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Everything posted by Luminara

  1. So... you're saying that the sad face response from @Jimmy means he wants me to post that picture more often and celebrate his obsession with his own nipples, and you support that? Okay! 😄 Also, I'm only messing with him because he was leering at his nipples. Not casually glancing, not even staring, leering. Those eyes, and that grin... 😨
  2. According to the notes, no. It can be enhanced, but not buffed or debuffed in any other way.
  3. I'd agree with your proposal, but Glue has a long recharge time, and despite my personal dislike of having Entangling as the T1, it has proven to be useful enough to make me question the viability of a change which limited the player's ability to Immobilize a target the way moving it to Glue would. Would I like to see Entangling set on fire and thrown into the Laurentian Abyss? Sure, but not if it means players have an Immob on a 60s recharge, it's too disruptive to lower level play. It also wouldn't provide any additional utility with the single-target Immob, as Glue's Slow is already sufficient to floor the movement speed of anything except specific critters (Warwolves, Crey tanks, etc), and it's not going to do much on AVs either with the recharge time being what it is.
  4. It doesn't seem to be an issue, based on the feedback here. You're the only one complaining about it. Those powers were deemed better as location-targeted powers by Castle, working in concert with alpha testers, approved by beta testers and accepted by players on the original servers and here. There's no argument to fall short. You're dragging this way off topic. Are you going to test anything?
  5. He/she is saying that any of those travel powers will speed up the process, not that all of his/her characters have all of those travel powers.
  6. Wow. The HC team is downright amazing. They actually travelled back in time. I suppose I should stop picking on @Jimmy for staring at his own nipples, or he'll erase me from the universe. 😮
  7. No, it isn't. It's your perspective. You're perfectly comfortable with requiring every other player to alter play style to suit you, because from your perspective, how you want things is better. Other players may not agree with your perspective, or how you want things. From my perspective, Glue is better as an enemy-targeted debuff because it doesn't require players to find, learn and use slash commands, and it allows the player to fluidly move between debuffing and attacking without using those commands. You want it your way. I think everyone comprehends that. But the way it is has worked magnificently since TA went live in '05, and you have yet to provide a rationale for altering the functionality of the power. If you can provide legitimate reasons for changing Glue, please do so. Legitimate, not "Because I want it this way and everyone else can suck it".
  8. Movement suppression isn't the same thing as debuffs. -Jump will still completely shut down someone using CJ, -Fly will do the same to Hover.
  9. I apologize, I intended to say, "in any given zone", not "in every zone". Sorry for the misleading phrasing. 🙂
  10. So you want all of your future characters to forego all of the experience and merits they'd otherwise earn for picking up the exploration badges? Doesn't sound like an improvement to me.
  11. It was, 16 years ago. It was changed to enemy-targeted for a reason - having to constantly switch between mouse clicking and keyboard pressing for TA was really annoying, distracting and not fun. You know what's changed in the last 16 years, in regard to that? Not a thing.
  12. None of which I'm aware. Quick and dirty guide: Install the map pack from this thread. Set up the map window to an appropriate location and size (i prefer top right corner, about 3" square). Zoom in to at least 75% (on a smaller window) or 50% (on a larger window). Note the locations of each badge in the zone, plan out a route in your head. Right-click on the first badge to set a waypoint. Travel to badge. Drag the map (not the window, the map itself) to the next badge on your route. Rinse and repeat. At any time, you can right-click on a waypoint to dismiss it. That's how I acquire all of the exploration badges on my characters, if I haven't picked them up already. It never takes more than a few minutes, in any zone, and it's something I can do even with a 1500+ ping (hate Verizon so much), when I can't do anything else in the game.
  13. In what way is OSA unreliable? The server tick bug which prevented it from igniting was resolved 13-14 years ago. The base recharge time is known, it's affected by +Recharge, so the actual recharge time with enhancements and global buffs is known, the base damage is known, the damage can be enhanced, it has -10,000% Resistance to Fire and Energy damage, it's not buffing it's own Defense... how is it unreliable? If you're referring to not having an in-set ignition mechanism, that hasn't changed. There never was one, there never was intended to be one, there never will be one. TA wasn't designed around igniting OSA, it was designed around debuffing. And @Captain Powerhouse didn't include a way to ignite OSA as part of the set because that would've significantly altered the balance of the set itself, necessitating further changes. You really want an auto-igniting OSA? Fine, turn in your Disruption and Entangling arrows. That's the kind of redesign that would be required. Trick Arrows is not "Oil Slick Arrow and a bunch of other things". OSA doing what it does, and being limited in the ways that it is, is a balance point, both in respect to balancing the set as a whole in the context of the game and in regard to other sets, and as a means of balancing the powers in TA against each other. It's a support set, not a blast set, and asking for the set to hand you a DoT nearly twice as powerful as defender nukes every 40 seconds is out of the boundaries of what it was designed, redesigned and currently intended to do.
  14. I like Combat Teleport. I like Fold Space. I like these two so much I might start using the Teleport pool instead of skipping travel powers altogether. If you're power-leveling your characters to 50, then yes, you'll have to spend a little extra time picking up badges to unlock zones, but anyone who's playing by leveling up through story arcs and teaming can acquire most of the badges along the way and not have any problem. If I can pick up every exploration badge in any given zone in under 15 minutes, using nothing but Hurdle, Combat Jumping and, for one badge (Top Dog), a jet pack, it's clearly not that much of a burden.
  15. It debuffs debuff resistance across the board. Defense debuff resistance, healing debuff resistance, endurance debuff resistance, recharge debuff resistance, basically, if it can be resisted, Acid Arrow hits that resistance. And it still debuffs Defense. They also added another 20% to Entangling, in addition to moving Acid's 20% over to Disruption. You're not forced to use Disruption if you don't want to, you can use Entangling. Or ignore it entirely, up to you. But the set, as a whole, has 20% more -Res than it did yesterday, and it's still spread out, not focused in a single power. See the paragraph above. OSA's damage output is, and always was, a bonus, a thematically appropriate extra, and everyone with access to OSA also has access to another entire power set, numerous temporary powers and two origin powers which can ignite the slick, as well as the option to team with someone, or multiple someones, who can ignite it, so tacking an Energy or Fire damage component onto another TA power just to ignite the slick was never on the table. If anything, the only power which would provide the necessary damage type is EMP Arrow, and that has a much longer recharge time than OSA, which would make it even more restrictive to try to use it as an in-set OSA igniter. OSA is fine without an in-set igniter. And TA is in a much better place than it would be if powers were reworked, and rebalanced, around the concept of using OSA specifically as a damage power, rather than a debuffing power which also happens to deal damage.
  16. Similar to mine. Delighted to see some real improvements, had a few thoughts on different directions it could've gone in, but overall, satisfied with the changes (as of the last reference i can find, anyway. we're not in direct communication).
  17. I wish you the best of luck in shutting me up for any length of time. I28 won't be out until 2072, if I have to stop posting for it to happen. 😜
  18. According to your account, some of the people involved decided to change direction without informing the rest of the team, and brushed off your concerns when you spoke up. How long it might have taken if it were being run fast, or how long it was going to take as a defeat all, is secondary, as I see it. The primary issue was, in fact, the lack of communication. There should've been a discussion, in group chat, so the entire group could weigh in and, if anyone chose, opt out. If it happened to me, I would've taken the time to one-star everyone involved, drop them into my ignore oubliette and keep a hand-written note on the table next to my laptop to remind me to shove them back in that dark hole if I hit my limit on /ignore. You're a more tolerant person than I am, commendably.
  19. I'd really like to see a story arc in which Nemesis gains control of the Nictus. And created Nemecysts. HISSING purple doom crystals. Need! I also wish Confuse weren't such a restricted mechanic. It's the one thing I want on every character, especially in the post-40 game when you're constantly facing enemies with great buffs, like Vengeance and Accelerate Metabolism. The chance to Confuse in Interface -> Cognitive isn't really effective for stealing buffs, frustratingly.
  20. It was intended as a humorous reference to our government's surveillance program, and the fact that I live in an off-grid cabin in an under-populated rural location, which, in conjunction with purchasing (or attempting to purchase) restricted goods, would attract the FBI's attention. I've got two cats and a forest full of animals to keep me company, and they do a remarkable job of it. Even if there are no restrictions which prevent me from owning a firearm, I won't allow myself to have one. I don't always think clearly when I'm stressed, and I've made certain judgmental errors in the past which indicate that it would be unwise. A crossbow is sufficient for my needs, and safer.
  21. I'm lonely. The only company I get is when the FBI stops by for a "chat". 😞
  22. I wanted OPHELIA for my Robotics/Radiation Emission mastermind. Operational Platform (Heuristic Experiential Learning Intelligence Algorithm). I settled for 0PHELIA. I've never had to resort to using a numeral in place of a standard alphabetic character before, opting instead to find another name, but I'm actually okay with this. It's a bit more thematically appropriate for her, seeing as she's a machine. But I was surprised 0PHELIA wasn't taken, as obvious as it was, and on Everlasting.
  23. I either don't spend nearly enough time staring at my thighs, or this issue doesn't occur with any of the costume parts I typically use (skirts, toga). It's sad that Verizon is such a terrible provider. I could be logged in, thigh-gazing right now.
  24. After 48 years, I finally know my place in the world. I'm a shower. That's why I go commando. Which means I'm not only a shower, I'm also a shower. A man did, and showed them on television, and they blurred it. I don't remember who, or when I saw the program (it was several years ago, maybe on the Discovery channel), but it was in Las Vegas.
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