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Everything posted by Neogumbercules

  1. This is a great point and goes along what I was saying on page 1 or whatever. If we're penalizing stacking rage so hard, turn it into a toggle or make its recharge equal to its duration and block it from accepting recharge buffs. Just remove the stacking aspect all together and make slight buffs to the rest of the powerset to get single stack rage in line with other sets, if it isn't already. Or go with the powerhouse suggestion that people are posting about. I'm not against a crash, but the change as suggested is just awkward and counter intuitive to the way this game is played. That's what I'm against. I think it's a bad mechanic.
  2. I would expand the idea to give some sorting options to the character select screen. Sort by: Name, Level, Date Created, Alignment, etc.
  3. I love this thread and I love the super gatekeepy first response. That's the CoH forum community I've really missed... I made an observation the other day that the monorail tracks curve and turn randomly, and often this puts them more in the way of other infrastructure. The one in Steel Canyon near the Icon building actually curves into a bunch of trees and goes over the road, and then curves back to its original path. If it just stayed in a straight line it wouldn't interfere with anything and pass over nothing but a grassy hill. Obviously world design has come a long way since 2004.
  4. One of my biggest issues with this change is that it is antithetical to the gameplay loop people have become accustomed to since 2004 when the game launched. When your best powers recharge you're encouraged to use them as soon as feasible. This mechanic of not using a power when it's recharged feels ass-backwards. This is doubly true for SS users whose entire meta revolves around keeping rage stacked. I'm beginning to think that if we can't accept Rage as it was in live, then the entire powerset needs to be rebalanced.
  5. Balancing through annoyance never feels right. You may as well just give the power a cooldown equal to its duration, make recharge unenhanceable, and leave it at that. It's effectively the same outcome only you're not kicking players in the nuts when they accidently stack it for 2 seconds. Just an initial impression upon reading the notes. Will play later.
  6. Towards the end of the description it it says something along the lines of "This power will help you regenerate health and recovery endurance faster." It should say "recover" not "recovery."
  7. Well since you're here, what kind of thoughts do you have on the premise of the topic in terms of giving players an option to globally convert kb to kd?
  8. Ah I didn't remember that about the inherent travels. You wouldn't lose a lotg slot though. You take the entire 6th slot from Explosive Blast and put it in a defense power. Or if that can't be done, if he has a resistance power like tough he can slot Steadfast.
  9. Not to diminish the importance of builds because I know we all put a lot of effort into them, but you could move that slot from EB and put it into any defense power you can slot a Karma -KB in it and still have your 4 points of KB prot. You could also put it into any travel power and slot the Zephyr -KB proc. Using zephyr you may even end up with a free slot if you don't have sprint or swift slotted you could just throw the Zephyr in one of those inherent powers.
  10. Agreed and that's why only the overwhelming force IO would apply this global effect. Where as if you only had a couple of powers that you wanted to convert, you would not slot Overwhelming Force, you would slot Sudden Acceleration on a per-power basis.
  11. Oh cool I didn't know that it was already in testing. Is the current stuff being tested on Justin listed somewhere I'm too blind to find?
  12. Overwhelming Force Damage/Chance For Knockdown/Knockback to Knockdown is a unique IO where the KB effect is unique. It's completely obsolete compared to the Sudden Acceleration proc, which is not unique. I propose the IO remain unique but the KB to KD effect becomes a global effect. This way the IO is justified to have a unique status, and users who wish to have more granular control over their KB effects can use Sudden Acceleration.
  13. Stalker - Mu Mastery - Zapp This power has a weird lag between the activation and cast, and the actual damage being dealt.
  14. I love the KB to KD IOs and in my mind it's quickly approached Stamina levels of "almost everyone is using this" levels of importance. I almost wonder if the entire KB to KD effect should just be a global added to the P2W vendor, or null the gull.
  15. I mean at this point we're closing in on total power customization. I like the idea, but instead of a global, I'd rather see check boxes in character creation on powers with knockback/knockdown where you just select which effect you want, assuming that's even technically possible and not game breaking. It really is a playground now, it's just a matter of what direction the homecoming people want to go. I'm sure there will be other private servers that totally break all rules (I am thinking of Ragnarok Online public servers that had 50,000x XP rate and increased the max level to like 500, etc). Homecoming seems to be aiming for an authentic direction so we'll have to see how willing they are to allow stuff like what's be suggested.
  16. My memory of it was it used the Franken gun. Unfortunately when I was playing on Justin I wasn't really paying any attention to my character, just the paltry damage numbers being displayed against my council enemies.
  17. Mobile and at work but as I sit here on my break I will do my best to explain quickly why it's so bad (old arguments from a million years ago still apply). Body Armor: this is an inoffensive free resist buff and IO mule, but IMO the free nature of it does not justify its lower resist values compared to something like Temp Invul or Fire Shield. It's especially worse than the defense buffs from something like Frozen Armor because defense is so much easier to stack. It'd be a worthwhile sacrifice if the set had other powers worth taking, alas... Cry Freeze Ray: This is the only standard power in the set that's comparable to the other APP holds. You could argue it's worse due to redraw (it does draw a gun IIRC) , but overall it's simply passable. Sleep Grenade: In my opinion this is the first truly awful power in Munitions Mastery. First, there's a weapon redraw. Secondly, I always felt the value of sleeps was dubious at best. 99% of the time your first action against a group of enemies is to open up with a huge AOE based alpha strike or a melee guy is gonna run in and grab aggro. What does a sleep afford you at this point? The enemies were already blissfully unaware of your presence. This power adds nothing for the player. Compare it to Bonfire or repulsion bomb slotted for - KB. It's vastly worse. Bonfire provides massive AOE control and good damage. Repulsion bomb gets you good KB/KD and a disorient. Force and Electrical get you God-mode powers. As far as the "utility" power in the set, it's garbage. Surveillance: Finally, a decent power. Oh wait, Flame Mastery gets an AOE version of this power, and the whole rest of the powerset is better than anything else in Munitions? Damn! LRM: Okay, I suffered through MM and finally got to the good power. BIG ASS AOE. Sounds great. Except let's see... Awful recharge time (4 bloody minutes), mediocre damage (and it just so happens that it's purely s/l damage as an end-game power that the majority of enemies are highly resistant to) high endurance cost, especially if you clicked too soon after moving and and accidently triggered its ridiculous interrupt penalty. In my testing on Justin there is absolutely no situation where I would use LRM over literally any other AOE. It's impossible to use in combat and I would take a KD slotted Bonfire over LRM any time, period. I don't have a lot of suggestions right now, as I think the community can come up with better ideas but I think on a general level I would improve sleep grenade by maybe making it a stun instead of a sleep, make surveillance some kind of AOE, and remove the interrupt from LRM and change it to a Targeted AOE ability instead of a sniper ability, reduce the range, recharge, and add fire damage.
  18. This right here. These changes were made by people who would literally have tens of thousands of posts about the deep game mechanics and behinds the scenes mathematics, and would argue about it all for months and months on the official forums. I'm not disparaging their contributions to the game overall, it was great, but this Rage change is exactly the kind of balancing that you'd get out of people that derive every decision based on all of that math and yet totally wreck an entire powerset because they made the actual gameplay way worse. Maybe even with this defense crash SS is still great on paper, but they've killed the basic playability of the set.
  19. Having played AR for the first time in 7 years on Justin this morning I was suddenly reminded of two things. First, the AOE size of Ignite needs a huge increase. It may as well be a single target attack its so small, and secondly, the cone on flamethrower really is way too narrow.
  20. SS/Fire was only every especially awesomly good in very tailored farmable maps and specific AE content. In most normal gameplay it was decent, not amazing. That's exactly why the real devs never did anything about the Rage crash. Again I think this change was really just a solution in search of a problem.
  21. Thanks for the feedback guys. If you couldn't tell, I wrote this in a hurry this morning when I got into work. I know some of the things I suggested might be OP but it's cool to see that I'm not alone in wanting some buffs to AR.
  22. I'll try to keep it short and sweet. Trying to keep the flavor and intent of AR, but making it more... better? The theme of AR is ridding baddies with bullets and/or setting them on fire. Also in some instances I'm asking for KB to KD. I know there's a IO for that but IMO we shouldn't have to dedicate a slot to reduce KB, people that love the KB (not many) can dedicate a slot to adding it back. Keeping that in mind... Burst - Make this a narrow cone. Everything else stays the same. Concept: spray and pray. Slug - Give this ability a small -res to s/l effect. Concept: the Slug can damage/shatter armored plating. Buckshot - increase the range of this attack so you can hit enemies deeper in the pack, or more spread out enemies. Change KB to KD. Not much conceptual stuff here, I just think the power would be more useful if it could spread more. And it fits the theme. M30 Grenade - KB to KD. Animation option - add an option to give this power the hand grenade animation. Not all gun options make sense with an underbarrel launcher. Change the smashing damage aspect to fire damage. Concept: It is an explosive after all. Beanbag - change to Flashbang. Animation choice, shoot from gun or throw grenade by hand. Change power to a targeted AOE stun and to-hit debuff. Adjust stun mag and duration to be in line with the power type, etc. Concept: this power is in line with a munitions/soldier type and it actually makes the power useful. Sniper Rifle: Add "Headshot" mechanic. Power will crit if the user has > 22% tohit buff. Concept: UT99 rules. Flamethrower - Speed up the cast time and the power deals 75% of it's damage as an upfront burst, the rest as Dot. No concept here, just a buff to usability. Ignite - Change to Incendiary Grenade. Animation choice, shoot from gun or toss grenade animation. Increase range. Effect: Exactly the same. Full Auto - Increase target cap to 16 and add a high stun effect whose duration is equal to the animation time of the attack. This will keep you a little safer during its notoriously long animation time. Concept: Think Arnold mowing down trees in Predator. The stun effect simulates the reaction of being Full Auto'd "OMG I'm being Full Auto'd!" no time to shoot back till the hail of bullets is over. Other tier 9 nukes have secondary effects so its not unprecedented. That's all I got.
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