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Everything posted by Luminara

  1. Most of us don't care what the end result is in the game. We're here to mash the keys and watch the flashy lights that we couldn't for the better part of a decade, not ponder the logistics of incarceration in an imaginary world with teleporters. Also, the penal system in the United States is a joke. We've all become inured to the idea of criminals being back on the streets within months, weeks, even hours after committing felonies. Of course we're not fretting the fact that a purse-snatcher in a video game is back on the streets three minutes after being arrested. It's a barely exaggerated reflection of reality.
  2. It doesn't say "only". That's assumption, not fact. Your entire premise is based on assumptions like this. Your first post began with a faulty assumption that no-one else had teleportation tech, and then followed up with a post containing a screenshot of the wiki which states that other groups have teleportation technology (disproving your assertion, in the manner known as "shooting oneself in the foot"). You assume that the super-powered bad guys we're arresting are frail, weak rabbits (whereas a nuclear explosion couldn't harm the average citizen of Paragon City, said average citizen also being capable of pushing a Granite + Rooted tanker around like an empty cardboard box). You assume that any villain group not listed as having access to the MediCom system or their own teleportation system is up the creek without a paddle (but on the same page as that screenshot, it uses the phrase "such as" when listing groups with teleporters or MediCom hacks, which implies that there are others which aren't listed). Oh, you also disregard that Cryptic made it very clear, from the first day, that our heroes weren't killing, they were defeating and arresting. That we don't need to justify, rationalize or explain how we could shoot enemies with arrows and bullets, set them on fire, knock them halfway across the zone, et cetera and not kill them, the developers of the game stated that we weren't killing them. It doesn't get more canon than that. As trolls go, this one is about a 3/10. It's too superficial and you're pushing the "if you don't agree with me, you're deluded/lying/an ARPEE monkey" spin too hard. A really good troll needs to look innocent and earnest, and have at least 80% truth to it in order to be believable, so it's not painfully easy to unveil. And we all know you're a sociable, likeable person, which blunts the edge even more.
  3. Transporters on Star Trek have the capability to filter out matter with a high level of specificity. A weapon, for example, can be left behind, or transported to a different location than the individual being transported. No reason a flaming arrow couldn't be excluded from teleportation in Co*, given the technological sophistication displayed in the game.
  4. There's nothing there which refutes my hypothesis. If anything, given the numerous mentions of other teleportation systems, as well as more than one of them being "hijacked", and every character having access to their own base and zone teleportation, it strengthens the argument. You try again. And don't bring more weaksauce, bring meat.
  5. I've been teleported into holding cells in Circle of Thorns and Council/5th Column missions when I was defeated. So I can reasonably argue that the criminals I arrest, without killing them, are teleported into PPD holding cells and/or medical facilities by a PPD-operated variant of the same medi-port technology. 😛
  6. All I'm getting from this thread is that we're getting a Spaghetti Blast set, some of you freaks are clothed and parents do things. So it's a normal day.
  7. Her story arc, Rise of the Vampyrii, is shared by Jose Escalante. If you've done it for him, she won't have an arc. If you haven't done it, just Abandon Mission and talk to her again.
  8. Height above the head. I tested by altering the height of my Ice/Stone brute with Minerals active. Relative distance above the head remained the same even at maximum height.
  9. Tony Bath's miniature war game rule set, published in '56, preceded Chainmail. Gygax took that, polished it up to create Chainmail, and later added wizards and lizards and sold it as D&D. Polyhedral dice date back to the 2nd century BC. Egyptians were rolling d20s ~2400 years ago. The point of the link was to show that most of the concepts for the game came from the Hero System, not from D&D. Obviously, the roll system couldn't have been adapted from the Hero System, since it's impossible to achieve a 5/100 when using six-sided dice (unless you roll 10/100/1000/10,000 etc. six-sided dice and divide the result by 6). The archived information about the game's alpha stages clearly link to Champions, and the Hero System is the foundation of Champions. We use a different rolling system simply because it was easy to implement a fractional 0.01-100.00 roll. That roll system doesn't make this a D&D-inspired or -derived game. It isn't.
  10. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Hero_System
  11. There wouldn't be a reasonable balance point for it in that scenario. Resistance resists -Resistance, so you'd need some insane numbers on your -Resistance to make it work well on critters with Toxic resistance. And piling up that much -Resistance in every other situation would be ridiculously over-powered. There'd have to be a balance pass on critters to reduce the Toxic outliers to reasonable resistance levels before it would be tolerable.
  12. According to @Galaxy Brain's data compilation, Toxic is the worst damage type for players to use. It's not the most frequently resisted, but it is heavily resisted by those who do resist it, so much so that it out-ranks Smashing and Lethal. Trying to progress when you hit Toxic resistance... you'd have to resort to pool attacks, temp powers and a lot of swearing.
  13. Oh, don't worry about it. In a few more years, your reflexes will start to fade, along with your eyesight, and your memory. You'll forget what you were doing, won't be able to see anyway and by the time you remember and realize what that blob on the screen is supposed to be, you'll be hugging the ground like it's your best friend, just like the old days.
  14. "This game is too easy!" "Stop using Incarnate powers." "I don't want to." "Stop using e-mailed inspirations." "I don't want to." "Use SOs instead of IO sets." "I don't want to." "Fight some of the harder enemies, instead of easy enemies." "I don't want to." "Wait a few months for the enhanced challenge modes to be used on more content." "I don't want to." "Um... maybe try a build without Weave, Stealth and Maneuvers?" "I don't want to." "What do you want?" "I want all of those things taken away so I don't have to use them and the game will be harder." "..."
  15. Well... there is a limit of 120 inspirations at any one time, and recharge times on rezes from powers, so it's not incredibly likely that the servers would encounter a stack overflow from counting your defeats... ❤️
  16. Word around the water cooler is that sentinel Regen is pretty good. Or, at least, better than standard Regen. Might be a usable template for spiffing up standard Regen.
  17. Eh. ToHit debuffs still exist, Defense buffs still stack, toggles aren't mutually exclusive, wouldn't be remotely difficult to compensate. And that's without delving into inspirations and temp powers. It's also worth mentioning that despite the "ZOMG TEH GAME IS TEH RUINT BCUZ OF DEFNESE" complaints from a few players, the HC team hasn't gone on a festival of nerfs and power reductions, they've done the opposite, buffing under-performing sets, and have created an entirely new category of challenge modes specifically to cater to the "My damage mitigation is huge, son!" crowd. They're not going to take a dump on the casual crowd by nerfing IO set bonuses into the ground, no matter how loudly the Defense haters shout.
  18. Should've named yourself GM Bagel. Everyone loves bagels. It's even fun to say. Bagel! Bagel bagel bagel! Wooooooooooo!
  19. Less abused by developers who felt an inordinate need to punish players when the sense of failure tends to be punishment enough? Yes.
  20. At the risk of sounding repetitive, or giving the impression of boasting, I'll point out once again that I was soloing GMs and tanking AVs on a defender with no Defense, no Resistance, no status protection, only SOs and only pool melee attacks, long, long before IOs or Incarnates existed. That I was farming at +2/x6 with a Trick Arrow defender when Trick Arrow was considered the worst set in the game, so bad that most people thought it couldn't solo at -1/x1. This is how the game was intended to be. And completely gutting everything perceived to be responsible for that ease won't change a damn thing. The game was "too easy" before IOs, before Incarnates, after ED and GDN. Being able to soft-cap Defense, or using IO sets, or having Incarnate abilities, it's all irrelevant because all these things have accomplished is making the ease of the game more accessible to a wider section of the population. Easy was always the intent, and taking away all of the things that allow some of you to just now realize that the game is easy, all that accomplishes is shifting the meta slightly. It's still going to be easy.
  21. People requiring an emergency solution for something they had 35 levels to address is like people reaching age 35 without intellectual or physical disabilities and needing a nanny to remind them to don trousers.
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