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Everything posted by Luminara

  1. My Grav/TA/Stone is completely focused on melee combat. OSA/Disruption on self, Wormhole spawns right at her feet, queue Sands of Mu while Wormhole is activating, animates and starts hitting 5 targets before they've finished teleporting in, Fissure (with a Fire proc), watch everything start to fry, Seismic Smash on whatever has the most HP. EMP Arrow has status protection, but you wouldn't need it with OSA, Singularity and Fissure knocking everything down, and Wormhole stacking its Stun with Fissure's. Toss a Propel once in a while if something's stubborn about going prone. If you're still feeling vulnerable, Stealth + Weave + CJ + Flash Arrow = soft cap. I didn't pick up Cross Punch with that character, since Sands of Mu worked so well, and deals more damage despite being unaffected by Containment. I liked playing that so much, I made a Grav/Fire/Energy dominator and leveled that to 50, too, and play it the same way, but it doesn't feel quite as smooth and enjoyable.
  2. The procs are the weak point. 2 PPM, mag 2 with a base 8s duration (the duration on a +4 critter would be 3.84s). You could add the Snipe proc (Executioner's Contract, 3.5 PPM, same mag and duration), and there's an Immobilize set (Debilitative Action) with a Stun proc (3 PPM, same mag and duration) if you could work that into the build. I wouldn't recommend the procs in Triumphant Insult (Taunt set, 2 PPM, mag 1 and 3s duration), or Unspeakable Terror (Fear set, 3 PPM, mag 1 and 8s duration).
  3. There is no "wrong". You're either doing it, or you're not doing it.
  4. When it works. It spawns my Oil Slick under the map half the time, and trying to use it with Lightning Rod is just as frustrating. Every time I use /powexeclocation target on a power with a long recharge time, it's a toss-up.
  5. Daedalus: "I'm going to check out the rest of the map!" Me: "..." 12.4s later... Daedalus: "I BRINGEDED U SUM NEW FRENS!" Me: "(*@#&$)(*&#(*&@%)(*^Y@#(_*U#@*(U%_(@*T#H(*@$ !!!"
  6. +HP has absolutely no relevance to regeneration rate. Regeneration rate is the frequency at which the mechanic ticks, and DP/variants don't alter it. Native regeneration rate is one tick every 12s, and +Regen reduces that 12s to a shorter interval. Nor do you regenerate a greater percentage of HP if you use a +HP power, it's always 5% of your current maximum. No power in the game alters that 5% figure. If you hover over the Regeneration display in the Totals window, you'll note that the bottom line of the tooltip, "Health regenerated per second at level 50", will display a higher total when DP/variant is active, reflecting your increased maximum HP. That's the only interaction between regeneration and +HP.
  7. Does Skippy's List constitute familiarity? Setting aside jocularity for a moment, I have read quite a bit about WWI and WWII, but my focus wasn't on combat or distinguished service, rather, I prefer to know the underlying reasons for why things happened. The cultural, social, financial and material conditions which preceded the events and shaped the politics of the time. The context of what happened, rather than the content. So I'm not well-versed in things like ranks, awards, national heroes, et cetera.
  8. They're also the least rewarding, from a time input perspective. In any mission with more than one escort, the player has to detour to collect NPCs, and the player is sometimes forced to make several trips from NPC to exit to NPC to exit... one can cover the length of the map several times, but gains nothing for performing the equivalent of 2-5 missions (counting each NPC escorted to the door as a separate mission). We are, in essence, doing 2+ times the work as we would on missions without escorts, at higher risk (goodbye stealth power, and the corresponding Defense buff) and/or the expense of other buffs (such as Assassin Strike), for a "thanks, you didn't completely fuck it up" pat on the back. The mission completion reward should be multiplied for each escort, and for missions with NPCs which can be defeated, a reward equivalent to the mission reward should be awarded when the NPC is captured/freed.
  9. It's not central Australia or the forests of Alaska, but it is about as remote as one can be in the continental United States without squatting on federal park land. There's a Verizon cell tower just close enough for me to pick up a two bar signal, so I've got a stable data connection through a pre-paid phone. Neither was I, but necessity dictated learning.
  10. This was the first heavy snow in four years in this area. A lot of branches and trees came down (it took me two days to clear a path to the nearest road). Sadly, Waldo had attempted to build a small debris shelter, to ride out the storm, under one of the trees that toppled under the weight of the snow. He dead now.
  11. Could he have been taking medals from the soldiers he killed, either during or after the wars?
  12. The Endurance Drain Resistance empowerment buff is 20%. Also has a 20% Recovery debuff resistance attached.
  13. Trying to choose between Phantom Army character model cloning, the Trick Arrow update, all costume items unlocked at level 1, asymmetrical gloves/shoulders/boots, player market stabilization and anti-inflation measures, and Infiltration is like trying to decide which of my major organs I like the most. Hint: not the treacherous lung.
  14. That wasn't a sarcastic comment. Consume has 50% resistance to drains.
  15. The werewolf spawn bug was fixed at one point. And I know it was working correctly not very long ago, because I ran some Council and 5th Column arcs within the last few months and all of the wolves spawned from lieutenants were lieutenants. That's something I pay special attention to, since leveling my TA/A defender to 50 prior to I7 and having surprise bosses stomp the ever-loving shit out of me repeatedly (TA and Archery were in a very, very bad place between I5 and I7). Has to be something they borked in Page 3.
  16. Incarnate enhancements have to be crafted in tiers. You have to make the first, the Tier 1 enhancement, before you can make the second, the Tier 2 enhancement, because the T2 uses the T1 as part of the material components required for crafting. The T3 uses the T2, and the T4 uses two T3s. So crafting below T4 is really just a stepping stone to get to T4. You do need to make the earlier tiers, but you don't need to worry about which of the T3 to craft, because in reality, you have to craft two of them anyway (in order to make that T4). Now, those two T3 can come from separate sides of the tree, they don't have to be from the same side, so you can craft any two T3s in that tree (not the same one twice) and you'll be fine. The only other restriction is that they all have to come from the same tree. If you're crafting a T3 Agility enhancement, you can't use a T2 Spiritual or Musculature enhancement to reach T3 in Agility. If you change your mind and decide to use Musculature, to make an example, you can't do it with any of the Agility enhancements you've already crafted, you have to start over at T1 in the Musculature tree. Think of each tier in the trees as upgrades to the previous tier. T2 is the upgrade of T1, T3 is the upgrade of T2, T4 is the upgrade of T3. Craft two T1s. Craft two T2s using those T1s and the other required components. Craft two T3s using those T2s and the other required components. Craft a T4 using the two T3s and other required components. Boom, done, move on to the next Incarnate ability you want to work on, repeat the process.
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