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Everything posted by Arc-Mage

  1. That in no way solves the problem of two "side quest" being unplayable when this happens.
  2. The location for the Banner Spawn in Bricks is -1276.6 -12.3 -695.8
  3. There are Radio Mishes that are, "Protect FF Bank from Robbers" that are similar to but not the same as the actual Safeguard mish. It really sounds like you where running the Radio mish.
  4. Arc-Mage


    They are experiencing Network Issues. The only thing to do at the moment is wait it out. If it does not come back after the Network Problems are fixed then bug it and I'm sure they will be able to pull your toon from the backup.
  5. Never mind. These are awarding properly. I thought they where listed under PvP but they are listed under Achievement.
  6. A few people have told me the Time Spent in PvP Zones Badges was dropped from Five Hours to One Hour. If so, the Badges are not awarding after one hour of in the same PvP zone.
  7. How much time is need in each of the PvP Zones to get the time Badges? Is it still Five Hours or was it knocked back to an Hour?
  8. Pretty sure you have to log out then log back into the game to get the window color change. You can also customize the window colors in the menu options.
  9. Fan of the theBurnettwork?
  10. Yes, Pretty sure Windfall only works on Street Fighting.
  11. Ok, I must have clicked thru that. Thanks for the feedback.
  12. I thought when you did a respec, whatever unused IOs left over, you got the component price for them. Is this not true? I just did a respec and didn't get any INF for my unused IOs. I should preface this by stating I was trying to get the INF back on a bunch of lvl 10 IOs. 70 total.
  13. This has bugged me since the game was Live in 2005. My job is ADA Evaluation for State and local Governments so I too am one of only a few people who have noticed this.
  14. Can’t you change the opaqueness of the map in the menu options?
  15. Do you remember what mish that was in?
  16. An answer to 3 is that Badges and Plaques are coming. They started taking suggestions for that zone before the game went live, again. If I had to guess it's low priority at the moment.
  17. In order of importance to me. 1) Complete content that was started but unfinished by the Devs prior to shut-down. (Incarnate Content finished, Complete unfinished story lines, Complete Power Balance issues) 2) New Powers and Power Special Effects and Costumes 3) Base love (QOL, Better organization of Items, New Base Items, If possible more space customization in the editor (Higher Ceilings and no walls)) 4) New Story lines
  18. It was a slog at times. It was made even more interesting when they introduced debt to the mix. However, it was all new and fun so getting killed a lot didn't mean much. It was part of the game.
  19. This bug goes all the way back to Live. They drop like up to 20 levels below your level. It's a vary low priority bug is the answer I have been given is why it has not been addressed.
  20. Yes, It may just be the Bug mentioned by Zork. If you zone or log off then back on you can reset the power. This bug will "gray out" all your Jet Packs if you have multiple versions. That is if it is the bug that you are encountering.
  21. I don't believe it is an AoE. At least it doesn't behave like a regular AoE. If I remember correctly the power Hit's one Target then has a chance to Hit up to five additional targets with in a given radius of the primary target. I believe it's a "% Chance" It does not always hit the additional critters above the primary target. Never mind I was thinking of another Power that was changed relatively recently.
  22. I thought it was just my crappy Graphics Card. But yes, I see it too.
  23. You should prolly list this under Suggestions and Ideas. This has been suggested before. So you are not alone.
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