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Everything posted by Arc-Mage

  1. There are still at least two models in game that have nips you can see through their costumes. Im not going to say who they are because I like it and don’t want it them replaced.
  2. Just a obvious question, are you sure you are not using discount tickets?
  3. This has been discussed pretty extensively in another thread. If I remember correctly it’s a timing/lag issue between the server and peoples computers. I think the problem is slightly corrected if you click and wait instead of clicking over and over again.
  4. Similar conversations going on on the bug forum. I suggest you move the conversation over there.
  5. This one sometimes does not pop right away. I seem to remember having to wait for a server reset before is showed up.
  6. Forcing travel was a thing back then. Hide your lack of content by stretching out the experience. It made it feel like there was more to do than there really was. Today not so much.
  7. I understand the want, but trying out toons is part of the game. I myself have three or four toons unslotted and parked in the back of my toon selection screen in hopes someday the Devs get back to fixing what is wrong with them. Even in comics there is a place for crappy superheroes. Maybe that toon you created is one of them?
  8. What’s wrong with stabbing people?
  9. This is nothing to do with nothing. I just wanted to say it’s nice to see someone else with a sensible HUD set up.
  10. I reported it on the beta forums a long time ago. It’s a cool hole so check it out while you can. It was sealed up once with a rock. Not sure what happened to the fix.
  11. You said nothing of what you saw?
  12. I was on and off all day today and experienced no problems.
  13. Many of the baddies in the Shadow Shard are reflections. Where they Nemesis Reflections maybe?
  14. You are correct something was changed. Maybe two updates back. I only ever solo this so it was a surprise to me also. I figured it was changed to bring the run time in check with the reward bonus. I didn’t mind this and always figured it was changed on purpose.
  15. It has nothing to do with “harder time pathing” and everything to do with the changes made to Voltic Sentinel in the last major update. It was somehow broken. Pathing worked prior to the changes.
  16. lol, another thread somewhere here on the forums is requesting some of the old models be reintroduced or some such. It appears some are still in game.
  17. Been crying about this since it was changed. I’ve posted here and on Beta forums multiple times until I just gave up. The problem is that it isn’t a widely used power so the chances of the Devs going back to it again are pretty low.
  18. The changes to the Rikti look were on live. Wasn’t it met with displeasure like the changes to CoT? Maybe that’s why it wasn’t fully rolled out?
  19. I asked this last year in the Suggestions Forum. I specifically collect temp powers in game. I never use them. The temp power list comes before the Epic Power list. I have to scroll and scroll if I am looking something up. It’s annoying.
  20. This made me lol. If I had to guess I’d bet 2/3 of Tanks don’t even take the Taunt power.
  21. Fascinating. So what is it if it not Taunt that causes Recluse to follow a Tank up a pole and stay there, as he tries to reach the Tank who is generally out of Range?
  22. That doesn’t necessarily mean the settings have not been changed. I’d really start by looking at both of those.
  23. The map is working properly removing fog of war as you move around the zone. What stands out in the photo you linked is how black your blacks are set at. This must be a contrast or opaqueness setting in the game or your monitor.
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