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Everything posted by Arc-Mage

  1. Sounds like you all DCd before the information was written to the servers. Sorry about the unexpected bad luck. It happens from time to time.
  2. Fascinating. What zone? I guess I can run and check all three but I'd rather be told.
  3. What?😕 I honestly have no words for this. Here we are having a conversation about Badges Names and you want to talk about genitals and Playboy Magazine. Are you sure you know you are in the CoH Forums?
  4. I'm not exactly sure how you took Badge names to a "genitals" place. But the problem with using the word "bum," specifically on Blue side, it will not work. You probably have not noticed but going all the way back to Live the word "bum" is only used on Red Side. On Blue side "bum's" are called "Homeless Citizens." A person receiving the term "bum" you will only find on Villain side. And "Ski Homeless Citizen" just doesn't have the same ring as "Snow Man." Now unless you see everyone as a Villain, then "Ski bum" is probably for you. But the term "bum" is a Villain side term only.
  5. Lore says there is a full set of underground tunnels next to the Earths Core. That would be pretty cool to see.
  6. Day Job Badge: for hanging out in the Ski ChaletIt should be called Snow Bunny for girls and Snow Man for guys.Maybe a slight +Res for Cold
  7. I noticed this last night also while on a AE PL. I had just died and used Rise. After the Rez I noticed the circles. My conclusion was that someone hit me with a buff of some kind and I thought nothing more of it. It’s not an awful effect just noticeable.
  8. The baddies sometimes spawn at the top of the hill. Did you run back into the map to check this?
  9. I’m pretty sure they didn’t have the Halloween windows last year either. I too missed them but not enough to say anything.
  10. An option to turn them off completely would be nice.
  11. It’s a known issue going back to when they revamped Electric. I know they know because I acted like a little girl and threw a hissey fit about it. The VS is a vary underused power and probably won’t get looked at again for along time. There are bigger fish to fix in the CoH pond. The only thing you can do is just respawn it on a regular basis. It’s a pain in the ass and defeats the purpose of how the power is supposed to work but it’s the only solution for the foreseeable future. Oh, and wait until you get a cave mish or an outside instance with hills. Those little shits will stop following you the first chance they get.
  12. His damage box is pretty high up due to his height. Is the area of effect for the two Strikes around five foot? If so that may be the reason.
  13. Sometimes if you take a long time deciding your powers you can time out. This will cause the Respec screen to kick you out when you hit complete.
  14. I had a rather blunt tell from @Snarky this morning. My first thought was that was kinda rude. Then I read his name. Made me lol 😆
  15. As someone who shamelessly requests PLs on every chat. I’m probably the most ignored person in the game. I can’t agree with this post more. Please use the ignore option and stfu.
  16. Nvidea user here. This is a strange quirk of CoH that has gone on since live. If I had to guess it’s an Nvidea driver problem when working with CoH. The fan usually slows down and or levels off after a bit. In the few cases it has not slowed down I just shut down the game and restart it. This always works for me. A reboot never hurts. It is time consuming but better than letting the fan run off the rails.
  17. Well, if this is going to be a thing may as well create badges for it too.
  18. I gotta totally disagree with this. As a person who get's PLd to 50 then IO set my toons. Once you are lvl 50, due to Ouro you can play any content at any level. The game is no longer required to be played in a linier fashion. And before anyone goes on about missing content, I've played every mish in the game on all three sides multiple times. I' m sure I'm not the only person who plays like this either. How you play is up to you. You folks who like the linier grind just have to let go because you no longer have to play that way in this game.
  19. This is known and pops up from time to time. First if you can I would switch over to the CoH launcher and use that instead of tequila. Tequila will be going away at some time in the future so you may as well pull that band aid off now. Second I may be using the incorrect terminology so forgive me. Tequila is not a certified launcher so it triggers some antivirus software. It’s nothing to worry about. You don’t have a computer virus and probably will not be hacked if using the program. If you are still worried about it go to the forums and DL the launcher.
  20. You can still run Badges and meet with your friends. 😀
  21. You can still visit the old Galaxy City via the back side portal in Ouroboros.
  22. I really can’t believe no one has pointed this out yet. The game is 17 years old. For the first 5+ years on live, it was really difficult at lower levels. I would guess most people playing today also played on live and experienced the grind of those days. It took me a year and a half to solo my main to lvl 50. I also distinctly remember running across the Hollows just to die at the door of the mish, thus being forced to respawn in AP hospital only to have to run the breadth of the Hollows again. After 17 years of development the game has naturally evolved. Times have changed, the game has changed. If you don’t like the grind now turn down your difficulty if you live for the grind turn it up. Those of us who have been here for a good portion of live have experienced the low level difficulty. By now we have our system of leveling down and for most of us it works despite the changes made. Been there done that. I and I assume others play now for their favorite content and or play style. Difficulty by this point in the games history is lower down on the list of reasons to play CoH. my2cents.
  23. I thought the “bounty collected” was tied specifically PvP. Meaning it only changed when a Hero defeats a Villain or a Villain defeats a Hero.
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