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Everything posted by Luminara

  1. So their kids don't set the house on fire when they're taking a night off.
  2. Can't understand anything when only half of the facts are being shared. This is one person's side of a story, not the whole truth. It's biased, and what's worse is, it apparently goes back a couple of years, which suggests a problem with handling situations maturely and gives even less credence to this one version of events. If you want us to take this seriously, assemble all of the facts, present them dispassionately and without bias and allow us to come to an informed and rational conclusion. Otherwise, and until then, this thread is just fodder for entertainment (primarily mine).
  3. That Jake Emmit AV seemed to be a real pain in the ass. I don't think any players managed to defeat that one, and it was eventually removed from the game.
  4. Pulped wood fiber material, sometimes reinforced with pulped fabric, laid or extruded in sheets or rolls and cut to specified sizes. Ink, a substance which semi-permanently or permanently penetrates the material, is then impressed in patterns of letters and numbers (alphanumeric characters), creating what is known as "printed text". It was a bit before your time. You can probably see one in a museum, or something. 😁
  5. Ignore the T2 and T3 stuff, focus on T4. Decide whether you want the T4 which offers extra movement speed at the expense of some Endurance Modification, or full Endurance Modification and no movement bonus. That's the only difference between T4s in Agility, the Defense buff and Recharge Reduction buff are identical. If your travel/combat movement is sufficient for your needs, go for the one without the movement buff. If you need to move a little faster, take the T4 with the movement buff. As for why you don't need to concern yourself with the T2 and T3 options, it's because you'll be replacing the T2 with the T3, and the T3 with T4. They're temporary, and you'll be moving past them rapidly.
  6. Thereby informing other interested parties that they no longer need to inquire. You might not be in the channel afterward, but other people are, and unless the recruiter says something, they have no way of knowing if there's still room on the team.
  7. The appropriate application of forensic science, iinterviews with various people and other investigatory approaches obviates the need for infiltration in most cases. When infiltration is required, it should be performed by someone... more suited to the task. Someone other than me. Besides, Arachnos bases are constructed from sheet metal and chicken wire, so it's not like they can hide much from direct observation.
  8. If you're not frequently erasing or rewriting data on the SSD, the MTBF will be much, much higher than the HDD's MTBF (an SSD which you write data to, then only read from afterward, never erasing and only rarely overwriting, will last approximately twice as long as a comparable quality HDD). If your back-up procedure involves frequently overwriting existing data, the the SSD won't last as long as it theoretically could (erasing flash memory causes the transistors to physically degrade slightly, and after a measurable number of erasures, they can no longer bridge the gap electrically and become inert, leading to data loss and corruption), in which case, a good quality HDD might be preferable. There is fault tolerance built into SSDs. Manufacturers know transistors will fail over time, so the device is programmed to transfer data out of failing blocks, if the data is accessible, and into known good blocks. But it is finite, and the drive will begin throwing warnings. And in regard to speed, I have Co* on an external Samsung 1TB SSD, connected via USB-C, and my zone load times are under 10 seconds throughout most of the game. Atlas Park, the Wards and other high detail zones take the longest, and none of them take more than 20s. Yeah, they're fast. After having lost all of the data, consisting of over 500 films, a couple dozen full series of television shows and some personal files, when my portable wireless battery-powered HDD shit itself to death, I'll never use a standard HDD for back-up purposes again. A pair of HDDs or SSDs in a RAID 1 configuration would be far better if your backups are irreplaceable. Four drives in a 1+0 configuration would be ideal, giving you the best performance and data security. But one drive supplemented with online back-up can be just as reliable, as long as you have the bandwidth and a good back-up site. Probably not as much as you cared to know, just felt like putting the other options out there for you.
  9. A bloody mess. I already have three trays crammed with macros (and their associated powers, which is necessary because macros don't display recharge time) and powers, plus a fourth holding toggles and travel powers, on every character. I don't need another tray to juggle and more hotkeys to memorize. KISS.
  10. I averaged ~3 posts per day. Never made the original Cartel. I'm currently averaging ~2.1 posts per day. I'm verbose, not loquacious.
  11. Corporate restructuring necessitated a reduction of membership requirements in an effort to boost our numbers.
  12. All of this conjecture is founded on some critical oversights. There's no data to indicate that the HC team wants to develop for Co* full-time. Or that any of the proposed financial models would equal or exceed their current incomes. Or that they have grandiose intentions of re-introducing Co* to the world as a financially successful product. And a thread like this might be misinterpreted as pressure to do all of those things. Just one of those crazy thoughts that pop into my head from time to time.
  13. The last time I made an attempt to settle down in the Rogue Isles, some putz with sticks glued to his back tried to recruit me for a position as an aide to one of his aides, with no salary, no benefits and no opportunities for career advancement. The executive management of the organization was incompetent, the officers so busy fighting amongst themselves that inefficiency was rampant, the product research and development team was staffed with the worst kind of pseudo-scientists, and the company was moribund. I'll stick to freelancing in Paragon City. The pay isn't great, but the people are nicer and the career path is upwardly mobile.
  14. A deliberately crafted environment intended to cater exclusively to a specific strength and sidestep all weaknesses is not the criterion by which any set or power is determined to be over-powered or an issue.
  15. You could pick @Bill Z Bubba's pocket when he's not looking. Oh... shards, with a D. Avoid that pocket.
  16. I poo-pooed your rep count and foiled your plan.
  17. Cartel = rectal. Brain bleach won't help, you're in my head now.
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