stood for "Cellar". Cellar-Level 1, 2, 3 etc. It also looked like this, with the number pad of buttons on the outside. You type in the floor you want to go to, and the pad will tell you what elevator to stand near. (Carriage 1, 2, 3 etc.). Apparently, the reason for this was that it was power saving and a "green" option.
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